Scion xB Warning Lights

chewbachachewbacha Member Posts: 1
edited September 2014 in Scion
One day my VSC, Traction and check engine lights came on. Nothing seems wrong with the car. Took it to a mechanic, they said many things popped up on their computer (emissions, etc, including replacing computer). Any ideas from anyone. The car has 48k on it, the warranty ran out at 39k.


  • joyannbartjoyannbart Member Posts: 2
    On three occasions in the last two weeks, the check engine light came on as did the VSC disengaged light, once when just started, once on highway and once on a city street. At the time the lights were on, the engine ran very roughly. The dealer told me the only solution is for me to drop off the car when the light is on. I'm convinced it is not the VSC causing it because it ran the same way when the car was parked in a lot with the lights on. When on the highway, the engine lost some power. Any one else with the experience? or insight?
  • hals491hals491 Member Posts: 1
    sorry im new to this can anyone help ineedto reset maintenance light after oil change,and replace air filter,not sure how to get the lid offand the wires,got front two tabs unlocked cant get wires off or get lid,dont want to break it thanks for any help hal
  • pogi1pogi1 Member Posts: 4
    :( I have a 2008 xB, with 12,000 miles on it. The VSC and check engine lights went on for a day. Then went on again after 2 days, it seems like it's loosing power and sluggish as soon as the lights went on, afterwards it was okay as if nothing happened. I brought it to the dealer, the #4 ignition coil was misfiring, and was replaced. It was diagnosed by their UP Scan tool as 191011 Ignition coil. Luckily, I bought the extended warranty, and I even got a loaner car for a day. Maybe this is the same problem with your xB. Good luck...... :(
  • pogi1pogi1 Member Posts: 4
    Please see my reply to Chewbacha...... :(
  • pogi1pogi1 Member Posts: 4
    To reset engine light:
    1. Turn on ignition.
    2. Press button to Trip A Mode
    3.Turn ignition off.
    4. Turn ignition on while holding button until light goes off.
    When replacing air filter, I don't disconnect any wires, just unlatch the cover and lift gently until I can remove the old filter. I also wipe the inside of the air filter housing with wet rag or use the vacuum cleaner with a thin wand. I hope this will work for you. :) .
  • joyannbartjoyannbart Member Posts: 2
    :) Your message was timely. It happened again yesterday and I've an appointment this week. I'll take the information with me. Thanks
  • pogi1pogi1 Member Posts: 4
    Let me know..good luck.....
  • reelluv1reelluv1 Member Posts: 1
    I was wondering the cost of repair for the vsc, tracking light and engine light for my 20005 scion xb. It has a little over 11,000 iles on it.
  • parapestparapest Member Posts: 1
    The VSC and check engine light have gone on three times in the last week. The first time it happened, I called the dealer. They told me to tighten the gas cap and then turn the car on and off three to four times which would reset the computer. This worked for the first and second incidents. Unfortunately today this occurred again and the lights are still on. Worse yet, the vehicle started to exhibit SUDDEN ACCELERATION. Speed went from about 62mph to 67 mph. Waiting for dealer to call me back and repair. Vehicle has 30,000 miles on it.
  • triste1triste1 Member Posts: 1
    i bought a 2009 scion xb 24000Miles (salvage title) two days ago i drove 120 miles first day, no problem second day i drove it to auto zone the VSC and Engine Light come on, so i unplug battery for reset and after 15miles of driving lights come on again.... need help....Scion dealer cover it with a salvage title or not? this problem it serious?
  • lmichaudlmichaud Member Posts: 1
    We have a Scion XP that we bought new in 2005. It has been working great (knock on wood).

    I have had similar experiences with the VSC, Traction and check engine lights all coming on for no apparent reason. At first I was very concerned, but now I believe it is related to the sudden changes in temperature, and it's effects on the pressure level in my gas tank.

    The first time was two years ago, I reset the lights with my OBD-II diagnostic reader. It did not come back til the following year. And again, this past spring it occurred.

    It usually happens in the spring, when (in northeast Ohio), the temperature can vary greatly over night.

    Now, I just open and close my gas cover to remove any pressure (this part might be more of a superstition on my part) and the lights eventually go off on their own.

    Regarding resetting the maintenance light, what works for me is to:

    > Turn the ignition key forward two clicks (so the Odometer mileage is displayed)
    > Make sure it is displaying overall mileage (not the TripA or TripB mileages)
    > Turn the ignition off
    > While pushing on the reset button,
    > Turn the ignition key forward two clicks again (keep holding the reset button in)
    > You should see a dashed line appear across the odometer display
    > When the dashed line is complete, you can turn off the ignition
    Note: You do not have to start the engine during any of these steps, just turn the ignition key two clicks.

    Good luck.
  • aejaej Member Posts: 1
    i have a 2008 scion xb 40,000 miles. no problems so far. use full synethetic mobil1 oil in it. had at dealer for oil change last week. couple days later seat belt light comes on and beeps the seat is other lights come on. this has happened a couple more times since then. should i be concerned? thanks
  • edjwledjwl Member Posts: 1
    For anyone getting the VSC, Trac, Check Engine combination, you need to plug it into a computer and pull the code. This is a very specific emissions leak for any one of I think 4 issues. I myself have had this come up on my 2005 scion xB and the error code was P0456 - Evap Emissions control - small leak. I found the leak and fixed it... the part I needed to replace was roughly $250 but that was for where mine was leaking... sometimes it's the filler neck, sometimes the charcoal canister. It COULD be as simple as tightening the gas cap but good luck with that one. This is a known issue for Scions. A lot of times this issue is cause by filling it too full with gas. How many of you have pumped in gas until it stops but then continue to "top it off" or "round out your dollar amount" ? That can cause problems as gas tends to be in places it shouldn't then it eats through the metal components, thus causing problems down the road with emissions leaks.
  • teriberi76teriberi76 Member Posts: 1

    I bought a used 2011 xd in March 2014 and the maintenance required light for oil change would at times come on after I just got a change and then the same with the tire pressure light, driving me crazy so I would take into my Fletchers mechanic and they would reset. Well both came on today so I checked the tire pressure today my right rear passenger was lower then the other 3 so I aired up and light went away. Now for the maint req'd because I just did oil filter change 2 weeks ago. I discovered website and it is fantastic it told me exactly how to get the light to go away using the trip A under mode. Check the site out. No more dash lights, no more going crazy for me and I did it all myself with the help of this site.

  • pearlbluexbpearlbluexb Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 1st gen Scion XB, with approx. 85K and the VSC maintenance check appeared. The error code is P0442. I am thinking of buying a brand new (overpriced) OEM gas cap because I must have the tether attachment and hope this resolves the issue. Would anyone have any knowledge/experience with this code? Thank you.
  • Ksasse8375Ksasse8375 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2008 Scion XB that has over 230,000 miles in it. The check engine light has came on & back off twice in the last couple of weeks. It also sounded a little rough & was acting like it wanted to stall then it went back to normal. Whats the problem!?
  • rswebberrswebber Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2019
    High coolant temperature warning light and both electrical fan not running
  • bugster61bugster61 Member Posts: 1
    where are the answers to these questions
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 259,640
    bugster61 said:

    where are the answers to these questions

    If you don't see answers, then no one answered.

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