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I have a 2003 dodge neon SXT 2.0 , when i start the car it misfires sometimes, and sometimes it doesnt. I start the car and go and press the gas pedal and the car shakes, and the car doesn't move, and shakes and the cars turns off. I wait about a minute and start the car again and the car runs good. I went to Autozone, and they said the problem is in the gas tank, the purge solenoid or the vapor canister has gone bad. WHAT DO YOU THINK, AND WHAT DO YOU RECOMMEND? OH ALSO I FORGOT TO SAY I also got INCORRECT FLOW PURGE. IS THIS CONNECTED TO PURGE SOLENOID, OR THE VAPOR CANISTER OR NOT?
Yes, a water pump going out can cause the timing belt to go out. When the timing belt and water pump goes out it's a 99% chance that it harmed the engine in some way, usually by damaging the valves. I have seen this happen many times with the Neons. I have personally worked on ones that have done this.
I have a 2005 Dodge Neon and in the past few months everytime I start my car after it rains a big gush of water comes down from the passanger side dashboard. It sounds like a shower is starting.. or like a steamer. Its only getting worse. The amount of water that is coming out keeps increasing. It started out with just small drips now its like a river in my front seat. It only does it when you start up the car it doesn't just leak in when its raining. My mom actually has the same car as mine and hers has started doing it as well. Any ideas?
I have a 97 neon. Basic 2 door car. A few issues with it. One question i have is there are 2 wires one green one black that are not connected to anything and come through the firewall and are by the brake pedal. The black connected to the neg on the battery as when i pull the end on the neg it shortens the black wire by the brake. The same with the green although it is coming from a bundle of wires near the fire wall on the driver side. Any one know where these connect?
2nd issue. Car drove fine yesterday and today i turn the key and nothing. Battery is charged all lights works and radio too. No noise from the starter, no clicking or anything. I hit it a coupe times to make sure it wasnt stuck. No luck. It is the cylinder located on the drivers side/middle towards the front of the car right? If so how do i test it with a 12v?
I have the same problem, I may have traced the problem to the the grill that sits around the windshield wipers. I plan to work on the problem this weekend I'll keep you posted with my findings. G
I have a 2001 Plymouth Neon that has a fully charged battery but I can't get it to start. When I turn the key on nothing happens, no dash lights, no radio, nothing. Its like the battery is dead but it is no. What do you think this could be? Let me know if you need more info.
I have a 2001 Plymouth Neon that has a fully charged battery but I can't get it to start. When I turn the key on nothing happens, no dash lights, no radio, nothing. Its like the battery is dead but it is not it is fully charged. What do you think this could be?
Got a problem with a '97 sohc. I am getting codes 1,1 and 4,3. I replaced the cam sensor and the coil pack. When I start it, I can get it to idle. But if I try to put it in gear (auto) or give it gas, it missfires and shuts down. Code 4,3 is a "distributor" problem, but there is no distributor that I am aware of. Any ideas?
i have a 97 neon about same problems , turnes out to be the wiring harness between the alt. and the computer the harness is very brittle moved the harness a few inches every thing came back.
Yeah man! I am having the same problem with the idling. When I'm at a light it goes down to about 600 rpm and sometimes it goes up and down. Can't figure it out!! I checked the hose with water and nothing. I've changed sensors even tried messing with the idle adjust screw and still nada.....! Now I'm looking into maybe changing out the pcm. The thing seems to run fine other than this prob. Fast little bugger!! I want to put in performance intake/ exhaust but would like to take the bugs out first.
I have this problem too. I've seen other posts on the internet but no answers. I re-sealed the taillights a couple years ago. Now, the water is collecting in my heater blower box (car has no AC). I've caulked the inside of the grill area where the wiper motor sits, and plugged a gap in the metal there. Still, when there's a heavy rain, lots of water gets in somehow. Anyone? Anyone?
Have a 2005 Neon SXT in the shop for 3 weeks now, dealer can not find problem, has even contacted Chrysler for advice but they can not fix it. Runs fine until I get to 63 mph then cruise control shuts off and it will not go any faster. Code P0340 (cam position sensor) came up when we took it in so the cam sensor was replaced, didn't fix the issue, the check engine light remains on, they also replaced a magnet, didn't fix it, unhooked the oxygen sensor, didn't fix it. Anyone else have this problem? Any ideas?
MODERATOR /ADMINISTRATOR Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name. 2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h) Review your vehicle
I have three Neons: My 1996 beauty (the best) has a faulty fuel pump - it occasionally gets stuck when I try to start the engine (but it never sticks while the engine is actually running) - therefore no fuel is delivered and the engine won't fire. The pump motor turns (you can hear it) but the pump mechanism itself does not. The temporary cure is to apply compressed air back up the fuel line from the engine compartment, and then the engine will fire at the next start. This was done twice yesterday at my usual service garage by my favourite mechanic, with me in attendance. There is no doubt about this diagnosis.
This cannot go on. The problem is that for me to get a new pump, shipped across the Atlantic to London, and fitted professionally makes the textbook permanent cure prohibitively expensive for a 1996 car - however good it is, and it is certainly otherwise very good, with only 36,000 miles on the clock.
I am now scrapping my 1998 Neon, AND MY QUESTION IS:- Can I remove the complete tank and embedded pump assembly from the 1998 model and re-instal it in the 1996 model? Will it work, or is there a reason that a '98 tank and pump arrangement will not fit exactly into a '96 car? Both cars were made specifically for export and are therefore branded in Europe as Chrysler Neons, not Dodge or Plymouth.
I want to do this work soon, because insurance and tax are now both running.
i recently started having a problem with my 1998 plymouth neon highline i started by thinking it was the battery dying so i jumped it a few times and then replaced the battery a week later im having the same problem i did the whole take off the battery cable to see if the alternator is working and it seemed to b fine and now its doing the same thing the other thing it does is when your driving the gauges will randomly stop working and come back on and also when i stick the key in the ignition the gas gauge and temp gauge will start moving up n down wo me even turning the key does n e one have n e ideas n e feed back would b greatly appreciated
I was just wondering if you figured out what was wrong after you posted this. I have the same problems with my 98 neon. Took the car in about my battery draininfg and they said it was my dhl's so the disconnected them and I havent had that problem since. Yet I still have the problem with my gauges including my speedometer. Please let me know what you found out. Can't be wasting all my money, as I am a single mom, letting some mechanic try different things till he figures it out.
My 98 Plymouth neon starts and idles fine. After driving it do about 15-20 mins it loses all power n just shuts off. I'll let it sit for a couple hours n it'll start right back up and do the same thing. I've checked/replaced the coil pack, map sensor, crank sensor, o2 sensors, spark plugs n wires. I have no clue where to turn to next. If anyone has had this problem or maybe an idea I could run with it would be great!
huh? you shouldn't have to loosen the pump at all... not sure but i know on mine all i have to do is put a 11/16 (or whatever) wrench on the tip of the auto tensioner and relieve pressure from the accessory belt and slip it right off...i dont think i had to loosen my pump at all when i replaced my main belt
I have a 2000 Plym Neon and when I drive the car for a while and it gets warmed up, if I turn it off I have to wait anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes before the car will start. I replaced the battery and cables and starter selenoid. I have been told because of where the starter is located, under the manifold for the fan, the heat from the engine heats up the starter and I have to wait until it cools down before it will connect and start. Do I need a heat shield for my starter rather than replacing it? It doesn't sound like the starter is going out.
My check engine light is coming on in my 2005 Dodge Neon and it loses power when this happens. I shut it off, start it again and power is regained. Had plugs, plug wires and ignition coil replaced about 2 months ago. I notice this happens most frequently after I've driven at highway speeds for 30 or more miles.
Hi, Sorry i am sort of confused. I have the same problem you do with the battery. My gauges are fine. But you said it was your DHL's? what is that? how much did it run you to fix it? Seems as though i've had nothing but problems with my neon.
MODERATOR /ADMINISTRATOR Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name. 2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h) Review your vehicle
Go there and post a question describing the problem(s) you're having. To check for responses, go back to that link and click "my answers profile" near the top of the page.
MODERATOR /ADMINISTRATOR Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name. 2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h) Review your vehicle
I bought a neon from the auction and the car has not ran since I got it home. When I first got it, it would die when come to a stop. I have since replaced the catalytic converter the exhaust pipes the transmission and the battery. I still can't get the car to run the cat lights up red when the car is first started on a cold start. Does anyone have any suggestions for this problem.
ok for those looking for loud noises find a brick on accelerator and apply the gas pedal while car is in park or neutral while hood on car is up till squealing noise is going on. Dont!!!! do this for long go to the front locate where noise is coming from if and I believe it is sound should come from left front near head light area thats water pump buy refurbished one and be prepared to pay about 300 in repairs tire has to be removed then wall then peices of motor and the antifreeze has to be drained. Not fun had it done.
Hey there! I also have a 2005 Neon SXT. I had the exact same problem! For about 2 weeks when it started to occur, I found that putting the car in NEUTRAL then turning the car off for about 10 seconds and turning it back on would quickly fix the problem (for a few hours). I know that is not ideal but it worked for me.
I then took my car to the shop and got the CO2 sensor replaced and the KNOCK sensor replaced and it fixed the problem. Exactly 1 year later the same thing started happening again. I got the same 2 sensors replaced and it has not happened since (about 5 years now). For the 2 sensors and labor it cost me about $300 total each time. Hope this helps!
FYI - I love this little car! However, mine has A TON of electrical problems!!
@neonproblem said:
Have a 2005 Neon SXT in the shop for 3 weeks now, dealer can not find problem, has even contacted Chrysler for advice but they can not fix it. Runs fine until I get to 63 mph then cruise control shuts off and it will not go any faster. Code P0340 (cam position sensor) came up when we took it in so the cam sensor was replaced, didn't fix the issue
2nd issue. Car drove fine yesterday and today i turn the key and nothing. Battery is charged all lights works and radio too. No noise from the starter, no clicking or anything. I hit it a coupe times to make sure it wasnt stuck. No luck. It is the cylinder located on the drivers side/middle towards the front of the car right? If so how do i test it with a 12v?
Thanks Very Much
Let me know if you need more info.
Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
Review your vehicle
This cannot go on. The problem is that for me to get a new pump, shipped across the Atlantic to London, and fitted professionally makes the textbook permanent cure prohibitively expensive for a 1996 car - however good it is, and it is certainly otherwise very good, with only 36,000 miles on the clock.
I am now scrapping my 1998 Neon, AND MY QUESTION IS:-
Can I remove the complete tank and embedded pump assembly from the 1998 model and re-instal it in the 1996 model? Will it work, or is there a reason that a '98 tank and pump arrangement will not fit exactly into a '96 car? Both cars were made specifically for export and are therefore branded in Europe as Chrysler Neons, not Dodge or Plymouth.
I want to do this work soon, because insurance and tax are now both running.
Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
Review your vehicle
Go there and post a question describing the problem(s) you're having. To check for responses, go back to that link and click "my answers profile" near the top of the page.
Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
Review your vehicle
ok for those looking for loud noises find a brick on accelerator and apply the gas pedal while car is in park or neutral while hood on car is up till squealing noise is going on. Dont!!!! do this for long go to the front locate where noise is coming from if and I believe it is sound should come from left front near head light area thats water pump buy refurbished one and be prepared to pay about 300 in repairs tire has to be removed then wall then peices of motor and the antifreeze has to be drained. Not fun had it done.
Hey there! I also have a 2005 Neon SXT. I had the exact same problem! For about 2 weeks when it started to occur, I found that putting the car in NEUTRAL then turning the car off for about 10 seconds and turning it back on would quickly fix the problem (for a few hours). I know that is not ideal but it worked for me.
I then took my car to the shop and got the CO2 sensor replaced and the KNOCK sensor replaced and it fixed the problem. Exactly 1 year later the same thing started happening again. I got the same 2 sensors replaced and it has not happened since (about 5 years now). For the 2 sensors and labor it cost me about $300 total each time. Hope this helps!
FYI - I love this little car! However, mine has A TON of electrical problems!!