If you were happy with you 96 Escort wagon, how about a 98-99 Escort wagon. Pretty good review in the Sept. '97 Consumer Reports. Let me know if you can't find it at your local public library, I'll mail you a photocopy (RDeschene@recorder.ca).
The review is for the 1997 redesign which, by the way, has a more powerful engine so performance should be improved. From everything I've heard so far, though, fuel economy is still quite good.
The 1999 Suzuki Esteem might be worth a look, as it's engine has been upgraded. I haven't spoken to any recent Hyundai owners, but I do recall the Hyundai Pony being abysmal!
I work as a courier and have driven many Ford Escorts over 100K miles, Im curently driving a 98 with 35 k on it. We have a 97 Model at work that allready has 98K on it. The 97 and newer Escorts are much improved. The power now is almost adequite the previous models where real lacking in this area. The build quality is noticeably improved. The ride and handling has also improved. No real major complaints from Co workers. I think Ford did a good job on Re Engineering from the previous model. These cars are a pretty good value for the money. If your lookin for a low priced economy car.
I've had my 94 wagon for five years now. Just went over 70,000 miles, and so far no major problems at all. Seems that the auto transmission may need some attention, as it doesn't like to stay in overdrive during even modest acceleration at 40+ mph, and constantly downshifts. But otherwise, it's been a really good commuter car, and I it's been great for trips to Home Depot hauling 8 foot lumber, mattresses, top soil and mulch.
I have am interested in purchasing an Escort SE wagon, and have been offered CAN $16K (around US $10,400) from the dealer (subject to negotitiation, of course). It's loaded with all the options (not that I wanted them, it just happens to have them) and is a new 1998 model. What's a fair price for this car? Are there any significant differences between the 99 and 98 models that should incline me to one or the other? Many thanks.
I will be buying a small wagon soon. Toyota and Honda no longer make wagons, and I really don't want to spend $14,000 for a used one with 40,000 miles on it. I looked at a Escort wagon today. It is a good price ($11,700). I have been used to a Sable wagon (1989). I love the ride, but I no longer need that big of a car. My family is giving me a hard time because it is American, and if you compare the reliability of the Sable to our Toyota, the Toyota wins hands down. I have heard good things about the Subaru wagons, but they are too expensive. The big drawback of the Escort wagon is the back seat. I am a heavy person, and I could not use the back seat seat belts, but I will be driving and the front seat belts are fine. The only people in the back seat will be my teenagers. Any reassuring owners of a "99 Escort out there?
Brown: Where did you look at the 98 Escort for 11,700? We test drove one today and the cost came to 11,716. I have been trying to find out if this is a good deal and it seems to be. Is your price the lowest the dealer will go? The one we drove was loaded and it was nice. THought it was a good deal and came close to buying it then, but wanted tor research a little more. Now I am wondering about the 99 Escort.
wingina, I forgot to mention the features. Most of the power items are standard, power windows, power door locks, air conditioning, assisted brakes and steering. No ABS, but I got one of my favorite little items, power side view mirrors. brown
I bought a 97 escort in June of 96. I had owned several Honda Civic Wagons, and the Ford seemed to be very similar in design which is why I bought it. My Escort has been very reliable, and I would recommend this car to others. I have the five speed transmisssion, and all of the power and ABS options. With the five speed I get better gas mileage than the last Honda civic wagon I owned. (over 30 mpg with mainly city driving).
dirk, Thank you for your reassuring evaluation of ESCORT vs. HONDA. I am not sorry I bought the car, but my kids are so Toyota loyal, they gave me a hard time when the Sable needed repairs. It is nice to know that my reputation will not be further marred.
I would like to buy Ford Escort Wgn. there are 2 choise: 1st, 95, while with higher mileage 88K 2nd, 94 with mileage only 70k which is better? I am not sure if this kind of car can run over 120k? thank your reply!
I drive a '94 Escort 3dr, and my experience is very much the same as oollyoumn. I also have 120k miles on mine and so far not a sneeze. I *did* replace all the belts at 120k miles. Turned out to be a good idea as the belt (not the timing belt) was starting to wear.
This car is extremely easy to maintain, compared to my '81 Skylark. The filter is accessible from the top, and the drain plug is quite easy to get to from the front bottom.
Compared to Civics and Corollas, I think the Escorts are much less likely to be stolen or car-jacked. Repair and replacement parts are also inexpensive and easy to find.
I wanted to add this to the list. I do a paper delivery route, and deliver 1200 papers every monday night in a rural area of paved and gravel roads. I have been doing these routes since 1986. During this time I have used a 1983 and a 1985 escort wagon, they were darn good cars and held up very well with some maintence of course, but I sure Ford didn't make them for this harsh punishment. We own a 1997 escort now and are very happy with it, a water pump and a squeaky seat both covered under warranty have been the only problems.
I bought and 1991 escort wagon last october, it now has 40,000 kilometers on it. My gas consumption seems to be high (11 k per litre). Has anyone else had this problem. I have had a tune up, nothing to be found, and ideas?
I bought a used 91 escort wagon at an auction. Other than a timing belt that went out on me in the middle of a lonely stretch in WV and the loss of air conditioning gas, I have had great milage and use of it. It now has 102,000 and I am looking at at new 98 at 12075 and new 99 at 15500. My major question is has Ford fixed the leaking air conditioner system on the escort??? fordlover
My wife and I are considering purchasing a 97 escort wagon. It has 68K, and I was wondering if anyone knew the correct mileage to change the timing belt and the other accessory belts. This information will help in my price negotiations.
I hear you Brad. We used the APA for our 98 Acura 1.6EL, but even with their so called consumer protection, they still try to make a buck. The problem with them is: they don't know the difference between dealer cost and invoice, deny the existence of a holdback, and can't tell you whether the prep charge is bogus or not. Why would transport&prep be MSRP$850, when we negotiated down to $668? It makes you wonder.
The APA's broker also sent us to a crooked dealer whose sales manager and owner played games. (Luciani Acura on Jean Talon West in Montreal,QC) The salesman had one of those cheesy Time-Life pocket calculators and seemed troubled to explain financing options, let alone the merits of the car. He wrote down a figure on a notepad and implied "take it or leave it." And the dealership owner...oh my god she was such a witch! She refused to let us drive on the highway for fear that it would add too many miles to her "brand new" demo. Isn't a demo supposed to be used for customer test drives?? Anyway we left disgusted. Why does the APA do business with these guys?
Instead, we used the invoice list to shop around and struck a fair deal elsewhere. Your question: why are invoice prices so secretive here? Simple answer: they're out to screw the consumer.
Sorry that I couldn't help you, that's enough ranting for now. Miro.
I am checking back in to this discussion after driving my new Escort wagon for 3 months. With just over 3000 miles, there are 2 things the dealer will have to check when I take it in for service. 1) The car stalls sometimes when I am stuck in stop and go driving. It also happens at other times, but not consistently. At first I thought I had to get used to the clutch, but I now know the problem is not me. 2) The power window on the driver side goes all the way down with one touch, it should go only a short distance unless I hold the button down. I also have a question, when I have the airflow on vent, I get outside air, but if I point the dial and the face and foot symbol, it is cold air, like it is when the air conditioner on. This I don't mind when the weather is 100 degrees (like it has been in LA), but is this normal? Any '99 owners experiencing this?
I am looking at buying a new 99 escort wagon in the next 2 weeks. I saw a couple minor issues mentioned here. Is there anything else to know about? Anyone buy a '99 when they first came out and have had a good experience since then? The wife and I have a 94 Escort LX 4-door sedan and we loves it!! We are keeping the '94 so we will happily have 2 Fords. '94 seems to be a good year for that car. I hope '99 (wagon)is as reliable. -Jim G
Dear Spy, Even though I have those 2 minor issues, I would buy the Escort again if I had to make the choice again. I love the gas mileage, the size the look and I am hoping to have the same happy relationship with my car that everyone else seems to have had.
I did buy the car. 99 escort se wagon, red. We love the look. I enjoy the 15-inch wheels and the newer features like power locks and mirrors. One thing so far that concerned us: we tried starting the car with AC, radio, and lights on, and it refused to start. We had driven it 90 miles or so; battery should be charged up. I turned off the accessories and it started fine. Other cars I have had would start with the stuff turned on. But we are still quite happy with the vehicle.
Now, was there an escort LX early in 99? The dealer said this one (the SE) was a "99 and a half." A newer '99, on the lot just a couple weeks. Other than power locks and windows being standard are there any other differences? I am glad I got the latest '99. I will be curious to see the focus wagon, but it would have cost more money for sure. We were just under $14k including tax with this one.
I just purchased a used 97 escort station wagon 5 speed. I find the stick shift a bit "sticky" sometimes (i.e. hard to get out of one gear and into another). Has anyone experienced similar problems? Suggestions? Thanks
In response to brown number 78 entry, I just purchased a 97 and I also found that when you point the dial to the face and foot symbol that it blows refrigerated air while just the face symbol blows outside air. This does appear to be a fault and I plan on checking this out with the dealer since I still have warrenty left.
I am considering purchasing a 94 escort wagon with 47000 miles on it. It is an automatic and the brakes and tires are new as of 36000 miles. Is this unusual for an escort? What kind of mileage does this car get? Is $5200 a good deal for it. The car also has a cd player, a/c, and am alarm.
I bought a 83 escort wagon at a sheriff auction for my grandson for $300.00 It runs good with 78000 miles on it. Is there any web sites that can give us some ideas to dress it up?
My 91 wagon has 145m and is still going strong. Basic maintenance and tlc. Do you think escorts can make it to the big 200,000 mark? It's become something of an experiment now. Regardless, this has been an outstanding car. Next car....Ford Focus!
I am checking in again a month later(last entry 7/18). I found out the window problem I thought I had was something that is normal for the driver's side. I quick touch brings it all the way down, for it to lower to a specific place, I keep my finger on the button. The dealer spent over an hour trying to find out why my car stalled going into first gear and I was told everything was OK. The mechanic commented that the clutch is still in the "breaking in" phase, and this might be the reason. I have never had a clutch needing a breaking in phase, but the Escort's clutch is different from the Datsun, VW and Toyota clutches I have used. I find it I give it a bit more gas when going into first gear, I don't have the problem nearly as much. Maybe the mechanic was right. I am taking the car in tomorrow for the 5000 mile check and intend to ask about the cold air when on the foot/head position of the dial. I will report back.
To Trenal, If the owner of the 95 Escort can produce the service records and my own mechanic checked it over, I would buy the car. I bought a 91 Toyota Corolla with 80,000 for $6,500 a year ago for my daughter, I paid top Blue book price because I knew the owner and it had been pampered for the 7 years. Check out the handy guides on this website to find out if the price is reasonable.
My wife an I are purchasing a 99 Escort Wagon(new). It has the same 2.0 liter engine as our '91 probe which has performed flawlessly for 90,000 miles. $300 a month for 3 years with a $2600 trade in can't be beat. Seems like a great car. We shall see.
a 1962 Rambler station wagon with the flat-6 and pushbutton automatic transmission, and a 1982 Nissan Sentra wagon. I now own a 1997 Escort 4 door LX. I've driven earlier Escorts (primarily from a car rental place in cities on business), and I've got to say that I thought they were rather asthmatic cars. In many instances the car couldn't even get out of it's own way. When I was considering a new car back in '97, I hadn't even thought of an Escort until I read the review in Edmund's and saw the dealers were offering rebates. What I didn't know until I got to the dealer was that the engine was now a Mazda 2.0 litre with split-port fuel injection. Peppy performance, decent handling, but a bit disappointing in the gas mileage I think. The wagon must be equally as good, although I would think the handling characteristics might be slightly different. I do like the car. Too bad they discontinue the model in favor of the Ford Focus in 2000 or 2001.
Bought a new 99 wagon se with only 7 miles on it. Now have over 400 but was getting an oily fume smell out of vents. This smell only happened after car was warmed up and only when coming to a stop after driving. Dealer did a TSB with a deoderize a/c plenum. Still getting a slight smell but not as bad. Called dealer and he said need to drive a couple of weeks for deoderizer to work through ducts but may need to bring back in to do it again. Seems strange that smell only comes after coming to a stop. Anyone else have this type of problem and what was solution?
I have a 1993 Escort wagon with 78,000 miles on it. It has been a really good car but in the last 3 months the check engine light has been coming on once in a while. The car seems to run fine and if I turn the car off if I am stopped and turn it back on the light stays off. I think it might just be a bad sensor but I was wondering if this happened to anybody else? Thanks
I have 44,000 on my '97 Escort, and about a month ago I started the car on my way home from work that evening. My airbag light started blinking. Then I noticed it was blinking out a pattern. 3-5-6. It would blink 3 times then stop, blink 5 times then stop, blink 6 times then stop. Then the whole process would repeat itself...3 break 5 break 6. Obviously that means something, but calling the dealer and speaking with their mechanics was fruitless. When I turned off the car at home (after 25 anxious minutes on the road), and then restarted it again, the blinking stopped. Personally, if the bag won't deploy in an accident, that's alright by me. I have this thing about stuff exploding in my face, anyway...no matter how good the intentions are behind it.
Hello! I bought '95 Escort week ago. I like this car. I am beginner in cars and I would like to ask experts. Yesterday I saw a puddle of liquid near the front right wheel. The liquid looked like water, but I am not sure. I have not found where it dropped from. I mean I didn't find the leak device. Before it the car was located a couple of hours on the sun and then I returned I turned on the air-conditioner on full power. Maybe it was condensate? Thank you in advance.
Can anyone tell me what a fair price would be for a 98 Escort wagon with 12,000 miles on it. The only options on the car are an automatic tranny and a/c. I was planning on starting with an offer of 7500.00. From reading all the responses the resale does not seem to be very high.
1. When is the time frame for this new Ford Focus? Is demand expected to drive up its price? Will it help drop the price of leftover '99 Escorts? Should I wait?
2. It looks like I have narrowed my search to the Subaru Legacy, Subaru Impreza and the Escort/Focus. I don't care about performance too much. I just want minimal hassle, minimal noise and a little cargo space. Comments?
3. Does anyone know how long the cargo area is from the rear hatch to the backs of the from seats (I need at least 56 inches)? Do the rear seats go down separately?
Earlier, someone said his '97 wagon had a Mazda engine. Sorry, its still a Ford made 2.0L. Its a rework of the base 1.9L used from '91-'96. (The basic design actually dates back to the '81!) They added more power, so its 107 HP. This same engine will in in the base Focus.It's the '91-'96 Escort GT's that had a 1.8L 16v Mazda engine
For someone deciding between a '99 Escort or an '00 Focus wagon, the leftovers should be discounted heavily. (This is why resale is low too) However, check out the new car to compare old vs. new.
Just bought a 1999 Escort Wagon - had to go with a demo. No more new "non-demo" ones were left in Ohio. Apparently they went out of production in March 1999 and what's out there is it. Could not find a Mercury Tracer Wagon either - hence the Escort. Runs well and still got the rebate, plus low cost Ford Credit financing.
My '99 Escort wagon is 6 months old and has 6000 miles on it. I have a problem with it stalling sometimes in first gear. The dealership checked it twice. No problems found, but they said the clutch was still new, so it might be "tight". I have driven sticks for 25 years, with no problems stalling, but this is my first Ford stick shift. Can the dealership be right? It usually stalls when I am in stop and go traffic on the freeway. It starts right up again, but I don't understand why it would take me more than 6 months to adjust to a clutch. The rest of the car is great.
The review is for the 1997 redesign which, by the way, has a more powerful engine so performance should be improved. From everything I've heard so far, though, fuel economy is still quite good.
The 1999 Suzuki Esteem might be worth a look, as it's engine has been upgraded. I haven't spoken to any recent Hyundai owners, but I do recall the Hyundai Pony being abysmal!
Is the 2.0 l engine up to it when coupled with 4 speed Auto transmission?
All comments welcome.
I forgot to mention the features. Most of the power items are standard, power windows, power door locks, air conditioning, assisted brakes and steering. No ABS, but I got one of my favorite little items, power side view mirrors.
Thank you for your reassuring evaluation of ESCORT vs. HONDA. I am not sorry I bought the car, but my kids are so Toyota loyal, they gave me a hard time when the Sable needed repairs. It is nice to know that my reputation will not be further marred.
Most Ford Escort and Mercury Tracer wagons sold in the US are made in Hermosillo, Mexico.
Interestingly, most Toyota Corollas and Honda Civics are made either in the US or Canada.
With the big boys all becoming global players, you can't tell where a car is made just by looking at the nameplate.
there are 2 choise:
1st, 95, while with higher mileage 88K
2nd, 94 with mileage only 70k
which is better?
I am not sure if this kind of car can run over 120k?
thank your reply!
several bulbs
all wiper blades
rear wiper blade arm (warranty)
a fuse placed in the wiring (recall)
All other repairs due to two accidents.
things still going (never replaced):
spark plug wires
front end alignment (amazing)
I change the oil/filter every 5k
In good weather I get about 40-42 mpg on mostly highway(within city limits) some city some country road.
This car is extremely easy to maintain, compared to my '81 Skylark. The filter is accessible from the top, and the drain plug is quite easy to get to from the front bottom.
Compared to Civics and Corollas, I think the Escorts are much less likely to be stolen or car-jacked. Repair and replacement parts are also inexpensive and easy to find.
The APA's broker also sent us to a crooked dealer whose sales manager and owner played games. (Luciani Acura on Jean Talon West in Montreal,QC) The salesman had one of those cheesy Time-Life pocket calculators and seemed troubled to explain financing options, let alone the merits of the car. He wrote down a figure on a notepad and implied "take it or leave it." And the dealership owner...oh my god she was such a witch! She refused to let us drive on the highway for fear that it would add too many miles to her "brand new" demo. Isn't a demo supposed to be used for customer test drives?? Anyway we left disgusted.
Why does the APA do business with these guys?
Instead, we used the invoice list to shop around and struck a fair deal elsewhere.
Your question: why are invoice prices so secretive here? Simple answer: they're out to screw the consumer.
Sorry that I couldn't help you, that's enough ranting for now.
loose the cam shaft pulley?
the following problem. Head bold driver's side
front rusting thru ?
I loves it!!!
Anything I should worry about?
1) The car stalls sometimes when I am stuck in stop and go driving. It also happens at other times, but not consistently. At first I thought I had to get used to the clutch, but I now know the problem is not me.
2) The power window on the driver side goes all the way down with one touch, it should go only a short distance unless I hold the button down.
I also have a question, when I have the airflow on vent, I get outside air, but if I point the dial and the face and foot symbol, it is cold air, like it is when the air conditioner on. This I don't mind when the weather is 100 degrees (like it has been in LA), but is this normal?
Any '99 owners experiencing this?
The wife and I have a 94 Escort LX 4-door sedan and we loves it!!
We are keeping the '94 so we will happily have 2 Fords. '94 seems to be a good year for that car.
I hope '99 (wagon)is as reliable.
-Jim G
Even though I have those 2 minor issues, I would buy the Escort again if I had to make the choice again. I love the gas mileage, the size the look and I am hoping to have the same happy relationship with my car that everyone else seems to have had.
One thing so far that concerned us: we tried starting the car with AC, radio, and lights on, and it refused to start. We had driven it 90 miles or so; battery should be charged up. I turned off the accessories and it started fine. Other cars I have had would start with the stuff turned on.
But we are still quite happy with the vehicle.
Now, was there an escort LX early in 99? The dealer said this one (the SE) was a "99 and a half." A newer '99, on the lot just a couple weeks. Other than power locks and windows being standard are there any other differences? I am glad I got the latest '99. I will be curious to see the focus wagon, but it would have cost more money for sure. We were just under $14k including tax with this one.
I have a '93 Escort wagon with 99,000 miles on it and it runs like it has at least another 99,000 left in it.
If the owner of the 95 Escort can produce the service records and my own mechanic checked it over, I would buy the car. I bought a 91 Toyota Corolla with 80,000 for $6,500 a year ago for my daughter, I paid top Blue book price because I knew the owner and it had been pampered for the 7 years. Check out the handy guides on this website to find out if the price is reasonable.
90,000 miles. $300 a month for 3 years with a $2600 trade in can't be beat. Seems like a great car. We shall see.
Now have over 400 but was getting an oily fume smell out of vents. This smell only happened after car was warmed up and only when coming to a stop after driving. Dealer did a TSB with a deoderize a/c plenum. Still getting a slight smell but not as bad. Called dealer and he said need to drive a couple of weeks for deoderizer to work through ducts but may need to bring back in to do it again. Seems strange that smell only comes after coming to a stop. Anyone else have this type of problem and what was solution?
2. It looks like I have narrowed my search to the Subaru Legacy, Subaru Impreza and the Escort/Focus. I don't care about performance too much. I just want minimal hassle, minimal noise and a little cargo space. Comments?
3. Does anyone know how long the cargo area is from the rear hatch to the backs of the from seats (I need at least 56 inches)? Do the rear seats go down separately?
For someone deciding between a '99 Escort or an '00 Focus wagon, the leftovers should be discounted heavily. (This is why resale is low too) However, check out the new car to compare old vs. new.