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2010 Honda Accord



  • accordguy0325accordguy0325 Member Posts: 169
    I haven't driven/tested a 2010 Accord 4 cylinder specifically to look for this issue, however, I doubt anything has changed in regards to this.

    This issue only seems to affect 4 cylinder models, and as I have owned an 08 EX 4, and now an 09 EX V6, I can attest to this personally.

    While the Accord is certainly not perfect, it has won Car and Driver's 10 best for 23 years for a reason.

    The Accord offers the right balance of performance, handling, quality, and price.
  • carlupicarlupi Member Posts: 52
    You are absolutely right: It would cost Honda next to nothing to add sound insulation during assembly at the factory.

    For years, Honda cars have been praised for their mechanical quality and good value, yet consistently criticized for their high level of noise inside the cabin. It boggles the mind that Honda has refused to address this problem, which is such an easy and cheap fix.
  • accordguy0325accordguy0325 Member Posts: 169
    I am not sure why Honda has not taken further measure to reduce this issue. In Honda SUV's and the Ridgeline it is my understanding that they use more sound insulation than in their cars.

    The only reasoning I can think of, besides wanting to save on costs, is that Honda doesn't want its vehicles to become so sedate that they will be like all the "Toyota sofas" we see driving around.

    Luckily Honda spent more money it seems on quality gas pedals than Toyota's silent yet speeding out of control automobiles ;)
  • rcummelinrcummelin Member Posts: 184
    With the addition of the Dynamat, our new Accord is now about as quiet as our 2008 Ridgeline. I rode in a new Pilot and was surprised at how quiet it was. The Element is another matter altogether. Likely because it is really a cheap vehicle and very utilitarian, it is exceptionally noisy. The Dynamat I put in our 2007 Element quieted it down big time, but then we heard all the squeaks & rattles that the road noise masked. After only about 6 months, we sold it because of the poor build quality and all the squeaks & rattles. BTW- the Element is NOT any type of real 4WD vehicle. Its AWD works OK in snow though.

    A quiet vehicle is not necessarily a sedate vehicle. There are many quiet cars out there that are ANYTHING but sedate. I'm thinking it is nothing more than another cost savings that is unacceptable, at least to me.
  • elroy5elroy5 Member Posts: 3,735
    Accords have always had road noise, and people still keep buying them. I think the road noise is part of the feel-for-the-road Accords have. You can feel and hear what type of surface your tires are riding on, and from this feel and sound you can tell how much grip you have at any given moment. In my 03 Sedan, the only time the road noise is objectionable, is when the road surface is really coarse. On smooth roads it's pretty quiet. As long as the radio can drown out the road noise, when I want it too, I'm fine with it.
  • saak1978saak1978 Member Posts: 5
    Hi all,

    I bought a new Accord 2010 Lx 2.4 in March.
    It is just 400 miles.
    For some reason, my engine warm up time is too long. When I start engine, the rpm rises to 1500. It takes 5-6 minutes until rpm drops around 800. The temperature outside is around 40-60F thesedays. Isn't it too long warm up?
  • saak1978saak1978 Member Posts: 5
    Hi all,

    I have new Accord 2010 Lx 2.4 V4 since March.
    Somehow, the warm up time of my car is 5-6mininutes.
    I measured time from engine start until rpm reaches around 800.
    Isn't it normal?

    Second, when rpm is low (~800) and gear is in D or R.
    I can hear some small noise from my engine. Just like helicopers, and my handle slightly shakes with that.
    It just started after 200miles.
    Is it normal?

    I brought to the service center.
    It seems that they just connect computers and say it is normal.
    I think that they just try to ignore it.

    Do yoiu guys also have the similar noise?
  • thegraduatethegraduate Member Posts: 9,731
    Crank it, put on your seatbelt, then put it in gear and go. Why are you letting it warm-up by idling? The best way to warm-up the car is to drive it gently until it hits normal operating temperature.
  • thegraduatethegraduate Member Posts: 9,731
    Make sure you tell your service advisors you have the "inline-four" or just say "four-cylinder" when you call. They may take your concerns less seriously if you call the engine a Vee; there's no V-4 on the mainstream car market today.

    I replied to the specific thread you posted about your issue.
  • saak1978saak1978 Member Posts: 5
  • temj12temj12 Member Posts: 450
    I agree with "the graduate" about the warm up. Why are you waiting on it to warm up idling. It is not going to hurt an engine to drive it cold; just drive it gently. My Honda warms up the fastest of any car we have, but I do it driving.
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,263
    Please take them offline. They're juvenile, and have no place in this discussion. Thank you.

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  • tickellertickeller Member Posts: 13
    I've just got a 2010 EX-L V6. The car hesitates around 20-25 mph when speeding up from a lower speed or slowing down from a higher speed. My 9-year Nissan Altima which this car replaced did not do that. I am wondering all the accords are like this or just some of them
  • accordguy0325accordguy0325 Member Posts: 169
    I apologize. However, why did you ask us to take them down when you / or pat obviously already did so ?
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,263
    I didn't - you can't remove your own posts after a certain time period. My post was to indicate that it shouldn't happen any further.

    Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
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  • rcummelinrcummelin Member Posts: 184
    edited April 2010
    I've just got a 2010 EX-L V6. The car hesitates around 20-25 mph when speeding up from a lower speed or slowing down from a higher speed.

    We bought our 2010 EX-L V6 Accord in January and I have noticed something similar. Under sharp accelleration from about 20-25 mph, there is always a noticeable hesitation/bog before the car lunges forward. If I accellerate slowly, no hesitation. Maybe I should stop trying to accellerate quickly? Nah, it's too much fun!

    When slowing, I can definitely feel the transmission downshifting as the car slows, which might feel like a hesitation.

    FWIW, none of our other recent Honda V6s (2005 & 2008 Odysseys & a 2008 Ridgeline) had the hesitation during accelleration, but ALL of them had the noticeable downshift when slowing.
  • accordguy0325accordguy0325 Member Posts: 169
    So by your saying "Take it offline" you meant the equivalent of "Take it outside". Thanks for the clarification.
  • tickellertickeller Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2010
    FWIW, none of our other recent Honda V6s (2005 & 2008 Odysseys & a 2008 Ridgeline) had the hesitation during accelleration, but ALL of them had the noticeable downshift when slowing.

    We also have a 2006 Odyssey. It does not do this. Well, if you really pay attention, you may feel a little when up- or down-shifting. In fact we bought the Accord based on our good experience with the Odyssey. But the hesitation in the Accord is so obivous that it bothers me. I called the dealer, they seemed to be surprised and asked me to bring it in for them to take a look. But most likely they will say it is normal. Did you ask about or have the dealer check out your car?
  • rcummelinrcummelin Member Posts: 184
    Did you ask about or have the dealer check out your car?

    I will likely mention it whenever the car goes in for some servicing or some other problem. As I mentioned, we only feel the hesitation under hard or sharp accelleration--when we FLOOR IT--really put the pedal to the metal! Under normal driving, it doesn't hesitate.

    The down-shifting "jerk" is most noticeable as the Accord (or any of the other vehicles I mentioned) are going down an incline/hill as we're heading to town, and we are slowing for the stoplight at the bottom of the hill. They all do/did it under those circumstances. In normal city driving on flat streets we don't notice it nearly as much and it isn't an intrusion in the otherwise enjoyable driving experience.

    Please let us know what your dealer says about it, as that will likely be what the rest of us will hear too. :)
  • thegraduatethegraduate Member Posts: 9,731
    Read your owner's manual, specifcally the section about the "Grade-Logic Control" facet of your transmission. They've had this system in their transmission since the mid-90s. I love it; utilizes engine braking when it senses a decline along with brake-application, dropping from overdrive to third gear (does the same thing in my 4-speed and 5-speed Accords). Climbing hills it will do the same thing; drop to third and hold there until you crest the tough part of the incline, preventing the back-and-forth hunting of gears.
  • bvdj84bvdj84 Member Posts: 1,724
    Can anyone confirm that the Accord will debut a new design in 2011?
    Perhaps this will help me, as I will be in the market for a new car and a loaded accord could be had at exceptional deal! Of course knowing me, I would want the new design, but there is no way a new model Accord would be remotely a good deal. Not willing to overspend on a new model.

    I am thinking a 2010 Accord EX-L V6 Navigation-

    I think it is needed, because the Accord is looking a bit dated already, when being compared to other flashier looking cars in this segment. I am hoping they will learn from this and design a more contemporary model. People would appreciate it.
  • thegraduatethegraduate Member Posts: 9,731
    Accords have been on a five-year product cycle, starting in 1998-2002 models. It'd make sense that the current design would be out through 2012. Minimal changes are likely (taillamps, bumper treatments, minor interior updates) in 2011, just as every car gets a "freshening" about halfway through its cycle (see the difference in 2005 and 2006 Accords, 2008 and 2009 Civic, 2009 and 2010 CR-V; nothing major), but no changes of conqsequence are due in the next couple of years.
  • temj12temj12 Member Posts: 450
    I drive an '05 Accord. The rear of the new Accord looked dated the day it came out. Honda is not known for their styling, in my opinion.
  • elroy5elroy5 Member Posts: 3,735
    There are a few reasons I bought an Accord, but it's exterior design is not one of them. I'm not saying the Accord is ugly, but it's not exactly turning heads out there either. The last time I bought a car, because it looked better than the other, I was screwed with a big fat lemon. I don't do that anymore. I go for the best quality I can get for the money, and screw what it looks like.
  • igozoomzoomigozoomzoom Member Posts: 801
    The current model is the first Accord whose looks haven't grown on me after a while. The '06-'07 Accord still looks much better than a new one, inside and out!
    2015.5 Volvo S60 T6 Drive-E Platinum, 2012 Mazda CX-9 GT
  • rcummelinrcummelin Member Posts: 184
    After some experimentation on this hesitation when accellerating, I have decided that it is the fault of the TRANSMISSION, not the engine. When I punch it when going 20-25 mph, I can actually hear the engine revs pick up, but the hesitation/delay I experience is because it seems to take the transmission a noticeable amount of time before it finally decides to downshift. Maybe it has a built-in delay allowing it to be SURE that I really want to go faster before it does anything about it. Don't know--just guessing. Never had a car's transmission do this before. Odd.
  • thegraduatethegraduate Member Posts: 9,731
    At that speed I can almost understand it. You should be in second or third gear at 20-25 mph, and dropping to first will send revs climbing quickly with a noticeable lunge. I can sort-of understand a slight hesitation, but not much of one.
  • rcummelinrcummelin Member Posts: 184
    If you haven't tried it, please do so. The hesitation is quite noticeable.

    Obviously the transmission is computer controlled to upshift quickly & downshift slowly.
  • tickellertickeller Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2010
    I did something similar. I gradually accelerated the car on a flat road. I could feel the gear shift at 10-15, 20-25, and 35-40 mph. The one at 20-25 was most noticeable--the car kind of jerked and the RPM suddenly dropped the moment the hesitation was over. Once the speed reached above 40 mph, acceleration was smooth.
  • bvdj84bvdj84 Member Posts: 1,724
    Yes, I see no reason why Honda couldn't have used the Accord coupe design concept. It would have still looked classy, but a with a touch of bold.
    I have to admit the 06-07 still looks classy to me. Though, I am biased as I used to drive one. The interior and exterior is a nice mix of class. I truly miss that 4cyl engine. That was an engine that wanted to roll. I had a silver SE with tinted windows, black cloth. It was such a classy car and with minimal cost for it. I was proud of that car!!

    I do know what you mean when choosing design over quality and function. Making too quick of decisions. But, its just a car, I have about 6mth left, then I have to think about my next car!!
  • dmbst68dmbst68 Member Posts: 50
    I recently purchased a 2010 Accord EX-L 4 cylinder sedan w/ Navigation. When the car is on and at a complete stop, I can switch between XM, FM, AM, etc., and the system will not announce the name of the radio station or channel. However, when the vehicle is moving, if I switch from the first set of XM presets to the second set of XM presets (for example), the system will announce the XM channel name.

    Does anyone know how to disable this announcement? :confuse:

    Other than that, no complaints :)
  • dlitedlite Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2010
    I got 2010 Honda Accord EX V6 about two month ago, and currently have 4,000 miles on it. About a week after I got the car, I noticed some pattern on the hood. I thought it was because of glaring, and did not pay much attention to it. But later I saw it again in a parking lot at night. I thought it was mist, but when I touched the surface, it was not.

    I am trying to see how many of you who own alabaster silver accord have the painting issue as I have and what you think of it.

    I have the mottling (zebra stripes or blotchiness) on hood, fenders, roof, and trunk. I do not have problem with the door panels and bumpers though. I also went to a local body shop and asked the painting guy an opinion. He said that the car was factory painted but should not look like that unless something went wrong.
    So, it came out of the Ohio factory like this. Honda representative said there is nothing wrong with the painting in the pictures I sent and it is just the nature of the colour. But if it is the nature of the colour, why the door panels would not have it?

    Let me know if you have silver and whether you have similar painting and whether you think it is normal. I need to know if this is common and normal.

  • elroy5elroy5 Member Posts: 3,735
    That's a bad paint job, but you should have checked it out before you bought the car. If the car were to be repainted by hand, I doubt it would look much better.
  • tickellertickeller Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2010
    I got a silver 2010 EXL V6 a couple weeks ago and I do not see stripes on any part of the body. My problem with the car is the transmission is not smooth.
  • dlitedlite Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2010
    Probably. The car was just washed with water drops on the body and parked under shade. I guess they do this for customers but that makes it difficult for customers to see blemishes. If the painting was not in normal condition, they should have informed me before purchase. Or at least do something about it when it is discovered later instead of just insisting that it is normal. Maybe I am wrong. It may be indeed normal by Honda standard, and I am just not familiar with it.
  • dlitedlite Member Posts: 12
    If transmission is your only problem, then you are quite lucky. In my case, I have high-pitched whistling noise as well as lots of other noises, such as rear deck rattle, seat belt adjuster rattle, dash creaking, tire noise, road noise, wind gushing noise, driver side door wind noise. in addition to uncomfortable seat, dim head light, rough brake, misaligned glove box... Sounds like I am describing a decades old vehicle.
  • rcummelinrcummelin Member Posts: 184
    edited May 2010
    Sounds like I am describing a decades old vehicle.

    No, it sounds like you are describing a new Honda. They aren't what they used to be, but then neither are Toyotas. At least Hondas don't seem to suffer from unintended accelleration. LOL!

    If you haven't taken your car to the dealer and let them try to fix these issues, you should do so. My dealer was able to fix some similar complaints we had on our 2008 Odyssey. Some, not all.
  • dlitedlite Member Posts: 12
    Believe me. I brought my car into the dealer technical service five times over the last two months since the purchase. They have fixed the glove box, but they actually made the noise worse. I also contacted Honda directly regarding the painting issue.

    Their typical first responses are "that's normal", "I don't see what you see", and "I don't hear what you hear." Then, when it comes to the point that they have to admit, they say need to order parts, such as wool felt, telling me to come back later. Then, on my next visit they say "Honda is investigating on the issue", "the parts arrived but they were the wrong ones so come back again", "I did not see it last time". They finally replaced my driver side A-pillar molding for whistling noise on my fifth visit, which did not solve the problem but made the overall noise worse.

    When I pointed out the painting problem, the service manager brought me another silver which was a demo vehicle and had the similar problem. I told him to show me another which is not demo car and he told me that it is the only silver he had. So, I went out to the parking lot found two silvers less than a minute that did not have vinyl cover on the hood and did not have pattern. Then, he told me since it won't be shown in the picture he would not be able to make claim at Honda. So, took the pictures in the earlier post and send them to him. Then, he said "it is the nature of the colour". So, I contacted Honda, and got a message that "the field manager saw the pictures but there is nothing wrong with the painting in those pictures and also the car at the parking lot that I saw had the same pattern. So, it was normal." It seemed to me that none of the people from dealer or Honda was honest, and they were determined to ignore the issue. I showed my car to a local body shop painter who had 15 yrs of experience, and he did not think it was normal while he thought the painting was factory job.
    I also sent those pictures to Dupon automotive painting department, which I believe provides the accord paint, and they replied "This is not an issue with DuPont rather it is an issue with Honda. I don't see this is being normal in the color." So, they do not think it is the nature of the colour.

    However, I want to know if this is really a common case with Accord and what Accord owners think about it. Then, if this is indeed common whether it is normal or bad, I would let it go. Otherwise, I need something to be done for this.
  • tickellertickeller Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2010
    However, I want to know if this is really a common case with Accord and what Accord owners think about it. Then, if this is indeed common whether it is normal or bad, I would let it go. Otherwise, I need something to be done for this.

    I do not think it is normal. At least my silver accord does not have the banding and I have never seen it on cars from any other car makers. As for whether it is common with Accord, here is an interesting story: When I was shopping for the car, I told the dealer I wanted a silver one. He told me the one he could get would have 300 miles on it. I said I did not want one with so many miles on it. He then went inside and came back to tell me he could get another silver one with only 50 miles. I said ok you get that one and then I made the deposit. A few days later the dealer called me saying the one with 50 miles had paint problem, and he was going to get me another one which would have less than 150 miles on it when he brought it to the dealership. But I did not ask what kind of paint problem the first car had.

    However, there was a twist: when I went to pick up the car, it acually HAD 300 miles on the car, not 150 miles as I had been told. Now when I look back, I am not sure whether there was acutually a silver accord with paint problem or it was just dealer's tactics to get my businese.
  • elroy5elroy5 Member Posts: 3,735
    edited May 2010
    I would never put a deposit down on a car I haven't seen, not to mention thoroughly checked out and thoroughly test drove. I would take one with 500 miles on it, and in the wrong color first.
  • dpmeersmandpmeersman Member Posts: 275
    Really good finance programs offered by Honda recently prompted me to stop by my local dealer and long story short my Mystic Green EX-L V6 with 34,000 miles is now in someone else hands and I find myself in a 2010 Dark Cherry Pearl EX-L V6 with Ivory interior.
    I'm finding the lighter color interior easier to maintain than the black interior was. My dash vents have yet to blast out gobs of white dust as my 08 did. VCM activity is noticeable albeit much less than in my 08. Nice to see rear climate registers present as they should be in a car in this class. Bluetooth is welcome as well without the expense of their aging nav system.
    Not one to usually make such a spur of the moment decision, especially when I was still happy with my 08, but things lined up just right and I'm happy with my decision. Will post thoughts and impressions over time. As the miles add up I'll keep my usual eye on fuel economy and general impressions and or differences that may become evident.
  • choppedntubbedchoppedntubbed Member Posts: 39
    Congrats on your new Honda! Please keep us posted as to your experience with the 2010. I would be curious as to your opinion and insight, especially since you also owned an '08.
  • dlitedlite Member Posts: 12
    That's good to know. I am also wondering who I should sue if I have to in this case, whether it is going to be the dealer or Honda. Any advice?
  • tickellertickeller Member Posts: 13
    Congrats on the new accord. I have the same car except a different color. While everything else is expected, what I did not expect is the transmission is not smooth. You can feel transmission shifts when either accelerating or slowing down. The worst point is at 20-25 MPH when accelerating--the car very noticeably hesitates and jerks. I took the car back to the dealer and they drove it and said it is normal. Mind sharing you experience with the 08' and the 10' accord on the transmission? This is the first time I have an accord and I am not sure whether the non-smooth transmission is typical of accords or there is something wrong with my vehicle.
  • dpmeersmandpmeersman Member Posts: 275
    The only issue I had with the 08 transmission was on cold mornings it wouldn't kick down to lower revs when taken out of park and would somewhat slam into drive. While Honda's auto tranny's aren't the smoothest they are pretty "intelligent" in that their grade logic does a good job of determining and holding the right gear for the type of terrain the vehicle is either ascending or descending. I feel it mimics the downshift pattern I would use if driving a standard and is more willing to drop a gear and do some engine breaking more readily than other transmissions I've been exposed to. I've noticed no hesitating or jerking as your describing, but unlike Lexus or even GM's tranny used in the new Buick Lacrosse, which I found buttery smooth, Honda trannys are noticeable as they go about their business but never to the point that I felt it detracted from the driving experience.
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    Problem with the transmission is, that Honda and Acura are still living in the past with antiquated 5spd automatics that have that jerky sensation. My TL does it a little bit but that is designed to have a rougher ride/sport like characteristics so I actually enjoy that jerkiness sometimes, but I could see how on a family sedan like the Accord or any of the other Honda models where that would be unwanted.

    Acura has finally begun putting 6spd automatics into their models and more to come in the next 2-3 years but there are still models using the 5spd just like Honda does. I mean its sad because all of their competition have moved on to 6spd automatics or CVTs, while their luxury competition is on to 7 and 8spd automatics while Acura still has 5spd, so if you compared a Honda/Acura transmission to a Buick, Lexus, Infiniti, Nissan, Hyundai, MB, etc etc, they are all going to be much more efficient and smoother feeling then your equivalent 5spd antiquated Honda or Acura transmission!
  • tickellertickeller Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2010
    Not sure if Accord's subpar transmission has anything to do with the fact it is 5spd. We used to have Nissans and Toyotas, which were 4spd automatic. Absolutely no jerking or hesitation whatsoever. Even our 2006 Odyssey (5spd automatic) is a lot better than the 2010 Accord.
  • daniel85daniel85 Member Posts: 1
    I also noticed that when first start the car and right after passing 30mph, I hear a clicking sound. I bought mine a month ago and is this normal? I mean did you hear any clicking or spring noise?
  • loucopitsloucopits Member Posts: 103
    I hear that also, mine is the doors being locked automatically.
  • fnc119fnc119 Member Posts: 12
    Taking delivery of a 2010 Accord EX on Monday. Any quirks I should look out for in the first few months?
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