TSB floor Mats?
Have you pulled out your driver side floor mat?
I have not, can't see how the accelerator pedal would get hung up on the mat?
I have not, can't see how the accelerator pedal would get hung up on the mat?
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Serious problem.
That's my only grip about my truck.
P.S. I have the "recalled" floor mates. I have tried the stick the accelerator pedal with the mat installed, I don't know how this would happen, mine won't ever begin to get stuck!
But by keeping the system in recirculate during cold/coolish climate driving you are making yourself and your passenger more susceptible to an insidious, even worse kind, of "pollution".
Sudden instances of windshield/window fogging due to rising passenger cabin RH, Relative Humidity, and a COLD interior windshield surface.
In recirculate you are relying on the A/C to continuously dehumidify the cabin. Mother nature, whimsical mother nature, may not allow that to happen.
What are the odds that all of these newer vehicles have stuck accelerator problems but our problem is related to the floor mat????