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Ford Escort Wagon



  • shaffershaffer Member Posts: 4
    when do you have to change the timeing belt. I have a 1998 Escort Wagon it has
    60000 miles. do i need to change it now? what happens if the timeing belt breaks
  • carstengrcccarstengrcc Member Posts: 1
    I have the same prblem with my 1995 Escort LX Wagon. The car runs great, but once it it hot, has run for 10 minutes or more, it won't start again. If I let it sit for 4 hours or over night, it will start again. I need help soon, I need to go to Chicago and New York with the car, over 2.000 miles together, and I don't want to be stranded in the middle of Ohio or Penn. HELP !!

  • txbil1txbil1 Member Posts: 1
    The heater blower mote was not working. I replaced the motor and it now works if I ground the Blue/Black wire at the resistor but does not run with the fan speed control switch. I have power at the blue/Black but not at the blue/white, blue/red, blue, or blue/yellow wires. I checked the resistor with an ohm meter, each coil checks OK and the thermal limiter checks OK. I have found two relays in the engine compartment but don't know which is for the blower. Any suggestions?
  • chevymannchevymann Member Posts: 4
    Hello, I own a 96 escort wagon with 77k on it.. It just died one day, and now it wont start.. I changed the plugs. It is getting spark. At the bleeder valve i get fuel when turning the engine over, but not just with the key on.. I am stumped!!! Anyone with some info would be greatly appreciated...Thanx..chevymann
  • shaffershaffer Member Posts: 4
    when do you have to change the timeing belt. I have a 1998 Escort Wagon it has
    60000 miles. do i need to change it now? what happens if the timeing belt breaks?
  • shriveshrive Member Posts: 1
    I bumped my rear bumper when parking. When I came back to the car later, I saw that the left and center brake light were on. The keys weren't even in the car. Right brake light works normally. The cruise control has also finally stopped working (it was intermittent before). I'm sure I could fix those lights. I have no wiring info.

    I'd really appriciate any help.
  • deanr1deanr1 Member Posts: 1
    Two possible causes:
    1) Overfilling the transmission fluid can make the transmission misbehave. Can usually be detected by checking the fluid per the manual. If the fluid is bubbly, its probably overfilled.
    2) Our Focus has a temperature sensor in the transmission that went intermittent on us, and produced symptoms similar to what you describe.
  • shaffershaffer Member Posts: 4
    when do you have to change the timeing belt. I have a 1998 Escort Wagon it has
    60000 miles. do i need to change it now? what happens if the timeing belt breaks? o please tell me!
  • bobfrompipsbobfrompips Member Posts: 1
    Have a '95 that had an aftermarket security system, needs a special elotronic key. I have removed the system, & am looking for a basic ignition wiring schematic. Does anyone have 1?
  • chevymannchevymann Member Posts: 4
    :cry: still cant figure out why my escort wont start!!! anyone have any ideas??? :confuse:
  • dutch5dutch5 Member Posts: 1
    We bought our Escort new. It has been a wonderful little car. It is a 5-speed and unlike the automatic seems to have a little more "pep." It has 75,000 miles. Last week, on two occasions after driving about 10 miles, it stalled out, but we were able to restart it. Since we are moving next month and will be traveling about 850 miles, we took it into the shop for an estimate. It cost $89.95 to hook it up to their machine. We received a call that the problem was a sensor and it would cost $850.00 to repair!! We think their estimate is way out of line and we were hoping someone could give us an idea of what this repair should cost. We hate to part with this great little car, but we are wondering if it is worth fixing at this point. Could somebody give us some feedback?
  • cwendtlockscwendtlocks Member Posts: 3
    The shroud should only be attached by 4 phillips screws. Then carefuly seperate the two halfs that snap together. If it is the key cylinder it is held on the steering collum by break away screws. Shouldn't be to difficult.
  • cwendtlockscwendtlocks Member Posts: 3
    The lock cylinder is becoming worn. If you push the plug by the keyway it should turn off. Only repair is to replace lock or disconnect bleeper.
  • seal61seal61 Member Posts: 1

    Yes, I also seem to be having the same problem. My car is a 1991 Escort 4-door wagon, and automatic. It has a 1.8 liter engine. My car runs like a top when its moving, but when I come to a light or a stop sign the idle starts to die and about 10 to 20 seconds later it stalls. I usually put it in neutral and keep my foot on the gas to keep it from stalling at a light or sign. I have done just about everything I can think of. I also have totally re-done the throttle body, the idle air valve, oxygen sensor, cleaned out the intake manifold, checked all the fuel lines and emissions, spark plugs and wires. It's definatly not the fuel rail or anything to do with that. It's becoming very frustrating. So know your not alone. I am going to try one more thing and i'll let you know if it works or not, hopefully it works. E-mail me whenever you get this and i'll let you know if it was successful. seal6102@yahoo.com thanks!">
  • rickydee3312rickydee3312 Member Posts: 2
    If the timing belt beaks, you car is dead.
    However, no damage is done with the 1.9 engine
    The Mfg recommends change at 60K
    Not uncommon to be able to to 80K, but don's count on it.
    $260. Water pump should be done at the same time, your right there at this time.
  • martyn1martyn1 Member Posts: 5
    I have just had my nearside wing mirror smashed and need replacement to pass yearly MOT tests here in the UK .Any one know how much they cost and a source that would send one to the UK?
  • colt53colt53 Member Posts: 1
    I'm kinda a Chevy man myself but what have you done as basics to get this "DROF" running? Ford seems to do everything backwards so what the heck I'll join in. I don't know how well versed you are on mechanics... so, please forgive me if I sound like I am talking down to you... I mean no disrespect... just trying to start with the basics.
    Four things make it happen...1. Fuel, 2. Fire, 3. Compression, 4.Timing.
    First I would check for spark on all 4 cylinders... don't get "bit"!!!!.. If you aren't sure how to safely check, ask me. I have a couple of ways that are pretty easy... Do you have a distributor on your year or is it solid state?
    Second I would check the compression. I think Auto Zone "rents" (It's FREE with just a deposit) a compression tester. The results should be at least 100- 120 psi per cylinder and should not vary more that about 10-15 % from any one to the others. If you have more than 120 all the better. I just did a valve job on a 1.9 and it read 170. So guage accordingly.
    Third, Spray some starting fluid (about 2-3 seconds) into the intake between the air filter and the engine. (the key is don't let the air filter block out the starting fluid).
    If it starts now or at least tries to you probably have a fuel blockage. Fuel filter, bad fuel pump, plugged screen in the fuel tank... Or perhaps your gas guage is wrong and it is out of fuel... Yes, I had that happen to me!!! Boy did I feel silly I do allot of work on cars and that was really embarrassing. Silly as it sounds, it does happen.
    Fourth, the timing is possibly off. Depending on the year and how many sensos your car may have it can be easy ti fix or very difficult to fix.
    All the best let me know how it turns out.
  • martyn1martyn1 Member Posts: 5
    My message number 334 should have been 1995 Escort wagon
  • chevymannchevymann Member Posts: 4
    Hey thanx for the info man.. I have narrowed it down to the timing belt is broke, or the botom pulley has came loose some how. I took the cover loose, and I cant see where the belt is broke, but it doesnt turn when you turn the engine over...I plan on tearing into it very soon.. Again thanx for the info. I have done all that, except checking the compression.. :confuse:
  • grimyfacegrimyface Member Posts: 27

    Be sure and search the internet.

    There are all kinds of sites that sell automotive replacement parts, and most of them will ship anywhere. :)
  • grimyfacegrimyface Member Posts: 27

    If you haven't checked the ignition coil, it might be something else to consider.

    Coils that are failing tend to work better when cold, then fade out. :surprise:
  • martyn1martyn1 Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for the tip but the three I have found and tried all come back to "Trademotion.com" which are asking $129 for the mirror and $115 for postage.
    That really is expensive just to see who is coming up behind you. :(
  • biggy1biggy1 Member Posts: 1
    does anyone know what size the stock front speakers are on the 1994 escort wagon
  • secretariat73secretariat73 Member Posts: 47
    Hi, everyone. I just picked up a 1999 Escort Wagon as my commuter car (70 mi/day round trip). Nice car, in generally good condition, with one issue I'd like to resolve. The car idles a bit roughly at full stop, at street lights. It only does this in "drive" - if I shift into neutral, it quiets down. I do plan on getting a tune-up, and I know it needs a new air filter, but don't know if either of these will affect the idle issue. Any insights?

  • cockroach69cockroach69 Member Posts: 1
    i have a 94 escort lx & the thing will not turn over when i turn the key one of two relay switches on the firewall pass. side makes a snap sound but that is the only noise i replaced the starter if i directly run power to the starter it fires up nothing but a single click from one of the relays when i turn the key please help
  • kurekure Member Posts: 1

    My 93 escort wagon could not pass the smog check because of the "check engine" light keeps on. Mechanic did computer test and found two problems: one is the EGR whatever and another is the mass air flow sensor. They replaced the EGR.. and fixed the code. However when they replaced the mass air flow sensor, the code was still there. They said that the wires and connection seem worked. They don't know why. They suggested to replace the computer on my car.

    Any comments and suggestion? Very appreciative, :cry:
  • hamlin2hamlin2 Member Posts: 1
  • shesmybabyshesmybaby Member Posts: 1
    I have a similar problem. My 1995 Escort (auto trans) actually started out acting that way. Now, it's like my car is solar powered. Once the sun sets or the humidity is high she won't perform. In the city - she takes off doing like 3-5mph for 10 sec then kicks in and on the highway - she gets stuck in like 3rd gear. As long as the sun is up and the air is dry she's fine. Took her for diagnostic testing - Nothing! They can't find anything wrong. And they are usually closed when she's acting this way. I think it's a breather problem. She's got over 225,00 miles so I really can't complain. But she's still got a lot left in her. This is her only problem!
  • kgregg1kgregg1 Member Posts: 7
    The check engine light comes on 8 to 9 minutes after starting from a cold start(outside temp 30 - 40). With the light on and car rolling, I can turn the ignition off and immediately restart. The light will be off but relight after a shorter time period. Finally, the light will not come on if I can get on the highway before the 8-9 minutes and maintain 60+ mph.

    Any suggestions?
  • mozzerxmozzerx Member Posts: 1
    I am very intrigued by how your problem worked out, as I am experiencing the SAME PROBLEM :mad: . What has worked for me so far (fingers crossed) is to wiggle the relays, thier corresponding wires, and the plastic piece that they go into. Sometimes I'll have to do this repeatedly (10 - 30 times) before it will work. Did you ever fix/diagnose your problem, and if so - what was it???
    Thanks and take care,
  • pinkescortpinkescort Member Posts: 1
    i have a 95 escort automatic. i didn't drive it for a month and was happy that it started right up in the cold. it failed however to want to move from park. i tried the over-ride cap and screwdriver trick.nothing. next i removed the console panels and could see that indeed the shift lock mechanism was working and the shifter was able to move unobstructed. could there be something with the fluid in the transaxle sitting too long? maybe too much fluid? how much "elbow grease" should i give it? i don't want to force it and don't want to pay to have it towed. any suggestions? thanks, adam ny
    ps. it's maroon not pink, contrary to want my friends say.
  • przehoprzeho Member Posts: 10
    My classic 94 wagon is doing the same thing. I searched the forum and it seems the solution is to replace the oxygen sensor (02 sensor). I'll do that this weekend and hopefully that will solve the problem. I'll keep you posted.
  • justaskinjustaskin Member Posts: 17
    I'd let it come on and try to find a local parts store that will read the computer code. From there you can often figure out the best source of action.

    There are lots of things that will set a code so to try and diagnose a problem without that piece of info wouldn't be wise.
  • justaskinjustaskin Member Posts: 17
    I've heard of this problem before. I have a standard so I'm not familiar with the solution but everytime I walk into the dealer and ask a question at the parts counter I get lots of advice. You might try there.

    sounds like something has frozen up with sitting. How is the shifter hooked up to the transmission? Cable?

    Perhaps you've got some rust along there?

    Gotta love the colours Ford picked. I've got a choice green colour 98 that ford no longer matches with touch up paint. does that indicate how long they expect their cars to last?
  • kgregg1kgregg1 Member Posts: 7
    Did changing the O2 sensor fix your wagon? I found a web site that gives easy to follow instructions to check the O2 sensor (http://www.forparts.com). I just have not had the time yet to do it.
  • przehoprzeho Member Posts: 10
    I didn't change it yet. If fact, the light hasn't come back on for the past week. I kind of wonder if I should replace it. It came on two days in a row and now nothing for the past week. I'll check out the website and be ready in case it comes back on. Now I have another little problem to research. The automatic seat belts don't work all the time. Must be a loose or cracked wire somewhere. Bang on the door track and they work, but that's getting old. Thanks for the website and I'll keep you posted if and when I change it.
  • gmiller1gmiller1 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 1994 ford escort 1.9L. The car stalled on the highway recently and went totally dead. Mechanic said it was the battery and not the alternator. Changed it out, and ran well for a month. THen same thing on highway, was hitting preset button on radio and the car staleld out going 70 mph on highway. Won't start now, but have all the electrical features. Dashboard lights say "Check Engine" and "Fuel Cutoff". Is this the fuel filter ro fuel pump... :confuse:
  • g2flyerg2flyer Member Posts: 1
    I have a 1992 Escort Wagon with relative low mileage (89k) and in quite good condition.

    However, lately it has one annoying ``feature'': I often have trouble starting it. I turn the ignition key, all lights go on as expected but nothing else happens, i.e., no noise/action from the engine/starter. I repeat that and eventually, after a few minutes/attempt, the crank kicks in and the engine starts right away. The battery should be fine, i replaced it only about 8 months ago. I assume it is a problem related to colder temperature as it happens only on a cold engine, mostly in the morning and only since it got colder (below zero celsius?) outside. Any idea about why and what to do about it? thanks!
  • roadrunner9roadrunner9 Member Posts: 2
    My 92 ford escort wagon, stalled yesterday, with going about 20mph,it also has the same led chk engn, batt and oil then once you turn it over and it dosen't start the fuel cut off led is present. car was warm its not below 32' would take a jump charge. What resolved your problem? A buddy of mine says there is a cut off button someware with in the car?
  • roadrunner9roadrunner9 Member Posts: 2
    I to have similar problem. led fuel cut off lite it cranks but doesn't start. It died while i was driving and it was warm and all very odd. Did you ever find a resolution for this? Is it the pump/ a switch? arelay?
  • river2river2 Member Posts: 1
    I have had the same problem with my fuel pump switch popping up when I hit one of those famous Missouri Pot Holes. I found the stall out switch in the back end of the wagon it is on the right side over the rear tire; remove the little door plate and check it out. Sometimes it will just pop off after hitting a bump or running over some RR tracks to hard.
  • 93escortwagon93escortwagon Member Posts: 3
    i just bought a 93 escort wagon and it runs great idels ok but when i am makin fast stops when it is almost stoped it shakes a few times is that the trans downshiftin from overdrive or what?? let me kno

  • 93escortwagon93escortwagon Member Posts: 3
    the operation idle on my 93 escort wagon is way to high it idles great in park and a when its in drive its a little rough it idles at 25mph how to i lower the idle i hope somone can help me

  • kgregg1kgregg1 Member Posts: 7
    I checked the O2 sensor with a voltmeter and found the output to be above the 0.2-0.8 range that is specified for this sensor. The check engine light has not come on since replacing this sensor.
  • dhogydhogy Member Posts: 1
    I acualy have two escorts with problems. The firs is a 94 that suddenly has no power you might get to 20 mph in first and don't pull out in front of anybody. The car ran fine a week ago then it started this. Any help would be apreciated. The second is a 92 that ran great then sat for a while. I took it out to charge the battery and put gas in it. It ran great unitl I took a 15 mph corner then it died. It will turn over but will not fire. I checked fuel and spark and both are there. Help please...
  • harveyeaharveyea Member Posts: 3
    Hello All,

    I'm a proud owner of a '95 5-sp Escort Wagon. I can honestly say that it's been the most reliable car that I've ever owned. I was just wondering if anyone could provide a performance comparison between the 95 and earlier model Escorts vs. the 97-99 years. Does the increased HP and torque really make a difference?

  • jamesjuice1jamesjuice1 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 94 Ford escort and has been great to me. :) I purchased it with 64K on it and I have driven it from NJ to Texas. I now have 84K on it and it's doing something strange. Now, when I start it and push the clutch in and the starter engages without the key even being in. This isn't the worst of it; each time you push the clutch it engages the starter thus grinding. I unplugged an electronic plug to a white box beside the base of the clutch and after it starts but the fuel cutout and brake lights stays on. Has this happened to anyone else? :sick:
  • bbeardbbeard Member Posts: 1
    i have an 89 escort wagon 1.9 automatic car has started cutting out, running rough with 1/2 tank of fuel. I have replaced fuel filter, car seemed to run better. Filled up tank, drove, problem returned at 1/2 tank, added fuel additive, filled up again. went driving problem reappeared at 1/2 tank, this car tries to cut out under 65 mph. If pushed from 65 to 70 seems to run ok. i did notice once when car was cutting out the fuel guage was fluctuating towards empty, i continued driving car anyway. After guage started showing under 1/2 tank now runs properly. any ideas??? Is the guage sending unit bad? Is the pump bad? Is this a ground problem?
  • rmiller5rmiller5 Member Posts: 1
    I bought this car with 7,000 miles, now has 67,000, it has been a pretty good car and our roads are terrible and rough. I did replace the left front wheel bearing assembly, and in the last month a fuel leak has developed where the rubber fill tube conects to the tank, one other problem is developing, when the temperature is in the teens the temperature guage barely rises above the cold line although there is some heat, but not real hot, outside temp in the 20's and the guage is in the normal position with plenty of heat. I was wondering if the car is getting ready to nickle and dime me. what does any one think. thanks Bob
  • johnnymurphjohnnymurph Member Posts: 35
    My daughter has a 97 escort wagon, which we purchased a year ago, and the "service engine soon" light came on recently. The code symbols are for the EGR and/or the the automatic transmission. The tranny shifts fine, but the fluid is very dark (no odor, no water). Is it wise to flush the tranny with 140,000 miles, and would this cause a "service engine soon" code? Should the filter be changed as well? Most places do not change the filter with a flush, but we have found a reputable garage which will do this. I need to clear the code to pass Vehicle Emissions Inspection. Thanks
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