I have just read all the posts in this forum and the "Talk to WG" forum (which was way more informative, helped me to decide against WG!) Edmunds please follow your own guidelines and DELETE and REVOKE the posts and membership of "yuxton" (post #119) and "jive5"(post 306, 304 - talk to WG forum) as they are abusive and insulting! somehow you allow these posts to remain for all to read yet you hide or delete posts critical of WG!! What gives? I guess its that "strategic alliance" with WG. The administrators of this site sure come across as a bunch of amateurs! Why don't you back up your words with appropriate and fair action?? Finally to all posters to this forum please read the "Talk to the WG" forum as it really might make you think twice about WG, there is also a link to an attempted claim as reported by a user of this site, interesting reading! After I read that forum I opted for my manufacturers warranty!
I had flashbacks to Tax time and trying to decipher all the lengthy IRS tax codes. Ahhhh...
I almost feel asleep trying to read that long document thanks for the free sleeping aid!!!
There exists a ton of ways for Warranty Gold to get out of paying a major claim and this on their VERY BEST Diamond bumper to bumper coverage!!!! Amazing. The audacity of not disclosing this upfront on their website when describing Diamond level coverage.
Maybe our new lawyer friend Peros could clue us in to all the legal loopholes of such a lengthy document.
It is looking likely that I'm going to bail on Warranty Gold , it seems like their may be some "legal" reprecussions of the Edmunds/Warranty Gold involvement scam and I for one don't want to be joining up with what seems to be a sinking ship.
Still waiting for responses to my questions and there is a slim chance Warranty Gold and Edmunds may be able to change my mind but I doubt it!
Thanks Peros for the legal opinions I would very much like to express my opinions as well to the CEO of Edmunds for the obvious censorship going on in the "Talk to the Warranty Gold Team" topic. Please post all contact information here for all annoyed participants to respond.
And thanks to Boltman, Nealf, Autoguru and Mike for seemingly exposing a modern day "Snake Oil" salesman on the new internet frontier.
Yuxton and Diesel5 please feel free to comment on automotive related issues in this forum. However, any posts that speak about another community member in an insulting manner will be deleted.
Just like I suspected warranty gold is refusing to refund all of my money back even though I have never had a chance to make a claim and cost them any money out of pocket. All this because these forums overwhelmingly convinced me a manufacturer plan is the only way to go. I have zero confidence in WG. Anyone who abandons the public for three months and skirts answering questions loses me as a customer.
You can be sure I'll be the 14th complaint on the Web-Assure web site against WG and I know Warranty Gold WILL give me a FULL refund eventually since they'll obviously want to keep intact their "perfect" record with resolved complaints. And thats the only way this complaint will be resolved.
It not right to keep MY money and pro-rate MY refund especially if MY vehicle is still under the original factory warranty ! You have provided absolutely NO SERVICE on my car. Give me a full refund now or I'll get it from you later. Promise.
Regarding your E-Mail excuse Bonnie:
You might as well delete my account as well because their is no way I'm giving you my real e-mail just so Edmunds can use it for their marketing efforts as well as selling my name to any one of their partners for years to come. Just say no to unwanted E-mail. Just say NO to SPAM !!!!!
I'm taking my fight to Web Assure and the BBB see you in those arenas Warranty Gold. Goodbye Edmunds.
Warranty Gold does not word our contracts with intent of buying our way out of any situation.
Then why on earth do you need such a lengthy exclusion list???
Would it be nicer to say your just "Protecting your assets" instead?
What are ALL those exclusions there for then on your "Best" coverage, if it isn't to avoid paying on some (not all) claims. Why don't you list this on your own website instead of hiding it? Would the length and content of your exclusion list scare some potential buyers away like myself. How many people never see your exclusion list because they don't know how to read E-Mail attachments? Why not just put this information in your web site and in the body of e-mail as to provide "Full and Complete" disclosure to those not computer savvy ? You wouldn't want to hide that list from anyone now would you Warranty Gold?
Why do you insist on providing most of your information by phone and e-mail rather than just being up front about everything on your own web site and by answering the questions asked here in the Edmunds forums rather than being either unavailable or evasive?
Warranty Gold please quit answering all your questions with the "Just call the BBB and check us out" response because the BBB is not going to have the answers to all the questions that remained raised and un-answered from the past several months in both of these Warranty Gold Q&A forums.
Are you afraid of putting answers in writing here where all can read??? Isn't this what these are for?
Oh I sure hope your not intending that last response of yours as an answer to all of Diesel's very specific questions asked of you last week. We all very much want answers to those questions.
Your the ones that asked to have this forum to sell your product so lets start responding to the direct questions instead of the old "Bob and Weave" we are used to seeing so far.
BTW what is an "honorable" response in your companies eyes. Is it a response with innacurate facts, little quantifiable content, and answers only to selected questions? All the time hoping people will ask you all their questions over the phone where there is no "paper-trail" to what was said or promised?
If so your being very "honorable" thanks for your "answers".
We have answered every question that has been asked by the consumer on this page. Darth, how about contacting me personally so that maybe I can assist you in getting your refund. Rather than insisting on accusing our company of "ducking" questions, why not ask some of your own and allow us to do what we are here for--educate the consumer. I am not on this forum to explain the economy, nor am I here to answer hate mail. We will continue to answer your questions in the same manner.
Sorry if this is long. We'll try to shorten it up, but it seems to be an example of typical experiences with WG based on what we've read in this news group. And we commend Mr. Rossi of WG for having a presence here. Even if his answers aren't exactly what people seem to want, he *is* here.
We bought a WG platinum coverage in July. The day we bought it, WG sent us another e-mail offering $100 off of exactly what we bought. We called our sales rep there to ask if we could get that $100 off of the nearly $1,200 warranty we paid. The rep said yes. We thought, "Great service."
What followed was two-month odyssey in what turned out to be a futile attempt to actually get the $100 discount. During this period:
- After three weeks of receiving no answer to our e-mail and voicemail messages following up on the $100 credit, we were finally called back and at first told that somehow WG had raised its prices $100 but the deal we got didn't include the $100 price raise, so we had actually already received a $100 discount. [Untrue, and we had e-mails with price quotes from WG to prove it.]
- So after another week we were told that we "didn't understand how the quote worked," and the sale rep walked us through it. At no point did any thing we were told exclude or address the $100 discount. We again requested that the company honor its word.
- Within a couple of days, we were called and told that the $100 discount was again a moot point, because the contract allegedly stated there was a "$100 surcharge for 4WD vehicles" and we had bought a warranty for our 4WD truck. We pointed out that 1) the e-mail quote we had received and could produce said nothing about a $100 surcharge and clearly identified our vehicle as a 4WD vehicle, 2) if WG planned to add surcharges *after* we had bought a warranty (remember, the alleged surcharge statement was supposedly in the contract, which we didn't receive until a few days after buying the warranty), then we considered that fraud, and 3) we could not find that surcharge statement in the contract in any case. So we were asked to forward the e-mail quote, which we did.
- Next, a week later, the sales rep offered to "split the difference" and pay $50 out of the sale rep's own pocket in an attempt to end this matter. We were flabbergasted, and asked why WG didn't just step up and address this instead of leaving its sales rep to pay. No answer other than "I really want to settle this and make sure you're satisfied."
- We then sent two e-mails to Mr. Cephus, the alleged president of WG whose name and e-mail address appears at the end of the e-mail offers WG send out. No response to either of our e-mails (though next to his name Mr. Cephus extolls the importance of customer service).
- Finally, two months after starting this, we just said cancel the warranty. If WG wanted to lose a $1,200 contract over $100, so be it. The sales rep said she could check into getting us a diamond coverage "for a really good price." We sighed and said, OK, tell us what you can get AND while you are at it, please tell us the dollar amount of our refund if we cancel.
A week later the rep offered us the diamond coverage at a price nearly $200 more than what we had already paid. No thanks, we said. What is the refund amount?
Surprisingly, WG refunded the entire amount of the original warranty, recognizing that our problem with them had started the day we responded to the quote.
So, now we have a refund but we still have no idea why WG was so obtuse about the whole thing.
After reading these forums Warranty Gold has had to face a very upset group of consumers for quite a long time I think they could use a well deserved break. I am still shopping for my new car warranty and want hear Warranty Gold's side to all the issues presented in this forum.
Give them a chance everyone!!! Let's be nice.
Mr Rossi,
From my own perspective you have done a good job retaining a presence in this forum. Others just might have gave up but you have stayed with us . But when you say "We have answered every question (posed) by the consumer on this page" you don't really believe that do you? We can read all the posts.
One that I want answered here so all of us can be clear. Especilly since this has been a hot topic recently in the news:
Will you authorize using original factory supplied (Mopar,Motocraft, Mercedes ect.) parts instead of "generics" if the Warranty Gold contract holder insists on only factory parts being used at his repair shop on his covered vehicle (if available)?
Generics have in many cases been shown to be substandard and can even raise an issue of safety concerns in some extreme cases.
Thank you for your responses and good luck Mr. Rossi
According to the specifics of our contract, page 3 , numeral 2, our contract states: "Replacement parts may be new, remanufactured or replacement parts of like kind and quality." This is totally up to the discretion of our underwriters. For example, if your vehicle has 93,000 total miles on it and the engine needs replacing, the authorization of a new engine is likely to not happen. Your car or truck engine will likely be replaced by a used engine of like components. This is as to the point as I can be on this particular question because we do not decide on this issue, our underwriters and your service advisor do.
Why do we have to worry about what an underwriter approves when you are the one selling us the policy? Seems to me it will be in the underwriters business to keep costs as low as possible so I assume Original Factory parts are out of the question since any claims your underwriters would approve would be on vehicles at least 3 years old not new. Guess you have to stay in business somehow.
WOW, Funny is not how I feel, I feel all most betrayed. I have been reading these posts for the last few months, and there has not been any that has changed how confident I felt purchasing there warranty. That was until NOW! Thanks cantwell3, you asked the question that did it for me. And Thank you Mr. Rossi for being honest. I would have never in my wildest dreams ever even think that a Warranty contract would replace a broken or worn part w/ a used one. I would of thought that would be against the law. Like they say "A fool born every minute".
OUCH!!! That hurt. I better start babying my car. I would of been satisfied with at least a remanufactured one. but another used engine to only have to worry about another break down is'nt good...
Our contracts are written to allow for either type of engine to be used. Do not assume, however, that we automatically replace your engine with a remanufactured one. I don't know why everything said in this forum has to be distorted into the absolute worst scenario possible. We, like every other warranty company in the world, have a claims administrator who handles our claims. Vandeano, you own a '97 Suburban so the chances of your vehicle being replaced with a remanufactured engine are slim. I stated a perfectly honest and possible scenario that of course was re-arranged to mean the absolute worst.
Why do we even have Warranty Gold answering questions about claims here. By their own admission all claim approvals and quality of parts used is determined by their underwriter.
Lets create a topic "Talk to the Underwriters"
This is a prime example of why a plan you buy from the brand of car you purchase is much better than these third party warranty only companies.
From day one every claim from a third party insurer is money out of their pocket reducing profits on your warranty sale.
On the other hand a manufacturer who sold you the coverage loses money as well but not at as great of a rate since they are able to replace parts at wholesale. In addition even if they lose money on you once as long as your happy with your car and their claim handling your very likely to remain brand loyal which means purchasing more $20,000 vehicle(s) and factory esp's in the future as well as recommend that make to your friends.
Remember you usually get what you pay for in this life.
I quoted from our contract booklet when I said we allow "new, remanufactured, or replacement parts of like kind and quality." to be used. I mistakenly opted for the word "used" from my own vocabulary while describing a possible scenario. I apologize for any confusion.
I initially ordered a Firehawk a year ago, contacted Warranty Gold and paid for a policy in advance to cover the car after it's arrival. Even took out a policy on my wife's new Firebird as well. When it became clear after a year that a Firehawk was not coming, I took delivery of a 2000 Ram Air. Even though this car is essentially equivalent to the Firehawk (or less as it is a production model with 10 less HP) and I had paid their bill in full (allowing them to use my money without any risk to them - no car had arrived, so no risk), they tried to up my premium $600 more. I've asked for full refunds from both policies, as this is just deceitful and I'm not paying for it. Anyone else have similar experiences?
Well, with all the positive things I have heard about WG, I didn't expect this to happen. But now I will, perhaps, reconsider my opinion about WG.
I purchased WG on my Geo Prizm'96 when it was still covered by factory warranty, at 32K miles and 2 years 3 months old. I sent a claim to WG only once, when the springs on the brakes were replaced (which wasn't the part of regular maintenance!). My claim was bounced back and never paid. It was around $24, so I survived. Now I am cancelling the WG since I no longer own the car. The Customer Service Manager is trying to pro-rate me the way like I used WG since the moment I purchased the car till now, not since the moment I purchased the WG! I hope it's just her misunderstanding and she is confusing the words "in service" and "under coverage", so I wrote her a letter with explanation of those simple terms. WG cancellation policy is posted on the Web and clearly states how the pro-rating should done. But if she still doesn't understand, and I am not reimbursed in full, or if I spend too much time getting my money back ... I promise to post everywhere I can a message about MY NEGATIVE EXPERIENCE WITH WARRANTY GOLD !!!
By the way, Mr.Rossi, the customer responses at WG site are posted by WG, not by customers, so they are not actual responses. No wonder everyone sounds so happy! How about open forum?
And to the rest of you, folks: it absolutely doesn't make sense to buy WG when your car is fresh from the dealer, or if you have driven it for a while and it never failed, like mine did. And if it's a lemon and causes you a lot of problems even under factory warranty, you'd better get rid of it. So I don't see much sense in Extended Warranty. It's better to invest money in a more reliable car.
What is your Warranty Gold contract number? Perhaps I can assist you in your efforts. We would not like to lose you as a cutomer, but do understand that some issues are beyond our control. How about calling me directly so that I can try to personally help you.
Talked to Mr.Rossi... he also doesn't understand that their company has no legal rights to charge for the time when the customer didn't have any contract with them. Warranty Gold is a lousy company, and I am very surprised that such a respectable place as Edmunds still keeps the link to it and gives it such a good reference. Just try to get your money back from them!
...to me that Warrranty Gold is no better than any other third party warranty company. Which is to say, they will do anything possible to get out of paying anything to anyone.
I'm also disappointed that Edmunds is associated with this company. I've noticed that most of the naysayers have mysteriously disappeared from this forum. I can only hope that those of us that have seen what has gone on here can "keep the flame" and continue to warn potential customers away from Warranty Gold.
Well, it's a kind of victory, but I had to go through their legal department and write them a letter showing that their idea of pro-rating is, gently speaking, not quite right. Those of you who decides to use WG, please be aware that their policy and T&C on the contracts has been changed in August'98 and differ from those posted on the web site. Review the contract very carefully before signing.
While considering a new Mitsu Montero, I have decided, based largely on postings in this forum, to initially avoid WG. However, I did call WG at 12:45 AM, just to see if anyone was there; they were.
I have read some of the posts in this and other topic rooms and am amazed that Edmunds.Com allows itself to be affiliated with companies that can post on to this chat room in the same manner as "Joe Citizen." Isn't there a conflict of interest inherent here? I think so.
My question is to anyone who has had experience with purchasing an extended warranty from the dealer, a policy that pertains directly to the manufacturer involved AND a CAR SOLD BY THAT dealer, i.e.: Is it possible (and better) to buy an extended warranty (by BMW as the insurer) on a new BMW from a BMW dealer than from a "third party company," such as Warranty Gold? Or, is this question not germaine?
Maybe a better question would be: Who sells what? I have never looked into this subject but will do so before factory warranty expires in 2+ years.
Of course it is. But you pay more money. By purchasing a after market warranty, you throw another company into the loop and may set yourself up for possible conflicts. But the upside is you save money.
If you want the peace of mind buy the manufacturer warranty. I chose warranty gold, I thought they had the best reputation of all 3rd party warranty companies and I saved alot of money. Plus they had a 5year/150k plan which most other companies don't. Works great for me, I drive about 35 thousand miles a year.
We feature partner dedicated topics, as well as occasionally having special events featuring manufacturers, so that our community members can have direct access to ask questions or express their concerns.
These companies cannot post as a regular member does, as they must first be verified by us, and then clearly identify who they are in every post.
We feel that rather than being a conflict of interest, this is a service we provide that includes both positive as well as negative feedback for our members to review.
Most of our members seem to like having this type of direct access to information.
Bonnie Rick Town Hall Community Manager, Edmunsd.com
Thank you for shedding new light on the subject. I hadn't thought of it that way, i.e., as you described.
Question: Does Edmund's ever encourage any automobile manufacturer to post on Edmunds.com as a partner? I realize that there are so many different companies and that things would get rather crowded - but - it seems like the idea has some merit. (??)
Just looking around in the different chat rooms from time-to-time it appears that a lot of topics have not had any postings for quite some time. Many of them do not draw any meaningful interest. It seems like it would be a good idea to clear out some of the "old" stuff to make room for a batch of manufacturers. At least it would open the door more to hear from the makers.
While we do not partner with manufacturers, we do offer them the opportunities to come in and talk with our members in special time limited events in specific Conferences. These are announced on the Town Hall front page as scheduled.
And lastly, yup, we're behind on our housekeeping, but are trying to work on it.
Glad to be of help! Hope to see you in the News and Views topic...
Bonnie Rick Town Hall Community Manager, Edmunds.com
Sounds to me like we have a bunch of citizens who either can't read or choose not to read the information that is provided by WG,ie.. #127 darth3 and #144 alatoo.You non-reading citizens, it clearly states how the pro-rated method works in their contract and you had 30 or 60 days to review before accepting the agreement. Maybe you should read instead of waiting for a disagreement to arise and then blaming someone else for your ignorance.Dealerships pro-rate their warranties the same way,it is a industry standard. Please save the town hall for legitimate questions and concerns. Quit venting due to your inability to either read or understand what you read. Note: to fellow postees, my original post contained a few colorful metaphores: However, I was edited for content. It sounded better the first time around. Mr.Davis
I have recently been reading through the various posts on Extended Warranties. Check out post #244 on topic #10. What is Warranty Gold trying to pull here. The gentleman that left that post is the Sales Manager for Warranty Gold. Now if that isn't self promotionI don't know what is. Whats wrong don't you guys have any customers to say good things about you,You have to make stuff up. For a company who is as large as you say and has as many customers as you claim. You shouldn't half to have people make things up to get customers to buy under falsepretenses. Warranty Gold I think not more like Warranty Copper.
Ok, first off I am not an employee of WG or affiliated with them except as a customer. My experience is through the Diamond coverage.
I have been a customer since late May. In October, I had a failure of the auto climate system in my Ford EB Explorer. The dealer ID'ed the problem and determined the repair charge. Major repair. Big time bucks; an in excess or above the premium I paid for my policy. I was apprehensive that WG would be true to its word and cover the repair. However, WG took care of the repair without any hassle. I have a couple of years left and many thousands of miles that WG will protect me through.
I don't know if my experience is unique or common. I suspect that for every unhappy customer there is usually a happy customer, or more. I believe that we will hear more from the unhappy customer than otherwise. When unhappy I get vocal and warn as many as I can about my experience. When happy I lay low. Human nature I guess.
I trust the individuals who post and their experiences, good or not. I treat their information as another ingredient in my decision to purchase. Thank you for telling us.
Well, Mr. Gibian, it's always great to see a successful claim story from our company. And no, you are not the exception, you are the rule. All of the statements I have made about customer service and Better Business Bureau records are based completely on the way claims like yours are handled. You are also correct in saying that the negative occurrences are more publicized than the positive experiences. In our view, it's because service such as what you received should be expected, not a complete shock. Your way of thanking us would be to refer customers to our company. We have a program that awards $50 per referral for those who spread the word about Warranty Gold. Once again, thank you for your response.
I recently had multiple problems with my 97 Tahoe. I have approx 75K miles on it and have begun to see shortcommings. Just replaced the alternator, pittman arm, idler arm, both front differential seals, etc. Bill at dealer came to over $850. I expected to get the run-a-round from Warranty Gold, but to my surprise, the out of pocket was less than $80.00! They worked well with the dealership and the dealership was impressed with the results, as their typical experiences with 3rd party warranty companies are usually unpleasant. Bottom Line: Worked great, and I'll probably buy again before manuf. warranty expires on 99 Sierra.
I will NEVER AGAIN buy a Warranty Gold policy! In 1995 I purchased a new car and the only extended warranty that was offered was Warranty Gold. I needed approval twice on repairs that were supposed to be covered and was refused. When I called them, they were rude and all but told me that I was "a misinformed woman who should know more about my automobile." My car was being repaired by a reputable dealer who had been in my community for years and when I contacted the dealer who sold me my car, they told me they no longer offered Warranty Gold. An expensive lesson learned and with my new car have purchased a Premium Extended Warranty from Ford. Hopefully, the service AND attitude from Ford will be much better if and when I need to use the warranty. Shame on Warranty Gold!
Ok folks, lets stop calling this Edmunds and start calling it the Warranty Gold response site for Mr Rossi. This forum is for people to tell the good and bad of their recent experiences, not be "helped" by Mr Rossi. If WG needs this site to resolve customer complaint issues, they are in big trouble.
I tried to get a quote from WG recently and was given the run around. I wanted an email with what was NOT covered. All I ever got was a discount offer if I purchased the Policy. And no, I dont want to hear from Mr Rossi about this either.
I too can't get info about the soundness of Warranty Gold. Was referred to A.M.Best & found no listing for a Warranty Gold. I was referred to a Consumer Digest & no connection could be made with its server. Continually I'm getting e-mail from one of its reps. I'm searching for an outside impartial report!
Their website mentions a "trust reserve" and the ratings of their reinsurers, who they say are rated by A.M. Best.
They don't say who these reinsurers are, how the reinsurance works, whether this "trust reserve" is legally insulated and established for the sole purpose of paying expected warranty claims, who is responsible for establishing the reserve and ensuring its adequacy, and who audits all this.
I'll gladly pay $3000 for a 7 yr / 100,000 mi. Diamond Plus warranty for my Audi S4, but need some comfort that they can actually keep their end of the bargain. This is essential to have the "peace of mind" they are selling.
Actually, I've already purchased their warranty but will return it for a refund (which I can do in the first 60 days) unless the Warranty Gold people can provide some clear answers.
Frankly, I don't give a rat's behind how good the contract looks, if they can't convince me they'll be around 7 years from now to honor it.
The actual insurance company that backs up my Warrenty Gold policy is Interstate National Dealer Services Inc, Mitchel Field NY. Assuming you have the same administrator that is who will be listed in AM Best (look at the bottom of your contract).
I bought a WG policy on a Nissian Sentra for my daughter. At 40,000 miles (just a few weeks ago) she had a starter problem. She took it to our regular mechanic. The mechanic was told by the administator to perform some kind of diagnostic check (payment for which was authorized by them). Our mechanic couldn't perform the check so he sent her to the Nissian dealer.
My daughter "forgot" to invoke warrenty gold before the work was done at the Nissan dealer, so we were stuck with the bill.
This is our fault, not WG's. The next time the Sentra breaks down I'll give you an update.
I buying new Ford tomorrow, and I'll be interested to see how Ford's warrenty compares to WG.
I have no connection with Warrenty Gold except as a customer.
You had a warranty when the starter failed, and WG did not cover the repair because of diagnostics?
What the hek kind of diagnostics do you need to run on the dam thing!!!! If you replace the starter and it works fine after words it's a bad starter, Plain and simple. I would demand they reimburse you for the repair. That is BS!
I purchased a 5yr/150k policy and have yet to get a chance to use it. I hope to god I do not have to struggle with repair issue's.
This company is losing more and more credibility everyday.
I bought a warranty gold diamond coverage a year ago on a '96 mustang and a few weeks ago a rod was thrown. After Ford got the engine all apart and looked at it they came to the conclusion that the inside was so messed up because of metal fragments and bearings being heated that the whole engine should be replaced to fix this the right way. Warranty Gold decided that they will just replace most of the parts in the engine and have me pay for the cleaning of the engine and replacing the rings and freeze plugs that get replaced when cleaning the engine cast.
So everyone thinking about buying Warranty Gold do not buy it.
A service repairman has told me that Ford does not work with InterState claims and that he didn't know that at the time he started working on my '96 mustang. So if you like to take your Ford Vehicle to a Ford dealership and are thinking about buying a Warranty Gold contract this is another reason not to.
This is an addenum of my previous posts about problems with Warranty Gold and Interstate message #171.
I just wanted to say that Warranty Gold and Interstate have decided to go ahead and replace my engine with a long block which is a remanufactured engine with mostly new parts and has been totally cleaned out and inspected with no cost to me. I'm glad they went ahead and made the right decision.
To those of you reading this web-site, I would like to clear up a few things. First of all, in the case of Mr. Juliano, our underwriters denied the claim. What happened next is what we as a company pledge to the customer upon purchase of a contract. We stepped in and reversed a decision to deny a claim. That is why we have an unblemished record with the BBB. So now, Mr. Juliano, instead of your initial reaction based on the decision of Interstate Claims, you have now probably doubled the value of your contract by having your engine replaced. One more happy customer from Warranty Gold.
I have been searching for an extended warranty for quite some time. After alot of questions, I recently found out that Warranty Gold's administrator, also handled Warranty Direct. The interesting part about about Warranty direct, they just lost their BBB online seal of approval. It seams that warranty direct had a little too much problem paying out claims. Now... Hmmmm.... if both companies use the same administrator, and the administrator doesn't like to pay out claims. ????????? Hmmmmm.......
The long and short of it is I checked with several car dealers who have had work done at their facilities and which warranties paid and which ones grilled their policy holders.
I chose Warrantybynet. I was impressed with their up front honesty. Being a gear head myself, I created various warranty scenarios, and got straight answers. not everything was covered, but It was the best I found
The starter problem was intermident, so it wasn't a clear-cut case. I do think that my mechanic could have diagnosed the problem without using the Nissian equipment that they wanted, but since my kid did all this and then told me about it I don't know for sure who said what to whom.
I do know that the kid took the car to Nissian and had the problem fixed without having Nissian call WG. They are very clear that you are not covered if you have work done without their authorization, so I ate the $200 rather than ask them to pay for my daughter's mistake.
Now a question for you: Do you really have a "5year/150K" policy? I'd love that, but they only go to 100K according to the saleman I talked to at WG.
Yes it's a 5yr/150k diamond plan. I could'nt pass up the deal. I juggled between Warranty direct and WG. But I chose WG because I felt warranty direct had to many complaints going against them. Since I travel roughly 35k miles a year, it fit me and my car well. The eclipse has never been known for it's reliability. I felt it was a must if I was going to keep the car for 5 year's.
I just turned 48k on the car last weekend and no problems to report yet. I am curious to see how my first claim will be handled by WG.
The salesman said they only go to a 100k? I have'nt checked their website in a while. Maybe they don't offer it anymore?
I can now see WG's side of the story refusing to replace the starter if it was a intermitent problem was not diagnosed. Sorry for the mis-understanding...
Edmunds please follow your own guidelines and DELETE and REVOKE the posts and membership of "yuxton" (post #119) and "jive5"(post 306, 304 - talk to WG forum) as they are abusive and insulting! somehow you allow these posts to remain for all to read yet you hide or delete posts critical of WG!! What gives? I guess its that "strategic alliance" with WG.
The administrators of this site sure come across as a bunch of amateurs!
Why don't you back up your words with appropriate and fair action??
Finally to all posters to this forum please read the "Talk to the WG" forum as it really might make you think twice about WG, there is also a link to an attempted claim as reported by a user of this site, interesting reading! After I read that forum I opted for my manufacturers warranty!
I had flashbacks to Tax time and trying to decipher all the lengthy IRS tax codes. Ahhhh...
I almost feel asleep trying to read that long document thanks for the free sleeping aid!!!
There exists a ton of ways for Warranty Gold to get out of paying a major claim and this on their VERY BEST Diamond bumper to bumper coverage!!!! Amazing. The audacity of not disclosing this upfront on their website when describing Diamond level coverage.
Maybe our new lawyer friend Peros could clue us in to all the legal loopholes of such a lengthy document.
It is looking likely that I'm going to bail on Warranty Gold , it seems like their may be some "legal" reprecussions of the Edmunds/Warranty Gold involvement scam and I for one don't want to be joining up with what seems to be a sinking ship.
Still waiting for responses to my questions and there is a slim chance Warranty Gold and Edmunds may be able to change my mind but I doubt it!
Thanks Peros for the legal opinions I would very much like to express my opinions as well to the CEO of Edmunds for the obvious censorship going on in the "Talk to the Warranty Gold Team" topic.
Please post all contact information here for all annoyed participants to respond.
And thanks to Boltman, Nealf, Autoguru and Mike
for seemingly exposing a modern day "Snake Oil" salesman on the new internet frontier.
Smart Shoppers / FWI Host
Bonnie Rick
Town Hall Community Manager, Edmunds.com
You can be sure I'll be the 14th complaint on the Web-Assure web site against WG and I know Warranty Gold WILL give me a FULL refund eventually since they'll obviously want to keep intact their "perfect" record with resolved complaints. And thats the only way this complaint will be resolved.
It not right to keep MY money and pro-rate MY refund especially if MY vehicle is still under the original factory warranty ! You have provided absolutely NO SERVICE on my car. Give me a full refund now or I'll get it from you later. Promise.
Regarding your E-Mail excuse Bonnie:
You might as well delete my account as well because their is no way I'm giving you my real e-mail just so Edmunds can use it for their marketing efforts as well as selling my name to any one of their partners for years to come. Just say no to unwanted E-mail. Just say NO to SPAM !!!!!
I'm taking my fight to Web Assure and the BBB see you in those arenas Warranty Gold. Goodbye Edmunds.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Warranty Gold does not word our contracts with
intent of buying our way out of any situation.
Then why on earth do you need such a lengthy exclusion list???
Would it be nicer to say your just "Protecting your assets" instead?
What are ALL those exclusions there for then on your "Best" coverage, if it isn't to avoid paying on some (not all) claims. Why don't you list this on your own website instead of hiding it? Would the length and content of your exclusion list scare some potential buyers away like myself. How many people never see your exclusion list because they don't know how to read E-Mail attachments? Why not just put this information in your web site and in the body of e-mail as to provide "Full and Complete" disclosure to those not computer savvy ? You wouldn't want to hide that list from anyone now would you Warranty Gold?
Why do you insist on providing most of your information by phone and e-mail rather than just being up front about everything on your own web site and by answering the questions asked here in the Edmunds forums rather than being either unavailable or evasive?
Are you afraid of putting answers in writing here where all can read??? Isn't this what these are for?
Oh I sure hope your not intending that last response of yours as an answer to all of Diesel's very specific questions asked of you last week. We all very much want answers to those questions.
Your the ones that asked to have this forum to sell your product so lets start responding to the direct questions instead of the old "Bob and Weave" we are used to seeing so far.
BTW what is an "honorable" response in your companies eyes. Is it a response with innacurate facts, little quantifiable content, and answers only to selected questions? All the time hoping people will ask you all their questions over the phone where there is no "paper-trail" to what was said or promised?
If so your being very "honorable" thanks for your "answers".
Anthony J. Rossi
Warranty Gold.com
We bought a WG platinum coverage in July. The day we bought it, WG sent us another e-mail offering $100 off of exactly what we bought. We called our sales rep there to ask if we could get that $100 off of the nearly $1,200 warranty we paid. The rep said yes. We thought, "Great service."
What followed was two-month odyssey in what turned out to be a futile attempt to actually get the $100 discount. During this period:
- After three weeks of receiving no answer to our e-mail and voicemail messages following up on the $100 credit, we were finally called back and at first told that somehow WG had raised its prices $100 but the deal we got didn't include the $100 price raise, so we had actually already received a $100 discount. [Untrue, and we had e-mails with price quotes from WG to prove it.]
- So after another week we were told that we "didn't understand how the quote worked," and the sale rep walked us through it. At no point did any thing we were told exclude or address the $100 discount. We again requested that the company honor its word.
- Within a couple of days, we were called and told that the $100 discount was again a moot point, because the contract allegedly stated there was a "$100 surcharge for 4WD vehicles" and we had bought a warranty for our 4WD truck. We pointed out that 1) the e-mail quote we had received and could produce said nothing about a $100 surcharge and clearly identified our vehicle as a 4WD vehicle, 2) if WG planned to add surcharges *after* we had bought a warranty (remember, the alleged surcharge statement was supposedly in the contract, which we didn't receive until a few days after buying the warranty), then we considered that fraud, and 3) we could not find that surcharge statement in the contract in any case. So we were asked to forward the e-mail quote, which we did.
- Next, a week later, the sales rep offered to "split the difference" and pay $50 out of the sale rep's own pocket in an attempt to end this matter. We were flabbergasted, and asked why WG didn't just step up and address this instead of leaving its sales rep to pay. No answer other than "I really want to settle this and make sure you're satisfied."
- We then sent two e-mails to Mr. Cephus, the alleged president of WG whose name and e-mail address appears at the end of the e-mail offers WG send out. No response to either of our e-mails (though next to his name Mr. Cephus extolls the importance of customer service).
- Finally, two months after starting this, we just said cancel the warranty. If WG wanted to lose a $1,200 contract over $100, so be it. The sales rep said she could check into getting us a diamond coverage "for a really good price." We sighed and said, OK, tell us what you can get AND while you are at it, please tell us the dollar amount of our refund if we cancel.
A week later the rep offered us the diamond coverage at a price nearly $200 more than what we had already paid. No thanks, we said. What is the refund amount?
Surprisingly, WG refunded the entire amount of the original warranty, recognizing that our problem with them had started the day we responded to the quote.
So, now we have a refund but we still have no idea why WG was so obtuse about the whole thing.
G & A
Give them a chance everyone!!! Let's be nice.
Mr Rossi,
From my own perspective you have done a good job retaining a presence in this forum. Others just might have gave up but you have stayed with us . But when you say "We have answered every question (posed) by the consumer on this page" you don't really believe that do you? We can read all the posts.
One that I want answered here so all of us can be clear. Especilly since this has been a hot topic recently in the news:
Will you authorize using original factory supplied (Mopar,Motocraft, Mercedes ect.) parts instead of "generics" if the Warranty Gold contract holder insists on only factory parts being used at his repair shop on his covered vehicle (if available)?
Generics have in many cases been shown to be substandard and can even raise an issue of safety concerns in some extreme cases.
Thank you for your responses and good luck Mr. Rossi
Anthony J. Rossi
Warranty Gold.com
Not quite the answer I was looking for.
Sorry Mr. Rossi
that is too funny. A customer pays $1200 for a warranty and when they need it, you give them junkyard parts?
BTW used=junkyard
If you had said rebuilt or remanufactured, thats one thing, but used???
I`m sure you impressed a lot of prospective buyers with that reply Mr. Rossi
That hurt.
I better start babying my car.
I would of been satisfied with at least a remanufactured one.
but another used engine to only have to worry about another break down is'nt good...
Anthony J. Rossi
Warranty Gold.com
Lets create a topic "Talk to the Underwriters"
This is a prime example of why a plan you buy from the brand of car you purchase is much better than these third party warranty only companies.
From day one every claim from a third party insurer is money out of their pocket reducing profits on your warranty sale.
On the other hand a manufacturer who sold you the coverage loses money as well but not at as great of a rate since they are able to replace parts at wholesale. In addition even if they lose money on you once as long as your happy with your car and their claim handling your very likely to remain brand loyal which means purchasing more $20,000 vehicle(s) and factory esp's in the future as well as recommend that make to your friends.
Remember you usually get what you pay for in this life.
Anthony J. Rossi
Warranty Gold.com
I purchased WG on my Geo Prizm'96 when it was still covered by factory warranty, at 32K miles and 2 years 3 months old. I sent a claim to WG only once, when the springs on the brakes were replaced (which wasn't the part of regular maintenance!). My claim was bounced back and never paid. It was around $24, so I survived.
Now I am cancelling the WG since I no longer own the car. The Customer Service Manager is trying to pro-rate me the way like I used WG since the moment I purchased the car till now, not since the moment I purchased the WG! I hope it's just her misunderstanding and she is confusing the words "in service" and "under coverage", so I wrote her a letter with explanation of those simple terms. WG cancellation policy is posted on the Web and clearly states how the pro-rating should done. But if she still doesn't understand, and I am not reimbursed in full, or if I spend too much time getting my money back ... I promise to post everywhere I can a message about MY NEGATIVE EXPERIENCE WITH WARRANTY GOLD !!!
By the way, Mr.Rossi, the customer responses at WG site are posted by WG, not by customers, so they are not actual responses. No wonder everyone sounds so happy! How about open forum?
And to the rest of you, folks: it absolutely doesn't make sense to buy WG when your car is fresh from the dealer, or if you have driven it for a while and it never failed, like mine did. And if it's a lemon and causes you a lot of problems even under
factory warranty, you'd better get rid of it. So I don't see much sense in Extended Warranty. It's better to invest money in a more reliable car.
What is your Warranty Gold contract number? Perhaps I can assist you in your efforts. We would not like to lose you as a cutomer, but do understand that some issues are beyond our control. How about calling me directly so that I can try to personally help you.
Anthony J. Rossi
Warranty Gold
Warranty Gold is a lousy company, and I am very surprised that such a respectable place as Edmunds still keeps the link to it and gives it such a good reference. Just try to get your money back from them!
I'm also disappointed that Edmunds is associated with this company. I've noticed that most of the naysayers have mysteriously disappeared from this forum. I can only hope that those of us that have seen what has gone on here can "keep the flame" and continue to warn potential customers away from Warranty Gold.
to go through their legal department and
write them a letter showing that their idea of
pro-rating is, gently speaking, not quite right.
Those of you who decides to use WG, please be aware that their policy and T&C on the contracts has been changed in August'98 and differ from those posted on the web site. Review the contract
very carefully before signing.
I'm glad things were straightened out. Now I hope you understand my position on the matter.
My question is to anyone who has had experience with purchasing an extended warranty from the dealer, a policy that pertains directly to the manufacturer involved AND a CAR SOLD BY THAT dealer, i.e.:
Is it possible (and better) to buy an extended warranty (by BMW as the insurer) on a new BMW from a BMW dealer than from a "third party company," such as Warranty Gold? Or, is this question not germaine?
Maybe a better question would be: Who sells what?
I have never looked into this subject but will do so before factory warranty expires in 2+ years.
If you want the peace of mind buy the manufacturer warranty.
I chose warranty gold, I thought they had the best reputation of all 3rd party warranty companies and I saved alot of money.
Plus they had a 5year/150k plan which most other companies don't. Works great for me, I drive about 35 thousand miles a year.
These companies cannot post as a regular member does, as they must first be verified by us, and then clearly identify who they are in every post.
We feel that rather than being a conflict of interest, this is a service we provide that includes both positive as well as negative feedback for our members to review.
Most of our members seem to like having this type of direct access to information.
Bonnie Rick
Town Hall Community Manager, Edmunsd.com
Question: Does Edmund's ever encourage any automobile manufacturer to post on Edmunds.com as a partner? I realize that there are so many different companies and that things would get rather crowded - but - it seems like the idea has some merit. (??)
Just looking around in the different chat rooms from time-to-time it appears that a lot of topics have not had any postings for quite some time. Many of them do not draw any meaningful interest. It seems like it would be a good idea to clear out some of the "old" stuff to make room for a batch of manufacturers. At least it would open the door more to hear from the makers.
Thanks again for your post - it helps me.
While we do not partner with manufacturers, we do offer them the opportunities to come in and talk with our members in special time limited events in specific Conferences. These are announced on the Town Hall front page as scheduled.
And lastly, yup, we're behind on our housekeeping, but are trying to work on it.
Glad to be of help! Hope to see you in the News and Views topic...
Bonnie Rick
Town Hall Community Manager, Edmunds.com
Note: to fellow postees, my original post contained a few colorful metaphores: However, I was edited for content. It sounded better the first time around.
posts on Extended Warranties. Check out post #244 on topic #10. What is Warranty Gold trying to pull here. The gentleman that left that post is the Sales Manager for Warranty Gold. Now if that isn't self promotionI don't know what is. Whats wrong don't you guys have any customers to say good things about you,You have to make stuff up. For a company who is as large as you say and has as many customers as you claim. You shouldn't half to have people make things up to get customers to buy under falsepretenses. Warranty Gold I think not more like Warranty Copper.
I have been a customer since late May. In October, I had a failure of the auto climate system in my Ford EB Explorer. The dealer ID'ed the problem and determined the repair charge. Major repair. Big time bucks; an in excess or above the premium I paid for my policy. I was apprehensive that WG would be true to its word and cover the repair. However, WG took care of the repair without any hassle. I have a couple of years left and many thousands of miles that WG will protect me through.
I don't know if my experience is unique or common. I suspect that for every unhappy customer there is usually a happy customer, or more. I believe that we will hear more from the unhappy customer than otherwise. When unhappy I get vocal and warn as many as I can about my experience. When happy I lay low. Human nature I guess.
I trust the individuals who post and their experiences, good or not. I treat their information as another ingredient in my decision to purchase. Thank you for telling us.
You are also correct in saying that the negative occurrences are more publicized than the positive experiences. In our view, it's because service such as what you received should be expected, not a complete shock. Your way of thanking us would be to refer customers to our company. We have a program that awards $50 per referral for those who spread the word about Warranty Gold.
Once again, thank you for your response.
Anthony J. Rossi
Warranty Gold.com
I tried to get a quote from WG recently and was given the run around. I wanted an email with what was NOT covered. All I ever got was a discount offer if I purchased the Policy. And no, I dont want to hear from Mr Rossi about this either.
Their website mentions a "trust reserve" and the ratings of their reinsurers, who they say are rated by A.M. Best.
They don't say who these reinsurers are, how the reinsurance works, whether this "trust reserve" is legally insulated and established for the sole purpose of paying expected warranty claims, who is responsible for establishing the reserve and ensuring its adequacy, and who audits all this.
I'll gladly pay $3000 for a 7 yr / 100,000 mi.
Diamond Plus warranty for my Audi S4, but need some comfort that they can actually keep their end of the bargain. This is essential to have the "peace of mind" they are selling.
Actually, I've already purchased their warranty but will return it for a refund (which I can do in the first 60 days) unless the Warranty Gold people can provide some clear answers.
Frankly, I don't give a rat's behind how good the contract looks, if they can't convince me they'll be around 7 years from now to honor it.
I bought a WG policy on a Nissian Sentra for my daughter. At 40,000 miles (just a few weeks ago) she had a starter problem. She took it to our regular mechanic. The mechanic was told by the administator to perform some kind of diagnostic check (payment for which was authorized by them). Our mechanic couldn't perform the check so he sent her to the Nissian dealer.
My daughter "forgot" to invoke warrenty gold before the work was done at the Nissan dealer, so we were stuck with the bill.
This is our fault, not WG's. The next time the Sentra breaks down I'll give you an update.
I buying new Ford tomorrow, and I'll be interested to see how Ford's warrenty compares to WG.
I have no connection with Warrenty Gold except as a customer.
What the hek kind of diagnostics do you need to run on the dam thing!!!!
If you replace the starter and it works fine after words it's a bad starter, Plain and simple.
I would demand they reimburse you for the repair. That is BS!
I purchased a 5yr/150k policy and have yet to get a chance to use it.
I hope to god I do not have to struggle with repair issue's.
This company is losing more and more credibility everyday.
ago on a '96 mustang and a few weeks ago a rod was thrown. After Ford got the engine all apart and
looked at it they came to the conclusion that the
inside was so messed up because of metal fragments
and bearings being heated that the whole engine
should be replaced to fix this the right way. Warranty Gold decided that they will just replace
most of the parts in the engine and have me pay
for the cleaning of the engine and replacing the rings and freeze plugs that get replaced when cleaning the engine cast.
So everyone thinking about buying Warranty Gold
do not buy it.
another reason not to.
I just wanted to say that Warranty Gold and Interstate have decided to go ahead and replace my engine with a long block which is a remanufactured engine with mostly new parts and has been totally cleaned out and inspected with no cost to me. I'm glad they went ahead and made the right decision.
So now, Mr. Juliano, instead of your initial reaction based on the decision of Interstate Claims, you have now probably doubled the value of your contract by having your engine replaced. One more happy customer from Warranty Gold.
Anthony J. Rossi
Warranty Gold.com
The long and short of it is I checked with several car dealers who have had work done at their facilities and which warranties paid and which ones grilled their policy holders.
I chose Warrantybynet. I was impressed with their up front honesty. Being a gear head myself, I created various warranty scenarios, and got straight answers. not everything was covered, but It was the best I found
just my long winded .02 cents
I do know that the kid took the car to Nissian and had the problem fixed without having Nissian call WG. They are very clear that you are not covered if you have work done without their authorization, so I ate the $200 rather than ask them to pay for my daughter's mistake.
Now a question for you: Do you really have a "5year/150K" policy? I'd love that, but they only go to 100K according to the saleman I talked to at WG.
Since I travel roughly 35k miles a year, it fit me and my car well. The eclipse has never been known for it's reliability. I felt it was a must if I was going to keep the car for 5 year's.
I just turned 48k on the car last weekend and no problems to report yet.
I am curious to see how my first claim will be handled by WG.
The salesman said they only go to a 100k? I have'nt checked their website in a while. Maybe they don't offer it anymore?
I can now see WG's side of the story refusing to replace the starter if it was a intermitent problem was not diagnosed.
Sorry for the mis-understanding...