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2012 Sonata Panaramic Sunroof on Limited?

shand32783shand32783 Member Posts: 76
Has anyone else seen this from an article or heard if it's true? :

None of the Optima’s competitors can match that level of self-indulgence, much less the price. The Sonata Limited comes closest by offering heated front and rear seats and a single sunroof; it costs about $900 more than the Optima EX. Hyundai intends to respond: on its 2012 Sonata, the panoramic sunroof will be standard on the Limited model, a spokesman said.


  • LASHAWNLASHAWN Member Posts: 303
    If that's true, than I hope they add cooled front seats like in the Optima as well and power folding mirrors like the Sonata's in Korea.
  • cybercubancybercuban Member Posts: 4
    I am in the market for a 2012 Sonata Limited with the nav package. My trade in will be a brand new Honda Civic Si coupe that I won in a sweepstakes. I will be receiving this in a few weeks. What kind of pricing and trade in can I expect? Thanks
  • seaurchinseaurchin Member Posts: 57
    How did you win a new car? Wheel of fortune?
  • LASHAWNLASHAWN Member Posts: 303
    You don't have the need for 2 cars or just don't want the Civic?
  • cybercubancybercuban Member Posts: 4
    Entered an online sweepstakes from Honda. I already own a Honda that my wife uses for commuting. I also own an F-150. Would like the 4 door Sonata for when we travel to see our kids, who are in the military and scattered around the country. The Sonata would be an economical and comfortable ride.
  • cybercubancybercuban Member Posts: 4
    Entered an online sweepstakes from Honda. I already own a Honda that my wife uses for commuting. I also own an F-150. Would like the 4 door Sonata for when we travel to see our kids, who are in the military and scattered around the country. The Sonata would be an economical and comfortable ride.
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,263
    Wow, congrats! That's a heck of a free downpayment.

    You might want to drop by our Real World Trade-In Values discussion to get a ballpark on the Civic.

    If you look on the right-hand side of this page, there's a keyword search - try Sonata Prices. There's a prices paid discussion, but I'm not sure if anyone's posted on 2012s yet.

    Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
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  • wordnewwordnew Member Posts: 4
    Hi, I'm in the market for the 2.4L w/Nav. 36 month lease, nothing down. I've seen residuals mentioned from 57%-61%. I'd lease with 12k miles per year. I guess money factors vary monthly. I'd appreciate it if anyone can get me remotely close to a good approx of what the monthly should be. Thank you!
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,263
    This discussion is about options (specifically, sunroof) availability, so I'm going to ask you to re-post over in our Sonata Lease Questions discussion, where you're more likely to get feedback.

    Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
    2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
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  • wordnewwordnew Member Posts: 4
    Hi. Has anyone seen this sunroof in action? Just wondering about wind drag and noise, since it seems there's no place for the front portion to go, except for up and back...
  • tman8thtman8th Member Posts: 2
    Just purchased 2012 Sonata Limited with the panoramic sunroof. What a great car, very front part of roof pops up as a wind deflector as the front part slides back. Noise wasn't bad at all, surprised. You also can have just the roof pop up instead of sliding all the way back. Of course the back portion of the roof is stationary glass and does not move.
  • marty83marty83 Member Posts: 3
    Hi I have a 12 Sonata LTD 2.0T with the same sunroof. Is yours making a creaking noise when the car goes over a bump or when you turn?
  • sonatshoppersonatshopper Member Posts: 7
    Picked up an Indigo Blue Limited yesterday. Color reminds me of when I was a kid and mixed the coolest blue paint I could...">

    No issues with sunroof noise, but the switch seems a bit sensitive. Trying to get the hang of hitting the switch just hard enough to pull back the fabric, but not enough to open the glass. Is there a trick to it that I'm missing? Want to let in the light during the winter without opening the roof (which I read you're not supposed to do below 32°)?
  • sonatshoppersonatshopper Member Posts: 7
    woops, guess I should have replied instead of making a new post. Could it be a bad seal? Owners manual says to clean the guides regularly, maybe something worked it's way into the guides, causing the class to pivot(?) slightly over bumps / turns?

    Bumper to bumper claim time otherwise?

    Mine is quiet, but I only have 300 miles on it (244 miles in 24 hours!).
  • mfroesemfroese Member Posts: 1
    Instead of pushing/pulling the switch either forward or backward (which, I agree, is really hard to control) try pushing/pulling up and down. Can't remember which but one direction will withdraw the cover and just pop the back of the sunroof up. Then push or pull the opposite direction, whether it be up or down, and the sunroof will close but the cover stays open.
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