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Inconsiderate Drivers (share your stories, etc.)



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    mulfomimulfomi Member Posts: 56
    The one thing that pisses me off (besides most of the previous posts) are people who are trying to merge onto the highway yet dont look until their on ramp lane is gone. Then they go to merge over and im there and they get pissed because they have to slow way down. Mind you, I dont intentionally do that to people, but I believe that if there are cars coming up or already in the left lane then it is inconsiderate for me to move over into their lane cutting them off, just to let the one person in this scenario who has the responsibility to merge safely, do just that. Now, if there is noone there or noone coming up quickly I certainly get over, but it just amazes me how many people dont even look to see if they can get over, dont use their signal, then get pissed when they cant get over. I also get annoyed with the people (like Kinley assuming he is in the right lane for a change) who are in the right lane and cut me off just so someone can merge in. They make me slow down or avoid them so someone can get on the expressway. People just need to use their signal and look back as soon as possible and judge their speed accordingly.

    Another thing, doesnt it make sense that if you are stuck in the right lane and someone is trying to merge, that you should maintain your speed and not speed up or, espceciallly, slow down to allow them in. So many times I see drivers do this only to see the person trying to merge matching their speed trying to get over. End result, the cars are right next to each other and the on ramp lane is gone and noone can do anything. Let the person trying to merge make the move and everything is easier.

    Ok, im done now but the above issues really anoy me. Maybe its just an Ohio thing.

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    durango508durango508 Member Posts: 37
    A couple of years ago my wife and I were home for a funeral.
    We are driving back to her folk's house after the luncheon with my
    mother-in-law, a nephew, and a couple of sisters-in-law on a city
    street. Some guy is weaving in and out of traffic and when he got buy
    us cuts me off to the point I had to lay on the breaks. So I lay on the
    horn and let him know I am there. He flips me off as if it is my fault.
    There is nothing that pisses me off more than being cut off or
    something and having that person act as if it is my fault. Needless
    to say I had to bite my tongue, in front of my mother-in-law and
    nephew, but I had everyone of those four letter words I wanted to
    call the guy in my mind at the time.

    If I accidently cut someone off I usually feel bad because I know how
    it is to be on the other end and will try to apologize if given the chance.
    And I know some things are going to be accidental and can't be
    helped, but for someone to flip me off after something they did, my
    blood just boils!
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    wilcoxwilcox Member Posts: 582
    A gesture that is, in itself, nothing. But it produces some astounding results! Kids in the third grade know about it. Aahahahaha..

    Where did "it" come from?

    Is there a law on the books concerning the "finger"? Anyone?

    I bet the "finger" is used more out on the roads than anywhere.

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    loncrayloncray Member Posts: 301
    Once, long ago, I was a pizza delivery guy. Now, I was a fast driver, but I tried not to be stupid. So when I was already 10 mph over the limit on a twisty, dark 2-lane country road and somebody decided to camp out on my butt, I used a tool of the pizza trade to slow him down. See, I had one of those 25-million candlepower portable spotlights for finding addresses, and it was a heck of a lot more aimable than a set of highbeams. One flick at the other guy's passenger windshield (didn't want him crashing) and he backed right off. Wish I had that thing today!
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    wilcoxwilcox Member Posts: 582
    The Battle of Agincourt
    October 24, 1415 - According to internet folklore, the notorious middle finger apparently made its first appearance during the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. According to limitless e-mails and postings forwarded to Ooze, the French taunted English bowmen by threatening to cut off their middle fingers. According to these sources, the mighty English longbow, made from the yew tree, would have been impossible to draw without the aid of the strongest finger. When the English won the battle, they allegedly waved their middle fingers at the defeated French, taunting, “We can still pluck yew!” Some even believe that the words pluck yew transmogrified through the years into _____ ___ .
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    nyccarguynyccarguy Member Posts: 16,517
    I agree with you. Rubbernecking is a big problem here in NYC as well. And I agree that people who take up 2 spots when they park are inconsiderate. I always make it my business to wedge my car in next to theirs if possible.

    2001 Prelude Type SH, 2022 Highlander XLE AWD, 2022 Wrangler Sahara 4Xe, 2023 Toyota Tacoma SR 4WD

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    dpwestlakedpwestlake Member Posts: 207
    Hmmmm, October 24th huh? I had forgotten when St Crispin's day was.

    It kind of makes sense....The equivalent British gesture is kind of like the V for victory sign with the back of the hand facing the recipient of the gesture. Those would be the two fingers used to draw a bow string.
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    andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,736

    I guess it was pretty inconsiderate of me though, to snap this shot! I mean, this guy's having a bad enough day as it is!!

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    seminole_kevseminole_kev Member Posts: 1,696
    what kind of 'tunes do you have there in the glove box???
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    seminole_kevseminole_kev Member Posts: 1,696
    that picture reminds me that I really miss those quarter windows that you cold open and adjust for air flow.
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    andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,736
    ...to make that little lip along the lower edge of the dash, wasn't it? Great for stashing all sorts of junk that goes flying when you nail the gas pedal, brakes, turn too fast, crash, etc! I think it was originally intended to be crash padding...it runs the whole lower length of the dash. The Darts, Valiants, and Barracudas had in in '68, but not '67 or '69. I forget what those tapes are now...I've gotten so spoiled by the Intrepid's CD changer that I can't remember the last time I popped in a tape! Mainly classic rock volumes though...a couple compilations that one of the local stations put out, Jefferson Airplane. I think Lou Reed's in there too somewhere!
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    blueguydotcomblueguydotcom Member Posts: 6,249
    some simple ones:

    People who are turning/chaning lanes and don't use signals. They deserve to get hit, plain and simple.

    People who are turning right, but do not go as close to the curb as possible prior to turning, thus blocking the flow of traffic behind them.

    People who hit a freeway on-ramp but do NOT accelerate for merging. If the speed limit is 65, it seems like a good idea that you should be doing at LEAST 65 by the time the ramp ends. This drives me extremely crazy when said offender is driving a late model SUV/luxury car that easily has the power to break 80 by the end of a ramp.

    The people who swing into a lane on the freeway even though they see you're approaching in that lane going a good 10-30 mph faster than they are. How many times must I slam on my brakes because an inconsiderate nabob can't wait until I pass to move to the middle or fast lanes?

    And why is it in the morning everybody does the same speed - even before thick rush hour starts? Once you weave through traffic and get to the edge of the pack you always find it's just a couple of dweebs doing 75 in the two fast lanes. Of course the open road only lasts half a mile before you must pull more Yoda school of driving to get past the next pack hindered by kin of the previous idiots.

    Of course the big winners would certainly be all the wonderfully polite and thoughtful individuals who a) park in a handicapped spot without a placard/special plates or b) park in a normal spot with their wheels, often half the car over the disabled spot's cross-hatching. Can't forget the nice-guys who park in handicapped spots at say blockbuster with their hazzard lights flashing while they run into the store. Or you're parked illegally, but you did think to have your lights flash, so I guess no law was broken.

    Once in awhile some people will also park with their wheels over the blue line of the handicapped spot. In those instances I love to back into the spot and get my outside passenger mirror to almost touch their mirror. I've emerged from stores before to find frustrated drivers sitting in their cars, furious that they cannot back out of the spot without damaging their own cars.
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    nyccarguynyccarguy Member Posts: 16,517
    LOL...Hazard Lights!

    I'd also like to add people who Double Park along Avenues in Manhattan. For instance, 2nd Avenue runs downtown. There are 6 lanes. The extreme left and right lanes are taken up by parked cars. People Double Park in the lanes next to the outside lanes (all it takes is one or two cars), leaving only 2 lanes of traffic to pass.

    2001 Prelude Type SH, 2022 Highlander XLE AWD, 2022 Wrangler Sahara 4Xe, 2023 Toyota Tacoma SR 4WD

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    eharri3eharri3 Member Posts: 640
    We get these all around campus. As if parking isn't bad enough, some lazy bums can't be bothered to make sure their cars are parked in one spot and pointed straight before walking away.

    The result? Plenty of times when I've had to cruise campus for 20-25 minutes to find a spot and then I see one and get excited because I think I can finally park my frickin car and go o my room. But then some jerk has decided his time is too valuable to straighten up and make sure he's not taking up some of the next spot over. So I have to leave what could have been a perfectly good spot and keep looking. The other night I got so irritated with somebody that I left a very nasty note on their windshield with all sorts of expletives that generally asked why they think they're special enough to deserve 2 parking spots when the rest of us are struggling to find just one. To those who normally don't pay attention to their parking jobs who drive on UMBC campus, you'd better start. I may start keying cars next.
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    hayduke01hayduke01 Member Posts: 128
    At the top of my list of worsts are people who stop in a merge lane, waiting for all the traffic to pass.

    Of course I'm sure I irritate a few drivers myself. I always find Civic parking spaces when there are no legal spaces available. Spaces at the end of a row with the diagonal lines through them, the first space or two past a row of meters, etc.
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    a_l_hubcapsa_l_hubcaps Member Posts: 518
    Somebody above mentioned using one of those aircraft flashlights to ward off tailgaters. My friend has one of those things plugged into the cigarette lighter in his '87 Cherokee. He refers to it as "the sun". Everyone who rides in his car regularly knows that when he says, "Cue the sun!" the passenger picks up that light and gives the tailgater a quick flash. Works every time :-)

    -Andrew L
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    beachfishbeachfish Member Posts: 97
    Let me see if I have this straight.

    Somebody is tailgating you, so you blind them with an industrial strength flashlight. They're behind you, right?

    You better pray that you don't have to slam on your brakes - remember - there's a blind driver behind you.

    Heck, you better pray the blinded driver doesn't drive off of the road and die or run over some child. Because then you're going to be doing time for manslaughter or worse.

    Use your flipping brain for something other than a hatrack will you.

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    a_l_hubcapsa_l_hubcaps Member Posts: 518

    Hey, it wasn't my idea. We all know crazy people like the friend I mentioned above. This guy also once followed another driver around for a good five minutes, holding his horn down the whole time. I'm not necessarily recommending that everyone try each piece of crazy behavior that happens to come up as part of a conversation. Awhile ago there was a thread called "craziest things you've done with a car" or something like that. If you think my friend and his light are bad, you should see some of the stuff people owned up to over there. Calm down.

    -Andrew L
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    bcarter3bcarter3 Member Posts: 145
    I have just read the last 119 posts. If you REALLY want to experience inconsiderate driving come to Miami where the experts are!!! I encounter all of the above situations every day on the way to work. I believe AAA has just given Miami the award for having the rudest drivers in the country. Well deserved, I might add!!!
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    eharri3eharri3 Member Posts: 640
    I heard hard stuff bout Florida.
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    taylor47taylor47 Member Posts: 23
    The most frustrating thing about driving in this day and age is that most of the problems come from the attitude of " ME FIRST" and the only concern is "ME"! There seems to be no common courtesy and common sense in the majority of drivers and the training programs are not in place to reinforce values that promote courtesy on the roads.
    Using signal lights is not only the law it is just logical to let other drivers know your intentions in advance and it is courteous.

    Even police vehicles are in violation of the law when it comes to common road laws and they should lead by example by signaling turns and having 4 way flashers on when parked at the curb.

    While I commend law enforcement agencies for targeting drunk drivers and speeders with blitzes, I feel they should have regular programs to enforce the common laws that people flaunt such as coming to a complete stop at intersections, indicating turns and not passing on the right. Or one of the more bone-headed practices of entering a freeway and getting into the passing lane immediately and staying there regardless of the traffic conditions and speed!

    Most of the laws are already in place so let's enforce them!
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    nyccarguynyccarguy Member Posts: 16,517
    The cops don't even stop at red lights. They used to flip their siren on to pass through the light and then flip it off. Now they just slow down & blow through the red light. I understand if it is an emergency, but every time they get to an intersection can't be an emergency.

    2001 Prelude Type SH, 2022 Highlander XLE AWD, 2022 Wrangler Sahara 4Xe, 2023 Toyota Tacoma SR 4WD

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    a_l_hubcapsa_l_hubcaps Member Posts: 518

    A teacher I had in elementary school had her BMW 325i destroyed when she hit a cop car that ran a red light for no reason, with no sirens or lights on. That sort of behavior is prevalent in NJ, especially on the part of the much maligned State Police. You'd think they would have learned by now why everyone hates them.

    -Andrew L
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    keith24keith24 Member Posts: 93
    Why do some people that drive SUVs think they can merge/change lanes where ever & when ever they stinkin' well please? I hate to classify SUVers like this, but for the most part, it fits.

    Last night, on my way home from work, there had been a 4 car pile-up on the interstate. I was in the line of traffic to get on the interstate, where I'd been for 30 frickin' minutes! WITHIN 200 YARDS OF THE INTERSTATE!!!

    Well, Mr. White 4Runner decides he needs to get in the turn lane to get on the interstate. There was no turn signal, or anything, and there SURE wasn't any room for him to get into the turn lane in front of me! People had been driving around all the traffic & cutting over at the last minute, & as bad as I hate to say it, "I WAS TIRED OF IT!" Well, I held my ground & didn't let him over. He just kept on coming into my lane!! We wern't going over 10mph, but thats not the issue here. He didn't give a rip about anything or anybody but himself! I finally had to let him in to keep him from hitting my truck! I guess I should've been a little more selfish & just let him hit me!

    If I hadn't let him in, his back door would've hit my front quarter panel.

    Its one thing to screw up, or not know where you're going, and do something like this. But I see this guy at least 3 or 4 times a week on the same commute! This was just blatant "ME SYNDROME". He didn't want to sit in traffic, so he thought he'd just muscle his way in at the last minute. Now, I drive a full-size Chevrolet 4x4 truck. I know who would've won the 4runner vs. full-size truck bout. GUARANTEED!! But, I don't guess thats the right attitude to have now is it?

    Next time, we're going to see just how good his insurance is! This guy is BOUND to try this crap again. I just hope its not in front of me.......................I don't like dealing with insurance companies. It'd be my luck that he wouldn't have insurance. Then I'd have to resort to "other" forms of "reconciliaiton"

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    artooartoo Member Posts: 13
    Okay. Driving to work this morning. Moving along at 50 in a 45 zone. Ahead of me I see a car inching its way out slowly from a side road and as I get closer I think to myself "they're not going to......surely they're not going to pull out, when the road's clear for a mile behind me.....they wouldn't pull out now, with me this close, no way". I think this, but I take my foot off the gas anyway, just in case....

    Guess what? The driver pulled out, going my direction, when I was almost on top of her. I slam on my brakes, come perilously close to locking it up.....and then come perilously close to bursting a blood vessel when the driver STOPS COMPLETELY not TWENTY FEET later to begin making a left turn into another location!!!!

    Had she waited for TWO SECONDS she would have had all the time in the world to pull out, then sit there waiting for the oncoming traffic to have a gap enough for her to turn.

    Oh, how I wished for a howitzer at that moment. :)

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    pjyoungpjyoung Member Posts: 885
    On my commute to work, the road I am on is 3 lanes wide, with the right lane being a turn only lane onto the freeway on ramp. In the mornings, this right lane can back up a bit. So people ride in the middle lane until they are right at the freeway entrance, then stop, turn on their signal, and wait for someone to let them in. Not to stereotype, but owners of high end German and Japanese sedans seem to take it a step further and just make the right turn from the center lane without stopping, other cars be damned.
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    sarah233sarah233 Member Posts: 161
    last Christmas I was heading to San Diego from Los Angeles at about 7 a.m. I was pulling out into the intersection to make a left turn, and the cars parked on the street were blocking my view. As I was inching forward to make sure it was clear to turn, a car traveling swiftly towards me caused me to stop. The driver of the vehicle didn't have to swerve or slow down. The driver flipped me off.

    Merry Christmas!
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    ghuletghulet Member Posts: 2,564
    Idiot Pedestrians: OK, I know it's my 'job' as a car driver to make sure I don't run people over. That said, I can't believe how many dumbass joggers in the city of Chicago will run right out in front of my car, while I'm at a stop sign in the middle of the night, and assume I see them. Let's see, is it easier for pedestrian to see a fifteen foot car with its lights on, or for a driver, with windows closed, in the dead of winter at night, to see some anorexic with a dark jogging suit in his peripheral line of sight? This happened recently, these people could *see* I was looking to the left (the direction the traffic traffic was coming from), joggers come from my right and run *in front of my car* (though there were no cars behind me), then get pissed off because I didn't see them. Courtesy and due dilligence I may have lacked, but they completely lacked common sense.

    My other new favorite are inconsiderate drivers who mean to be considerate. You know, they'll stop a whole line of traffic behind them to let *one* car turn left in front of them, to the peril of all other traffic on the road. Part of being considerate, IMO, is to act in the interest of the majority, at least in traffic. If you think you're being considerate but ruining the flow or safety of traffic, you're doing something wrong.
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    eharri3eharri3 Member Posts: 640
    <<<,they'll stop a whole line of traffic behind them to let *one* car turn left in front of them, to the peril of all other traffic on the road>>>>

    Don't know if I'd call it 'peril' so much as 'extreme irritation.'
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    pbhattipbhatti Member Posts: 87
    I always see this in CT: when the light turns green and the drivers from the oncoming lane will make "quick" left eventhough the other lane also has a green light. This causes the drivers to slam their brakes or like I do just wait a couple more seconds because I know this is gonna happen.
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    pjyoungpjyoung Member Posts: 885
    how about when they pull this stunt on a multilane road and the other lanes are NOT backed up, although the drivers who blissfully oblige get what they deserve when they are broadsided by another car going 35 mph.
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    nyccarguynyccarguy Member Posts: 16,517
    For those of you who don't travel the highways of Long Island frequently (Personally I would avoid Long Island like the plague if my lovely girlfriend didn't live there), some of the entrance ramps are on the short side. I'm referring to The Wantaugh Parkway heading south. I'm approaching the exit for Old Country Road (East). There's an on-ramp, an overpass, and then the off ramp. I've got my signal on that I'm going to exit. I notice 3 cars coming onto the ramp who plan on merging onto the highway. The front car is a 195 year old man in a white Crown Vic. He is hesitating and then when I'm right next to him (My front bumper is by his side mirror), decides to slam on the gas. There were cars in the left lane, so I couldn't move over. I honked and came to a stop. This guy was inches away from me. Luckily he didn't hit me, but how inconsiderate!

    Here's another one that I'm not sure whi the inconsiderate driver was. Sunday evening I'm travleling south on I-87 (NYS Thruway). I see a late model Porsche 911 in my rearview mirror. I'm going about 90mph and see him closing in. I move over and let him pass. In front of the 911 is a BMW 330CiC (Convertible for those of you who don't speak BMW). The 911 tailgaited the BMW for a few minutes and then passed on the right. I ended up back in the left lane a few moments late and got behind the BMW (a safe distance). The BMW was going at least 90mph in the left lane. SO my question to the board: Who was the inconsiderate driver? The Left lane camping BMW (At 90mph) or the tailgaitng Porsche who passed on the right?

    2001 Prelude Type SH, 2022 Highlander XLE AWD, 2022 Wrangler Sahara 4Xe, 2023 Toyota Tacoma SR 4WD

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    robertrrobertr Member Posts: 125
    I hate it when I am the driver making the left and the oncoming car in the nearest lane stops to let me make the turn. Meanwhile, the other oncoming lane is moving and the idiot who stopped is not only blocking traffic but blocking my view of what's in the moving lane. I wish could tell them to just keep moving and I will make my turn after I wait for and see an opening in both lanes.

    When I try to wave them on they usually act weird and it takes them awhile to figure out to just go. I sure am not going to try to drive blind across a moving lane and get T-boned. They just don't get it, I guess.
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    pat84pat84 Member Posts: 817
    Somewhere in a galaxie, far, far away, I was taught that one should not enter an intersection that one can not exit. In bumper to bumper traffic, if everyone did not enter intersections that they could not exit, left turns would be easy.
    That was in the driver's handbook over 40 years ago.
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    robertrrobertr Member Posts: 125
    I should have been more clear - I was referring mainly to making left turns into driveways without a traffic light - restaurant, office, store, etc. off a busy multi-lane street.

    But speaking of intersections, there is one near my office where traffic backs up. On more than one occasion, I have stopp just before the intersection because there wasn't room to exit the other side. Many times someone takes the opportunity to occupy the space in front of me -coming from a driveway or the other lane- and then they sit in the intersection blocking traffic. Unbelievable.
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    orangelebaronorangelebaron Member Posts: 435
    doing you a favor by stopping to let you turn left in front of them. They stop, smile and wave you on with this "I'm a nice SUV driver!" look on their face.
    But they can't understand why you are looking at them like... Uh thanks but no thanks... I CAN"T FREAKIN SEE PAST YOU! So dont do me any favors, OK?
    These people "being nice" are actually not being smart by creating a traffic hazard involving a turning car (or someone cutting across stopped traffic) and cars whizzing by blindly in the right lane.

    So please.... if you own a tall vehicle please avoid being nice at the wrong time.
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    pat84pat84 Member Posts: 817
    I drive a Honda Odyssey. Does that excuse me from having to be nice ? I can handle that. ;)
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    orangelebaronorangelebaron Member Posts: 435
    You don't have to be nice! My friend needed a minivan so I told him to get the Odyssey. It's grey-green. Great minivan. We checked out the Windstar too. But when the skin on my hand got caught in the console latch (it happened once in a Lincoln also), I was quickly reminded why Honda is so popular.

    I tried to get my skin (on my hand that is!) caught in door and glove latches in Hondas and Toyotas. No matter how hard I tried, you cannot snag your skin in one of these cars. What's wrong with Ford?
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    ghuletghulet Member Posts: 2,564
    Again today, I almost was in a collision with an idiot at a stop sign. I think people (in Chicago at least) think a stop sign is a 'formality'. That is, as long as they've stopped, it doesn't matter who has the right of way, it's automatically their turn. I was stopped at a stop sign, turning left (yes, with signal on). I waited for the oncoming driver (going straight) to go through the intersection. I started my left turn, as the person behind the original driver started going through, angrily honking at me. Many people don't understand the rule(s) here: they think as long as they're going straight and I'm turning left, they have the ROW, regardless of how long I've been sitting there. Duh, this isn't a traffic light, it's a stop sign.

    I also know people who just play 'follow the leader' through stop signs. As long as one person in a line stops, we can all go through without stopping, right?
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    tboner1965tboner1965 Member Posts: 647
    I'm at a traffic light this morning, when a car on the side street obviously blows a red light by turning left in front of me a good 5 seconds after my light goes green. I'm gesturing towards the red light, and can see the Deputy sees this as well.

    He doesn't even bother to go after the inconsiderate motorist, instead he parks outside a cafe to get his morning coffee and donut.

    I guess I'm more dangerous on an interstate at 10 over without a car near me on a sunny day in a well maintained car.


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    ghuletghulet Member Posts: 2,564
    Don't even get me started. There are *never* Chicago police around to arrest the wide variety of crazies I see, but the minute I do a 'rolling' stop through one of the 900 pointless signs I go through every day, I'm nailed.
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    kinleykinley Member Posts: 854
    It is the left turners obligation to wait until the oncoming traffic has finished. It's not "every other one goes".
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    pbhattipbhatti Member Posts: 87
    I'm i84 in CT today near manchester and this state trooper comes up @ around 80+ mph behind me (i'm doing about 70) and starts riding my bumper me for like a 1/2 mile. Then she pulls next to me and gives me a dirty look; like i was doing something wrong - I wanted to give her the one finger peace sign but I figured she would have pulled me over and given me a ticket for some other thing. I just took the exit before my intended exit and took local roads for the rest of my drive. And cops wonder why some of us really hate them.
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    davv62davv62 Member Posts: 76
    I had that happen to me once. A cop came up behind me and tailgated me for a while. I wasn't speeding or doing anything wrong (for once) but he followed me until I got off the highway. He even followed me down the exit ramp, but then he gave up.

    I think cops do that when they suspect you were doing something wrong, and they're trying to rattle you or watch you very closely. She was probably annoyed that she couldn't nail you for the thing that she was sure you did wrong. Or maybe she was told to be on the lookout for a car with your general description that was involved in something more serious than a traffic violation, and she was trying to see if you acted funny when she followed you.

    I've developed a fairly cavalier attitude about cops after driving this many years (23). I respect them but I don't let them rattle me anymore. I just drive the way I want and don't worry too much if I see a cop, unless I'm going way over the speed limit, in which case I'll slow down if I can. I drove many years before I got my first ticket, and ironically the cops rattled me more then than they do now. I realized after I got stopped a few times that the fear of it is much worse than the reality. Now if I get stopped, I have the "it's not my first ticket and it won't be my last ticket" attitude. Unless you're drunk or doing something really crazy, the only thing they can do to you is hand you a piece of paper.

    One time I got really lucky with a cop following me. I was doing 80-85 mph in a 55 mph zone of I-91 just above Hartford, CT. It was early on a Sunday morning with no traffic, and I can't keep the lead out of my shoes under those circumstances, whatever the risk. I passed an entrance ramp and a cop got on behind me. I thought I was busted for sure and had visions of a $300 ticket. I took my foot off the gas but didn't want him to see my brake lights, so it took some time for me to slow down to a reasonable speed. He just followed me for one exit and got off. That was a lucky break.
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    ranaldranald Member Posts: 147
    At a 4-way stop it is indeed "every other one goes".
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    pbhattipbhatti Member Posts: 87
    They might have been looking for someone because I passed by like 4 or 5 troopers from waterbury to hartford. Usually I'm "lucky" if I see one or two for the whole month.
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    davv62davv62 Member Posts: 76
    Or maybe they were running one of their famous sting operations and were disappointed that you weren't going faster so they could nail you.

    I find that in Connecticut, on the highways cops are an all or nothing thing. They are either out in full force or completely absent. They tend not to do much routine enforcement on a day to day basis, but instead to have targeted "operations" on certain roads and on certain days of the week that involve a lot of manpower. There must have been some operation going on when you saw so many of them.

    A few years ago, I was riding with my buddy to Boston on I-84 (on the fourth of July) and the troopers busted him for speeding (about 80 mph) in Newtown. He's the type of guy who resumes the speed that he got written up for before the ink on his ticket is even dry, and on this day he very narrowly missed two more tickets a little further up the road where they had more speed traps. We didn't breathe easy until we hit the Mass. Pike.

    The moral of the story is, when driving in Connecticut, if you see one cop, watch out, because you'll probably see a lot more.
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    davv62davv62 Member Posts: 76
    Worse than four way stops, some people don't seem to know that they have to yield right of way at a yield sign.

    There is a highway exit near my house that feeds into a main road, with a yield sign for those getting off the highway, and no room to merge. That means that if there is a car on the main road, the car on the exit ramp must stop and wait for traffic to clear.

    Several times, I have almost been hit by morons who barrel right through the yield sign into my lane. I have to be extra careful when I drive there to avoid an accident with those idiots. There was actually a fatal accident there about two weeks ago.
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    ghuletghulet Member Posts: 2,564
    So does that mean that I sit there, when all directions have a stop sign, waiting to turn left, until everyone goes through it? So if traffic is heavy and cars are coming continually, I sit there all day, right? Duh, I don't think so!!!

    I think you need to re-read your Rules of the Road pamphlet, pronto.
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    im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883
    What if you're going the speed limit, then can't you just pick and choose what traffic laws you wish to obey and to what extent?

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