Toyota Celica (Hatchbacks / All Years)



  • marktestmarktest Member Posts: 43
    I thought I'd add a little something in regard to the posts on times from 0 to 60. The difference between the two engines is probably not very large. There is only a 5 ft-lb difference between the two engines and the GT has it occur much earlier in the curve. The GTS engine has a terrible torque curve.

    I have a GTS-Auto, and my time is just shy of 10 seconds (using E-shift to 8200 RPM). Auto magazine reviews, back when the car came out, indicate the GTS-manual comes in at 7.4 sec. I wouldn't be surprised if the GT-manual comes in at within a second of the GTS. As for the automatics, it seems the GT is quicker. It all comes down to the torque curve and it seems to me the GTS engine was a waste of development money. It definetly needs some torque in the low end.
  • tmundartmundar Member Posts: 70
    0-60 times really don't mean much if they come from different sources. If my wife and I did 0-60 time measurements, her times would be lower than mine since she has about an 80 pound weight advantage. If I did two 0-60 measurements, I would have a faster time if I did it with a nearly empty tank of gas vs. a full one.

    Different magazines have different testing procedures. I remember reading in one magazine (I think that it might have been Autoweek) that their 0-60 testing procedure was done with a full tank of gas, and two passengers (I assume that they use a specific amount of weight for the second passenger to adjust for differing weights of the driver). If another magazine does its tests with only a driver and empty tank of gas, its times would be significantly lower.

    Therefore, you can compare 0-60 times to each other only when they come from the same source.

  • tmundartmundar Member Posts: 70
    There has been mention here about the better torque curve of the GT vs. the GT-S. The following is a good discussion on the difference between Torque and HP. After reading it, you should be able to understand why the GT-S can have a significantly lower 0-60 time, even though the maximum amount of torque isn't significantly greater.

  • sergeissergeis Member Posts: 134
    The wigth of the car is, of course, important. Computer simulation predicts additional 0.3 sec. for every extra 100 lb, i.e. full tank will slow you down by ~0.4 sec. Getting only ~10 sec for GT-S auto still sounds real slow, it should be ~1sec. faster than GT.
    It seems to me that even more important factor for getting good 0-60 is getting car into performance mode - the computer alledgedly analyzes driver's style and adjusts whatever there is to adjust accordingly. Try to drive slowly for a while, and then floor the accelerator - acceleration will be lousy. Then drive roughly for a while and try again - you will notice real difference. It is probably true for manual also.
  • cdellecdelle Member Posts: 3
    Okay, so I got bored yesterday and went on another test drive. This time it was much more relaxed because I went early in the morning and I didn't get hassled by the salesperson at all. In fact he offered to let me take it on the freeway for a bit, which is something uncommon in my experience.

    The blindspot was greatly diminished this time, mainly due to the fact that I had the driver's seat in a comfortable and far back position. Before, I had the salesman behind me so I couldn't scoot the seat back all the way.

    Also, there was plenty of headroom. This was in a Celica without a sunroof mind you, but after the drive I got into one with a sunroof and I still seemed to fit fine without touching the ceiling.

    Anyway thanks for the comments. I'm still looking to hear about different soundsystems and sub woofer shaking...
  • anna12anna12 Member Posts: 10
    I'm planning to buy a new celica gts very soon. I made the mistake of telling my mother and she insists I check out the Volvo s-40s, since the price is not markedly different. I still see myself as more of a celica person, but my mom points out that I am aging rapidly (40s) and should be safety conscious. So, I went to the s-40 board in townhall and immediately ran into complaints of early brake failures, headlights burning out repeatedly, and lemon law cases! I never expected that from a volvo. So, to be fair, are you finding your 2001 celicas to be as reliable as Toyotas usually are? Any lemon horror stories I should know about? I thought I could passify my mother with side air bags and ABS on the celica. Anna
  • guitarzanguitarzan Member Posts: 873
    Unlike practically anyone else (Germans, Swedes, Americans), the Japanese are not very daring. They don't change entire systems in cars when they re-model them. I'm not saying they don't have problems, but in my opinion, problems are rare because they rarely change major components. I typically go with Honda and Toyota because they require oil changes and nothing else.

    That being said, I have 2000 miles on my 2000 Celica GTS. Sometimes there is a slight rattle from the moonroof cover, and I just started getting a little rubbing feeling in the brakes. I'll have to take it in, but I wonder if perhaps I got a warped rotor or similar. The car drives like a dream otherwise.
  • oneibtoneibt Member Posts: 12
    anna12 & cdelle
    I have a 2001 Celica GT with 3000 miles on it. The visibilty for lane changes is certainly limited, but between adjusting the mirrors out and just getting used to it I don't have any serious problems anymore. I do have to admit however, that backing up is an adventure.
    As far as reliability, Toyota and Honda have the best reputations in the business. My personal experience with Toyota has been great. My Celica has had no problems and my 92 Tercel has 130,000 miles with no problems.
    I can't help you with the sound system. I bought the standard 6 speaker system and am very happy with it. I guess I'm just not a connosieur.
    Overall, I am very happy with my Celica. The acceleration could be better, but I'm already afraid I'm going to be getting a lot of tickets, so it's probably just as well. The handling is outstanding. I purposely search out curvy back roads so I can really push it. All in all, a real blast to drive.
    Oh, and concerning headroom. I'm 6 feet tall and fit just fine, but when I sat in a sunroof model, it did brush my hair.
    Upshot: If you want the best rep for safety buy the Volvo. If you want the best rep for reliability, not to mention a lot of fun and great looks, buy the Celica.
  • tmundartmundar Member Posts: 70
    Buy whatever car that you want to buy. You are guaranteed only one life, so you should do whatever makes you happy, not what makes someone else happy.

    As far as being safety conscious, the superb handling and brakes make the Celica a very safe car. I feel that a vehicle's ability to avoid an accident is more important than how many air bags blow up in your face if you screw up.

    My mother (who would kill me if I revealed her age) has driven nothing but red, sporty cars (Camaro, 240SX convertible, and Firebird) for the last 15 years. By the way, I am almost 30 and my mother was -1 when I was born. ;) She was on the cover of "Weekly World News" with the headline: "Woman gives birth to child before conception!" You are only as young as you feel. :)

  • bcloughbclough Member Posts: 97
    You must've been one of those really early babies.

  • sergeissergeis Member Posts: 134
    I have 15,000 and 1.5 years on my GT 2K auto. So far no problems, if not to mention body damage - someone parked into my car. The damage was not big, but they had to replace the whole side panel because this is _japaniese_ car, steel is too thin. What I would complain about is bad cruise control programming - easily gets into resonance and often shifts to third and the only way to get out is to turn cruise off and on. Someone may say that this is because it is 4cyl, but I can easily keep steady speed on the same road without cruise control, so it must be faulty program. Otherwise Celica is real fun to drive. I have noticed that in general american cars have better auto transmission and cruise control.
    You can talk about great Toyota and Honda reliabilityI - but I also have Mercury Grand Marquise, which has 70K and is 6 years old - I had no real problems with that, only tape player was replaced in the beginning, and recently I got new front brakes. And it is a great car - I have hard time believing that Celica can cost as much as this street ship, - but you are not going to have much fun in it, it is a serious luxury transportation, great for the family.
  • anna12anna12 Member Posts: 10
    Sounds like your celicas are as reliable and safe as I could wish! I feel like I have one more "sporty" car in me before I need to retire to the rocker and the Volvo!

    How are insurance costs on your celicas, any particular companies offer the best deals?
  • micgamicga Member Posts: 56
    anna12 - Maybe you should look into a BMW 325i or ci. These offer acceleration, unmatched handling and by far, better looks than any japanese car. I will admit, the toyota reliability you won't get. BMWs are reliable however.

    Take Care
  • guitarzanguitarzan Member Posts: 873
    Superior looks to a new Celica? What cave do you live in micga? I'm only asking 'cause I wonder if your cave is near mine, and if I should stop by to say hello :)
  • anna12anna12 Member Posts: 10
    Who wouldn't love a BMW? Are you suggesting that the best features of a celica can be found in a competitive price range Beamer? I have to admit I didn't even check it out-I need to stay well below $30,000. I'm figuring on around 25K for the celica, with lots of goodies, fun driving and and good looks (though maybe not as classy as the BMW!). Maybe if that lottery ticket comes through. Anna
  • pocahontaspocahontas Member Posts: 802
    Please note: you'll now find a link to's new video of the Toyota Celica GT-S in the Additional Resources box on the left side of the page. Happy Motoring! ;-)

    Hatchbacks / Station Wagons Message Boards

  • bladelzg1bladelzg1 Member Posts: 1
    I am trying to decide between a Celica GT fully loaded or a GT-S. Is there a huge difference in speed between the two, because i test drove a GT, and you had to push the gas pedal all the way down to get any good movement. Is it the same for the GT-S are is there a huge improvement?
  • guitarzanguitarzan Member Posts: 873
    Blah. Anyone with 2 hands and 2 feet could write such reviews. Sorry Edmund's, but your concerted effort to produce non-offensive reviews results in car analyses that is isn't worth the video production time.

    The car is noisy and you can't see out the back? Anyone buying stealthy sports car won't see much problem with the degree of these attributes this car presents. Think about it: Everyone looks at this ultra-cool car as it goes by. So, to create such a beautiful look, the car will suffer with viewability. I got used to it pretty quickly.

    Plastic in the dash? Who isn't using all this plastic today?

    I will give into the fact that due to the gear ratio, you're either racing or putsing in this car. That is true. There isn't a great "medium" method to driving around.

    All in all, this car is unique with that combination, and it should be analyzed as such---aimed at a true enthusiast who appreciates the combination.

    Man the editors are hoity toity...too loud? So I gotta turn the radio up a little bit. Sheesh, Edmund's is a little overboard. I think ya'll might be happy driving around Volvo sedans so you can see well around you, and the noise level will be non-offensive.

    Am I a little off the wall here guys, or am I more right than wrong?
  • alex18talex18t Member Posts: 117
    there is a notice out to dealers from toyota about the sunroof rattle. it has to do with shims on the tracks or something. also there is a notice for bad belt tensioners that spill out their lubricant and become very loud. other than that the car has done well so far in reliability.

    has anyone replaced their clutch yet? how much would a complete job cost, new clutch, pressureplate, flywheel refinishing? i think by the wear so far i will need to replace it around 30k miles.
  • micgamicga Member Posts: 56
    anna12 - I just picked up my BMW 325i. I paid about 28k before taxes. The reason I was able to keep the price down was because I ordered it. I only got the options that I really wanted and did without some of the expensive (and in my opinion unneccesary) options such as power seats. If you order one, you may be surprised at how camparable the price is to a fully equipt japanese car. Although, some people feel that if they are going to pay just under 30k for a car, than they want it FULLY loaded with leather and the works even if they don't use half the options. I personally don't feel that way. Celicas are nice as well. I have a friend who bought a loaded celica and paid about 28k. I may be mistaken but I don't think I am. The way I see it, any quality (non economy) car is going to cost you low to mid 20's anyway. Why not add a few more thousand and get what you really want (if you can afford it). This is all assuming you prefer a BMW to a celica. That may not be true. If not, enjoy the celica, it's a nice ride. Just pointing out some things

    Take Care
  • anna12anna12 Member Posts: 10
    Micga-Wow, sounds like you were smart and it paid off for you. Now, your friend, on the other hand, may have gotten taken. Even MSRP on a fully loaded celica gts is nowhere near 28K, closer to 25-26, and I don't intend to pay MSRP! I'm going to look into the 325i, just for the heck of it. Have a great holiday weekend in your new car-I bet you have a road trip planned. Anna
  • oneibtoneibt Member Posts: 12
    Obviously you should get what you want on your car. I just wanted to let you know that my GT with cruise and power locks/windows was less than 17K. When you start loading it up obviously the dealer's gonna nail you. I know a stripped BMW won't be anywhere close. And by the way, a 325i better looking than a Celica? Please!
  • sergeissergeis Member Posts: 134
    When you go up to 28K you may as well argue that adding another couple of $K is not a big deal, so you get to 30K and so on, until you buy a Porshe. For me, personally, the 1sec difference in 0-60 time was not important enough to pay extra $3-5K for GTS, so I got my GT auto with everything except the wing and remote for less than $19K. I guess I still have acceleration close to 325i, its hp/weight is similar to GT. And hey, I get 29-30 mpg in city only driving, keeping Cheney's band profits lower and slowing global warming so that the next president will still have a chance to deal with it!
  • boomn29boomn29 Member Posts: 189
    The GTS will also get over 30 mpg. I was getting 31.7 in my 2000 GTS.
  • micgamicga Member Posts: 56
    oneibt - It's just a matter of opinion. I personally never liked the "sporty" car look. I prefer the refinement of German engineering. My previous post also applies to many other cars that people feel are "too expensive" so they don't even look into them. The term "stripped" should be used very loosly because many of todays cars already come with just about all the options you use regularly anyway. Believe me, I am not rolling down the windows on my 325i even though some may consider it "stripped". Again, it's a matter of taste and opinion. I'm sure your GT is a nice ride as well, enjoy.

    Anna - That 28k # may have been the price of the car "out the door". Anyway, good luck in whatever you decide to do. Take care.
  • badtoybadtoy Member Posts: 343
    "the refinement of German engineering"? In what way? Suspension? Yes. Power? Maybe. Build quality, reliability and maintenance? Most definitely not.

    Remember, you're buying a car -- not the mystique.
  • micgamicga Member Posts: 56
    Badtoy - Have you ever driven a BMW?? If not, I suggest you do. You'll know what I'm talking about.
    Suspention/handling - unmatched
    Power - Anyone can add HP
    Style - You better believe it
    Overall road feel - Again, you better believe it
    If my main concern was reliability, I would buy a civic. Which, by the way, is the best car around for the money (in my opinion).
  • badtoybadtoy Member Posts: 343
    driven many BMWs -- including the 3, 5 and 7-series for the last eight years, in back-to-back comparisons of them with Mercedes, Jaguar, Infiniti, Audi, Cadillac, Lincoln and Lexus.

    I love them. They are great road cars with impeccable handling, eager engines and pleasant styling. (Why only "pleasant"? Because I think they need to get the edge back into their designs -- which apparently they are planning to do, based on their latest concept cars).

    And I agree -- if reliability were the only factor in buying a car, I would never have bought my four Alfas nor my Lotus Europa. excellence extends to use of materials, longevity, maintenance and overall reliability, and in that regard, the Germans still take a back seat to Honda and Toyota.

    As for driving excitement -- have you ever tried a Supra TT, 300ZX, NSX or S2000? And guess what? They're all reliable too!
  • sergeissergeis Member Posts: 134
    There is no sense in discussing styling. In average, though, Celica gets a lot of attention, while 325i goes mostly unnoticed as another european brick. On the other hand BMW is a symbol of financial success, showing that the owner can pay extra for BMW logo.
  • badtoybadtoy Member Posts: 343
    someone who wishes to give the impression that they can.

    Besides -- anybody who can shell out $25k can get a three-year old 5-series around here. I don't call that prestige, do you?
  • tmundartmundar Member Posts: 70
    It is too bad that the BMW is stuck with the poseur image, because they are great cars. I was considering buying a used BMW, but I went with the Saab instead because I didn't want to have to deal with the image problem of the BMW. Not to mention that everyone and their dog has a BMW in my neighborhood. I preferred the image projected by the Saab (i. e. "he's a weirdo") over the image of a BMW (i. e. "he's a snob"). ;)

    I prefer to drive a car because of the way that it drives, not to fulfill some goofy image thing. I usually try to avoid telling people I own a Porsche, and, when I do, I try to emphasize how old and inexpensive it is (It's 23 years old with a salvage title, and I inherited it from my father). I love driving it, and I don't care about what people think of me when I do. At least I am young enough that I don't have to deal with the mid-life crisis stereotype. :)

    Since this IS the Celica forum, I will say that you should get whatever you want. You can get a really good Celica for less than the cheapest BMW (unless you buy used). It doesn't matter what you drive, as long as you are happy with it.

  • badtoybadtoy Member Posts: 343
    It's like when everybody discovers your favorite restaurant, bar, beach, obscure music group or whatever -- kinda takes the sense of discovery out of it.

    Guess I'm a snob too, huh? =O)
  • micgamicga Member Posts: 56
    Sergeis - "Celica gets alot of attention, while 325i goes mostly unnoticed as another european brick." Please tell me your kidding.
  • sergeissergeis Member Posts: 134
    As I told, there is no sense in discussing style, its personal. But I still think in average Celica gets more attention - it has aggressive style which sticks out, like it or not. 325i just looks european as most of the other european cars. I am talking about looks only. May be I am wrong and it's the other way around, "look, here goes the 325i, it looks cool!", and Celica is lost in traffic.
  • guitarzanguitarzan Member Posts: 873
    Hey, I like the 3 Series a great deal! But everyone I know who is not a car enthusiast thinks they are completely ugly. And the new Celica gets a lot of attention, that's true. So I pretty much I agree with the brick statement.
  • gambit293gambit293 Member Posts: 406
    As guitarzan said, the bmw may get stares, but only from enthusiasts. Non-car people will just see BMWs as just another car.

    The Celica sticks out regardless, in any crowd.

    Of course, this can be bad too. I just got my first speeding ticket on Memorial Day. I was doing 77 in a 65. Did the cop pull over the SUV that was tailgating me at the time? Nope. I've never even been pulled over before. I didn't even get a warning, just a $100 ticket. Boy, was I pissed. Stupid cop probably just had to meet his ticket quota for the day.

    Ok, I'm done venting now.
  • boomn29boomn29 Member Posts: 189
    5 days after I got my 2000 GTS I was clocked doing 81 in a 55. TICKET. My first ever, no warning either...
    I went with the traffic law center thing - where they go to court for you and plea bargain. It cost me like $180, but my record shows a citation for parking on a one-way street or something.
    I don't think it was the fact that my car 'stuck-out' though, I was crossing over 3 lanes...
  • micgamicga Member Posts: 56
    NEVER met anyone who did not at least "Like" the looks of the 3 series. So that comment is weak at best.

    The Celica is reliable and I'm sure a good performer. The styling is even good if you like the "Sporty" look. I never cared for it myself. I grew out of that when I was about 16. Cougers, talons etc.....Please. Let's take 100 so called "Non enthusiasts" and see if they would rather have a 325i or a Celica aside.
  • sergeissergeis Member Posts: 134
    I also own Merqury Grand Marquis '95, and like it a lot - comfort, power, reliability, and even how it looks. I have never met anyone who did not at least "Like" my GM. But I am realistic about it, I know that most of the guys don't like it, just pretend to make me happy, it's OK.

    Now you are mixing up different things - I am ONLY saying that Celica gets more attention than BMW. And you are talking about making a choice - and this is not only about looks. Everyone who can afford Accord can buy Celica - but they have chosen Accord for practical reasons, I think most of the Accord owners can admit that this car is not catching much attention. So, if you add Accord to Celica and 325i, most of your "Non enthusiasts" will have Accord. Does it mean that Accord gets more attention? I guess not. Perhaps they grew up of 325i too.
  • badtoybadtoy Member Posts: 343
    on where you live. In the little southeastern Michigan town of Monroe, BMWs were rare indeed -- and looked really cool, different as they were from the American cars that populated the town. But here in LA -- oh man. EVERYBODY has a 3-series. It's a status-mobile, and that's what makes it lose a large part of its appeal for me.

    That's what I liked about the A4 when it first came out -- it was spunky, beautiful and very few people owned one. My kinda car....
  • badtoybadtoy Member Posts: 343
    The 325 isn't a hathcback, is it?

    (Just checking....)
  • jk111jk111 Member Posts: 125
    the 3 series styling is awesome, but they are very common here at north jersey. I think one out of every 10 cars is a 3 series over here.

    Anybody know why there is a shortage of GTS 6spd at the north east coast? I am looking to buy one and apperently Toyota stopped making them for the 2001 model year?
  • guitarzanguitarzan Member Posts: 873
    "NEVER met anyone who did not at least "Like" the looks of the 3 series. So that comment is weak at best."

    Get serious. Go out on the street and ask everyone who walks by. You'll find plenty of people who don't care for the Bimmer look.

    "Let's take 100 so called "Non enthusiasts" and see if they would rather have a 325i or a Celica aside. "

    Man you're hurting yourself. Among the general public this would be a landslide in favor of a Celica. And I personally would LOVE a Bimmer.
  • ol1ol1 Member Posts: 3
    i've been thinking of getting a celica GT. But on the toyota website,
    its says the " 16'' 5-spoke rims" are only available on the GTS.
    Is there a reason for this. I'm not paying $4000 more for the GTS, im
    not planning on racing or anything. i just think those wheels look better.
    if i cant get them on a GT, i probably wont buy the car. Maybe a tacoma or civic.
    If anyone has these rims on their GT. please respond. thanks
  • badtoybadtoy Member Posts: 343
    that any deler worth his salt would swap the wheels over to the GT if you asked them to (at an additional charge, obviously). Most dealers carry custom wheels anyway, so why wouldn't they sell you the Toyota ones? They may not come from the factory that way, but the dealer can certainly swap them out.

    If not, just buy the GT with the cheapest wheels available and buy yourself a nice set of rims on your own. 17s would look really outstanding on the car, IMO.
  • boomn29boomn29 Member Posts: 189
    I have seen them being sold on Ebay for like 5-600 dollars. Brand new - if you are interested.
  • anna12anna12 Member Posts: 10
    Hi you style moguls, I am buying a celica soon so went to test drive the other day. The one I drove just happened to have the $1500 option with "aggressive styling". Talk about attention grabbing. Too sporty for me-probably get a ticket a day in that thing! The driving was fun, but I"ll be just as happy with no spoiler or one that is more modest. This one was huge and cut right accross the back window (which is a bit skimpy as it is). The engine sounded & felt great, and the brakes and steering and pick up were terrific. My sales rep is a nice, young college student (very comfortable for me, the college professor). He didn't pressure me and seems to accept that my timing is a bit uncertain since the check I'm expecting is already late. I'm going to buy from him if the dealership will match/beat the credit union buying service and the web direct pricing. If not, I'll try BTW, I like BMW styling, but the price is just too much for me and celicas are different, but also stylish. I've decided I've reached the age where a good car with options I can afford is a better choice than a great car at bare bones. It's just a matter of preference and priorities. I'm not ruling out the Beamer for the future, that's for sure! Anna
  • dimitardimitar Member Posts: 4
    Don't worry about the rear spoiler. I got used to it in couple of days, and now most of the time I use the side mirrors anyway. Very handy indeed. Going in reverse is still tricky but I guess that's the price you pay for sporty look.
    When I went to test drive the Celica I was so impressed by handling and breaks. I used to drive this Chevy Cavalier when I was taking the driving school. Man, that car sucks so bad compared to the Celica. No wonder I had trouble making turns etc. I just had no feel for the road. The Celica is another thing. You just KNOW how to drive it - super intuitive car. I'm just so impressed.
  • oneibtoneibt Member Posts: 12
    Anna12-The spoiler is pretty much all you get that makes much difference with the styling package. I personally think that it looks better without the spoiler, but that's a matter of personal preference. You didn't say whether you test drove a GT or GT-S, but just for your info, the GT-S is about a second quicker in the 0-60, has a 6 speed, (if you want manual) and has options available that aren't on the GT (leather seats, 16" wheels etc). The upshot is that the GT-S is going to cost you significantly more, so you need to decide if you want the extras that the GT-S gives you bad enough to pay the price. Whatever you decide, enjoy your new Celica, and let me know how everything goes.
  • bundsbunds Member Posts: 3
    Can anyone help me with suggestions or info. regarding Toyota's, I have a 1988 Toyoto Celica Turbo AllTrac HB 80k excellent shape stored every winter, Have had people ask if I want to sell it but no idea what to ask for it. Would like to sell it well it's worth something Blue Book does not have 88's on their list any longer. I understand that this was a limited addition when manufactured. If anyone has any ideas on asking price I would appreciate your help.
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