Volvo XC90 Overseas Delivery

wilks3wilks3 Member Posts: 2
edited July 2014 in Volvo
anyone lease through overseas delivery lately. Wondering what money factor available for 36/12K
I am told they cannot use North America lease incentives because possession is taken in Sweden.


  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Most of the overseas talk for Volvos happens in the European Delivery: Experiences, Advice & Info discussion, so please repost over there.

    It's been a month or two since the last post, but things should be picking up now that holiday season is upon us.
  • rapidrickrapidrick Member Posts: 70
    IIRC you cannot lease for OSD. You can save a lot of money, though, especially if you are like me and order a car to MY specs, which never, ever line up with the packages Volvo has out there. Great experience, I plan on doing one in 2011 if the dollar survives.
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