GMC Yukon, Yukon Denali, XL Electrical Problems

texasaggie97texasaggie97 Member Posts: 4
edited August 2015 in GMC
I'm hoping someone else has had this problem with their Yukon Denali. Since 2005, when we purchased the vehicle, we have had an electrical issue where at random times the entire electrical system will "reset" while driving.

The DVD Navigation/radio resets, the DVD Entertainment system in the back resets, the speakers sound like they "pop" as if the audio stream is interrupted, and all lights inside do a quick on/off reset.

Even the engine hours reset a couple of years ago. It currently shows 1000 hours but should be over 2000 hours by now.

Since this problem is random and we haven't found a way to reproduce it, every time we take it into the GM repair center they say they can't do anything about it. Finally, when the driver side air conditioning vents started blowing hot air, we were able to take it in for that and have asked them to check the electrical system.

I'm hoping someone had this power/electrical system reset problem and knows what was done to fix it properly. The 100,000 mile warranty is about to run out and I don't want to have to pay to get a permanent problem fixed when it has been doing this since 2005!

It is currently at the GM repair show waiting the actuator replacement on our air conditioner and want to be able to tell them a possible "solution" or a way to "recreate" the electrical reset problem if anyone knows anything about it.

See also: How To Fix Many GM Truck Electrical Problems (Video, 2:39)


  • texasaggie97texasaggie97 Member Posts: 4
    So I'm getting SCREWED on both ends by the GM repair center AND Warranty Direct (my extended warranty). WD is asking GM why a failure occured in the amplifier of my SUV and the GM repair personnel WILL NOT contact the engineers at GM to find the answer. Instead they REFUSE to do the repair work on the speakers that went out last week.

  • jeeper81jeeper81 Member Posts: 2
    i have an 04 yukon denali. the dash lights, the info center, the nav/stereo backlights, and the thermostat control lights all quite working the other day. i cannot think of anything that may have caused it. all of the equipment seems to be working, found a bad fuse under the hood that got the stereo working again. all that equipment would not be working on one fuse would it? in the fuse layout, there does not seem to be one fuse that controls everything. should i run by the dealer, look for relay issues, keep checking fuses, could it be a bad instrument cluster or computer problems?
    thanks for reading, any input will help.
  • fixitrodfixitrod Member Posts: 67
    I am having a similar problem with my 2003 Yukon XL SLT in which the backlight for the instrument panel and illumination of the 4WD switch are out. I pulled all fuses for these items and they are good. After replacing the 4WD fuse I noticed a red light on the switch I had not noticed before. I just had this switch replaced 15K ago and wfter the service guy invited me in for a 250.00 date(get me twice shame on me) he mentioned it could just be the contacts of the switch and yes it could all be thanks. I took out the cluster to replace the bulb ala Haynes but apparently its not a simple bulb for this year. I found a guy on Ebay motors however who "rebuilds" for 60.00 so its got to be away to replace. I have a salvage truck source which I have been getting restoration parts off of. Looks like I should have gotten the cluster last time I was there. I am concerned because of the mileage display issue. I may have to go with the rebuild guy here is the link for Brians Speedo Repair Let me know what you do. I am going to clean off the contacts on the 4wd switch and see what happens.I see the bulbs back there but it looks like a "knowhow "issue as to how to get them out so this gut must have a manual or something. Why didn't they just keep the simple bulb...dang. Love my truck but see why folks get annoyed at GM
  • evogelevogel Member Posts: 3
    I am having electrical issues with my 03 Denali my mirrors won't stay in memory as well my electric seats won't either and the heated seat sometimes comes on and now the left rear passenger window won't go down and the radio shut off for no reason. It wouldn't come back on I took the fuse out and put it back in and the radio was working fine.I also bumped the onstar button and i was listening to someones conversation with onstar. The thing was they were in Georgia and I live in Phoenix, AZ. I am not sure how to disconnect the onstar. I ran the scanner on my vehicle as well my mechanic ran a diagnostic and we both found nothing. It did this about 1 month after I bought it and the dealer found nothing. Go figure. I am worried at 85k that it might be the computer or module. I heard they run around $1000.00. I love this vehicle just frustrated with all the problems with it. Anyone else had any of these problems your input would be greatly appreciated.
  • jax12jax12 Member Posts: 1
    I installed a new air ride compressor and it still will not work. I checked all fuses and they are all good. There is a relay under the hood but I can't id the unit. Is there a way to reset the power to the compressor through the computer? Help
  • youngice313youngice313 Member Posts: 1
    Wow there are other people on my planet. I have a 2000 Yukon Denali and I do love my truck, but the same problems all you have had, I have had with my truck in the last year. The electrical just shuts off out of the blue and comes back on a few minutes later. I had my windows down and wouldn't you know the electric goes out, at the very moment no kidding it starts pouring down raining. I took the truck to the dealer, who did see the problem happen in the shop. I was told there was nothing they could do about it. They said if it finally resets on it own then don't worry about it, whattttttttttttt? Simply put this electrical problem has been around on this vehicle since the beginning, and they haven't fixed the problem with the newer models and it doesn't; seem like they care to much about it. Sorry..Merry x-mas all.
  • evogelevogel Member Posts: 3
    In regards to your electrical problem my mechanic was able to fix mine. He plugged in his computer to the port under the dash and reset some of the computer functions he said the computer turned them off not sure why? But he simply turned them all back on. I now have my rear window working my seat memories as well my heated seat no longer just comes on and onstar works properly as well my Cruise Control. I am down to just one mirror needing to be turned back on. You may want to go to a regular mechanic in your area that has been rated by an independent website as a good place to go. I myself got no where with the dealer they denied finding anything wrong with my vehicle, But my mechanic at a small garage was able to show me the problem and fix it. t cost me $80.00 for the whole diagnostic. Good luck also check out this other GMC/CHEVY website it really helped me. Hope this helps Merry Xmas.
  • harley29harley29 Member Posts: 1
    Glad to find this forum, and I hope it helps with a problem I have with my 2003 Denali SUV.

    The accessory outlet at the back of the center console has stopped working, which doesn't surprise me because that outlet hsa been used nearly every day for the life of the vehicle. I checked the fuse and all other outlets do work, so I'm assuming we may have worn this one out.

    Is there a test I can do to see if it's getting power? And if I need to replace it, how do I go about removing the back of the console? I removed the two screws near the bottom (near the cup holder) but I can't get the upper part to budge (at least I'm afraid to put too much pressure on it for fear I'll break something).

    Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
  • rps_alaskarps_alaska Member Posts: 2
    Yes, Yes. I had a door handle replaced on my 2007 GMC Yukon Denali XL on Monday. Saturday the car was dead and the speakers too. It would continue to die if let set for several hours. My guess is there was a drain on the battery. So I took it to GM thinking the work on the door shorted something out. They didn't find the problem but suggested trying to replace the AMP ($500) or Stereo ($2000) plus labor to see if that worked. Sorry, not floating in cash. So, I took it to an electrical shop. He has also thinks it might be the amp, however he has pulled the fuse and we are attempting to see if the problem persist. If it does he suggested pulling fuses one by one until I can isolate the problem. Easy to do and my time is cheaper than his. I also plan to take the door apart to check GM's work as I don't trust them or their ability to trouble shoot electric problems. Seems to me they shorted a wire in the door/speaker.

    Here is what I do know with my second Yukon. The run down protection does seem to work. What they fail to tell you is you have t let the car sit dead for about 45 minutes so it can rebuild enough charge to start. Then you have one or two shots at best.

    Yes the DVD/Nav does draw for a period of time on start-up/door open and for about 30minutes after turning the vehicle off. It then times out. My electrical guy was able to place a volt meter on the car over night and record the draw. This was huge in helping to narrow down my problem. A repair guy that knows how to use a volt meter and track down a draw is great.

    Until, we narrow down the fuse causing the problem. We have options. One install a switch to disconnect the battery or other draw. I am not ready for this or giving up yet. My solution is to use the spare battery slot under the hood and carry a spare. This way I can at least jump myself and charge the battery every now and then at home. I am looking into a kit so I can connect the secondary battery and simply flick a switch to jump myself. This way the secondary battery won't die too from the draw.

    Great vehicles, however they need to work on trouble shooting the electrical systems. I would never by a hybrid electric from these guys as the damn thing would probable explode.
    . . .
  • dmontanadmontana Member Posts: 6
    Purchased this past Sept, first weekend on highway with whole family in it plus two dogs driving center lane truck shut off on it own no warning. Turned out to be fuel pump fuse.Nice safety feature eh? Issues now the dealer has not been able to rectify after numerous trips to them. Traction Active engages randomly even though unit is not slipping causing no power and just revs, not good when taking a left at a light! Have to take foot off of gas. Also when the drivers heated seat button gets pushed loud buzzing noise, causes rear drivers passenger door light to come on buzzing goes away and heated seat shuts off, on passenger side too. GM has replaced the brake moduler for the traction problem, still exsisits though also replaced the power seat module and problem still exsists buzzing noise randomly..
    Sad part is this truck only has 64,0000 km's on it!!!

    Any ideas?

  • poet1335poet1335 Member Posts: 2
    i am having electrical issues and i have an 00 denali the radio,wipers, and the windows all go out at the same time and i am thinking it is centering around the factory radio because when it goes out the other two things i described goes out too. as long as the radio is out until it decides it wants to come back on none of the items work. also when the radio does come back on and i try to use the windows or the wipers all three stop working again.
  • poet1335poet1335 Member Posts: 2
  • evogelevogel Member Posts: 3
    He reset my computer with a code scanner device on my 2003 Denali. I didn't have the windshield wipers but I had problems with the Radio,Cruise control windows. All working now just fine.
  • kminton85kminton85 Member Posts: 2
    i have a 2004 yukon xl and the panel on the drivers door that controls locks windows etc. works when it wants to. i have checked the relay/fuse in the panel by the pedal and all seems to be fine. and the lock just on the driver doo doesnt work when this happens either. every other lock and window and panel in the truck works fine just the driver one doesnt. biggest problem is when i roll my window down and then cant get it to roll back up due to this and when i use the remote to lock my doors and this doestn happen and i have to unlock it by key. any ideas ?
  • kminton85kminton85 Member Posts: 2
    i have a 2004 yukon xl and the panel on the drivers door that controls locks windows etc. works when it wants to. i have checked the relay/fuse in the panel by the pedal and all seems to be fine. and the lock just on the driver doo doesnt work when this happens either. every other lock and window and panel in the truck works fine just the driver one doesnt. biggest problem is when i roll my window down and then cant get it to roll back up due to this and when i use the remote to lock my doors and this doestn happen and i have to unlock it by key. any ideas ?
  • moorempvmoorempv Member Posts: 1
    Hey, hate to say it but the dealerships dont want to let anyone know they can fix it....they want you discuraged and trading the thing in! Then they reset the computer and resell it with everything working like new. They buy LOW SELL "HIGH". The Sheople will pay to stop having these problems up to and including trade buy new.

    I am told you can reset the computer by lift battery cables, hold/rub end together several time while maintaining contact, let set for 15 min and place Neg cable back and then place Pos cable back. Computer is reset. Don't know how to dump engine codes.

    Good luck out there
  • kts0347kts0347 Member Posts: 44
    I have an 03 Denali that has started displaying the warning message: "Right Rear Door Ajar." The door is actually closed tightly. The control system leaves the dome lamp on thinking the door is still open. I haven't found a limit switch, so I suspect a deeper problem in the control module. So far, I am just over-riding the dome light with the switch on the IP, but I would like a more permanent solution. My vehicle has 100K miles and has had no prior electrical problems, nor any work on the right rear door. Anyone recognize this problem?
  • rshtrsht Member Posts: 277
    edited February 2010
    For your particular model year, its probably without the traditional door jamb switch, but rather via multi-contacts type of switch like the pair shown in the URLs below. Try to clean each contact points, hope that will solve the problem for you. Good Luck!
  • kts0347kts0347 Member Posts: 44
    where is the rear door sensor on a 2003 Yukon Denali? The door is shut but we keep getting an error message that the door is ajar. The message is "Right Read Door Ajar". It is not the cargo door, but the right rear passenger door that is the problem.
    Accepted Answer

    The "Door Ajar" switches are located on the latches inside the door. the most common failure in this system is the micro-switch on the latch. on most models you can replace the door lock actuator (ajar switch is part of this actuator) and the issue should be resolved.

    You could remove the door panel and inspect the wiring inside the door to make sure it is intact... and at the same time you could use a jumper to connect the 2 wires of the door jamb switch and confirm that the light goes out. below is a pic of the wire connector and colors of the wires that will need to be jumpered together. (terminals A and C of the ajar switch)

    Connector Part Information

    • 15366027
    • 2-Way F GT 150 Sealed 3.2x4.0 (GRY)

    Pin Wire Color Circuit No. Function

    A BLK 1250 Ground

    B -- -- Not Used

    C LT BLU/BLK 748 Right Rear Door Ajar Switch Signal

    D -- -- Not Used

    Source: 3-yukon-denali-the

  • apmartin28apmartin28 Member Posts: 1
    2000 Yukon Denali Wipers, Radio, Windows issues with a solution.

    I own this vehicle and just was able to get it fixed. The problem for mine was in the integrated body control module. This is under the middle console in between the front seats where cup holders and such are.

    You can take off the cover off pretty easily. The BCM (body control module) is below most everything. Once you open it up there is a small circuit board. On the back of the circuit board where most of the soldering is there is a bad connection. We don't know what this is due to. Inside the black cover of the BCM we noticed there was some gray dust where the soldering had gone bad.

    You can unhook it and just re apply new soldering and this solves the problem. You circuit board may be cracked so check that also.

    This is what solved my electrical issues in my 2000 Denali and I hope this helps others!
  • ma_marouchma_marouch Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2010
    The battery on our 2004 GMC Yukon with a Denali engine is being drained by something electrical causing us to jump the battery after sitting at first overnight and has progressed to needing to be jumped after just a couple of hours. This a sudden problem and as I am out of work I am trying to figure it out as I know that diagnosing an electrical issue can be costly. So far I have unhooked the radio and the clock to see if that was the problem to no avail. Could it be something as simple as the key fob. The pads to lock and unlocked are worn and the battery has never been replaced. Any ideas? Oh and I forgot: the battery was replaced at Sears and we did take it in to check out the battery and they said that it was an electrical issue!
  • ma_marouchma_marouch Member Posts: 3
    In response I took off the cup holder and looked inside to find that I looks like perhaps a drink had been spilled at some time and looks like it leaked down onto the wiring. We have a 2004 GMC Yukon/Denali that is having electrical issues causing a drain on the battery. As soon as I get home I plan to take a better look at the board! Thanks, this may have set me in the right direction. I fear that soon my one year old battery is going to need replacing after so many drains and jumps!
  • jmora83jmora83 Member Posts: 1
    hello ! im from Fresno CA and im having the same electrical problem as you did/are i have a 2007 gmc yukon that Ive been bothering with cus ethe battery runs down. im just trying to find out if you got it fixed and what you did to fix it.....
    if you havent fixed it maybe this would help
    I was sitting on the vehicle for a while and noticed that an actuator goes off every 45-65 seconds I can hear a click sound on my door and just before that i can hear the speakers go off like if i plugged in a audio cord.... weird !! i tried dissmantling the car and took off the bottom dashbord to find were the click was coming from but I got frustrated so I put it all back together!! any suggestions..

    the odd thing of it all is that Im a salesman for a GMC dealership and our techs have not found the problem with my yukon.. I was suggested to buy a solar panel and place it on my roof so that it keeps my battery charged at all times !! ($195.@Oreilly) so hope u find my info useful if you havent fixed yours and if you did please advise!!!
  • kts0347kts0347 Member Posts: 44
    Hi there,
    Well, I've got my replacement door ajar switch in hand and am chomping at the bit to replace it. But, I need more help with information how to remove the rear door trim panels from my 2003 Yukon Denali. I found one screw at the bottom of the trim pad, and was expecting push clips around the perimeter but found none. I don't want to just push and pull without knowledge. Please advise the procedure for removing the door trim.
    Keith :blush:
  • cheagacheaga Member Posts: 2
    I have the same draw problem. We put a priority start in the truck and it only allows the battery to draw down to a point and then it shuts everything down. Turn the key again and the truck starts. I have not replaced a battery since. It's around $90 and easy to install.
  • cheagacheaga Member Posts: 2
    I have a message that says service ride control. Is this the same problem you had? What did it cost you to fix?
  • panhead3panhead3 Member Posts: 3
    any suggestions before i tear into it ? thanks
  • panhead3panhead3 Member Posts: 3
    Any suggestions on soldering to the glass of the rear window
  • mcalvomcalvo Member Posts: 1
    On my 2000 Denali, power for those devices is provided from the retained accessory power which is controlled by the BCM (body control module) which is in the console.I had the same problem with the radio, wipers and windows all stopping. I tried running the diag procedure for the BCM but couldn't get in to run (would tell if there were any fault codes). I then read online about a loose connection in the BCM, so I took the 4 screws out of the console, got access to the BCM and removed it. inside is a small circuit board. On the back of the circuit board where most of the soldering is, there was a bad connection to a relay. Re-soldered the connection and the problem went away.
  • jeweleejewelee Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2003 Yukon Denali having issues with Driver door only, no power locks, no window functions from Drivers side door only, fuses are all fine, any ideas?
  • kts0347kts0347 Member Posts: 44
    Hi again,
    Just an update. I got the door panel off - it comes off easily after you remove two screws holding it in place. Then I peeled back the plastic inner liner and located the door ajar switch. It's integrated into the latch mechanism, at the trailing edge of the door. I was able to replace it, button it up and everything worked fine. Now, after several months trouble free, I've had two instances when it was raining hard, that the door ajar message reoccurred, but as soon as the rain stopped, the message cured itself. At this point, it isn't annoying enough to try to troubleshoot. ;)
  • fast85ponyfast85pony Member Posts: 1
    2008 Yukon. owners manual says "the black/red power feed will not be connected to the battery until the ring terminal is unstowed and connected to the undershood electrical center." Can someone tell me where it is stowed? I'm guessing underneath the fuse/breaker panel (lift the two catches and raise that panel?), but would be nice to benefit from someone's experience. Thanks.
  • heathera728heathera728 Member Posts: 1
    I've been having this same problem. Replaced the instrument panel on the door, went to have it programmed and they said it wasn't getting any power. :-\

    Did you ever figure out what was going on?

    Or does anyone out there have any ideas?
  • sour2sour2 Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2010
    My 2003 denali's headlights flicker when I'm driving over 55 mph, But only when I am making a left or right hand curve.
    My windshield wipers stop working completely along with the washer, Then they start up again, and work fine for awhile. I'm wondering if the problems could be related in the steering colume switch?
  • justwufnjustwufn Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 Yukon with radio/no sound issue. Normally when you cut the motor off for a few minutes the radio/sound will come back on after re-cranking car. Now I am getting no sound at all, but display on radio is still denoting stations and volume indicator, even though I am getting no sound from speakers. I did a search and was wondering if reflashing body control module will fix problem?? If so, do I have to go to dealer to reflash or can I do it myself??
  • mb04mb04 Member Posts: 2
    I have a 02 Denalli XL that sometimes when I try to start it will make a click sound and my whole truck will have no power, not the power locks, lights, gauges, nothing. I will have to pop my hood and tap my fuse box and wiggle the positive battery cable and sometimes shake my truck before power will be restored and I can start my truck. It sounds to me like a short at the fuse panel? It does this sometimes very weird. Love my truck other wise. It's a all wheel drive. The postive/negative battery cable has been removed cleaned and tightened. Please help. Thank you in advance.
  • galdermangalderman Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 Denali that blows the 10 amp left turn fuse when the signal is activated/hazards.
    I have unpluged the bulbs and still same result. If I use a 20 amp fuse it will last for 2 or 3 months before it blows again. It will blow immediatley when a 10 amp fuse is installed. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  • gmc2badgmc2bad Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2011
    recent decided to give american product a chance. purchased used 07 gmc from gmc dealership. headsets broken on video player, sales person acted like he didn't give a sh$%t after I signed the paper work. Major problem is vehicle will not start. Have to get out open hood and shake battery cable- thought it was battery, had veh checked out a dealer and was told is fine. Have had 22 incidents where veh will not start. Have appointment again w/ gmc dealer. I'm sure they are going to say its fine. I will not be a promoter for gmc w/ this history
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    How are things going with your vehicle? What happened at the dealer?
    GM Customer Service
  • dovenshiredovenshire Member Posts: 1
    My wifes 2007 Yukon Denali is completely dead, no ding when the key is in, no overhead lights, nothing. I am thinking it is the fusible link but I cannot find it. Does anyone know where it is located, or any other suggestions? :sick:
  • skimbrouskimbrou Member Posts: 1
    I'm having the same problem, did you get an answer or fix to the problem?
  • arlow1arlow1 Member Posts: 4
    I have a 2008 Yukon with electrical issues. At random times we will come back to the vehicle being totally dead. No lights, locks, key fob doesn't work and no reaction at all when key is in the ignition. Then, after a while the car will "magically" start and everything works fine. Have had battery replaced, door handle replaced, mega fuse replaced and nothing has worked to this point. GMC can't replicate problem and can't catch it to diagnose it. Any thoughts?
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your vehicle. Could you please email me your VIN? I would like to look further into your situation.

    You can get my email by clicking on gmcustsvc.

    Thank you and have a great weekend!
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • kts0347kts0347 Member Posts: 44
    I have a 2003 Yukon Denali that is developing some typical electronic problems, as described in this forum.

    One of the complaints is that the right rear door ajar message comes on even though the door isn't ajar. I replaced the sender switch in the door a while back and that cured the problem for six months. Now it's back. So far it's an annoyance. I just press the arrow button on the steering wheel and it stops displaying, and I turn off the interior dome lights so they aren't on continuously. But now other symptoms are occurring. The door locks now only work after I push the remote twice. The first push only causes a chime to sound. On the second push the normal sequence of locking events occurs.

    I've read that the Body Control Module might be acting up. So I'm suspicious of this. However, I've been told that the BCM has to be programmed to my VIN, so it doesn't sound like a driveway replacement, even if I bought one on the net. And, a local mechanic has cautioned that it could be any number of things, and not to get focused on the BCM. So I'm pretty confused at this point, and don't want to just replace the door switch module again, that's obviously temporary.

    Any suggestions as to what might be wrong, and how to tackle the job of making it right?

    Thanks for all your help.

  • arlow1arlow1 Member Posts: 4
    Got a possible on a negative battery cable replacement. GMC said they have seen same thing 3 times and this has fixed all three problems. We will see!
  • carriek14carriek14 Member Posts: 1
    @ arlow1 - I'm having the same issue with my 2001 Yukon and I'm curious if replacing the negative battery cable worked for you. Can you let me know?
  • arlow1arlow1 Member Posts: 4
    It did get fixed but I don't know if it is really fixed yet. My electrical problem only happened every once in a while so not sure yet. The GMC Dealer, who I know so I don't think he is blowing smoke, said this is the fifth time he has seen this same problem and the other four are fixed with no issues. He seems confident but said if it doesn't work to bring it back in.
  • tbos1tbos1 Member Posts: 1
    Every time I start my 2004 Yukon it resets the clock and the language used for the dash, sometimes my information is in french sometimes english and then spanish never know what you might get, the memory seats reset , and sometime the radio is on but no sound, now the brake light and abs light comes on dings and then goes off, the rear door is open message displays even when we have close it, any one else with this is it the Body Control Module ???
  • mamatrucker_04mamatrucker_04 Member Posts: 1
    my truck did this and it turned out to be my starter silyond
  • fwzfwz Member Posts: 2
    Hello everyone,
    I'm new here and glad I found this furom.

    I recently bought a 2011 Denali, 3 months ago. Now my radio/stereo/nav does not work. It has no power. I try to turn it on but it is stuck on the blue screen with the clock. I am planning to take it to the dealer soon, when I have time. Any idea what might be the problem?

    It did this problem once before while I was driving the radio died, but started working the next day. This time 4 days no luck.
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