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Fixing Your Blazer's Squeaks and Rattles

jlflemmonsjlflemmons Member Posts: 2,242
edited March 2014 in Chevrolet
Okay, troops. If you own a Blazer or Jimmy, two door or four door, and you still have your hearing, you have to listen to squeaks and rattles from the interior and exterior.

So? What ingenious fixes have you come up with? I will open the floor with:

Those nasty little creaks coming from the interior side panels on the 2door. Pulled the panel off (carefully, not only are these things rather delicate, they cost a small fortune) and noted where the plastic had rubbed. Pretty obvious as it leaves a tell-tale powdery substance.

Put a small film of dielectric silicon grease where ever I saw the rubbing, also where the metal clips snap into the body, and removed almost all the weird little noises. Almost. After all, we are talking Blazers here.

Other thoughts?


  • midwestz2midwestz2 Member Posts: 2
    Rear window squeak was eliminated after all attempts to adjust bottom door stops and latch by adding a few turns of electrical tape to window latch loop. This lasted a season and had to be reapplied this spring. Worked for 1 trip to Midway airport and home, but now I'm having release issues. :sick:
  • jlflemmonsjlflemmons Member Posts: 2,242
    For the squeak, try spraying silicone all the way around on the inside edge of the glass, or directly on the weather strip. Try not to get overspray on the interior as some plastics do not take kindly to silicone.
  • midwestz2midwestz2 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks. Had tried silicone on every contact point on the door and latch to no help. Tape seems to work and after reading another post on window release, pushing both buttons simultaneously, I went to the driveway and found my release issues aren't there, it's working. :blush:
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