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Toyota Matrix



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    microrepairmicrorepair Member Posts: 508
    for people like herzogtum71 who brag about their Matrix mileage on or above 30 mpg...!!!
    (Just kidding...!)

    Darn it, I can't even get 25 mpg going downhill in neutral with a backside breeze and the engine off... And I've got 2 wheel drive..
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    hudraheadhudrahead Member Posts: 169
    hertzo & micro: Just got back from a trip from Florida to Southern Ohio and back, just under 3000mi. 90 % interstate travel @ a constant 80mph (honest officer just going with the flow of traffic)the rest on winding country roads,A/C on ALL the time & virtually no city stop and go stuff. Total average for the trip 31.8 mpg!The VIBE only has a total of just over 4000K on the clock so still is not really broken in yet. I'm told the Toyota 1.8 twirler take 10K to really loosen up ? My (wife's)car is also A/T.

    I am generally happy with the VIBE but it really does need at least 10 more hp and 20 more ft.lbs of torque. It struggled a little in the Smokies, hunted in & out of overdrive a lot. We were carrying about 500 pounds of "stuff" on the trip up. It was a little better coming home with a lighter load. All in all it's a great little car for the money. Rock steady and very quiet @ 80 mph and not the least tiresome. Ran 750 miles in one day and really felt like I could have gone another 200 with no problem.

    HUD :):)
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    nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    of this car: long interstate trips are effortless, yet driving through the canyon to the beach is lots of fun too!

    Still averaging around 31 mpg in town here (FWD auto).

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

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    xr5speedxr5speed Member Posts: 13
    I noticed recently that my gas mileage was a bit lower (34/35 mpg vs 38) and chalked it up to using the A/C more. I then bought a tank of Chevron and the mileage went back up. Not enough time, of course, to be statistically valid (I put a little air in the tires as well) but I will keep an eye on it.

    Anyone have information on the benefits of synthetic oil?
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    scottdudescottdude Member Posts: 177
    Here's the darndest thing...

    A couple months ago I thought about getting a new car and I decided that I really liked the look of the Vibe over the Matrix. But now I'm starting to see more Matrix's on the road and I actually think I'm starting to like its looks better now. If I didn't know better, I'd say that Toyota made subtle "Vibe" like styling changes to the Matrix over the last few months, but I know thats silly.

    I guess maybe familiarity breeds contentment?
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    hudraheadhudrahead Member Posts: 169
    dude: I saw a LOT more VIBES on the road than TRIXES on my trip from Florida to Ohio and back. There seems to be a definate demographic difference in the drivers (owners ?)of each vehicle. I noticed the Matrix seemed to mostly be a older group, grey hairs even, and slanted towards the female side. The VIBE on the other hand seemed like the folks were younger and mostly driving like they had just robbed a bank !I bought the VIBE because with the rebates, GM card points, loyalty money etc there was no way Toyota could come even near the deal I got on the VIBE.

    HUD :):)
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    nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    pretty sure they didn't change anything for the '04...except for details like the speedo display inside.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

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    npgmbrnpgmbr Member Posts: 248
    Here in the Metro DC area, the majority of people seem to be driving the Matrix. However, on a recent trip to the beach I saw a lot of Vibes on the road. The demographic for both was wide.

    I myself chose the Vibe because I prefer its styling over that of the Matrix and because I like the added roofrack. But I'd say the Matrix out numbers the Vibe by maybe 10 to 1. Which is good for me because I don't like having a car thats too popular. Kinda makes ya not feel special anymore. lol
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    herzogtum71herzogtum71 Member Posts: 470
    Went to lunch the other day with 3 people I used to work with and discovered that 3 of the 4 people there now have a Matrix/Vibe. The woman in her 60's has a Matrix (traded in a RAV4), and went for the Toyota because of the convenient location of the dealer. My wife in her mid-40's is the main driver of our 4WD Matrix, and we likewise were swayed mainly by the location of the dealer. The Vibe owner also is a female, probably around 40. She has a Pontiac dealer near where she lives, and she liked the Vibe styling better than the Matrix. Dunno what this says about demographics....

    Question: What is the name of the Matrix/Vibe thing they are building in Fremont, CA, for export to Japan? It was mentioned in this forum long ago, but I can't remember when or where.
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    nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    is called Voltz.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

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    capitanocapitano Member Posts: 509
    Voltz I believe. I heard it has the Vibe styling.

    Picked up my Matrix today and less than 5 miles from the dealer got a rock chip in the windshield. My first mod will be to install rocket launchers so that I can destroy gravel trucks.
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    herzogtum71herzogtum71 Member Posts: 470
    Yes, the Voltz. Thanks very much. Sorry to hear about the chipped windshield. We went through about a windshield per year when we lived in Colorado where the gravel trucks weren't required to have a cover.
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    revkarevka Member Posts: 1,750
    And thanks for sharing the details in our new Toyota Matrix Prices Paid & Buying Experience discussion. We look forward to hearing all about your ownership experience. Happy motoring!

    Hatchbacks & Wagons Boards
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    revkarevka Member Posts: 1,750
    To Everyone- You'll now find a direct link to our Toyota Matrix: Prices Paid & Buying Experience discussion on the left side of this page.

    Hatchbacks & Wagons Boards
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    nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    that with regard to demographics, since Toyota customers are generally quite a bit older than Pontiac buyers (who are the youngest in the industry barring Scion), the Matrix owners out there are going to be an older group than the Vibe owners. Stands to reason, I would say.

    It does seem like guys are in the minority in the 'Trix, though, from what I have seen...

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

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    sueshesueshe Member Posts: 3
    It seems like forever. I'm finally off to pick up my new Matrix today. It has been on order since July 12th. I will post my findings as I notice them.

    Have a great weekend all... pretty sure I will

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    capitanocapitano Member Posts: 509
    Since there was some discussion a while back about low mileage numbers on the Trix I thought I'd post mine. I didn't do the math for my first fill up, but I did for the second and third. I got 25.8mpg and 24.5mpg in mixed driving. The sticker calls for 25/32 for the 04 XRS, while the 03's were rated at 22/29. My results fit better with last year's rating than this year's.
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    herzogtum71herzogtum71 Member Posts: 470
    I think Toyota has realized that it's not the 20-something crowd that is buying the Matrix. I have an '03, and all it says on the back is Matrix. I didn't hear anything about "Corolla Matrix" until my insurance company was trying to find it in their books so they could quote a rate. But I noticed that my former co-worker's '04 says "Corolla Matrix" prominently on the back of the car. She's in her 60's and said that's why she decided to look at the car. She'd had a Corolla wagon before, and thought she'd like another one. I think Toyota now wants to stress the Corolla connection, while they had tried to minimize it when the Matrix first was released.
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    capitanocapitano Member Posts: 509
    Hmm. I had seen references to the Corolla Matrix before in last year's press.

    Mine is an 04 and doesn't say Corolla on it anywhere. However, the sticker described the car as "Corolla Matrix 4- Door XRS 2WD CUV." When the car was introduced last year I saw some reviewers commenting that Toyota was calling it a CUV or Crossover Utility Vehicle. But I never saw anything from Toyota that said that until I bought mine and looked at the sticker. The brochure doesn't use the CUV or Corolla terms anywhere.
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    johnclineiijohnclineii Member Posts: 2,287
    By at least occasionally referring to the car as the Corolla Matrix, its sales can be added to Corolla sales, making Toyota look better in marketing and sales stats.
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    nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    the only place my car was ever a "corolla matrix" was on the front of the owner's manual. I have not seen any '04s with the corolla matrix insignia...all the ones at the local dealers just say matrix.

    But I guess it wasn't a huge secret that matrix was basically a corolla hatchback or wagon (depending on your perspective) was it?! :-)

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

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    oac3oac3 Member Posts: 373
    But the Trix is a Corolla. Same platform, same 1.8L vvt-i engine (base/XR), a tweak here, a tweak there and voila.... a Matrix.

    My ins. co. also had same issue calling my '03 a Corolla Matrix even when there was no reference to Corolla anywhere in the brochure of the car. May have helped get me a *cheap* ins premium at $500/yr in So Cal.

    Demographics are truly all over the place. I see many older folks driving the Trix around town here. A few are driven my ladies, most others are young punks ... ehm... guys like me. hehehehe...
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    herzogtum71herzogtum71 Member Posts: 470
    that your '04's don't say Corolla Matrix on the back hatch. Is that something the local dealer would add? Or maybe different marketing strategy in different regions of the country? I'm in New England.
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    capitanocapitano Member Posts: 509
    It could be a regional thing. I'm in the central Atlantic region and I have yet to see a Matrix with any kind of Corolla badging on it.
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    zombozombo Member Posts: 89
    The Celica was originally based on the Corolla platform-engine and trans,yet it was marketed as a sporty car with no connection to it's economy car roots.IMO it says Corolla Matrix on the window sticker for insurance purposes and possibly to lure older buyers,but the looks and body badging say sport wagon. I bought mine because to me it was a roomier version of the Celica,which had no leg or head room for a taller person.
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    hudraheadhudrahead Member Posts: 169
    Ther is NO mention of Corolla or Toyota anywhere on my Vibe. All paperwork from factory, all insurance papers, loan paperwork, all just say Pontiac Vibe or just Pontiac. Go figure. They are built in different factories tho, Matrix in Canada and Vibe in California ( alongside Corollas by the way LOL) I too think the marketing folks are surprised at the demogaphics of who's buying Matrix / Vibe. My wife is over 60 and loves the Vibe plus there are several in her various clubs and I see three or four at church all driven by "white hairs" ! Of course we have a 80 year old that drives a new Vette convertable to church as well. He states that's the only way he can stay ahead of the devil. Too much LOL !!

    HUD :):)
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    capitanocapitano Member Posts: 509
    I guess that makes sense. A Pontiac shopper may not place any value on establishing the connection between the Vibe and the Corolla where as a Toyota shopper might. If the Pontiac shopper is a serious buy American type then the connection may even be a detriment.

    There is so much platform sharing going on within and between manufacturers not very many cars are "pure" original designs from the ground up.

    Does the sticker for the Sienna van call it the Camry Sienna?
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    nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    (San Francisco region): no corolla badging anywhere on the current Matrix here, and I know we have the '04s at the local lots now because I went to look at those new white-digit gauges.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

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    npgmbrnpgmbr Member Posts: 248
    Well from the very first article I read about the Vibe, which I have and the Corolla which my roomie has, I had always seen references to the Corolla.

    As a matter of fact my roomie got his 04 Matrix two weeks after I got my 04 Vibe and it was on the sticker as big as day "Corolla Matrix". It shocked my roomie (whose not a car buff like myself) but it meant only good things to be because I knew my Vibe and his Trix had reliability riding behind them.

    What people seem to forget is that The Vibe/Matrix is the same deal Toyota and GM had with the Corolla/Nova-Geo-Prism if I remember correctly.

    Vibe/Matrix are just modern wagon versions.
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    oac3oac3 Member Posts: 373
    Good points. The only downside (if any) is that the Trix will have a slightly higher resale than the Vibe. However, original sticker prices for the Vibe was sightly higher than the Trix, but there are more GM incentives to make OTD price for the Vibe slightly lower, which may account partly for the lower resale of the Vibe.

    BTAIM, a Vibe/Trix is a good car to have and should be a reliable vehicle for many years. Congrats on your new purchase.
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    johnclineiijohnclineii Member Posts: 2,287
    And the warranty is better and longer on the Trix, in the USA at least.
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    blackyrheem1blackyrheem1 Member Posts: 2
    2003 Matrix XR Auto FWD. 1st tank: 26.9 mpg.
    Last tank (today) 21.7 mpg.

    Time to get rid of this turkey. Anybody want to buy a slightly used (3500 miles) silver Matrix, sports package, sun roof, Viper security system?
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    herzogtum71herzogtum71 Member Posts: 470
    The only precedent for "Corolla Matrix" that comes to mind is the Tercel from the 1980s. I remember commercials about the "Toyota Corolla Tercel." A friend of mine had one, but I can't remember if it actually said "Corolla" anywhere on the car itself.
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    nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    it said "corolla tercel"...with the redesign in '84 ('83?) of corolla, tercel became a separate line.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

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    lngtonge18lngtonge18 Member Posts: 2,228
    The Camry Solara. I'm not sure if the new 04 model is still using the Camry part of its name though.
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    nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    the list is growing of things to have corrected at the next oil change: windshield wipers whining loudly and even making a sort of abrasive sound - not confidence inspiring; rear view mirror (inside) wobbles a lot on city streets, so much I can't tell how far things behind me are; both A-pillar panels are rattling and buzzing most of the time now, and the top lid of the console has a broken hinge...disappointing for me given my past experience of Toyota..."they don't make 'em like they used to"? Or "darn GM for those cheap interior pieces"? Or neither?

    Mine was a year old a week ago Friday.

    May be my last new Toyota...drove a Civic SI today - was most impressed by engine pick-up and rattle-freedness!

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

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    johnclineiijohnclineii Member Posts: 2,287
    a. Don't blame GM. Toyota approved every piece inside that car. If Toyota did not want to use them, they would have changed them. It's not even built in the same factory as the Vibe. Suppliers vary, as well. Toyota is responsible for the Matrix, not GM. Just as GM is responsible for the Vibe, not Toyota.

    b. You might want to look at the relative reliability of the Civic before you jump. It's no Toyota. Then again, some say the Matrix isn't either...
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    capitanocapitano Member Posts: 509
    Mine's an 04 and I am hoping that most of these niggling little issues were fixed. No rattles yet.

    Wipers are a wear item. Have you changed them at all in a year or is it the wiper motors you are having a problem with?

    Was the SI new? Most new cars are pretty good about "rattlefreeness".
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    nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    most new cars are rattle-free, eh?! Mine wasn't, but the only rattle it came with was fixed after two tries by the dealership. Since then, several others have come and gone and I haven't minded, but these A-pillars are now persistent.

    As to the wipers, I was referring to the motor, not the blades.

    Yup, the SI was new...only things the SI owners here at Edmunds have had problems with seem to be weak hand brake (I always park in gear anyway) and oil consumption at 1 quart/3K, which I expect in any Honda.

    Nothing the Matrix has done gives me any indication that its mechanical reliability will be anything less than all the millions of corollas that have gone before it, and I very much appreciate that. But one can also be niggled to death by minor repairs like these wipers and broken trim or latches, and really at 20K I would hope NOT to have stuff like that yet. I hardly even use that console-top storage compartment...

    ...on the plus side, I am finding as some others have mentioned that the Continental tires give a good ride while seeming to have great longevity...extrapolating from current wear, I would think I would be able to get 50K out of 'em, no sweat.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

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    hudraheadhudrahead Member Posts: 169
    Seems rather strange that my "business vehicle",supposed piece of GM crap Sunfire with 45K on the clock has nary a squeek or rattle (or ANY other problem to date)runs like a watch (love that 2.2 Ecotec)and my wife's Vibe has all kinds of niggling quality control glitches, paint probs,buzzes and rattles galore !! What gives ? Are the Toyota Q /C folks @ the NUMMI plant asleep or what ?

    HUD :):)
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    capitanocapitano Member Posts: 509
    What is the console-top storage compartment you are referring to? The upper armrest thing?
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    nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    well hud, I think those are GM Q/C folks on the Pontiac line at NUMMI aren't they?! :-)

    I have not driven the Sunfire with the ecotec, but I have driven the cavalier extensively with the previous engine, and I can say with much assuredness that between those two, I picked right! There are two components to any car, how well it is designed, and then how well the design is executed. For me, the problem with sunfire/cav was its design, whereas the problems I have had with the Matrix have all been in the execution...and again, thank goodness the mechanical reliability has been there as I expected when I bought it.

    yeah, the thing I was referring to was the upper armrest thingy...there is the deep compartment down below where I keep all my CDs, and then there is the shallow storage on top of that. The hinge of the lid to the shallow storage has broken, and will have to be replaced, as now when I open it the door swings over and rubs against the seat.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

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    johnclineiijohnclineii Member Posts: 2,287
    NUMMI is a partnership. The employees work for a corporation half owned by Toyota, half by GM.

    NUMMI employees are NOT solely GM employees.
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    Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,150
    A reporter with a major magazine is looking to interview people who have recently considered buying a Chrysler, but ended up in a Toyota. If you fit the bill, please respond to jfallon@edmunds.com by Friday, September 12 with your daytime contact information and a few words about your experience.

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    hudraheadhudrahead Member Posts: 169
    John: There are Q /C people on site not only from Toyota and GM but from most of their suppliers as well, especially Delphi too.

    Nippon: Don't get me wrong I in no way think that the Sunfire / Cav. combo can even come near the design and execution of the Vibe / Matrix. But it does seem strange that the GM "twins" having been born @ one of GM's worst assembly plants have far fewer problems, in my case anyway, than the so highly acclaimed Toyota quality. I have also noticed that Hyundai's fit and finish has pulled equal to and in the case of the three Sonatas we have in our fleet exceeded that of whati see in the Camry. I am anxious to get a gander at the 2004 Suzuki "Verona" which is a Daewoo clone I think. From what I saw of the Daewoo stuff it did not have half bad fit & finish. Daewoo was more a victim of poor marketing / management than being poor cars. Still see a lot of them on the road.

    HUD :):)
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    nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    of course being tongue in cheek about the whole QC thing...

    the only Daewoo I ever drove was a test drive in a Nubira, which was definitely a second-rate car at the time. But, that was several years ago.

    I am already seeing ads in print for the new Suzuki sedan...will be interested to see what it looks like in person.

    I am usually someone who keeps cars for a while, out past 100K, but if the Matrix continues to have these little problems with minor broken stuff and more rattles over the next few years, this might be the first one I trade sooner...

    ...I am glad that it is still fun to drive at least...a year of driving has not worn off the fun! :-)

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

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    capitanocapitano Member Posts: 509
    I am enjoying my matrix. I think I got the perfect compromise car if that makes any sense. I have a zippy, agile, and fun car that also has cargo versatility. It reminds me a lot of the fun I had with my old 84 Scirocco which only had half the horsepower. My son likes it and has asked if he can drive it when he's 20 (in 12 years). I hope it lasts that long.
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    herzogtum71herzogtum71 Member Posts: 470
    I'm curious about the Suzuki station wagon, which I have heard is available in 4WD.

    Other than the twilight sensor, which was replaced and now seems to work very nicely, I haven't experienced problems like those reported by nippononly on our '03 4WD Matrix. My wife is the primary driver, but I tend to drive it at least once a week. I find the door to the little vertical compartment near the floor (underneath where the radio is) to be a bit of a pain -- that's where I keep my glasses case when I'm driving. But we don't have any rattles, or other things that other Matrix owners have experienced.

    I bought new Honda station wagons in 1977 and 1979, and a friend has always had Hondas up until a year ago. Our experience has been that they are very reliable but that you start having to put a good bit of money into them after about 90K miles, and getting Honda to take care of things under warrenty or shortly thereafter has not been pleasant. I'd hesitate to buy another Honda at this point.
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    banddexpressbanddexpress Member Posts: 63
    I was wondering does the seats that fold down come out also or just fold down.
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    capitanocapitano Member Posts: 509
    Just fold down.
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