Nissan Altima Caught Fire
My 2009 Nissan Altima caught fire while I was driving it. Luckily everyone got out safely. I do not have gap insurance either. Nissan is reviewing our case. I am having a hard time as to why a brand new car would catch fire while driving. I know there were recalls on 2007/2008 but I thought the problem would have been fixed. Anyone know of this happening to any other 2009's?
But rest assured, your insurance company will do a very thourgh investigation before they cough up nearly 20 grand for the car. If there was a defect that caused it, they'll find it.
as far as what to do about a new car, I'd suggest going back to the dealership you bought it from. Explain to them what happened. I'm sure they'll give you a tremendous deal on another one, considering how you will have bought 2 from them in a matter of months/weeks.
That's BS. 3 claims in 3 weeks w/ one adjuster = 365 Altimas in a year. The number should be even a lot higher b/c there're many claim adjusters w/ Allstate.
365 x top 10 insurance companies = 3650 Altimas per year.
We called Nissan to complain. They wasted a good deal of our time acting as if they might do something. They asked us for some paperwork yesterday, then without waiting for it, called today to say they are going to do nothing for us. The woman was dismissive and a little rude, showing very little concern for customer service.
We knew it was a long shot, but the way they handled the issue and the ongoing issues with fires in these cars make us think it is time to wash our hands of Nissan forever.
I'll have see if I can post a picture so y'all can see the third and final Altima my family will ever own. ">
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2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
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I have not reached any conclusions as to the cause
Anything else is a version of "Ready.... Fire..... AIM!". lfed-car-fire-on-sunrise-highway#photo-10798230
My mother in law was involved in a Altima fire on the highway. She did not survive. Does anyone know who to contact about this? We cannot figure out why this is not a bigger issue than it is. No one seems to care.
I'm really sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. That's awful.
If you haven't already, please make sure to report this incident to the NHTSA at They're the only agency authorized to conduct an investigation and recommend recall if warranted.
Since your situation is personal, you might get more immediate action by hiring an attorney, who can hire and investigator to help determine the cause of the fire.
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2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
Review your vehicle
It caught fire a couple weeks ago after I got home right in my driveway.
It had an oil leak, but the car did have oil in it. Buyer beware.
Glad to hear no one was hurt!
On Saturday the 20th, I took my 2008 Nissan Altima into a mechanic because apparently there was no freon, so the AC was blowing hot air. He poured a can of freon in and said it leaked out because there was a hole in the compressor.
Then, Easter Sunday, my car was TOTALLED in flames NOT EVEN 10 minutes after I left church. I was driving and smelled intense burning. Afterwards, I saw black smoke so, I frantically pulled on the side of an intersection and got out quickly not knowing what was going on. All of a sudden flames burst out under the hood! 😣😲😢
My heart was beating so fast and I was crying on the phone with 911! I had on only flip flops, shades, and the phone in my hand when I saw all that black smoke... I lost everything in the fire, but the insurance ONLY reimbursed $200 for the value of my personal items. It was so SURREAL, but I'm EXTREMELY GRATEFUL to God!!! 😔
On July 2nd, my son and some of his friend went out for a dinner with one of his friend that just came back from military. They were driving down on 495 after the dinner heading home, he said he noticed the car (Nissan Altima) steering wheel was vibrating, and his friends in the car with him they something like smoke, the he realized a smoke was coming out behind the engine block in between the hood and the windshield. He pulled over on the side of the highway and opened the hood and saw a fire, they tried to put the fire off but before they realized it the fire kept growing and other drivers stopped to help them out but within a minute or two he said someone just said they should get away from the car and he just blew up and the whole got consumed with fire.
We have put a claimed to our insurance company and I have notify the salesman from the dealership where we bought the car for him. From reading the post here that everyone was complaining about their experiences and those that lost someone in the Nissan Altima caught fire. I do sympathize with a parent that lost their son to the similar situation and another person that I read his comment that lost his mother in-law to this similar situation. I think Nissan need to do a soul searching of what is causing their vehicle to caught fire, or maybe govt should be involve in this type of situation since this involves human lives. We haven't heard back from our insurance, and I don't know what steps to take with the dealer since the car is less than 30days warranty that was given to us. PLEASE, advise!!!
Thank you.
I had a 2008 Nissan Altima that literally caught fire in my parking lot at 5:30 in the morning. The fire department stated that it looked to be electrical. The fire was back by my fuel tank. Insurance took care of me but if there is ever a class action suit I would love to be part of it. I did some research but I couldn't find anything on 2008 Nissan's catching fire at the time but now I can see there's plenty.