Ford Edge Rims
I'm not sure if this has been discussed yet (no search hits), sorry if it has. I have an 07 with the 18" chrome rims. Needless to say the winters in Buffalo are not very forgiving. I try to keep it washed as much as possible. I noticed that the rims are starting to bubble on the outer edges and almost a rust like appearence on other parts. Is this something warranty will cover or is there anything I can pick up at the autoparts store to "re-polish" them when spring hits. Thanks in advance for the help!
Jim A
I will pick up my car in a couple of hours and will follow up on this forum.
I also have some kind of glue dripping down from the outer edges of the long horizontal piece that goes across and surrounds the lift gate handle. In between the horizontal piece and the lift gate, in the crevice, the paint has bubbled and is completely crumbled off in some places. They said they will put touch up paint on it and schedule it for body work.
Tire Rack sells Wheel Wax that may help, there is a marine product called Flitz that might help, but you'll not like what is probably the most expensive, but best solution for you (and was for me).... get a set of winter tires and wheels, balanced, from Tire Rack and store your OEM's away for the winter. When winter's safely behind (I left mine on until the end of April, even though KB had been closed for several weeks), put the OEM's back on.
Also, when you get a tire changed or balanced, insist on "sticky weights", they cost more, but eliminate additional clearcoat breaches - unfortunately the old weights probably already caused some damage. If you prefer, have the old weights removed ASAP and the wheels rebalanced with sticky weights - nice wheels are too expensive to mess up and the price of rebalancing with sticky weights is a good value. Either Pep Boys or Walmart carries Eagle wheel protectant that might help, but a similar RainX product I used a few years ago gave negligible protection. Clean your wheels and tires with Eagle All-in-One cleaner, it does not contain acids. Turtle Wax also has a really cheap non-acid cleaner that I get sometimes, too. Pep Boys has the best selection of non-acidic cleaners I've found from the stores in our aread. Some sort of solution ruined the OEM wheels on my M3 a few years ago and the dealer insisted I caused it and wanted $2500 for new wheels. I continued to fight until they gave in - if the wheels were fine when I dropped it off, they did something, then I come to get the car and there were permanent black blotches on the wheels, it was obvious the damage was due to something they put on those wheels. Even BMW brand cleaner has acid in it - never never never use an acidic product!!!!!!
So I go to the dealer to see how badly this is going to hurt.
I ask the parts guy, "How much to replace the chrome plastic wheel cover on my Edge?" He rolls his eyes, he has been through this before. "Um, well, you have to replace the whole wheel. I stare at him. "What?"
The wheel cover is "bonded" to the wheel. You can't get it separately. $768.12, plus mounting and balancing. But they will give you back $50 for the old wheel. They will recycle it for you." How sweet and Green of Ford.
I stare.
They go on to explain what a great engineering design it is. "Putting chrome on the wheel this way saves weight and cost. It improves your MPG."
Yeah well, I think it is a calculated money grab by Ford to make sure you spend $800 bucks, instead of $80, or $150, for something %60+ of owners are going to damage sometime in the car's life. I do not think it was an engineering design at all, but a purposeful design to extract as much money from their clients after they purchase the car.
Now I know how they could avoid the bailout, by building in a crazy expensive design that screws their clients.
Nice Ford!
It's a new technology that several mfrs are using. It has weight and durability benefits. The downside is that it can't currently be repaired. I'm sure that will change as the product matures.
So chill.
They look pretty good and are easy to clean.
also the top of the rear tires are getting rusted
and same as the cranck shaft the main bearing got worn in the 98 thousand miles and I had to change it it think that it is low miles to change it anyone knows what kind of paint and primer they used On the Ford Edge 2007