2014 and Earlier Ford Taurus Lease Questions
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For now I can tell you that Ford Credit's current 36 month, 12,000 mile per year residual value for the 2010 Taurus Limited is 47%.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Thanks for your response. I live in Maryland.
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Cook County IL
excellent credit score
0 down; 1st payment and tax upfront
$44535 msrp
$41326 Xplan
was quoted:
1.75 mf
1. does $719/mo & 4219 (taxes & 1st payment) seem right?
2. is Xplan good price for this model/year (possible to negotiate lower)?
3. are there any Ford incentives that dealer has available (but may not have offered)
For whatever it's worth, here are my comments...
(1) The 1.75 FMC rate is actually an interest rate. Ford does not use money factors. Some people will divide this rate by 2400 to get an estimate of the money factor (i.e., 1.75/2400 = 0.000729) and, then, use the money factor formula...
P = F x (C + R) + (C - R) / N
P = payment
F = money factor
C = adjusted cap cost
R = residual value
N = Term (months)
to get the payment. However, this only provides an estimate which, by the way, is very close to the actual payment. To be accurate, you need to use annuity equations or; if you have access to a TI83/84 calculator, you can use the TVM Solver in the finance app to solve for the payment. Or, you can use the appropriate financial function in the EXCEL spreadsheet to get an accurate payment
(2) Regarding taxes, I agree with you. lL taxes in the amount of 3,500 (4,219 - 719) seems very high. Sales tax should be somewhere around 0.08 x 41,236 or about 3,300. However, there are other items that are subject to lL tax such as the FMC acquisition fee which I'm guessing is 595. Also, dealer doc fees are subject to tax as well. And, if you're financing negative equity from a trade, that may be taxable as well.
(3) Hidden costs? Maybe. The best way to eliminate confusion and any misunderstanding is to ask the dealer for their LEASE WORKSHEET. This is a computer generated document that will tell you everytihng to want to know and, then, some. The beauty of this document is that it always tells the truth and will reveal any hidden charges. If you like, you can email this document to me at
and I'll be happy to analyze it for you.
(4-5) The Xplan price seems like a very competive price to me. You can go to overstock at zag.com and check out dealers offering the lowest selling prices in your area. Then, see how they compare to the Xplan. Also, check out Edmunds invoice pricing as well as any incentives that are being offered. From the invoice price, deduct ALL incentives including mfg to dealer and mfg to customer and see how that value compares to the Xplan price.
Questions? Please let me know.
1. can you confirm mf and residual are correct?
2. any other thoughts/ideas about my post?
Can you confirm mf and residual are best possible / correct?
Any incentives to lower price?
Dealer also won't show me worksheet.
kitmax provides the following information...
24 month lease on 2011 sho (12K mi/yr) based upon following:
Cook County IL
excellent credit score
0 down; 1st payment and tax upfront
$44535 msrp
$41326 Xplan
was quoted:
1.75 mf
1. does $719/mo & 4219 (taxes & 1st payment) seem right?
2. is Xplan good price for this model/year (possible to negotiate lower)?
3. are there any Ford incentives that dealer has available (but may not have offered)
Ford's lease rate is, indeed, 1.75%. It's an interest rate and not a money factor. IF the residual and payment are correct and the $41,326 Xplan price is the "sell price", then the adjusted captialized cost is $42,772.69 suggesting that $1,446.69 has been capitalized (financed) in the lease. Because kitmax is paying $4,219 [1st payment + IL Sales Tax (no cap reduction indicated)] at lease signing, the $1,446.69 must consist of the following...
FMC Acquisition Fee........................ 595.00
Doc fee/DMV Fees/Other Fees........ 851.69
TOTAL.......................................... 1,446.69
The bolded fees are of some concern (they're not itemized). And so, the best way to eliminate confusion and misunderstanding is to ask the dealer to provide their lease worksheet. If they don't provide it, you're not in control of the deal or not being forceful enough. There is absolutely no reason for any dealer not to provide this document.
Also, the bet here is that this vehicle can be acquired for a few hundred dollars less than the indicated Xplan price of $41,326. And, as far as I know, there are no leasing incentives for the SHO at this time.
Jeannine Fallon
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The X-Plan selling price is attractive. I doubt that you would be able to do much better than that on your own.
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I live in NY & just got back from a Ford dealer & need to know if the following is a good deal:
2011 Ford Taurus SEL MSRP- $31995 w/ 3700 mi
down- $2300
10,500 mi per yr
w/ leather trim
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Quick question before the end of the year. Going to try and leverage year end quotas.
Looking to lease a Taurus AWD limited for 39 mo 12/year. Anyone know the money factor (lease rate) and residual for it? Oh A previous post made mention of location. I currently reside in Massachusetts.
Thanks in advance.
Also does anyone know if the year end 1500 cash towards payments apply to leases or only purchases?
Could you post the MF and residual for the 2011 Taurus FWD SEL for 24 months w/ 10.5k per yr? Any lease cash/dealer cash that you are aware off? I would appreciate it. Thank you.
I don't believe that Ford is currently providing any cash incentives on leases of the 2011 Taurus SEL.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Can someone please help with the lease rates on a 2011 Taurus SHO? Interest rate (money factor) and residuals for 36-39 mo, 15k miles per year? Thanks! Jay
The numbers for an otherwise identical 39 month lease are 1.0% and 48%.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
have not negotiated final price yet.
36 or 39 month lease
I will be doing 10,500 miles per year.
The numbers for an otherwise identical 39-month lease are 0.75% and 50%.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
MSRP is 36980.
Dealer is offering a price of 31,980.
1. Is this a fair price for the car? They showed me invoice of 33102.00
2. I would like to lease the car versus buy.
3. Drive 15000 miles per year
4. 36 month lease.
5. What is the current APR/MF and residual?
Dealer is telling me 4.9% and residual of 19,229. That seems off to me.
Please post current lease information for the 12 SHO for 36 & 39 months and 15k & 18k miles. Thank you very much!
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
The residual values for a lease with 18,000 miles per year would be 2% higher.
Ford is providing a whopping $3,250 cash incentive on leases of the SHO right now.
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In short, the easiest way to get a good deal on a leased vehicle is to shop around for the lowest possible selling price and then have the dealer that you decide to go with calculate your vehicle's monthly payment using its base lease rate.
I would be happy to use Ford Credit's actual lease program to work up a payment on the exact car that you are interested in for you if you provide me with its MSRP and dealer invoice price. You can find that data over in the New Vehicle Pricing section of Edmunds.com.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
I am going to try to get the below worked out
Sticker $44,785
invoice $41,233
what rebates are out there that i should be getting
36 / 39 month 10,500 lease on the 2013 SHO
I just received the following information from a central Florida Ford dealer on the 2013 SHO
MSRP 47375
Selling price 42969
Less rebate of 1000
24 - 58%. Money Factor - .25
36 - 49%. - .50
39 - 47%. - .75
I found most Ford dealers mark up those rates by at least a point however this is a great price on this car. Hope this helps! By the way those residuals were for 15k a year.
Ideally, 10k, 12k, or 15k lease for 36 months.
P.S. This is for Florida (southwest)
The residual values for a lease with only 12,000 miles per year would be 2% higher. The 10k residuals would be 3% higher.
I believe that Ford is currently providing a $1,000 cash incentive on leases of the '13 Taurus SHO through Ford Credit.
The numbers for a 2012 model are 0.25% and 46% with a $3,250 cash incentive.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Are there any lease rebates on the 2013 Ford Taurus Limited models. Can you also list the money factors and lease rates for 24 mo and 36 month lease and 10.5k miles. Also, I went on Ford's website and the lease payments they were spitting out seem pretty low. A lease for a fully loaded Limited Taurus ($38k msrp) less $4k down payment (assuming I can get $4k off selling price with a combination of rebates/discounts) was $409/month. Do you think those are fairly accurate and that is something you can go to a dealer with?
The numbers for an otherwise identical 36-month lease are 1.5% and 53%.
Unfortunately, the lease calculators that appear on manufacturers' websites are often not very accurate. I don't know that this is the case specifically with Ford's site, but it often is.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Can you please provide the 2012 Lease rates and residuals for a 15k per year lease on a 2012 Sho for 24 months and 36 months
Also does ford offer a higher mile lease 20K per year?
Upfront mileage penalty vs at end of lease as well.
Thanks a lot Carman
The numbers for an otherwise identical 36-month lease are 0.25% and 43%.
When negotiating your deal on this car, make sure to take the massive $3,250 cash incentive that is currently available on leases of the '12 Taurus SHO into account.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
I was wondering what the current rates and residual from Ford were for the 2013 Taurus SHO. 36 month term with 12000 and 13500 miles are the 2 scenarios I am considering.
Thank you.
The residual value for a lease with 13,500 miles per year would be 1% lower.
There's a lot of lease cash on this car as well that you need to make sure to take into account during your negotiations.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
I'd like to see lease numbers (excluding tax) for 36 months and 15k miles a year with $0 down.
I can't believe the residual is only 52%, needs a lot of incentives to make this compete with other $40k+ sedans.
I'm looking to lease either a 2013 Taurus Limited or SEL (2WD) and was wondering what the current rates and residual were for a 24 month term with 12000/yr. I currently have a Ford Red Carpet lease (now my 8th Ford vehicle with one) and was also wondering if the Ford Lease Loyalty program incentives might provide something as well. I may also have a friend write me in under their Ford AXZ plan as an option if better.
Quite a bit here but wanted to frame out all my options prior to going on site.
Currently the limited's MSRP is $37,290. For the SELs it's $32,960.
Appreciate anything you can share.
There is a $500 to $1,000 cash incentive on leases of this car, which again varies by region.
Current Red Carpet Lessees are eligible for another $1,000 on top of that, which is a nice perk.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Money Factor and lease rate for 3 year lease with 12,000 mi year?
Ford Credit's base lease rate and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2013 Taurus SHO with 12,000 miles per year are 0.25% to 0.5% (they vary by region) and 52%.
There's lease cash on this car that varies by region as well.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Thank you for all of your hard work!!!!
thank you
can you please provide the lease rate and residual for the SHO for April and also all the incentives that are Available In Michigan that you are aware of.
thank you