Nissan Altima Hybrid Tire and Wheel Questions

gymratgymrat Member Posts: 6
Hello Altima brothers & sisters,

Has anyone out there installed after market wheels on their Altima and experience the low air tire light come on.I just installed 18' chrome wheels on the car, and the light won't go off. I check the air pressure, but no luck.And do you think this problem will be covered under the warranty?

gym rat


  • langjielangjie Member Posts: 250
    did you get new TPMS sensors or did transfer your old ones out of your old wheels?

    if you transferred them, then this shouldn't happen, but if you got new ones, you need to have them reprogrammed to sync with the car
  • gymratgymrat Member Posts: 6
    What I had done is that I installed my new wheels and that was it.I had no idea there were sensors on the stock wheels. So where are they located and do I still need to bring my car to the dealer to resnyc the sensors/computer?
    Thanks langjie for your input.
  • bobwishbobwish Member Posts: 1
    TPMS Sensors are inside the tires.

    You would need to unmount the tires, and attach them to the wheels, inside the tires.
  • gymratgymrat Member Posts: 6
    I wish I knew ahead of time that there were sensors inside the tires,cause I would have done things different.(what a pain in the @&#! !!!!). Nissan needs to state this in the owner's manual.
    BTW, how are the sensors attached to the wheels?double-sided tape?
    Thanks for your input, bobwish.
  • langjielangjie Member Posts: 250
    No, the sensors are actually a piece attached to the valve stems. So you will need to transfer the entire valve stem part over to your new wheels....either that or buy new ones.

    But yes, PITA
  • gymratgymrat Member Posts: 6
    Thanks,langjie.I'm just going to bring my car to the dealer and let them deal with it.They are going to charge me $165 to transfer the sensors to my new wheels and resync the computer.Thanks again.
  • langjielangjie Member Posts: 250
    ouch, that really blows, maybe you should call around and see if there are any other dealers willing to do it cheaper 0QQitemZ320213229724QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item320213229724

    $100 shipped. you may want an extra set of sensors if you do a winter tire change. it's much easier to resync and maybe you can get someone to do it for you for free
  • hiwaymanhiwayman Member Posts: 98
    Well, I don't know if it's any consolation to you, but the TPMS systems are going to be required on all new cars, starting, if memory serves me right, in 2009. Maybe we should invest in the company that makes these things??? ;)
  • 500e500e Member Posts: 13
    I had a warning light on the dash. I corrected the pressures on all four wheels. I've driven the car more than 15 mph, and the warning light has not gone off. Any ideas other than "take it to the dealer?"
  • gymratgymrat Member Posts: 6
    I was told by the service dept. at Fairield Nissan that one needs to set the air pressure about a couple of pounds higher than normal,then drive the vehicle for more than 15-30minutes, and it should go off.I have also read in that another owner had the same problem with his 2007 Altima.This might be an ongoing problem with the Altima,but I hope I'm wrong.Good luck!
  • langjielangjie Member Posts: 250
    I would say keep driving on it until 50 miles? if it still doesn't go away, then go to the dealer
  • redwood2redwood2 Member Posts: 19
    I live in an urban area and have been urged to get wheel locks for my new NAH. Kragen says that they do not carry wheel locks for the Altima and that it's a dealer thing. Anyone have any knowledge on this? thanks. :confuse:
  • gymratgymrat Member Posts: 6
    I had replaced my stock wheels with 18" chrome wheels online, I had purchased wheel locks with my new wheels. So go to any online wheel distributor, and they can assist you. But if you plan on replacing the wheels to chrome, keep in mind that it will affect your fuel consumption, because they are heavier than the stock alloy wheels.
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  • newhampsternewhampster Member Posts: 11
    I am about to change out my regular tires for snow tires, and now remembering the hassle with the TPMS last year. Joy, joy. Keeping the same rims and TPMS but changing out the tires, and tire store noted the nut and stem were corroded. That is hard on the tire stems. Little known fact that for about $5 Shrader (the TPMS manufacturer for Nissan) sells a TPMS "Service Kit" that includes a new grommet, nut, valve core and cap. Shrader part # SB-20014 for Nissan Altima 2006-2009. Local auto supply stores have not heard of these, but they are readily available via mail order.
    FYI, the local Nissan dealership wants $108 for a new TPMS, mail order these Shrader TPMS # 40700-J02B (Nissan Altima 2006-2009) are about $40 each. sells a $25 "Tire Pressure Reset Tool" for Nissan but I wonder if it really works?
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