I hate my Traverse

jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
edited September 2014 in Chevrolet
The following is my opinion, concerns, and/or facts:
My recommendations STAY AWAY.
I regret buying this vehicle every day. I have owned GM vehicles for 25 years and this is the last time I buy a American vehicle. From the Horrible deceptive business practices at the Dealer to having about 4000 miles on the vehicle what a POS!
Problems I experienced are as follows:
1) Less then 100 miles Transmission stumble and even with 3800 miles transmission feels like it slips on acceleration from 2nd to 3rd gear.
2) At a little over 4000 miles come out of store and ITS DEAD, WON'T START. So I look to make sure nothing was left on, check shifter then I say a pray and try again and it starts.
3) Temperature dash control FLUTTERS when going from Hot to cold.
4) at about 500 odometer reading Highway Miles I got 21 MPG
5) City/Highway MPG 12.4, WTF way below the so deceptive sticker 17 City and 24 Highway.
6) from new window shimmys.
7) 300 odom miles on vehicle my child left one interior light on for about 2.5 hours when I noticed it. This vehicle in the owners manual claims to have a battery back up system where after a few minutes it suppose to turn off the light automatically.
8) wipers click at bottom position when on full or delay.
Called GM Corporate Executive Office and Chevrolet with NO assistance, nothing but BS and they say Dealers are indepently owned and they GM can’t get involved, etc. I owned GM stock and lost money and at first I thought they should be bailed out but after this entire experience they should go under horrible vehicle, empty suit customer assistance,etc. I WILL NEVER BUY GM AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!


  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    The Dealership was located in Suffolk County Long Island New York.
    Also PS #9 problem, Brakes squeel with 4000 miles. I should of bought a Sante Fe
  • rysterryster Member Posts: 571
    Reports like this are why I have not purchased a Traverse/Acadia/Enclave.

    I have been contemplating purchasing one of the Lambdas for over a year now, and everytime I think the bugs have been worked out I read reports like this. The Acadia forums are full of people with issues with their vehicles as well.

    The Lambdas are now in their 5th model year of production, and seem to have just as many issues as they did when they were new. One would think GM would have all of the bugs worked out after 5 years.

    I currently own a 4yr old Chevrolet, and would love to buy another GM vehicle, but many of their current offerings are not as "world class" as GM would lead you to believe.
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    You are smart to do your research BEFORE buying, I'm actually thinking of selling this POS at only 4200miles. I have a large SUV that gets better gas mileage then this traverse and is almost 10 years old. How they (GM/Government gets away with posting MPG's that are way off? from my understanding vehicles MPG's are suppose to be conservative. I expected to get the posted MPG but not worst then my over 13 year old vehicle that i traded in. I should of went for the Sante Fe or Vera cruz. I had previously mentioned the brake squeel, well another thing I noticed is a slight pulsating when applying the brakes. I believe the rotors may need to be cut or are warped with only 4200 mile. This vehicle 95% is female driven and we are near middle age so its not beated on. I been doing brakes since i was 15 yrs old and when i was much younger have changed enigines,transmissions,rear ends,etc so I was a very much a back yard mechanic.Its a disgrace that they (the guy on the line.dealership and upto the CEO) turns out a car like this. you may want to call and test Chevrolet and GM corproarte Executives office by saying you have problems with your GM vehicle as I did but with actual issues and speak to langauge barrier people and people in GM who say they have no control over dealerships and that the dealerships are indepently own,blah blah Bullsh1t as they have done with me. you probably want get far without a vin number they request.

    Also noticed a slight wistle at highway speeds yesterday(very windy out). I have rubber all weather traverse floor mats and have noticed several times of when exiting of getting a static electrical shock when touching the cars metal. I can't understand how when the mats are rubber and should be less static. This could be dangerous when getting gas as fires have occurred this way at gas stations.

    This was my first ever brand new vehcile purchase and i far from expected a parade at the dealership but I didn't expect to get in the vehicle after signing everything and no gas to the point the gas check engine light was on. I mean is it too much to ask for $2 in gas in the tank? also to pay for delivery(detailing and get the vehicle with dirt on carpet,and exterior? to pay for rewards program and never received? tape on windows from stickers that can't get off because rear windows tinted,i paid $369 for detailing that could of cleaned a tractor trailer,what thiefs?

  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    you also noted the lambdas research. I had seen under either Arcadia or the Saturn Outlook(i believe it was the outlook) a edmunds analyst informed GM of the transmission stumble years before the Traverse and yet still a problem
  • stormin800stormin800 Member Posts: 39
    I traded in my gas guzzling GMC Tukon(which I got to better my mpg of my gas guzzling Toyota Tundra) to get my 09 Traverse LTZ over 7 months ago. So far not one issue. During this 7 months I did a lot of boat and trailer hauling and my YTD average for the 7 months is 17.3 mpg vs 13.8 on the Yukon and the 12.9 on the Tundra. In my opinion I have a heavy foot. So take it from there

    GREAT VEHICLE !! Lots of room,cargo space and towing capacity for a midsized CUV/SUV. I got a lot of features & options on the LTZ that I couldn't get on the Lexus Rx 350, Acura MDX, Audi Q7 or Mazda CX 9 unless I paid much more than I did for the discounted Traverse.

    I highly recommend so far !!!
  • nit195nit195 Member Posts: 2
    Can you tell me the Dealers name. I live in Islip and would like to know.

    Thank you
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    It's not the one nearest you but further East. After owning GM vehicleS (plural) for 25 years I'M DONE. I will never buy GM again,unless its a muscle car year. I was going to buy the new Camaro but now i will pass. no support from Corporate Executive office,Chevy customer service,Etc
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    I'm still getting only 12 MPG City driving MUCH lower then their hype of 17 MPG on sticker and GM commercials with ex Football player Howie Long. this MPG is with female driven. since my last post I have more problems. whistling under the hood for 15 seconds after turned off.ticking under the hood. these sounds are heard from exterior with hood closed tats how loud it is.I will be looking to sell my soon and by foreign,sadly I'm very supportive of America and never owned a foreign vehicle but thanks to GM I'm done.
  • yukonhawkyukonhawk Member Posts: 10
    Just when I think it's safe to start drinking the GM Koolaid I get hit with a dose of reality when I read these forums. Back in 1984 I bought a Chevy Camaro. The second week it was back to the dealership for a bad starter. Then after a really bad rain storm my [non-permissible content removed] was soaked from water that leaked from the T tops into the drivers seat and rear floor, foot wells. I'll stop there as it had a mulitude of problems and defects. That was only 3 weeks into owning the car. I got rid of the POS 3 months later at a loss. I bought a Mazda and drove it to 124K WITHOUT one problem!!! Since then I have owned Nissans, Infinities and Toyotas. I am happy to say they all have been driven over 150K and again not one problem! I rest my case.
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    Recently I brought my vehicle into a GM Dealer(non Chevy Dealer) the Dealer was less then half the distance to the purchasing dealer thats why I brought it to this dealer. I got INTERROGATED as to why I brought the vehicle into them and not the Dealer I bought it from. The Service Rep was even stupid enough to say why didn't you buy the car here. Ah obviously because they don't sell Chevys. He was too busy being arrogant,rude,nasty,etc while on his high horse he said you didn't buy from us because the car was cheaper at another Dealer. I had noticed when I arrived that I was the first one there and actually thought they had gone out of business because the parking lot was empty but I guess now I know why it was so empty. I even witness two mechanics arrive driving their own Honda Accord and Ford Mustang, I guess even they don't have faith in GM vehicles. I lost money investing in GM stock and 25 years of GM vehicles because I believed in what use to be an American Icon and now I will NEVER buy American again! It is no surprise now why GM had to be bailed out by taxpayers. I was even paying for oil change and tire rotation which was much higher cost then any other place I shopped around but figure since I had the vehicle there for MANY warranty issues(see earlier post for my issues) I would throw them a bone. but instead the bite the hand that feeds them. I get the vehicle they put excessive 7 miles on it, spilled oil all over engine compartment and didn't clean it up, spilled oil on front wheel(i guess they were too lazy to move it from oil dripping on it),they claim to cut rotors when all they did was did circular swirls by sanding to stop squeals and pulsating(another lazy short cut then to take the rotor off and cut it by doing the job right),etc. I am very mechanically knowledgeable as I have changed engine,transmissions,rearends,etc in cars years ago. They even had the tactless gall to charge me $1.24 for product cleaner to clean off the new factory window sticker residue that was never removed when I had paid $389 for Detailing at the purchasing Dealer that they deceptive charged for services not rendered. Its is no surprise why GM failed. Government Motors needs to fire ALL from top down and start over,I'm sure there's 10 million unemployed who would like to have their jobs.
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    even the BBB,Attorney Generals Office and DMV a bunch of wasted so called consumer advocates. NO ONE CARES OR WANTS TO DO THEIR JOBS.
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    I have also noticed a strong electrical shock I get exiting the vehicle. I informed the Dealer Service Rep and he gives me BS saying we had that before where it happens to the wife but not the husband and is nothing to do with car but did suggest if I want to pay to have a grounding strap installed. WTF its obviously a chronic problem and the door is not grounded. They make up so many lies cause to lazy to do their jobs
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    Purchased vehicle August 2009, in Novemnber 2009 and January 2010 have received extended warranty's offers for over $1800.00 for an extra 2 years. Are they expecting so many problems already by mailing me this offer? it doesn't seem they have much confidence in vehicle. besides why would I want ths extended warranty when they give you such a hard time covering warranty items?
  • blend1blend1 Member Posts: 13
    If you hate your Traverse so much, why not take your loss and sell it and save yourself the future headaches?
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2010
    You want to buy it? more people want to buy Foreign then American, Now I can see why after 25 years of only owning American I WILL NEVER BUY AMERICAN AGAIN! I wish I had shoped for a GM vehicle and GMAC loan before I lost money on GM stock,now I see why they almost went under.
  • rbarriosrbarrios Member Posts: 1
    I bought a 2010 Traverse. Picked it up on Sep 3-2009, coming on 8 month of ownership... and im shy of hitting 11,000 miles.
    No issues with mine. Trans shifts nicely. no weird noises, build quality is great, interior trim lines up. No return trips to dealer for anything.
    I live in Los Angeles- and I do morning and evening rush hour traffic and city driving.
    With this type if scenario- you have to drive smart.
    I get 17-20 MPG on every tank combined driving.
    With summer fuel here- Ive been getting 19.9 MPG on the last 2 tanks. this is combines city/hwy.
    On long trips with passengers and cargo- up to 24 MPG.
    Also- no static shock.
    For static you may want to look into several things, shoes, clothing, atmospheric humidity levels etc.
    Dont forget that some cars rubber tire compound will cause very poor grounding- and as a result you become the ground when you step out and are touching the car.
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    I got to wonder if you are a GM salesperson or employee.
    A few days ago a GM Rep listened to and heard a few noises under the hood that are NOT normal, whistle noise for 5 seconds after turn off and clicking noises while running. Maybe I got a lemon. But with the problems is no excuse for GM's representatives,dealers etc to find and correct the problem. I will never buy GM again after being a loyal GM customer for 25 years!
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    I wish I had went with the Honda Pilot instead of my Traverse. Recently I brought my vehicle to GM for servicing early when the Mechanics arrived, well I SEE TWO GM MECHANICS GET OUT OF THEIR HONDA'S. SO WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU??????? OBVIOUSLY THEY HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN GM VEHICLES.before you buy go and see what they are driving
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello Jwally,
    I am from GM Customer Service. I apologize that you are experiencing problems with your vehicle. Can you please email me more about your situation so I can look into it further? My email can be found by clicking on my name. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    your name does not show a link for email. Besides I have spoken to Chevrolet and GM customer service several times with NON caring and nothing can be done attitudes
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    The contact email shows up when you click on the member name.
  • wavehowaveho Member Posts: 31
    I have an 09 Traverse LTZ, now with about 22,000 miles. Has been a very dependable car. Only complaints involve the chrome stip (only on the LTZ models) that has bent out due to wind I suppose, and had to replace both sides under warranty, and the nav system needed to be reprogrammed. Do your due diligence and test drive all the cars in the same class and make your own decision.
  • roadrunner70roadrunner70 Member Posts: 241
    to all, i just came over from the nissan murano cvt message board. for those of you who hate their suv, go there and get a dose of reality. people have cars that can't be driven, have spent 6k,7, etc for repairs, etc. I have one of those muranos, and I am trying to decide what to turn to.
    highlander -- timing belt, distributorship fee, and more??
    murano - timing chain, cvt, big repair $$
    traverse - static, wind noise, some other minor issues. sounds a lot better. rr70
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    edited May 2010
    Nissan HAS SOLD WAYYY MORE MURANOS THEN Chevy has sold traverses and been around for years longer, so more likely to have more problems. Considering the Traverse is relatively new there shouldn't be so many problems,TSB's ,RECALLS,etc. As others on Edmunds have had the same no start dead problem I had and then have service frequent excuse "can't duplicate" .

    A friend of my was going to Lease a Chevy Surburban /Tahoe but went with the Murano and is very happy with it
  • blend1blend1 Member Posts: 13
    JWally - Now your just crying a bit too much. Get over it...Your on every single site concerning Traverse with the same tired complaint. Maybe your part of a GM competitor who doesnt want to see GM succeed or are you just anti American Car. Havent seen you praised Ford or Chysler.
  • wavehowaveho Member Posts: 31
    Now the truth comes out--all about retribution against GM because you lost your retirement. We all lost stock value in the last two years; get over it. GM makes high quality vehicles and are very competitive with foreign cars and superior in some respects. I think the moderators should remove all of your posts and ratings because they are apparently not based in reality but in vengeance.
  • blend1blend1 Member Posts: 13
    Wally - You shouldnt be name calling. Your point is extremely one sided. There are many Asian and European cars that have recalls and breakdown just as American cars. You...Just had the good luck to get a lemon. I live on base and have to tell you that WE prefer to stand by America and its products.(depends on where you live you will find the type of cars on the road). My fellow soldiers as well as myself have had no real complaints about the Traverse or any other American car we drive. The price is right, the product is strong and we would rather support our country first. If you recall that Toyota cut cost as well and had the quality control issue. You shouldnt sterotype how the GM production line works without comparing it to others in the same industry by watching it. If you cannot, you should not be negative b/c of your misfortune. I stand by the U.S. products as the Traverse is a well built CUV. The only 2 complaint I have is that the headrest is a bit awkward and the gas miles isnt as good as advertised.
  • jwallyjwally Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2010
    i SEEM TO REMEMBER THE MILITARY HUMMER, believed to be made by GM or was but they had to liquidate assets and sold it,.American soldiers requesting bullet resistant vest to be donated to line them with because of poor quality made resistants to rounds,etc. The Traverse when it starts rides relatively nice and maybe i do have a lemon but that does not excuse GM's (from Corporate reps down to Dealers) not caring and no assistants. The recall for it not starting is the EXACT problem I have but of course GM/Chevy denies that my vehicle is part of the recall,I guess they wouldn't want to have a major recall of all Traverse for not starting it may damper sales. So i purchased a new vehicle hoping to have a reliable vehicle for my family and yet it has failed. maybe its easy for you to hitch a ride on base if yours doesn't start but for me its disgraceful to spend near $30,000 and at 4019 miles for a vehicle NOT start! Silly me I guess to think a new vehicle with only 4019 miles should start. its very simple for them to fix my concerns and make me a happy customer but all i get its no assistance.
  • zaken1zaken1 Member Posts: 556
    Some time back, a GM Customer service rep went out of her way to contact you on this forum, and invited you to contact her for assistance. Your first excuse for not doing so was that you "didn't get the e-mail address" when you clicked on her name. But the host of this forum then went out of his way to tell you how to find the e-mail address (however, he didn't mention that you must be logged on in order to go to that address). You have never posted the results of that contact; nor posted whether you even bothered to contact her. As a first time reader of this forum; I find that your extreme negativity and reluctance to follow constructive suggestions is undermining your credibility. IS THAT HOW YOU WANT TO BE SEEN BY THOSE WHO READ YOUR POSTS? If not, why don't you take positive action to deal with this situation; instead of just griping, griping, and griping more. Despite your pessimism; I guarantee that there are people out there who would be interested in buying your car (if the price was attractive). Do you have a problem with finally getting rid of the car you hate so much? Why won't you take positive action?
  • blend1blend1 Member Posts: 13
    I found this on another website under traverseforum.com. I have an AWD this is a front wheel drive but tried it and received better gas mileage. Hope this helps anyone. (Dont think you need to reset as much as he states, I did it only once.)

    I have been having mileage problems with my front wheel drive traverse which I described in a prior post.

    I took my car to three Chevrolet garages to have it checked and their computer techs (they really are not mechanics anymore!) told me there was nothing wrong with my car and that 17.7 on the highway was just fine mileage...BS!!

    After talking with an old experienced mechanic he told me that the trouble could be the traction control switch and that I needed to reset it...he had noting but disdain for this particular feature.

    I got my car up to speed, set the cruise and did 6 sets of disengaging and reengaging the traction control and it fixed my problem.

    I just got back from a trip to the airport, 125 miles with cruise set at 58 and got 27.1 MPG...amazing!!

    Please, try this on your car and report back...this could be the fix to your problems too!
  • 2thebeach2thebeach Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2010
    Purchased 7/2010 Made trip to Disney in Orlando from Virginia w 4 passengers onboard. Everyone enjoyed the ride and 2 rear buckets w overhead Entertainment Center. Mileage 17-23 both ways. Traded from 2007 Tahoe. LTZ 4WD.
  • dispencer2dispencer2 Member Posts: 299
    My wife (a realtor) bought a 2009 LTZ at the end of the year and now has about 8,000 miles on it with no mechanical problems. Mileage is about 14 around town and 25-28 at 70-75 on the Interstate, This is about the same mileage as my 03 DeVille so I'll sell it and drive her car on trips.

    The only problems have been loose side moldings,, a missing DVD for the Nav., a bad seat belt lock, and now the courtesy lights on the overhead won't turn on when the doors open. They never did but I rarely drive the car and discovered it the other day. My dealer has been great. If I had the problems the above owner had I would give the car back under the lemon law.
  • misha1957misha1957 Member Posts: 6
    In April 2010, my wife and I brought home a Traverse, LT, with "Travelers Edition" package (Nav, DVD, rear audio controls, wireless headsets, etc). Now, as of Nov 2010, it has 11,000 miles, and no real problems at all. The DVD player needed to be replaced (stopped playing DVDs), but the dealership (Herritage/Mile One in Owings Mills, MD) has been very easy to work with and provided a loaner with no hassle.

    My wife avergages about 19.5 mpg on her commute, which is about 70% hwy. When I drive it, I tend to average about 22-23 mpg hwy (lighter foot, more Cruise Control). I was able to wring more than 25 mpg out of it on a 600 mile trip down I-95 back in August.

    Only complaint (which is minor) is that the transmission sometimes goes "gear hunting" when speeding up quicky after decelerating (like when merging into traffic between two highways). However, for me, this was mostly a matter of getting used to the peculiarities of the vehicle and adjusting accordingly.

    In any case, our experience is very, very positive with the vehicle so far, and we recommend it highly. Very spacious, reliable, comfortable family hauler. :D


  • skyrider63skyrider63 Member Posts: 2

    I have had unending problems with my Traverse. It's been in the shop 11 times in 19 months. Never for the same problem twice. I'm not sure who you're dealing with at corporate but when I brought this problem to them they agreed to assist me in getting out of this car. Did you ever think that maybe part of the problem is that you're so hostile? If you immediately attack someone on the phone or at the dealership they are less likely to help you. The dealership where I bought my car has been very professional and helpful. GM corporate has been very helpful in assisting me with this problem. I'm quite satisfied with the responses I've received. Have you also heard that sometimes a bad one comes off thel ine? It happens. My last vehicle was worse. I have every intention of buying a 2011 Traverse LS 8 passenger.

  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    You stated your vehicle has been at the shop 11 times in 19 months. I am checking in to see if everything has been taken care of. Please keep me updated.

    Thank you,
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • skyrider63skyrider63 Member Posts: 2
    We're working on getting it taken care of. The dealership is working with GM to get me out of this car and into a 2011. So far I've been satisfied with all that's happened to help me out. GM says they can't exactly figure out what's wrong with the car this time around (which is a first) but they're willing to help me get out of it. I'm hoping that by this time next week I'll be driving a new car. I never expected the dealership or GM to help me out here so it came as quite the surprise when they told me they would help me get out of this car. It also helped that they did all the service on the car. They had ALL the records on how much this car has been in and what it's been in for. Thanks for checking in with me. I'll keep you posted.

  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    Glad to hear the dealership and GM Customer Assistance are helping you! Definitely keep me posted. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact us directly.

    Thank you,
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • plumbobby0plumbobby0 Member Posts: 4
    I have to say that you are one of the chosen few. I bought the LTZ, which cost way more than the SUV it replaced, a Cadillac SRX. The change came about because of the problems with the transmission in the SRX, only to find that the Traverse has exactly the same problem. I would not recommend this vehicle to anyone and if I hadn't put a sizeable deposit on it I would hand it back!!. Having say this I hope your luck holds out and you got one of the few good ones.
  • plumbobby0plumbobby0 Member Posts: 4
    I suppose you could say that most makes and models give some minor problems but the Traverse, and it seems any GM that uses the same transmission, have a problem that can be potentially dangerous in that accelerating hard can actually cause your vehicle to HESITATE and if you are overtaking another vehicle or even if you are just acelarating the gearshift can jump 2-3 gears back which causes the engine to retard momentarily and slow the vehicle down. I have my Traverse up for sale and I am prepared to lost over $10,000 just to get rid of it, that is how scared this problem makes me.
  • plumbobby0plumbobby0 Member Posts: 4
    I would be very interested in the types and severity of your problems with the vehicle and in particular the problem that they couldn't resolve.
  • safety9285safety9285 Member Posts: 88
    This is the same POS that GMC calls and Acadia. If you think the Traverse has problems take a look at the Acadia Forum!!!! :lemon:
  • mej1965mej1965 Member Posts: 6
    Will you help with mine, too. I bought my Traverse in May of 09. It has had 6 steering gears replaced, the drivers seat has been replaced three times. There is a chirping in the engine they say is the fuel injectors but there is no fix for this. I have had a new master cylinder and now the brake boosters have gone bad. I have made numerous reports to the customer service numbers and have treated rudely. At this stage I want one of three things to happen, a new vehicle, to buy me out of this one, or extend the bumper to bumper warrenty for an additional 24 months.
  • bigladyfishbigladyfish Member Posts: 2
    I hope I'm responding to the correct name here - plumbobby0.

    I have been experiencing the same transmission problems myself recently. I have a 2011 Traverse, it will be a year old mid September. I have had 4 incidents now wothing the last 3 months when on the highway. Twice when going about 70mph and give it more gas to pass another vehicle and my car revs super high and doesn't move. It's really scary. Another time coming out of a toll booth going about 30mph and I gave it gas hoping to pass an 18 wheeler and my car reved again and didn't move. OMG...I thought I was going to get hit by that truck. Last time going 50mph and gave it more gas and same thing. It feels like it slipped into neutral and everytime I have to ease of the gas pedal, wait a second and then accelerate again. I've brought it into the dealership and of course there's nothing wrong with it and it's my fault because I don't drive it correctly (they actually had the nerve to say they believe I drive full throttle). They lied about the tests they did. Said they would drive it on the highway and try to simulate the same occurances and didn't even run any scans on it. I received the invoice and questioned all there stupid notes and knew they lied about it. They are pretty good actors until you call them out on a lie - they choke..ha ha! I have read other complaints about this exact problem with this model and year. I am trying desperately to find a solution to this problem but nothing yet. Am I safe to say you haven't had it fixed since you put it up for sale? It is a very scary problem indeed. I drive like a little old lady in the slow lane always anticipating it now.
  • bigladyfishbigladyfish Member Posts: 2
    You think the transmission going "gear hunting" is minor. I have had this problem 4 times now with my 2011 Traverse and it's been beyond scary...even more so when you are traveling with 3 young children!!! I've been on the highway going about 70mph when my vehicle does the exact thing. I am damn lucky I haven't been rear-ended yet or side swiped when attempted to change lanes. The vehicle isn't even a year old and the dealership's service dept claims there is nothing is wrong with it until I can prove it in their presense. I am a very good driver and it has nothing to do with getting use to your vehicle...when you press the gas pedal you should accelerate not hesitate or stay in neutral. I hope you don't have anymore problems with that...it's very scary. STAY SAFE
  • plumbobby0plumbobby0 Member Posts: 4
    You got the right person, and I understand your reservations. I eventually sold my traverse and found out that the GM line have the same 6 speed transmission on almost all of there vehicles. I firmly believe in buying domestic and have been a GM man for as long as I can remember so the decision on a new vehicle was tough. I eventually ended up with a GMC terrain. It has a the same transmission but I haven't had problems of any kind. I'm on my second one now, I changed to a 6 cyl. from a 4 and now I am very happy. Good luck luck with your traverse and maybe loosen up on the pedal a little, it helped me.
  • gmcustsvcsarahgmcustsvcsarah Member Posts: 1,964
    We're very sorry to hear that you are not feeling safe in your Traverse, bigladyfish, and that you have not had a good experience in working with your dealership. If you would like for us to look into this further with you, please email us the following information at socialmedia@gm.com so we can get a case set up on your behalf: your name and Edmunds username, phone and address, the last 8 of your VIN and current mileage, and the name of your dealership along with details about your recent visit there regarding this matter (including date(s) if possible).

    Regards -
    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • jer1276jer1276 Member Posts: 1
    I just purchased a 2012 traverse about 3 months ago. I have 4500 miles on it and I have started to have similar problems. For me, if I am going about 35-50 MPH let off the gas and then try to accelerate again, it does not want to go. Does the same "gear seaching". It has caused me to have to pull off the road to get out of traffic. So far the dealership has more than willing to try and help. I did have to go back in and take the technician for a ride to reproduce the problem for him, but they were willing to take it back in and relook at it.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Congratulations on your new Traverse, although we're sorry to hear that you're having troubles with it. If you would like for us to follow up on this with your dealership, please email us at socialmedia@gm.com (include your name and contact information, a brief summary of the situation, the last 8 digits of your VIN and mileage, and the name of your involved dealership).

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • rcrachalrcrachal Member Posts: 1
    My 2009 has been gear searching since I got it. Of course, the computer and the mechanic say there is nothing wrong with it. Regardless, it can be scary.
    I recently had my timing chain replaced but now I'm out of warranty. I think my transmission is failing but I wanted to have the timing checked...just to be sure. They just informed me that there is no warranty extension on the chain, even though it was replaced 6 months ago. So even if it goes bad tomorrow...I'm own my own.
    So my transmission is probably going out and I've got a wild card timing chain.
    I love my car, but I've hated the engine from the very beginning!
  • jmainvillejmainville Member Posts: 1
    I bought a 2012 Traverse in at the end of July this summer. It has now been in the shop 11 times. The brakes sound like metal on metal (dealership says they are fine), the brakes also stutter (dealership says its fine) my mechanic says the rack and pinion is wet (dealership says its fine), and when I start the car it is sounds like a loud clattering noise followed by a gurgling noise (dealership says that is fine also). I feel COMPLETELY unsafe in this car. I have 3 young children and my car is the family car. I am so unsatisfied with my purchase. My husband has a 2008 Silverado and his truck hasn't been in the shop as much as mine has! His 08' runs SO much better than my 12'. I want out of this deal so bad and I feel stuck. I don't know who to trust or what to do next. I am so afraid EVERY time I get behind the wheel of my car that something horrible is going to happen. I don't even want to drive it.
    DO NOT BUY A TRAVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will NEVER BUY A GM product EVER again.......
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