Toyota RAV4 Noises and Sounds



  • cmtx76cmtx76 Member Posts: 1
    Please keep us posted. I have the exact same problem. Very disappointed in Toyota.
  • bem521bem521 Member Posts: 10
    Hi I am also very disappointed in Toyota. I received a phone call today only for them to tell me there is nothing wrong with the vehicle and basically its something we have to live with. I said well if it is not a transmission problem why did they opt to change the transmission. To be honest with you I really did not get a straight answer. I guess if enough of us complain maybe they will do something about it so lets all stick together on this issue and hope we get the problem resolved. I am not very happy. Once you buy the product and they get your money these car dealers are all the same they could care less!!
  • helderadohelderado Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2010
    Hi Rav004,

    I have a 2010 Rav4 Ltd v6 4x4 with the exact noises plus some. In addition to the creaks coming from both B pillars there is a creaking sound coming from the center console and there is a piece of beige plastic visible to the right of the steering column behind the gray trim that is loose and you can move it around when you poke your finger in there. There is also a rattle coming from the rear door and there is a creaking noise coming from the passenger side A pillar/windshield area whenever I go around a bend in a twisty road (doesn't matter if the bend is right or left).

    My wife has a 2010 Corolla S that had a ton of rattles and it took multiple trips to the dealership to get them addressed, all the while the dealership made us feel like we were imposing on them. So, now I dread taking the I mean Rav4 back to the dealership and I know it will take multiple visits.

    I really love the smoothness and power of the engine, but these noises are driving me insane and take away from the overall experience of driving the Rav. Toyota has really lost its way with using Fisher Price grade plastics that aren't screwed in properly in its vehicles.

    Sorry about the rant, but owning these two rattle traps has been very frustrating.
  • ale1109ale1109 Member Posts: 1
    hi i have the same problem with the transmision on my rav 4 2010,this suv have about 2400 milles only and have a transmision noise at 35 to 45 milles,with a pedal of acelerator off,toyota say knows about this transmision problems,recently i have appointment with a toyota hi tech mechanic and say thats is normal in rav4 suv.i dont think so is normal,is a very ease respond for a problem,i waiting for a arbitration but im going through the last consecuences of this issues.
  • bem521bem521 Member Posts: 10
    Hi, I dont buy that this is a normal sound for the rav 4. Well if it is a normal sound why did they put a new transmission in my rav 4?? Im sure they would not waste the money to put a new one in if they this noise is a normal sound. The noise was still there but not as noticeable . However, I only owned my rav 4 for about 10 weeks and traded it for an 2011. I have not heard the same noise but I am so paranoid Im really trying hard not to listen if you know what I mean. It cost me another thousand dollars on top of what I paid for the 2010. Good luck if you are going through arbitration I hear it takes quite sometime. I am starting to lose all my faith in the Toyota vehicles but from what I hear they stand by their customers. I wish you the best keep me posted.
  • stew16stew16 Member Posts: 17
    not sure about that noise my noise was from my liscense plate and the woofer's vibration, how is your paint holding up?
  • helderadohelderado Member Posts: 3
    The woofer on my Rav ltd makes an awful vibration when I'm playing some bass intestive tunes, like its not screwed in properly, but its the least of my worries with the rattles coming from both the B pillars. I have the Blizzard Pearl paint on my Rav and so far so good.
  • helderadohelderado Member Posts: 3
    Hi rav004,

    I have the same issues you're having, or had. Were you able to get these issues fixed? If so, what was the fix so I can bring it as a suggestion to me dealer.


  • findermakerfindermaker Member Posts: 2
    Took 2008 RAV4 into toyota dealership shortly after buying used (48,000 miles) because I noticed a high pitched, electronic sounding whine that is most noticeable on the passenger side starting at 43 mph, on up to around 70 mph. Toyota looked up TSB's and found one for this particular problem and ordered the parts (dampeners). When the dampeners arrived and they went to put them in, they realized they didn't fit because the TSB was only for the V6 model, mine is the 4 cylinder. They said there was nothing they could do since mine isn't covered by the TSB. Im getting pretty nervous because step 2 of that TSB (if the dampeners turned out to be ineffective) was replacement of the transmission. Im now at 50,000 mi, so very close to running out of drivetrain warranty. The sound is really annoying on roadtrips when your primary speed is 65 mph-- sound is excruciatingly annoying-- impossible to drive without the radio cranked. Anyone else had this problem on their 2008 4 cylinder RAV4? :confuse:
  • ang33iefang33ief Member Posts: 63
    One toy. dealer told me all of the rav 4's have this whining noice from tranm. But took it to another dealer who had a tsb on it. They put in dampers and a couple of other things, results=no noise now. 08, 6cyl, limited Harry
  • cage6902cage6902 Member Posts: 1
    Have 2006 rav4, 4cyl, 4wd, 118k miles: it has a real loud rattle/drone/noise sounds like from around the transmission area. It is way more than a whine. Toyota place and non toyota said they think it is the transmission for which is $2000 to $5000. There is a TSB on the 6cyl's that replaces the ECM for a drone noise. Has anyone tried this fix for the 4cyl's?? any help appreciated. Trying to decide to trade off or fix. And scared to pay them for a tranmission repair and does not fix the problem.
  • kjones8kjones8 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 08 Rav4, I brought it brand new. I have been having problems with 1) the back tire roars loudly. I have taken it to the dealer and had the maintenance done on it to keep up with my warranty (which has not been cheap) But all they do is say " I don't hear it" 2) They tell me the same thing about a noise several of my friends and family has heard. It come along when you accelerate it almost sound like coins in a coffee can. Does anyone know about this my warranty is about to run out My truck does not even have 35,000 miles on it. I have been told that its been an on going problem and the 2nd problem is from the transmission. Can someone please help me?
  • dano51dano51 Member Posts: 10
    I have a 2005 Rav 4 since new now have about 84,000 miles and I dont know if it is the cold weather here in Ma. I have all kind of squeaks from the body it seems it seems over every little roll or bump are there any rubber gaskets to be replaced or greased getting annoying
    Thanks for any input
  • rav4driver1rav4driver1 Member Posts: 1
    In my Toyota RAV 4 2007 basic, I just noticed the check engine, low engine oil pressure are on after I turn the engine off. Maintenance light is blinking after I lock the car..when I open the hood, I can hear some humming noise even after everything is off. Wondering what this might be...
    any advice is appreciated..

    Thanks in advance.
  • bogsbogs Member Posts: 3
    that humming might be your fan trying to cool down your engine due to over heating, you are about to burn your car. check your oil it is low, its time to change oil.
  • lo0netuneslo0netunes Member Posts: 1
    I am concerened about the noise my car makes when I accelerate. It sounds like an airoplane taking off everytime I accelerate... is that normal? Its rather loud
  • drcool7drcool7 Member Posts: 3
    I purchased a 2011 Rav 4 Sport with 4 cyl. At about 30 mph if you remove foot from accelerator there is a loud rattle in drive train. Local dealer cannot fix and says my car is the first they have encountered with this problem
  • bem521bem521 Member Posts: 10
    Hi, I had orginally purchased a Rav 4 2010. As soon as I drove it out of the lot I knew there were problems. Driving between 30-40 when accelerating there was a loud humming noise enough to drive me crazy. They did replace my transmission but the new one was no different. I then purchased a 2011 after paying another 1000 dollars only to encounter the same problem. I am so disgusted I can't even be bothered to go back and forth to the dealer. I thought the point in buying a new vehicle was to avoid all the aggravation with the old one. Well my 1995 Toyota Avalon ran a lot better than my new rav. Everyone should get together and start a law suit and see what can be done. I dont care what they tell me this is not normal to have this loud noise. Please people keep my posted on this situation.
  • drcool7drcool7 Member Posts: 3
    TSB -0001-11 says to reprogram the flash memory in the engine control module (ECM). I had this done and now the control module will not let car coast below 20 mph and in fact will accelerate with no pressure on accelerator to maintain a 20 to 25 mph speed making braking much harder. I would not have the reprogramming done. My service slip instructed technician to drive another new Rav 4 and verify it had the same noise and if so no further service needed.
  • skiddishskiddish Member Posts: 3
    noise is coming from the front part of the head on the head closes to the fire well. sounds like a can full of bearingspinning and its getting louded.Not sure if its cam gear, bearing, timing chain ? only 45000 miles
  • skiddishskiddish Member Posts: 3
    up date now Rav 4 . stopped vat local toy dealer and talked with service rep and told him about noise. he said it sounds like the VVT gear. variable valve timing gear. that the engine would have to come out because its the rear head, and it will take about a week to do. My heart almost stopped; then he said he would check and see if it was still in warranty. So after giving him the vin # found out its still in warranty. Toyota has a 5 year, 60000 mile drive train warranty. I'm going to drop it off Saturday and they will confirm it. i'll up date once I know for sure.
  • findermakerfindermaker Member Posts: 2
    Hi Skiddish! Im glad it is under warranty! Just to clarify on the sound your RAV is making... when you say it sounds like a can full of bearings, is that a rattling noise? Mine makes a high-pitched whining/whistling noise that changes pitch when I ease on or off the throttle... I dont think it is a can full of bearing sound, but maybe? Can you think of another way to describe the sound yours makes? At any rate, I need to get mine into toyota pronto, as the mileage is at 56,700 now and creeping closer to 60000 every day!
  • skiddishskiddish Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2011
    If its closing in on 60000 miles, yes get it in. To update, I got it to the dealers & the Service writer said it was the water pumps bearing going out & the good news is that its still under warrenty...Over 43000 miles & the pumps bearing goes out LOL. Now being a mech myself I know things can happen, so if your still in warrenty get it in ASAP. Now a good way to discribe the sound could be a bearing noise, bearings when they start to go out can make a whirling sound. Also can sound like ball bearing spinning in a can too. Hopefully that helps.
  • ganderdganderd Member Posts: 1
    I had the water pump go out on my 2007 V6 Rav at 45K. Took the dealer 10 hrs to drop the engine out the bottom to replace the pump. I asked how long the water pump should last. I was told 150K. I will certainly not be the owner next time....
  • rn513rn513 Member Posts: 1
    I have exactly the same noise coming from my 2011 Rav 4 V6 and it has only 5000 miles on it. I have actually heard this sound from day 1 driving off the lot, but did not have it investigated until I took it in today for 5000 mile oil change. The dealer corroborated my findings and also heard the sound. I was told they were going to call an "expert" to discuss and also call around to other dealers to see if anyone else was experiencing the same issue. I got a call a few hrs later that they couldn't get in touch with the "expert" but were ordering me a new transmission. Obviously, this issue has been around for a number of years. My dealer didn't even mention a dampener option...went right for the new transmission. I am NOT happy with having a 2 month old car with a replaced transmission. The only reason I have this new Rav 4 is because my 2009 Rav was destroyed by a faulty oil change at a leading speedy oil change outlet. The engine was replaced and paid for by the oil change outlet....I traded up to a 2011 6 cylinder and here I am back at square one with an altered vehicle. Disgusted to say the least.......
  • dwdwonedwdwone Member Posts: 2
    While coasting from a stop at a drive through yesterday, there was a noise that came from the back of my car that sounded like I'd run over a block of metal. The weather was dry and I was just idling forward. The noise was so loud people from the restaurant came out to see what had happened. There was nothing behind me on the ground, and the car has not done this again. Note that I've only had it about a week (bought it used with 45K miles).

    Has anyone ever had this experience?

  • drcool7drcool7 Member Posts: 3
    There is a problem with RAV4 -four cylinder torque converters that makes a loud rattling sound when you first start to coast. There is a technical note-0001 for the 2011 that addresses reprogramming a computer that controls shifting that helps problem. Not sure if your problem is the same.
  • bem521bem521 Member Posts: 10
    Hi I also had a problem with my 2010 rav 4 v6 drove it off the lot and the same noise between 30-35 a loud whinning noise they changed the transmission also. I kept it a couple of months and traded it in for a 2011 and the same problem came with this one also. Just had a new transmission put in this one about a month ago. They do not make toyotas like they used to nothing but problems . Outside of the transmission problem I really like the truck but not sure I would buy another!!
  • will103will103 Member Posts: 1
    Hi....I am having a problem and wonder if anyone else has experienced this and/or knows what it is. I just bought a 2012 RAV4 base with a 4 cylinder engine and AWD. I noticed the first time I drove it that when I first depress the accelerator from a stop and the car is initially building up speed, I'm hearing an odd sound that seems to be coming from the's like a strange hollow resonance, an echo of the actual sound of the acceleration of the engine. I hear it over the regular growl of the engine. At higher speeds, like over 30 mph, I don't hear it. I owned a 2010 RAV4 with the same specs and it did not make this sound. It's driving me crazy.....I can't figure out what it could be or whether I need to have it looked at or not. Has anyone else experienced this? I should add the car seems to be functioning fine, but the sound comes into the cabin and it's very noticeable and distracting. Thanks for any help anyone might be able to give. :confuse:
  • over200000over200000 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2005 2 wheel drive 4 cyl Rav4 with 236000 miles. I have done all the preventive maintenance fluids, tires, brakes multiple times. I do have a rattling noise that I thought was the water pump. Its not because it goes away when I turn on the A/C and the compressor is engaged. Basically I need a new compressor. I'll live with the noise because it costs 1800.00 to install a genuine Toyota compressor. I thought it was the water pump but I have been through 2 after market pumps that dont rattle but they leak. I just had a genuine Toyota pump installed hopefully it will last. NO MORE after market parts :sick:
  • propwash49propwash49 Member Posts: 38
    I had a similar problem with a rattling noise on my car with the A/C off. It turns out it was something in the A/C compressor clutch. I took it to a local independent garage and they did something to tighten up the clutch. The cost was about $80. It was fixed 4 or 5 years ago, and I have had no further problems with it.
  • triplecheesetriplecheese Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2008 4 cylinder Rav4 and since we've had it I've heard a rubbing sound coming from the rear of the car when I back it out of my driveway in the morning. It really only happens that first time in the morning or when it sits for a long time. And only in reverse. I guess I should count myself lucky I don't hear the other sounds I've read about today. Anyone else with this problem of know what's up?
  • toyotaloyalisttoyotaloyalist Member Posts: 1
    I had the same problem with my 2009 RAV4, an intermittent and inconsistent metallic noise from the rear. There was a rock stuck between the rotor and the backing plate. I read several forums and this was a common problem that helped my mechanic quickly solve the issue. Good luck!
  • bgollybgolly Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2008 RAV4 V6 AWD with 80k miles on it. A humming noise has started occurring while stopped, whether in reverse, neutral, park, or drive. I'm aware of the whining noise that everyone complains about on these transmissions (myself included), but this is a separate issue as the whine occurs at speed.

    The hum emanates from the console area. I can hear the noise slightly from underneath the car or in the front seat, but it is much more audible while sitting in the back seats. The noise seems to occur more often during cold (for Phoenix) weather, but not during all cold days. The noise disappeared for a few weeks and just came back yesterday. I would not describe it as metallic, just a fairly low pitched hum.
  • yamazakiyamazaki Member Posts: 1

    I have a 2005 Rav4 which works fine. Randomly (about 1/2 of times) I get a strange sound 10 seconds after I start the car, for about 6 seconds and then the sound disappears.

    The sound is difficult to describe, it is not 'grinding', it is more like some fluid suction or sloshing (though I am not sure). Please try to listen to the short clip below of my car startup. The strange sound can be heard between 10 and 16 seconds.

    The car works fine. I don't feel any symptoms. I suspect it is related to ABS or the cooling system? Is it even normal??

    Thank you very much!
  • grayfacegrayface Member Posts: 1
    I've also got a similar issue, I have a 4 cylinder 2009 CV that I just purchased with 76k on it. At 41km I get a similar sound from the engine/ transmission (well that were I think it is coming from)
    I know there is a issue with the v6 version but is there also any issue with the 4 cylinder ?
    I'm just wondering if this is normal or there is an issue that will cost $$$ later.
    The car is currently under a used car warranty, So I have already taken it to them but they change the diff / transmission oil and said give it a couple of weeks.
    Another friend who is an ex Toyota mech said it may be normal as some Toyota auto transmissions are known to make some noise.
  • robhangdog823robhangdog823 Member Posts: 17
    I'm looking to lease a 2013 Rav4. I have a 2010 Prius and have rattles and creaks all over the dash. It's been to the dealer 3 times and they say it's fixed but it never goes away completely.

    Before I through the same nightmare with a 2013 Rav4 I'm wondering if anyone experiences this problem. Looks like the dash has the same cheap plastics.
  • dwdwonedwdwone Member Posts: 2
    Every Toyota I've ever had, and there have been many, starts to rattle after a while. It just seems to be how they are made. A small downside to a great bunch of cars.
  • carzinacarzina Member Posts: 1
    Hi, first time post here!
    I've noticed for the past few days a 'radio static' type noise in my 2010 Rav4 LTD, v6 w JBL. The noise is there even when the radio is off. And it occurs only when the vehicle is moving. It has been difficult to isolate where the noise is coming from, but it is very similar to static noise which would occur when the radio reception is bad. It is distinct from radio static tho because this 'mystery' noise can occur on top of actual radio static. Anyone else w this problem/ experience?
  • badventistbadventist Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2005 Rav-4 D4Diesel. I had the dual-mass flywheel recently replaced with a single-mass flywheel, because the dual-mass was damaged upon purchase and it was much cheaper to replace it with a sing-mass flywheel. I've read that's what most people do when their dual-mass goes out. Anyway, I've noticed that when I floor it after shifting into 3rd, 4th, or 5th gear, I get a rattle under the right-hand side of my dashboard for about 5 seconds. Has anyone elase experiened this?
  • badventistbadventist Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2005 Rav-4 D4Diesel 2.0 Litre. I had the dual-mass flywheel recently replaced with a single-mass flywheel, because the dual-mass was damaged upon purchase and it was much cheaper to replace it with a sing-mass flywheel. I've read that's what most people do when their dual-mass goes out. Anyway, I've noticed that when I'm in 5th gear and I press on the gas, my stick shifter moves toward neutral about half-an-inch. Then, when I let off the gas, it moves toward the dash the same distane. Could the damaged dual-mass flywheel have affected my 5th gear? Has anyone else experienced this?
  • badventistbadventist Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2005 Rav-4 D4Diesel 2.0 Litre. I had the dual-mass flywheel recently replaced with a single-mass flywheel, because the dual-mass was damaged upon purchase and it was much cheaper to replace it with a sing-mass flywheel. I've read that's what most people do when their dual-mass goes out. Anyway, I was driving up a hill the other day in 5th gear. I floored the gas and the car suddenly lost almost all of its power. I had to quickly down shift until I was in 1st gear, and I was not able to drive any faster than about 10 km/hr. The check engine light came on. I pulled off to the side of the road and turned the car off. I waited about 2 mintes and turned the car on and everything seemed to work fine. The check engine light eventually turned off, as well, after several drives. What could this be?
  • wingedwinged Member Posts: 1
    Hello... I have a 2008 Rav4 (less than 24,000 miles)...and am hoping someone can help with this. Increasingly, I've been hearing an exhaust type noise when I start to accelerate (especially after being at a stop). It usually happens during or after using the air conditioning...or perhaps is just louder and more noticeable then.
    It seems to come from below the rear (or sometimes middle section) of the car.
    I used to hear the same sound occasionally on my old Tercell. And was surprised to hear it also after purchasing the new Rav in 2008. Originally it only happened occasionally and I wasn't able to duplicate it at the dealers but now it happens frequently and almost always when or after using the AC. Have not heard this sound coming from other newer cars but sometimes hear it coming from older vans or trucks! Any ideas?
    Another issue:
    Have also been noticing that the engine seems to be louder lately when stopped at lights, etc.
    Does not sound smooth but has sort of a ticking sound or vibration. Again, it seemed to always sound somewhat that way but has been getting more noticeable.
    (I had to have the water pump replaced not long ago and am wondering if this could be related?)
    When first purchasing the Rav, the engine sound seemed a little surprising, as I had thought it would sound smoother but some have told me it is normal to have the slight chugging or ticking sound. Again, I often hear the chugging or ticking engines on older cars...but not so much on newer cars...
    Would be grateful for any insights.
  • giddyup_vwgiddyup_vw Member Posts: 1
    Did you ever get this puzzle solved? Experiencing the same problem in a 2000 Rav4.
  • nchughtainchughtai Member Posts: 1
    At low speeds there is a low frequency howling like sound which is linear to the speed of the vehicle. Seems to disappear at higher speeds above 15mph or so. It seems to match the wheel rotation and the noise is higher at one point of the rotation cycle than at any other. the noise is not affected by putting the automatic transmission into neutral. There is no noise related to gear shifting which is smooth. the tyres were changes about a year ago. also I am unable to pinpoint whether this comes from the from the front or rear but is slightly more noticeable from the passenger seat in front than the driver's seat. Any ideas?

  • yakirnyakirn Member Posts: 1

    @eaglefan1 said:
    We have a 2008 Rav4 Limited with V6 and AWD. We have been experiencing a loud humming noise for months. It seems to be coming from the rear of the vehicle. The vehicle is now at the dealer for the 3rd time for the same problem. They are not able to replicate the problem and yet we hear it whenever we get it back. The vehicle was purchased brand new and it's just a year old. We have contacted a lemon law attorney-you may want to check with your state's attorney general's office.

    I have just bought RAV4 2008 with 4 cylinders engine and I am hearing this Humming noise at velocity of about 40 KPH. TOYOTA dealership is not familiar with this noise and they keep telling me that it is probably an inherent sound and that I don't need to worry. Is there a problem with the transmission? eaglefan1, did you solved the problem? Does enyone else have any ideas?

  • miketallingermiketallinger Member Posts: 1
    I have gone to my Toyota dealer several times on the whining noise from the differential coupler on my 2008 Rav 4 with 85,000 miles on it. They said there was a recall so after 3 months they had me bring it in to replace the coupler. It sill makes the same noise. I am now told it is fine. BS, no way will I be able to trade this in with that noise. Major sound at 25-27 mph at about 1,600 RPM. HELP!
  • tanya50tanya50 Member Posts: 1
    Hey guy, I have a 1999 Toyota RAV4 and this morning when I went to take my son to school I turned my car on and it sounded like it was ready to grow wings and take flight, in other words it was like there were 6 blowdryers on and 4 vaccuums all going at the same time. It lasted for about a minute then stopped ... This is the first time it has happened. I have drove my car to 3 different destinations today and it hasn't repeated. Can anyone help me figure this out?
  • marymoon502marymoon502 Member Posts: 1
    Hi every body , I just bought a brand new 2018 Toyota rav 4 XLE, 4 month ago and wierd noises are coming from my car first I felt the difference when accelerating like people said it usually after 30 miles. Then just today I was parking and reveresed when I started hearing this low beeping noise along with a rattling type of noise. I am sure it’s the transmission. I already took it to the dealer and they said that my car is fine and that they don’t hear anything. They told me to record the noise next time 😠😒 I clearly told thin that this happens sometimes but it happens often . I think they sold me a lemon. Will continue to take it to the dealer and see what they say this second time. Please buy the extended warranties if you are getting this car !!!
  • DeeNZDeeNZ Member Posts: 1
    Please help i have a 96 Rav4 auto... when i drive along the road at any speed and take my foot off accelerator this to slow down a horried clank noise starts its very loud and only goes away when i put my food back accelerator to speedup again...

    The second problem is when im going in reverse and going forward feels like one of the back wheels is locked at times the like feels like one is pausing and not turnng like skidding causing a shutter and noise driving along at times you can feel like a pause not turning properly maybe one of them its driving me crazy yes the oil has been changed

    any help would be so much appreciated
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