I'm with Fordson, what would have been remarkable is if it DID'T have those. Other than my '72 MG, which doesn't even have a retractable shoulder belt. much less a height adjustable one, I can't recall the last car I was a passenger in that didn't have an adjustable belt. I think this has been pretty much standard for the last decade, even on inexpensive cars.
Adjustable seatbelt height (like many other "normal" features) is something I expect on all my cars. But I've learned on many German cars, these things are packaged in extra-cost packages for ridiculous cost.
What? I have this in my 2003 Focus.
I'm with Fordson, what would have been remarkable is if it DID'T have those. Other than my '72 MG, which doesn't even have a retractable shoulder belt. much less a height adjustable one, I can't recall the last car I was a passenger in that didn't have an adjustable belt. I think this has been pretty much standard for the last decade, even on inexpensive cars.
My Dad has this on his 1996 Ford Ranger.
Doesn't every car have this these days?
Nope, many BMWs don't. But still not remarkable.
Adjustable seatbelt height (like many other "normal" features) is something I expect on all my cars. But I've learned on many German cars, these things are packaged in extra-cost packages for ridiculous cost.