2018 Toyota RAV4 Purchasing Deals and Prices - May edition

charles2640charles2640 Member Posts: 6
edited May 2018 in Toyota
Just purchasing discussion here - no lease questions :)

So, I drove Acura, I drove Lexus, but the RAV4 was just damned impressive. The seats are almost heaven, might just be me. So, I need another vehicle, I'm getting older, wife doesn't want me working on beaters any more. Filled out a variant of True Value, and got a load of people calling me.Trying to make sense of all the options.
  • Has anyone gotten Toyota to forego the paint and fabric protection BS? This gets put on before the car gets to the dealer, so the sales guy just smiles in a sad sort of way.... I mean, it's a ~30k vehicle, the paint sucks so you need to add protection?
  • Is it just me or is Toyota challenged in colors? Don't answer that, I already know they are, laugh with me.
  • So the True value thing, dealers were calling me with offers on the LE. I don't want the LE, I want a sunroof and AWD, so I'm off to XLE land. But for the LE, I was getting quotes that were 23% off MSRP. Should I expect that to carry to the XLE?




  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,865
    Just ignore the BS extras. Don’t ascribe them any value, and make your offers as though they didn’t exist. Easy peasy! ;)

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  • ral2167ral2167 Member Posts: 791
    a new redesigned rav4 is coming. they're giving away rav4s
  • charles2640charles2640 Member Posts: 6
    ha! ral, I knew the 2019 was a new model, but no way I'm getting it. 2018 is fine. kyfdx, good point, thanks
  • charles2640charles2640 Member Posts: 6
    well I clicked on the USAA car buying button, and did not realize I was sending out a request for bids. Dealers came back with 23% off on an LE, XLE much less.
  • charles2640charles2640 Member Posts: 6
    just read over on the other rav4 forum, people getting huge deals
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