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Chevrolet Impala Paint Problems



  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    I would have thought you were getting a fair shake other than the water spots affecting the evaluation. What...they couldn't spot wash a section of the car to evaluate it? That part is a little sad but hopefully the wash and wax did show some improvement.
  • 06fasst06fasst Member Posts: 48
    got the 06 ss silverstone metallic hood repainted due to stone chipping spoke with reg gm manager in person and he was more that happy to take care of it after bbb inquiry
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Don't know yet, Ron. I had the list of other problems still in existence, including the heater for the 3rd time, and I haven't gotten it back yet. Haven't heard a word since about noon last Tuesday. I tried calling, but didn't get my advisor. Left a message and haven't gotten a call back. I'm going to try again today. It's making me pretty nervous.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    I have a feeling might have to go the bbb route also since that's what the gm rep mentioned as my next step.
  • tomc1965tomc1965 Member Posts: 7
    I have a 2007 Precision Red Impala LS. The hood looks like it has followed behind gravel trucks all 18449 miles.
    I just bought it used though so probably have no say in what GM will do. Even as a certified used vehicle the local dealer won't repaint a car before he sells them. My last vehicle had a huge scratch that was filled in with a paint stick. Pure amateur job. They were going to charge me $900 to repaint the scratch.
    I just figured I would have my Impala painted some day to a blue color as I hope to have it for many many years and like blue much better. As long as I can paint it before it rusts through. I just couldn't get a new vehicle or I would have gotten a blue one anyway.
  • susanm5susanm5 Member Posts: 21
    Well, I had my entire car repainted after going to the BBB,and got it back on April 6th from the Chevy dealer. I have driven it 600 miles since then and have at least 25 chips in the paint on the hood and bumper. The Body shop manager told me to bring it in on Friday to have his paint guy look at it. I am so sick over this car. Any advice on what to do? The car has 11,400. miles on it and is Precision Red Impala SS. Please help-the Paint Fumes are killing me! Real funny,Frank!
  • tomc1965tomc1965 Member Posts: 7
    I would make sure they fix what they just painted. Then use a car bra or something to protect it until you decide what you want to do. Hpefully that won't also damage the paint.
    Or have them fix it and then have them pay to have it clearcoated with several coats. Or go somewhere where they know paint to have it clearcoated.
    I may just add a car bra or hard plastic bug shield to protect the hood. That won't change the chips in the bumper or hood all ready there though. I wish I had an answer for you.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Susan, I'm the other woman with the sport red paint and lots of chips. The GM regional rep wouldn't agree to paint my whole car, only do touch up. It's in the shop now, but when I checked on it they said the touch up didn't do so well so they were painting the whole hood. Regional guy said I had lots of warranty left and if the rest of the car continued to chip I could go to BBB and file a report and possibly get more done, or they might buy it back through arbitration. I'm waiting to see what it looks like when they get through. I've had it 9 months and have 16K miles on it; looks more like it is 2-3 years old and I drive gravel roads. I even have a chip on the roof! After I get it back, I'll post how it turned out.
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    A year ago I talked my barber into buying an Impala instead of an Accord (long story I'll post here one day). Every time I'm in to get a haircut I ask about the car, and she's always bragging on it (she has a long commute, and is very pleased with the comfort and fuel economy of the car).

    Anyway, today when I went in I asked her about the paint on her car, because I knew she had gotten a maroon one (I forget the actual paint color, but I knew it was a shade of red); she immediately said she had indeed had problems with the paint chipping on her hood. She said they weren't big chips (she described them as "gnat-sized"), but they had shown up all over the hood. Her husband had noticed the chips and asked her to take it to the dealer, but she was told they could touch-up the spots, but they'd probably look worse than they did now. I informed her that hers wasn't an isolated case, as there were a number of folks posting here about the problem.

    Just wanted to mention it here so you'd know there was another one out there. Also was just on the G6 board and someone there was posting about their red G6 paint chipping too. Am I correct that the problems all seem to involve red paint, or are there other colors involved too?
  • susanm5susanm5 Member Posts: 21
    Wanda, I didn't make out too well at the dealer on Friday-they said there were chips in my windshield and grill,so I must have had stone chips AGAIN! I swear to God I didn't and they told me back in March before they repainted the whole car that I had chips in my windshield. How can they determine that they happened in the last 2 weeks! I spent an hour with GM customer service and was basically told they were taking the dealer's side. So I reopened my BBB case. I am taking the car to a body shop tomorrow to ask their opinion on the paint job-I have seen several small bubbles and I don't think they should be there. To top it off I work with racehorses and one got loose today and ran into my back bumper with a jog cart and scraped it. This car is cursed! BBB is supposed to get back with me on Wednesday afternoon. I would say that there is definately something up with the paint on these Impalas!
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Mine is back in the shop to have the bad job fixed, but only the hood and overspray on other parts of the car. The other chips are not being looked at. I'd like them to tell me how I got a stone chip on the top of the trunk lid and the roof. They took a look at my windshield too, but didn't mention whether they saw chips or not. Once this is done again, the advisor said we'd go over the car with the service manager and see about the stuff they don't fix like the new scratches I had after they detailed it. I can't wait for this one. I've about had it with taking off work to go and check things out to find they are not fixed or are made worse.
  • robsandirobsandi Member Posts: 4
    The exact same things are happening to me with my new Impala. I bought it two months ago and the paint is chipping off the hood and there are other questionable spots on the body. Also my remote distance is awful and I have already had a new tire sensor put on. When I took it to the dealers this morning all I got was it is just stone picks. I am already disgusted and have just started this fight. I wish I had gone with Toyota.
  • robsandirobsandi Member Posts: 4
    I have so many paint chips on my hood it looks like polka dots of gray against the red. Took it to my dealer and his response "it's stone picks". I have had this car only two months. I have already had a tire sensor replaced. I will keep fighting this. No wonder GM is in trouble. I thought about a Toyota full size car and now I know what a mistake I made not buying one. I am totally disgusted, this was my retirement car and now I will spend my days fighting with GM. Some retirement.
  • 2407greg2407greg Member Posts: 2
    Was just wondering if anyone has had any issues with the paint and or clearcoat on the hood of their car? I have had problems two times on my 07 Impala so far during the first month of ownership-very dissapointed. Im not sure if there is a problem with the paint or the clearcoat or if the bodyshop has just not repaired the problem properly. I have had to return the vehicle on 2 different times for same problem;just on 2 different areas of the hood. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    So far, the big problems have been with the red colors. Yours is the first I've seen on the forum I've seen with blue paint. All I can suggest is to read through the posts and see what the others have done in getting their issues addressed although I'm not sure they were satisfied.

  • bugley1bugley1 Member Posts: 10
    I have a 2006 Black and i had paint problems you could see through the paint to the primer on many spots they have since sent the car to get painted in those spots and it is better than it was but still not what you would expect on a new car. I got my car from Power Chevrolet (what a mistake) everything they fixed they caused a new issue painted the pillar added big gouge in the roof
  • kacx4kacx4 Member Posts: 1
    As far as the remote issue goes, just take it in to the dealer. I just got my transmitter and antenna replaced and I can actually start and unlock from more than 10ft.
  • scottvmscottvm Member Posts: 1
    I have an 07 metallic blue and have been having an issue with the paint on the trunk. I have only had the car a month and this is the third time this has happened. There is a spot that appears (looks like melted chocolate) about the size of a dime. I wipe it off, it has a very oily smell.

    Any ideas???
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    Is this coming from UNDERNEATH the paint, or something dropping on the car (like from a bird or a tree)?

    I ask because the other day I was leaving work and noticed a stream of some type of reddish liquid on my windshield. I made the mistake of trying to run the washer/wiper to rinse it off, and it smeared all over the windshield. Upon closer examination it proved to be transmission fluid, which I can only surmise was leaking out of a car parked above mine in the parking garage.

    Had this not dripped on my windshield but somewhere else on the vehicle, or if I hadn't noticed it as soon as I got in the car, I probably would have been baffled as to where it came from. But if you park in any type of parking deck and it's on an upper surface of the car, I'd check your parking spot first.
  • oshomomoshomom Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2007 Royal Blue Impala and this is also happening to my car. I have spots on my hood, roof, trunk and the driver side panals. When I first brought my car in the service manager picked the paint off the one spot while trying to tell me it was bird poop or sap. Then he realized what he did and then went in. THe other guy I think the owners son came out and said it was "fall out" When he reallized I didnt live in Sudbury he said I should wait for the service mng. The following week when I brought it in he tried the FALL OUT thing and then tried to tell me it was the acid in the bugs. I'm not an idiot. They tried to tell me it would not be covered under warrenty. BUll [non-permissible content removed] I said. SEEN as though they CARED they would take it in and fix it. But at first they didnt want to sand the factory paint off.....When I went in to see my car the only part that had not been sanded down to the primer was the passenger side. I freaked I told THe service manager that it had better be the same as the day I got it... He said it should....he then told me that they had to take the interior panal off to take the onstar antana apart to paint it. Now I am just fumming. 3 days later they called and said "they werent finished but the car would be left out in the parking lot for the weekend and wanted to know if we would take it home. Of course. When I got the car there were lumps in the new paint from debris. and dimples in the paint from a poor job. We voiced out concerns right away and they said "IT looked good when we took it out of the shop" On top of all this the first week I got the car there were actual chunks of treads missing from my tire which they had to replace and now the Onstar computer is not working. So now we have to wait for the onstar computer to come in so they can TRY and fix the paint AGAIN. Sorry about going on but I am soooo Upset that dealer ships can take advantage of people like this and get away with it. When I walk in there you can see it on their faces that they dont want to bother with me. THe guy I bought it off of doesnt even say hi....
  • oshomomoshomom Member Posts: 3
    My dealer ship is painting my car a 2007 royal blue impala with paint chips every ware including the trunk drivers side panal and roof. But not sure if that is a good idea either. I have to bring my car back in for them to fix the fixed paint problem . I just called GMAC and they are going to contact the district Manager. But these guys all work under the same umbrella. This is going to be A BIG FIGHT.
  • oshomomoshomom Member Posts: 3
    Just be really carfull with that. They suck at painting.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Had a bad tie-rod so took my 06 to a different shop than the dealer I've been having so many problems with. Mentioned the paint rubbing off on the weather stripping in the door openings and he just called to say that he had the service mgr look at it and they determined it was because there is no clearcoat on the paint in the door wells.

    Now that makes me wonder if there is no clearcoat on the entire car and that is why I was having problems with chipping. Where should I go to get the paint on other parts of the car tested to see if there is clearcoat on it?
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    On my 2000 there's no clear coat on the door jambs, the trunk lid, etc...only on the exterior portions. I presume this is to reduce costs, but in any event I don't think you should get the impression that they missed this on your particular car...I think they're all that way.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    That may be true, but we looked at another one sitting in the service bay and there was no paint rubbing off on the weatherstripping on it. The weatherstripping along the top of my driver's door is almost totally red where the paint has come off and along the top of the door jamb is now white where it is only the primer showing. It is not rubbing as badly on the other doors, but 95% of the time no one is riding with me. It made me wonder if that was possibly why I was getting so many chips, especially on the roof and trunk lid, etc.
  • susanm5susanm5 Member Posts: 21
    Here is an update on my Precision Red 07 Impala ss- the paint is still chipping off of the bumper and hood. The car looks like it is several years old instead of one. Very diappointed with Chevrolet-will never buy another!
  • norbnancynorbnancy Member Posts: 118
    On the 50+ cars I have owned, there usually was some paint chipping after some use. After all, at 50 - 70mph a tinney or large pebble comming at you at 50 - 70 mph( total 100 -140 mph) you would think some damage would be done. I am pleased to be behind the windshield and sheet metal and not the first one there. Most auto stores sell touch up paint. If carefully applied, the evidence is minimal.
    Chevrolet is no worse than other cars in the paint chip department. Enjoy the ride.
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    The issues these people are talking about are far worse than normal paint chipping. Some have paint chipping off the roofs and trunk lids. I agree that chipping is normal but not the way it is happening with certain paint colors.
  • susanm5susanm5 Member Posts: 21
    I had a 2000 Red El Dorado and drove it for 7 years and only had 1 paint chip! I also have a Ford Truck that I encounter the salt truck with all the time and not one chip in 25,000 miles! My Impala had chips at 3,000 miles! :lemon:
  • 92735i92735i Member Posts: 25
    I am in the auto body paint business and am in dealership and private body shops all day long. Chevy does not clear the inside of the hood, door jambs, etc. intentionally. This decision is pure cost cutting NOT quality! Clear coat is cheaper than base coat (color) but the cost of materials plus labor and production time is significant.
    I was at a chevy dealer yesterday (2/5/08) and body shop manager stated they painted 3 hoods on brand new showroom Impalas. The manager stated the problem appeared like "a blob of bird poop...in the same spot on all three cars..."

    If there ever was a production problem this is it. My guess is contamination in the production line at GM where a robot or other peice of equipment was leaking fluid or oil of some type and a number of Impalas moved under and through while catching a drop of contamination on top of the clear coat on the same spot of the hood.

    I am now in the market to replace my 1992 BMW 735i with 257,000 miles on it. I am the original owner. I am an independant sales agent and drive 500-1000 miles a week here out of Chicago across the entire midwest. I need a new car that can handle high mileage with minimal repairs AND drive through snow regardless of how bad the weather is.

    I was hoping to purchase an American car...I have always driven German or Japanese cars...after reading posts about this Impala which I was leaning towards the SS, and reading posts on the Charger and Magnum....FORGET IT!!!

    I can't afford a car that has been manufactured with shoddy quality (paint on Impala) with focus on cost cutting....and the Dodge's reportedly having transmission problems and steering rack problems...I know because I bought my wife a brand new Chrysler Town and Country LTD with AWD for safety. They've had to replace tranny, steering rack, water pump, tie rod bushings, sway bar bushings...our van has 68,000 miles.

    My bimmer has original engine and tranny. No problems with drivetrain. Original A/C compressor, original starter motor, original brake master cylinder, power steering pump, etc.

    I wonder if I should just spend $5k-$7k to refresh my car and just keep driving it and save $20k or more.

    Very disappointing on "American made".
  • ktr48ktr48 Member Posts: 1
    I happened on this site by accident and by chance I have a huge amount of paint chips on the hood of my 2007 precision red Impala. Is this something to head to the dealer about? I just thought we got blasted by a truck or something but could not think of when. I have never had a car this small before so I just thought it was because the front end was so low. If anybody has any warranty info on this please let me know! I hate to mess with the factory paint but the chips look like crap on a new car.
  • stanyhstanyh Member Posts: 4
    The newer Impala's have a low hood line. Its an invitation for rocks to fly on. You may easily fix the problem by having 3M plastic molded on the hood.

    I had a 2004 new generation Toyota Sienna with the same problem. However, notice how the zinc stays on the metal surface on the Impala. Thus the hood may lack the paint, but there is no rust. With the Sienna, the paint chipped of, so did the zinc. Thus the hood rusted.

    Honda's have a worst reputation. Paint chips very easily.

    Our roads are much more populated than before, and many roads have much rocks and contaminants on them. The car in front of you has these rocks flying at high speed towards your car. Its tough to keep a car new today.

    Its certainly not the fault of the manufacturer if rocks fly all over our cars. 3M plastic will help. Even than, rocks will tear the plastic on small areas.

    GM typically has good automated paint shops. They have had some paint problems in the past on some models, Malibu, Corsica for example. But its rather rare. But the Impala has all good around components for the price paid. $26K Canadian for such an equipped vehicule is good. The Impala is also reliable. Its simply a good familly car that will do well for the dollars invested. :)
  • susanm5susanm5 Member Posts: 21
    My Precision Red 2007 Impala SS has chips on the whole bumper and starting to chip on the hood and fenders. It was repainted 3 months after I bought it new for the same problem. I would say that something is defective with this paint!
  • mkg1mkg1 Member Posts: 4
    yes I'm having same problem on my precision red 08 impala. the dealer said it was body style and normal stone chips, gm agreed. what know?
  • robsandirobsandi Member Posts: 4
    I had my Impala only 3 months before the paint on the hood started to chip off. I was told the same thing that it was normal. But if you looked at my hood you could see gray spots all over it where the paint was gone. I checked the internet and found out I was not the only one with this problem. My advise stick to your guns ask to see the regional manager and tell him you have researched this problem with the red paint coming out of Canada and GM has repainted them. File a complaint with Better Business. They will get back to you and the dealer. You will get action soon after filing a complaint. Also have all these paint complaints available to help you. GM repainted our hood and fenders. Also on these Impalas there was a recall for the back windows that scratched going up and down. They replaced them also.
  • 92735i92735i Member Posts: 25
    I feel sorry for us consumers who purchased the Impala. I really like the car and it is a value BUT, this is just anothere example of why Detroit is in the condition it's in.

    The tendency for the front hood to chip is not a paint defect, it is a design issue. The front nose is low and causes the hood panel to be a perfect target for gravel and sand.

    The paint defect is a production problem (as I described in my original post). Where paint, located high on the hood, seems to crust up like a boil. This appears in the same general area on many Impalas. This appears to be a contamination issue in the production line, thus the consistency of the reoccurence.

    As for rock chips, the only way to address this on the car is to install either a shield or the clear plastic film over the hood and fenders. Many detail shops and window tinting shops offer this.

    As for the paint defect, you should explore the BBB or lemon laws, or contact a regional official for GM/Chevy. As for me, I own a Ford!
  • mkg1mkg1 Member Posts: 4
    thanks for the heads up... by the way mine is an 07 also. and I looked again today and I have more it's starting on my doors. my car has the measles. It isn' the design. It's the paint.
  • turbotaguyturbotaguy Member Posts: 1
    My 08 Impala SS has severe chips all over the front end (fascia, hood, fenders, pillars). Like many here I thought I was behind a gravel truck, but I am sooo careful I knew it couldn't be.

    Has anyone really had good luck at a dealer having it repaired?
  • mkg1mkg1 Member Posts: 4
    I did not have any luck getting my chops fixed. And yes I keep getting more on my 08 impala.
  • sonyabsonyab Member Posts: 1
    I was noticing a huge amount of paint chips on the hood of my 2008 Impala SS which is Precision Red. I sold my 99 GTP Grand Prix to buy this car last summer and I have more paint chips and scratches on this car in less than a year than during the 9 years with my GTP. I drive strictly highway and this is simply not normal wear and I did a web search and found this complaint to be common for the 07 and 08 "red" models. I not only have chips to my front bumper, hood, and roof line at the top of the windshield - but also my rear bumper started off with pin holes and now it has starred out. I bought my Impala when it was 6 months old and it was reported that the hood was already painted and of course was like new when I got it, but I wonder why??? Just thought I'd see if any one else was experiencing this and get my plan pulled together to get thid repaired. This paint finish is the worst I've ever seen and my huisband takes great care and pride in maintaining our vehicles by washing and waxing, but this really disappointing when my '99 paint looked better.
  • rvothrvoth Member Posts: 147
    Yes this is a very big problem, my dad just bought a 2008 SS at christmas time and has barely driving it. I wax it with megueirs NXT in april and noticed chips all over his Precision red SS paint , it only had 5400 km and he doesn't drive it often.
    It seems GM didn't apply enough paint on the cars or maybe the Oshuwa plant had problems with the painting process during assembly. Even if warranty would cover it you would be better off getting re painted at an excellent auto body shop, than at GM's in house body shop, and try and have GM pay for a professional paint job.

    It just won't happen :mad:
  • swampmamaswampmama Member Posts: 1
    My '05 Impala has missing paint spots on the hood but it is not like a typical paint chipping. They are like droplets of paint that have come off in perfect little circles about the size of small peas. I am certain this has NOTHING to do with driver error or misuse and my car is stored in a garage. I am VERY disappointed with my paint and will not stand for ANYONE telling me that it is "chipped" off. This is obviously a Chevy defect.
  • 92735i92735i Member Posts: 25
    I am in the collision repair business with many Chevy dealers as my customers. I work in their body shops...it is a well known fact by all GM dealer shops that these cars suffered from a production line contamination problem.

    You will find defects in showroom cars, I know because body men have told me they bring the cars "around back for us to spray them..." I also saw a black SS I was considering in the showroom with a boil the size of a bird dropping right on top of the hood.

    I know paint and body repair and know what to look for. The final straw was when I noticed GM no longer sprays clear coat inside the hood, trunk, and door jambs.

    This is a cost saving tactic.

    Your paint problems are known to GM. Go talk to the body men at the dealer shops...they'll whisper!
  • viette72viette72 Member Posts: 1
    I have a black 2008 Impala LTZ , The last time Iwashed it I noticed several dozen chips and blotches on the hood, roof and trunk and none on the front bumper or sides. I purchased a simonize protection package when I took the car to avoid these problems. In an attempt at good will the dealer washed and detailed it and recoated the simonize sealant. When we picked up the car the chips were just as noticeable and we were told thats all that could be done... they couldn't explain the stone chips under the spoiler and no marks on the sides of the car.... I notice that some mention was made of an area rep or possibly the BBB... Its rather discouraging to be treated like this especially since I have been doing business with this dealer since 1972!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 92735i92735i Member Posts: 25
    buffing or 'detailing' the cars paint finish will do nothing for stone chips. Your problem may be more systemic and probably not caused by stones but by contamination in the production line at GM plant where your car was assembled and painted. Get to the GM area rep and file a claim.
  • prigglypriggly Member Posts: 642
    I own a 2006 Impala SS. I have no paint chips at all!
  • drdee1drdee1 Member Posts: 2
    I helped my Mom buy a 2007 Maroon Impala - brand new. Currently, it has low miles on it. I spent the day waxing it - 3 coats exactly and buffing over and over. 3/4 of the car has little round pea like spots. It feels like sand paper on the hood, driver's side and trunk. I didn't notice it before as I live out of town and it has been a while since I was home. My parents are in their 80s and this is absolutely criminal. I am calling the dealer tom. morning and asking for a professional paint job from them. I don't live in their town and wonder if anyone had any luck getting a new paint job from the dealer or dollars to have someone else do it. This is sad, especially when it people like my parents have driven chevy for years and then this happens to them as they saved for years for a new car!! Any help would be appreciated.
  • 92735i92735i Member Posts: 25
    Just be aware if you repaint the car it will depreciate significantly. You want some sort of rebate or exchange for the defective car.
  • susanm5susanm5 Member Posts: 21
    I just traded in my 07 Precision Red Chevy Impala for a new Ford F 150 and the dealer gave me a few thousand less that I would have gotten because he knew it had been repainted by Chevy and it had paint missing on the whole front end. Thanks Chevy for screwing me over! :lemon: :lemon: :lemon:
  • rnjbazrnjbaz Member Posts: 1
    My 2005 Impala has big flakes of paint coming off all over the car--Is chevy doing anything to fix this problem for Impala owners?
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