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Dodge/Plymouth Neon Maintenance and Repair
Just bought it for my 15 year old daughter. after giving it some acceleration, the engine is making a clicking noise on passenger side and has very slow acceleration. Any advise or ideas as to what could of happened?
then high again really fast.
make sure the timing marks on both camshafts are pointing towards each other and the timing mark on the crank lines up with the mark on the timing belt cover that will put it in time you will just have to look out that the pullys dont move when the belt is put on hope that this works for you!
please help me out with suggestions
Thank you for your time..
The first and most important thing you need to address is the air flow. Installing an aftermarket air filter and inner cooler will give you a few ponies and probably give you better gas millage.
The next thing you will want to address is the exhaust. An aftermarket manifold and 3" pipe will give you more increase without too much trouble, but anything larger might cause trouble.
After those are addressed, you'll want to move on to fuel delivery. While the stock system is competent, you'll want to install a set of higher pressure injectors and a stronger fuel pump before you get to crazy with the mods.
After you've done that, it gets a bit more involved and the difficulty level goes up with it. An under drive pulley system will free up even more ponies, but you need to make sure that you check to see that the alternator won't be affected. Most of the under drive kits out there will not cause a problem, but there are some that will.
A small but effective, if not expensive mod is to replace the pcm of the car. There are places that will do it for you, for a price, and send the pcm back to you. I'd suggest that you make DAM sure you did all the other mods you want to first so that they can program it to work with your mods, and so it won't throw trouble codes left and right.
By now you're pushing probably +30-50 hp and a similar increase in torque, so you will probably want to upgrade your c.v. shafts. A problem even with the non turbo neon's that people seem to have is that they can be over-torqued by even a stock car at times.
At this point, you'll probably also want to address your breaking system. With all that power increase, the stock breaks aren't going to cut it. Replacing the stock ones with drilled and slotted roters front and back is the best way to go and will reduce the rotating mass at the drive wheels. You might see it in your 0-60 eta if you're lucky, but this mod is more for safety then anything.
Unless you want to start tearing into your engine like replacing the crank/cam shafts, that's about the extent of what you can do.
i just got a 2000 neon 4 door 2.0 from my stepmom. the car was wrecked and had the radiator busted. i just got it to my home and want to make it road ready but it is missing a few parts:
cooling fans
ac radiator
trany cooling lines
i picked up a radiator and fans from pick a part and want to install it. easy enough. but i can not find the place to hook up the trany cooler lines. i see the stems off of the radiator but where do they go on the car???
help please!
I have visible oil on the spark plug wire in the plug cavity, as well as on the plugs themselves, the only one that appears to have oil in the cylinder is #1 plug.
Is this a known problem for the neons, and is it easily fixable?
If so, how so?
Also, the #1 plug is very dirty as though it is not firing correctly, I replaced all 4 plug yesterday (10-12-09). I checked to see that the coil is working, and got good spark, so I am guessing that I have an possible oil leak fouling out that plug. Could this be the reason for the over all chugging and hesitation of the engine. The code scanner simply gives a generic misfire code for cylinder 1.
I appreciate any constructive help.
Thank you
I would like to put a screen over the air intake of the ventilation system, but I am unable to find out where the air intake is. I have two maintenance books for this vehicle but neither of them even mention it.
Can anyone enlighten me as to where this air intake might be located?
BTW, I removed the cover of the engine air intake today to find about a coffee can full of acorns in the bottom of the housing. I have since put a screen over the engine air intake.