Suzuki Grand Vitara (2005 and earlier)
Got information on a new model (2000)for the Grand Vitara (GV) 12 inches will be added to the wheel base..... the car wll be lenghten to increase cargo room and add a third row of seats...the rear door will be larger to make it easier to get to the rear row of seats... the engine size will be increase from 2.7 to 2.5 and horsepower increased to 188 ....sound like a Great SUV - is supposed to come out the summer of 2000
Met w/ the Suzuki REP today @ Auto Place Suzuki in Williamsville, NY .. he told me that the AC will shut down (overload) @ very cold temp and that the fix is to add a resistor in the AC electrical line They will be installing the resistor under warranty tomorrow .. this should fix the problem
Met w/ the Suzuki REP today @ Auto Place Suzuki in Williamsville, NY .. he told me that the AC will shut down (overload) @ very cold temp and that the fix is to add a resistor in the AC electrical line They will be installing the resistor under warranty tomorrow .. this should fix the problem
I wonder if new GV will have a different name or modified name since changes appear significant enough to warrant having both models available. Was any info available on total weight, towing capacity, and availability of rear pop-out side windows? Adding third seat and other changes may open GV to new markets, but at 15 plus feet and 3800 pounds (my estimates based on your data), I wonder if this will still be a mini-ute. Also, what will happen to its off-road capability as well as relative ease to drive?
Are you saying that all 1999 GVs need this AC fix?
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Several things caught my attention: first of all, the U.S. site has not been updated- still 1999.
Also, I noticed that every package of the GV except the JX dumped the cassette and got a CD player instead (like Honda did). On the Edmund's site, it says the "+" packages will add a 6 CD-changer in the back, but makes no mention of a standard CD player. Looks like we still got the cassette.
Another thing- there is a "wood trim" option for the GV on the Canadian site, but Edmunds says nothing about it. In fact, I looked at the GV Limited here in San Antonio, and I saw no trim of that sort- I imagine that it looks very nice.
I'm sure there are many other discrepancies that I haven't mentioned... which brings me to this question:
Why aren't WE being provided with these options? They are after all options, and if people don't want 'em they won't buy 'em.
Maybe... maybe Suzuki has more leverage in Canada to expand options and target a more "luxury-hungry" niche of buyers? I have a feeling that Suzuki is just targeting the BUDGET-minded buyers in the U.S. to stay competitive against the other budget makes. I know I'm really reaching with this theory, but it's all I've got!
Does anyone have any insight on this matter?
"With the arrivals of new Korean entries, who have adopted price driven strategies, Suzuki plans to rise above their competition, by raising the brand Suzuki. Their goal is to make a connection with consumers solely based on the fact that Suzuki automobiles are built better than they need to be."
The Suzuki marketing phrase for this year is "Suzuki. Engineered Beyond Belief."
I've noticed a few other differences betweeen US/Canadian specs. 2WD and remote keyless entry aren't available in Canada. The Canadian accessories catalog has some chrome items in the pictures but notes that these aren't available. They are probably available in Japan or other markets.
Most of the Canadian accessories are listed at this link:
I've seen the wood trim set at my dealer. It is a 9 piece set that snaps on over the current trim. With the current US/Cdn exchange rate, it might just be worthwhile to get some stuff from Canada. Maybe I should start a web business to sell Canadian accessories to Americans.
Kelly B
'99JLX+, 5 speed, 18,800 mi
Is there ANYONE who disagrees with the rest of the pack? I am disturbed to hear about this, because it could potentially be dangerous.
My final question is, even with this problem (list others if you wish), do you feel your purchase was worth it? (It would help in the decision making process of GV vs. CRV).
I'm sure the CRV is a nice car, but I didn't want to pay all the extra for the name and with much less power.
Jriley5, which Michelin did you purchase? Also, has anyone else tried Continental CH95 Grand Touring tires?
Gone2sea - I'll check the Michelin tires for specs. and report back later (today, hopefully). They ride is much smoother and are also quieter. By the way, if you buy 4 Michelins right now, you get a free emergency road kit (have to send for it)that my mechanic said looked great (had one at the tire store on display) and worth over $100. Helps to make one feel better about paying $139/tire!
As a note, when I was complaining to my mechanic that the car only had 15K on it and the tires couldn't be shot already, his son, also a mechanic working there, overheard and said, "those Bridgestones are junk tires." His father said "no, not all Bridgestones are crappy." and the son rejoined, "that particular one is crappy - I've seen a lot of problems with them. They make a few good tires but this isn't one of them"
Other than this stuff, very happy with my GV. Just installed front window visors/windshields (which will keep the rain from dripping inside the car) and the roof rack crossbars (and I agree, the instructions are terrible!)
Hope all this helps...
Radial XSE 99T
Max. psi: 35lbs.
Hope it helps!
Thanks again.
I've got 19K on my GV, and the original tires are about half worn. Have had snow only once, this year, and they still did okay. Slush and moderate rain, however, make for some scary moments, even at speeds as low as 40 mph. The truck is really too small and light for tires this wide, plus, the tread pattern is much too tight. It needs some big circumferential grooves...or an all-terrain pattern.
Kelly B
'99 JLX+, 5 speed, 19k miles
Oh, and I was inspecting my tires today while getting gas. At 19,111 miles, three of them are within 5,000 miles, maybe less, of the wear bars. Not good. Calmini better get going on lifts and whatnot, because I don't want to have to comprimise on tire height.
Kelly B
If you find it, let us know.
Kelly B
Now all I have to figure out is how to stop it. Anyone actually manage to have this fixed?
Kelly B
'99 JLX+, 5 speed, 19,300 miles
My Jimmy did this at 10,000 miles. Fixed it by adjusting hood levelers (one on each side of the hood towards the front of the vehicle). Try spraying silicon spray on the four rubber gaskets first. If that's not enough, adjust levelers in a parking lot with speed bumps (instant bump). Mechanic did quarter turn change, closed hood, and drove over two speed bumps. Process was repeated until squeaks gone. Took some doing but worked. Key was adjusting hood so wind could not get in under hood on either side and cause it to vibrate enough to jostle rubber leveler gaskets back and forth. While I didn't get a squeak on GV, I checked hood on each side with a micrometer and adjusted it so both sides were same height. Also set hood a little lower than fender on each side. Lastly, if you can't lower the hood much, try adjusting levelers just to get them equal.
After buying the machine, I moved the leveler back to its orignal position, then I grabbed the open hood and twisted it hard and down into the loose side. I then shut the hood, and it matched both levelers, an both sides are even with the body panels.
Something certainly is weird with the hood fit from the factory, but the hard twist solved it for me--no more problems with a vibrating hood and it's level with the panels.
I need to get some silicone spray, thanks for the tip.
Kelly B
'99 JLX+, 5 sp, 19,500 mi.
I guess I'm asking how a thief goes about stealing a car with a Club--does he just cut the steering wheel?
Kelly B
Venus: Do you mind saying how much you paid and where you got it?
I figure, if I have to stop the vehicle to go from 2H to 4H, this defeats the purpose of "Shift on the Fly", no?
Your responses will be greatly appreciated.
Re.: the sticky lever. I have had to use the 4WH a bit over the last 24 hours. Miserable weather here in Ontario, Canada. The lever is, I believe, designed so that it offers a bit of a challenge to get it into 4WH - so that you don't accidentally go into 4W gear. But, it shouldn't be as stiff as you describe, Ed. Now that I've had it in and out of gear a few times, the lever seems to be loosening up. I'm sure the same thing will happen for you. Last night, I went into 4WH at about 40 m/h with no trouble at all.
I have the vibration. Did yours finally get fixed with all the stuff they've done???
I need to know a few things:
How bad is the vibe and where did you feel it coming from?
At what speeds did you feel it?
What State or Province are you in?
Who was the dealer who worked on it?
Thanx !!!!
From what I've heard, a couple of folks have gone to different tires, and the vibes went away immediately. Might be because the tire place they used had better balancing equipment, or the tires are better. Either way, a differential is highly unlikely to cause vibration. Gear whine? You betcha. Just ask any Grand Cherokee or Suburban owner... ;-)
If you still have vibes after they've replaced the tires, suggest they send you to Discount Tire, or wherever, and let you get something other than the OEM tires.
Kelly B
'99 JLX+, 19,750 miles
The vibe is remarkably less than what I had before, but it is still there.
Waiting to see what's next.
At least we don't have the infamous 'death wobble'. This is a situation when after hitting a hole or bump at highway speed, the front wheels occilate uncontrollably. Scary stuff, though not life threatening, as long as the driver doesn't panic.
I guess the only large rotating components left are front axles, and it probably isn't those. I wonder if there could be a wheel bearing problem, causing the slightest amount of play. Highly unlikely, but you never know.
I think it would help if we asked the owners of Trackers and regular Vitaras to see if their trucklets suffer from the same malady. They have smaller wheel/tire combos. I'll see if I can round any up.
back in their shop now...Vibes at 55-70, if you can get to 80 it will stop..don't like to drive that fast for long periods on the interstate. They said it was the drive shaft that caused the differential to go bad...loud roaring noise in the rear of the vehicle, quit after replacing the differential. Now, I believe I have a problem with the transmission..doesn't have the same shift pattern or acceleration that the other ones I have driven have. In fact, we are driving a rental GV (paid for by Suzuki) and it is totally different than mine. Met with District Manager from Suzuki yesterday...have filed lemon law papers and they are "supposedly" fixing it "again"
Like Akashino said...what's next???
They have been very good with the service, and Suzuki responded extremely fast to my filing the papers, but I am just not satisfied with the performance of the vehicle. Like to keep a car for a while, don't think this one will make it.
Sorry to hear about the diff and driveshaft problems. Sounds like a universal joint went bad on you, either partially seizing, or maybe even cracking. Definitely unusual for a new car.
Oh, and I was noticing last night, the right combo of bumps still makes the front-end of my GV shimmy a bit. What with everything y'all have replaced, I fear it may be either a suspension design flaw or incorrect suspension bushing materials (could be too stiff or too soft). Maybe, when they finally figure it out, there will be a recall.
I recommend, if you really like the car (truck), give it another shot.
Kelly B
'99 JLX+, 19,800 mi
But that damn wind-noise at highway speeds is driving me crazy (sounds like the windows are open a tiny bit but they are closed tight), is it a design flaw that that I have to live with or is there something that can be done. ANY information would be greatly appreciated.
You might want to have the door alignment checked out by the dealer. If it isn't just right, the door might not seal tightly against the 'A' pillar.
Kelly B
Also our minor vibration was cured by moving both front wheels to the rear. I expect I'll have to take up the issue with the dealer after the next tire rotation. Sounds like the Dueler tire issue...