Chevrolet Cavalier: 5-speed manual tranny

Member Posts: 3
edited June 2017 in Chevrolet
I want to put the 5-speed manual tranny into my 2000 cavalier. Here's what i know: 2.2L, currently an automatic, converssions are a pain. What i don't know is whether or not the 5-speed will fit onto the 2.2L...I assumed the 5-speed only came on 2.4L for that year. Is this true?


  • Member Posts: 3
    Actually, a better question might be aside from the cutting a hole for the clutch...what else might need jimmy rigging
  • Guest Posts: 52,454
    Try a Search This Discussion in the Chevrolet Cavalier discussion too; maybe someone is tweaking their ride.

    Also check out the posts over in the Chevrolet Cavalier Performance discussion.

    Steve, Host
  • Member Posts: 3
    lol...actually thats where i thought this one was supposed to end up. It kicked me here instead...
  • Guest Posts: 52,454
    You probably thought you were creating a new post in the discussion but wound up on the create a new discussion screen instead. You look like you are getting the hang of it now; have fun with the conversion. :shades:

    Steve, Host
  • Member Posts: 11
    Would definately be a pain. 2.2L did come wiht a 5 speed tranny. Not difficult to find. It will bolt right up to your 2.2L (I replaced an angine on a 5spd with one from an auto so reverse is true too.

    But you will also need the shift cables and shifter, which is actually the easy part. You will need to get a cluth master cylinder, clutch pedal and related components, make it all work nice, then top it all off with reprograming the ecu.
  • Member Posts: 4
    i have a 97 lumina i am trying to get parts together to do a tans swap i was told by a friend that a isuzu from gen two cavalier would bolt up with some mods would bolt up to my 3.1 ne body done it or have ne pointers
  • Member Posts: 1
    I changed my clutch put everything back together and when all was said and done i don't have a 1st or 2nd, well they feel the same. I noticed my selector cable bold is loose on the tranny side, but i can't seem to tighten it. Could this be the answer to all my problems.
  • Member Posts: 8
    for the 2000 cavalier i would go to a junk yard get all the things yyou need. like clutch cylinder a console a tranny probly driveshafts and just grab the ecu from the passanger side fender and have a field day on your car...FOR EVERYONE IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA I KNOW A REALLY CHEAP YOU PULL YOUR OWN PARTS PARTS YARD... ;)
  • Member Posts: 8
    probly i would definitly try if you have to buy a manual on the vehicle it will save time and headache. if you get the bolt tightened and thats not it check the shifting components.
  • Member Posts: 1
    Just started researching on how to convert an automatic to manual transmission and wondering where to start. I am adding a body kit to my car, new paint, new rims and tires, and thinking a 5 speed transmission would be a nice addtion as well. Any suggestions as to how, where or who could do this would be greately appreciated. Or if anyone has any reason that it shouldn't be done would be nice to know as well.
  • Member Posts: 3
    Hey, well i have a 2.2 5 speed 97 cavy and just recently when i push my clutch pedal down you have to push it completely to the floor to get it into gear. about 3/4 of the way down is when you can finally get it into gear. It feels like a cable is loose but i really dont know the name of it. Can Someone help?
  • Member Posts: 3
    I have a 1998 Chevy Cavalier Z24 with a 2.4L twin cam, and I am pretty sure the automatic transmission is going on it. Would it be cheaper to get the parts out of a junker manual Cavalier of the same type and do a Manual Conversion, or get a new automatic transmission? I really don't like driving automatic, and I don't want to get rid of the car because I have put some performance/body mods on it that I don't want to try take off. I know it's not too difficult to do a swap, but is it cheaper?
  • Member Posts: 4
    i have a 1996 cavalier and i know it needs a new clutch but now reverse is gone it has more room then it should for the shifter to move when in reverse position.. i have been told its because of the clutch. i have also been told that its something internally in the tranny because the other gears are fine. does anyone know what may be causing this?
  • Member Posts: 1
    2000 chevy cavalier z24 2.4L can i change the manual transmission to automatic. if so what parts will be needed?
  • Member Posts: 2
    sounds internal,
  • Member Posts: 4
    any idea what it is internally? will the part or parts be exspensive?
  • Member Posts: 2
  • Member Posts: 2
    My daughter's 03 Cav has a clutch issue. The pedal goes to the floor even when bled. There's clutch fluid coming from the tanny case bottom so I guess it is the slave cyl. I know the tranny has to come out to replace this (way to go GM engineering !). I have a replacement but my question is- is this prefilled from the factory with fluid ? If i push down on the little plastic pin should the throw out brg move ?./ The only bleed nipple is on the outside of the tranny case so how do you bleed the slave cyl itself ?
  • Member Posts: 13
    I have a 98 Cavalier that all of a sudden the clutch only engages when the pedal is almost on the floor and it must not be completly engaing because it doesn't want to shift. Any ideas? Also anyone here change a clutch on one of these? How bad is it?
  • Member Posts: 1
    My car has 200,560 miles and it's still running... somehow.Though, I think she's on the verge of dying soon. The engine light constantly blinks at me, and the exhaust sputters. I have no horn, that went out this summer, the glove box broke, the stereo just went on the fritz recently when I stopped quick in traffic. And the dash lights for the ac don't work anymore. Since I've had it the driver side door doesn't unlock from the outside, the back passenger door doesn't open from the inside. I've had to replace the temperature gauge, the front brakes( of course) wiper motor, trunk latch, alternator, and water pump. I've had it for 5 yrs. I just wanted to share that with yall. It's been a good first car for me :confuse: :sick:
  • Member Posts: 4
    i replaced a clutch in a 96 cavalier. it was somewhat difficult but i never done one before. in order to replace the clutch you have to take the cv axle out. does the shifter go into the position you try to move it but the car dont go anywhere? because i had that problem also the shift cables were stretched and ripped. the shift lever would move but it wouldnt change gears. if you look on your tranny where the shift cables connect follow them back to the engine there is a mount that holds them in place and thats where mine were broke
  • Member Posts: 13
    Mine shifts ok but the clutch pedal all of a sudden started to feel real weak. It might be the slave cylinder. I am not sure I got rid of it because I didn't want to pay the price of a new clutch. The whole assembly was $200.
  • Member Posts: 2
    I have a 5sp cavalier. when I go to downshift I have to hold the clutch for a second or the gears grind. It started only doing it going into first but now it does it in all gears. Its fine when you're going up the gears. Is this a clutch or tranny problem?
  • Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2010
    i was driving to work and i started to smell a burning rubber or brake smell i started to lose power. i was told it was the clutch. i can start the car but i can leave it in any gear and just take my foot off of the clutch and the car dont lurch or stall. b4 it did that i didnt have to put the clutch in very far to change gears. the engine has 202+k miles and far as i know its still the original clutch. it has a newer tranny in it. i tought my fiance to drive on it too
  • Member Posts: 1
    The Transmission Cable has come apart at the Engine side. I am sure I will have to replace the entire cable from the Shifter to the Engine. I have already removed my "Shifter Knob" and also the "Center Console." Now I need some expertise!
    How do I replace the actual CABLE itself? HELP! Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance for any and all replies and/or assistance... "Blessed!"

    <>< smeadows00
  • Member Posts: 1
    Ok so here is my experience. First thing first I got myself a 5 speed parts car. There for I knew I had everything from head to toe needed. So far everything I've seen on here is true, but there has been some lack of information. You need a tranny from the same size motor. So if ur swapping a 2.4L u need a tranny from a 2.4L. Also I'd try getting a getrag tranny as they are the better of the 2 options. You will need to reflash the automatic pcm which a local gm dealership can do for you if you don't have the tools yourself and don't want to buy them (about $650). You will need to intall different tranny mounts which require some welding and you need to grind off the automatic tranny mounts. You need the clutch pedal lines shift cables shifter center console. Also manuals have different axles so you will need them as well (about $90 cad ea. Where I am) if your using a used tranny I'd suggest putting a new clutch in while it is all apart. Also the sensor wires are all different so I'd say get the wiring for it out of the manual. All of these parts can be taken off a parts car and reused if they are still good. I just figure if your going through all the hardache of doing it your better off with new parts. I would not suggest getting it professionally done as your prolly looking at upward of $5,000 to have a shop do it. This job is most defiantly not a walk in the park, but I did it because I killed my auto shifting the gears and had a 5-speed parts car out back. So I see why you would wanna do it, but its only feasible if your doing your own work. If not then you can bay remanufactured auto trannys outta toronto for $650 and they will install it for $500 at strictly transmission so $1,150 compared at $5,000 in labour to install all new hardware wiring and ecu etc. Also DO NOT attempt to swap ecus between cars as some of them contain your theft lock information and will not allow u to start car after swapping
  • Member Posts: 1
    I have this cavalier for about a year now i put a 109,000 miles engine on this car. Now i have a problem that when im going to shift into 3rd gear i have to move the shifter to the sides and then it apply to 3rd gear. I brought the shifter cables new. Any idea what could it be????
  • Member Posts: 1
    got a 96 cavalier and just put in a new clutch assembly and it drove fine for a week and a half and now it wont drive at all but the engine runs fine it just wont go forward or reverse, any ideas?????
  • Member Posts: 4
    I had a cavalier that did something similar and i didn't know what the problem was, my cv axle had broke, i replaced it and it still wouldn't move. The car was in bad shape so i sold the motor to a buddy and when he pulled the engine he found the throwout bearing/slave cylinder assembly sprung apart.
  • Member Posts: 1
    i have had this problem for a few weeks now occasionally when i start the car it wont shift its a 5 sp manual 2.2 engine. I pull out the ignition fuse and replace it and then it works for awhile but its a constant pain i would like to find the source of the problem.
  • Member Posts: 1
    i have a manual 2.2 motor in my cavy and when the car heats up you can put it into reverse and start to let out the clutch the car will die sometimes you can get it to move about ten feet but it still dies i would really like to know what is causing i am seriously stumped
  • Member Posts: 1
    Well... I've always been a big fan of putting J bodies on low profile RWD chassis. Ive got a 1999 cavalier with a Triturbo(TM) 3 deuce 327 from some old wrecked 50's or 60's vette with a muncie m-22 and a 296 Dana rear differential. Gotta thank my friend Dessa for making flange mounts for the stock cavalier 15's. #prosleepers #silentsleepers #noricers #nofartcan #Triturbo
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