F150 with the 3.5L twin turbo eco boost



  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    I've watched you and "dieselone" spar for some time and truly have an interest in knowing what you may have learned over the past year. While I have a relatively new 2012 F150 Supercrew and am experiencing some break-in issues I believe all can be resolved over time. You can review all my feedback somewhere between forums #198 thru# 203. Refinement and checks and balances during the assembly process and verification at end of line at B&A would help customer satisfaction. I too believe the investment in the Eco-boost far off sets the diesel platform if the sole interest is pulling something under 11000#.
    Any feedback for trouble shooting the system would be value add.Thx!
  • kipkkipk Member Posts: 1,576
    I would be pleasantly surprise if you got 20.5 on the hwy @ 72 mph.

    Or 13.5 towing an 8900# camper at most any speed. A flat bed trailer, at 60ish mph might do it.

    We do a lot of camping, and fuel mileage often becomes the topic around campfires.

    Example: Josh normally towed his 32-35 ft "Tag Along" (not 5th wheel) camper w/sliders with a Ford 10V. I believe he said it is a Van. Usually averaged 8-9 mpg.

    For this particular trip he borrowed a F-250 Diesel a couple of years old.
    Said he was disappointed in the fuel mileage of towing at 60 mph. 12+ mpg.

    Most Diesel owners I've talked with say that 12-15 mpg is about right for a large "tag Along" . And that 5th wheels don't do as well.

    Haven't talked to anyone yet with an F-150 Eco Boost, so your input would be helpful. If you do get that 12+ mpg towing a large camper, it would be great, as gasoline is so much cheaper than diesel. At least it is around here.

  • dieselonedieselone Member Posts: 5,729
    edited November 2012
    We camp and boat a lot and talk to many different people as well. Our camper sits on a seasonal campsite so I generally see the same people during camping/boating season. We have about 4 people with ecoboosts and so far they're happy. Though they claim towing mpg isn't much or any better than the v8 trucks that had previously, but they love the towing power.

    I really like the f150 but honestly I don't know if I'd pull the trigger on the EB. I'm at 112k on my '07 Expedition and I'd like to get another year out it. Then I'll decide on a Ram hemi/8speed, F150, the new GM trucks, or maybe even a new Suburban depending on the redesign. That or I'll just find a low mileage used Expedition EL.

    I have nothing against the Ecoboost. I've driven a few and they are indeed impressive. Gas mileage appears to be a bit better than my Expedition while also having a lot more power. That's a win/win to me. That said, I'm not sold on Fords ability to avoid major issues. The spark plug debacle with the 3v 5.4 cost me $1,000 due to the plugs breaking off in the head.

    But with as many Ecoboosts that have sold, there seems to be far more happy owners than unhappy. So we'll see. I think many have an unrealistic expectations of FE.

    As for towing mileage, yeah, what you've found is pretty much what I've experienced. The 5th wheels are far heavier than a "tag along". I"ve only towed our travel trailer once. About 150 miles from the dealer to the campground. It's 32' with two slides and 35' overall. It weights around 7,500lbs empty. I towed it with my Expedition at 50-60mph and got about 8 mpg. No way will a current gas truck yield 13mpg pulling a camper of that size. We used to have a 25' camper and still never got more than 8-9mpg towing it with a '00 Suburban.

    As for the Ecoboost, a guy that camps next to me has an '11 F150 Crew Lariat 4x4 3.73 ecoboost. Towing his 26' deck boat (about 7,000lbs) he claims he gets about 9 mpg at 70 mph. He says non towing mileage at 70 is 19-20 and 65 and under it's over 20mpg.
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    I'll leave it to the developers and calibrators to respond but there is an event associated with water slugging that occurs from the turbos that manifest itself as the engine lugging. This will also cause your transmission to downshift under load and thus not perform as anticipated. I'm told it some of the warmer states (i.e. California, Florida) where people are driving turbos (not just the Eco-boost) on the expressway and then slow to go through a toll booth, they experience the same thing under acceleration. This phenominom is characteristic of turbo enhanced engines and may be what your experiencing.
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    I have a 2012 Platinum with the Ecoboost w Max trailer tow and expect it to deliver 16 cty/21hwy empty. Towing 13/13.5 mpg with a payload of 9000#. While the 5.0 will pull adequately, you may experience some transmission shift scheduling under load and the fuel economy will probably be around 14.4 cty/17.8/19.0 hwy. Under load depending on your payload you may only see 10/12 mpg. Recognize if you order the maximum trailer tow they will currently demand the 373 axle ratio which is an ordering requirement. Two things to think about (1) the HID lamps are extremely expensive to replace should one fail. Also (2) the max trailer tow includes the 250 heavy duty mirrors which WILL NOT allow you to drive through a 9ft garage door opening without always having to tip the mirrors in. In full open position even with the mirror in the retracted state, you'll need about 9"-3" to adequately drive through the bay without hitting the mirrors.
    I keep mine slightly tipped in all the time just to allow for clearance. Adjusting them continuously will not only frustrate you but eventually wear out the interface as the mirrors are only held in position by the plastic interface.
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    How many miles do you have on your rig? I experienced the same up to 4000 miles then found a major shift in both city and highway mileage. If I did not know any better, it actually sounded like you were sound you were driving my truck.
    I experienced the EXACT SAME thing!!
    There is as strategic method to fully mapping the processor that might help to fill the fuel tables which might benefit you.
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    Best part of the story...... I have a 5.3 Yukon, 6 spd trans. 2009. Great all around ride and mpg BUT GM saw fit to offer two different trail tow options. (1) call trailer tow, which provides the right engine, trans, and axle. and (2) one that includes the an increased radiator core and transmission cooler. Without both, you can only pull 5900# ,with both it's rated at 7900#. While it may be lame this rig can handle 8000# fine but watch the transmission temp. Failure to do so and overheat conditions can lunch the transmission at about $4200. dollars a copy. Oh the 5.3 will pull 8000# lbs so long as you don't exceed 67 mph. and labor doing it getting 9/9.5 mpg.
    The reason I purchased the Eco boost F150 crew was that many I spoke to during our recent 2012 camping pulling travel trailers up to 9000# were looking at 12/13.5 with the Eco boost platform, while the Duramax, 6.7 Ford, and other big blocks were lucky to see 10.5 mpg. with the same payload. Sure I love diesels, but could not justify the MPG nor maintenance costs.
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    I'll keep you posted. I'm tried and Blue Ford (41yrs) but frankly have to admit I've researched many different power trains. Currently I own have a 5.3 6spd Yukon XL we love 15.8/16.4 cty -19.7/20.0 hwy; the F150 Eco boost crew is still out for vote but will be towing a 8200# trailer with slides in the 2013 season.....
    Stay tuned!! :blush:
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    While the Eco boost boast some good fuel economy exceeding 67 mph will start to show significant decline. Optimum fuel economy will net pretty much what he has stated but pulling a 7000# boat at 70 defeats getting good MPG. You over the peak torque curve, especially if he's got the 373 axle. :sick:
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    #206 of 215 Re: 2011 Ford F150 Eco Boost

    Stay tuned: While were into the first season of putting the Eco boost to the test, I assure you there will be additional threads to provide accurate feedback regarding the Eco Boost's capabilities including the MPG loaded and unloaded.
    The goal is to find what rig will adequately pull a 8,000/ 10.000 lb trailer without breaking the bank or spending a fortune in fuel and oil changes.
    Due to the spring rates and overall vehicle design towing a fifth wheel may not a good decision, but for the average tow behind... "Campers here we come!"
  • dieselonedieselone Member Posts: 5,729
    Yeah, 1/2 tons in general just don't have the cargo capacity to handle the pin weight. That pretty much limits you to a light 5th wheel.

    I don't think I'd want to pull much more than 8k lbs on a regular occasion with any 1/2 ton. That's probably the point where a 3/4 ton is the way to go. Now if you don't tow far a 1/2 ton probably would be fine.
  • big_mpgbig_mpg Member Posts: 1
    I am about to order a F150 ecoboost. In reading the comments about mileage, it looks like I need some information for configuring a max mileage truck that will do little to no towing. When we travel it is on interstate at 75 to 80mph. How can I find the best way to set up the drivetrain?
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    I've been talking to the calibrators as well as development and the fact of the matter is you DON'T need the 373 axle ratio, the 355 is more then adequate. The 373 will provide more towing power but will penalize you at highway speeds. You should be able to tow as well as get good fuel economy even at 70miles per hour with the 355. You'll also want to consider the electric running boards and mirrors when ordering as the electric running boards provide a lower step threshold for entry , however, definitely allow more mud and debris to hit the side body when retracted. Also the maximum trailer tow pkg forces you into the 373 axle and the larger mirrors also have some impact on fuel economy as well as WILL NOT allow you to fit through a 9ft door opening without tilting them in. I've actually tilted mine in for clearance and leaved them there so I can access my garage daily.
    I 've also learned the 3.7 engine may take longer than anticipated time for break-in . Anticipate a minimum of 5500 miles during which time your mileage may not meet the projected figures on the window sticker.
    It appears from your note you may be considering a two wheel drive platform. Ours is a 4x4 Super Crew which with 373 gears which is a little aggressive. While the bigger mirrors may appeal to some customers, I'd opted to not have them given the choice. As for pulling, it'll do the job!
    Oh, by the way, order a set of rear wheel liners, Ford decided they're not required. The cost is a mere $100.00 bill,money well spent.
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    The saga continues with the Platinum F150 4x4, short bed crew still only delivering 13.6 city/16.1 highway. Combined mpg averaging a deplorable 13.4 , 3.5 mpg less than the EPA or Ford have projected. This vehicle has accumulated 6800 miles but not without cost. A staggering 300 miles per tank then projected. I'm still awaiting follow-up by Ford engineering but to date, 5 1/2 months and no resolve.
    Note: This unit has max trailer tow with the larger mirrors but that IS NOT the root cause.......
  • mikeh4474mikeh4474 Member Posts: 5
    Harley, hate that your bummed about your mileage. Research EPA calculations. You will find out that they use a base reg cab eco engine. Highway is 50mph no wind.

    I believe it's stated right on the sticker in small print.
  • eaglesnest1247eaglesnest1247 Member Posts: 6
    I A S S U M E that your issues with water ingestion are behind you and that you are now driving without concern. The issue of water ingestion was addressed by a re-flash that should minimize this concern. If you have not had this performed then it would behoove you to take it in for service. There is an update that should minimize this event.
    I would, however, be interested in knowing what platform (ie: F150 ,4x4, axle ratio 373, etc.) you are running as well as (what you plan to tow (ie: weight trailer,etc). I am monitoring comments on several forums to see what other owners are experiencing. As for the tranmission event I have heard of another with this same failure mode. Was your transmission issue resolved.?
    I agree that the Eco-boost has the muscle in all ranges to do the work but have poor fuel economy numbers to report which leave me grossly disappointed.
    Currently driving a Super Crew 4x4 ,with 373 gears can only support 13.8 cty/15.8hwy and average tank to tank fill up of 13.8/14.0 mpg overall.
  • eaglesnest1247eaglesnest1247 Member Posts: 6
    I appreciate your comments and will keep you posted regarding trailer towing as well as fuel economy in all ranges. So far I agree with many comments that the Eco Boost platform will surprise many non believer including many diesel owners but so far I am still challenged with those in several other forums who state they are getting 20/21 hwy with the Super Crew platform and 373 gears.
    Having performed many drive ratings on both car and truck platforms, I cannot support claims of 16cty/20.5hwy and am currently engaged in further analysis regarding what distinguishes one Eco- Boost from another that exhibits great fuel economy..
    My own SC 4x4 only delivers 13.8cty/15.8hwy with an average tank to tank of 13.8 mpg PERIOD!!
  • rbakerjrrbakerjr Member Posts: 2
    I have not experienced the problem again...whether it was the recall work I had done or that I haven't driven in the same conditions, I don't know. But, it has performed flawlessly. I don't recall having transmission issues (it's been a while since my original post) but I think everything was related to the truck going into "limp mode". I have the Supercrew, 4x4, 3.31 axle ratio and average 15 mpg combined. My weekly commute is about 200 miles, 25% city, 30% back country roads, 45% highway. I have averaged 19.5 on the interstate at 72 mph. I don't tow anything. I have noted that the trip computer is pretty accurate where my gas mileage was always overstated on my Chrysler products. I hope this helps.
  • eaglesnest1247eaglesnest1247 Member Posts: 6
    Response and Update
    to (dieselone,kipk, mike4474)
    While there have been several postings in multiple forums noting great fuel economy with the F150 Eco Boost platform, I believe it's worthy to note that not all owners boast the same results. Even though there were campaign adds (Ford), brochures and EPA publications noting phenomenal mpg projections, it's worth noting you need to fully understand what the drivers are evaluating.
    Key to all statistical finds are the platform, trim levels, axle ratio, and habits of each driver. While I too was mesmerized by projections of 15/21 and 17 average overall, all is not what you read.
    In anticipation of purchasing a rig that would deliver good fuel economy when used as a casual driver, the plan was to be able to pull a load when the occasion arose. So far the best I've seen city has been 13.8/16.0 hwy with an average tank to tank of 14.0mpg
    By all means DO NOT let it idle, DO NOT perform jack rabbit starts, and DO NOT buy inferior fuel. All of these variables will result on poor fuel economy.
    To even expect to get (ie 14.0cty/18.0hwy) as you might anticipate out of the average gas platform without turbos is unrealistic. As stated before for those advertising 15/22mpg their not driving a SC 4x4 with a 373 axle and maximum trailer tow package.
  • theonearmedmantheonearmedman Member Posts: 1
    Lol@ anyone buying Chevys now. Their trucks are good looking but outdated tech. Old engines that are not direct injected, and still using 4 speed automatics. Wait until the 2014 Silverado comes out.

    I would love a twin turbo ecoboost f-150. I'm sure mileage will improve after break in and all the bugs have been fixed in the first year models.
  • thebuzzard87thebuzzard87 Member Posts: 1
    My experience w/ the 2012 Ecoboost F150 is ~ 16 to 17 mpg in predominately city driving w/ mostly 3 to 5 mile trips taken to and between job sites throughout the day. I get up to 435 miles DRIVEN on the tank before I fill up , with plenty of miles to spare according to the computer on board. Highway driving has-been up to 20 or 21 mpg on trips to California even w/ the occasional zip up to 90 mph passing other vehicles uphill
  • larryggggglarryggggg Member Posts: 2
    I bought my ecoboost last about a year ago. When I first got it I was getting amazing mileage. going down the road at 70 mph, cruise control and flat and level, I would get 22 mpg, at 80 mph yielding 19-20 mpg. I had an oxygen sensor go out (actually twice this happened in 6 months). They changed them both and my mileage went to hell. Each set made it worse. Now, I'm getting about 11 to 12 around town. I used to get an average of 16 mpg mixed with some freeway and city. I never reset the mileage trip for 7000 miles and averaged 16 mpg for 7000 miles. Now that average is 13 mpg. I lost 20% on my mileage. I am no longer a happy camper with my 4X4 ecoboost. I would do better with a normal 6 liter engine and do better hauling my heavy trailer. That way I would do better hauling and the same without a trailer.
  • eaglesnest1247eaglesnest1247 Member Posts: 6
    I fear the calibration is not clean enough to set a fuel clip or MIL when the HEGOs are changed and out of range. While I have suffered with poor fuel economy 14 cty/17 hwy, since delivery, three attempts to review codes surfaced no issues. I agree with your statement and believe the vehicle is too temper mental to something as significant as a HEGO replacement. What is equally disappointing is that after trying to work with Ford engineering, they stuck their head in the sand and refused to give the dealership any direction. Communications with Ford Customer Relations I was actually told by Ford's representative to contact the Better Business Bureau. Talk about "Surprise and Delight!"
    Re: Previous F.S.E./F.R.A.C.A.S. Engineer FoMoCo
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    Should you learn anything to improve your mpg I'd be interested in knowing what you find. I personally will resolve this issue but am discussed engineering will not step up understand the root cause. Previously I was on a committee with the Blue Oval assigned to resolve such issues but I have not been able to solicit ANY engineering support and was in fact told by Customer Relations if I was unhappy to contact the Better Business Bureau. Can you believe it, I was told by Ford's representative to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau?!
    Stay in touch.
  • southomahasouthomaha Member Posts: 1
    I took my 2013 Ford F-150 Super Crew King Ranch Eco boost back to the dealer and complainded about the gas mileage. I drive 3/4 highway, 1/4 city. The dealer drove the truck for one hour at 60 MPH and said it got 16 MPG. It will get better milage after it is broke in. I traded a 2011 with the same equipment same engine King Ranch and, it got 20 MPG from the very start. When I traded the 2011, it had 54,000 miles. It was still getting 18 MPG and I was driving it more in the city than the 2013.
    I raised hell with Ford and said who is going to pay for the loss of gas mileage during this break in? They sent me free oil changes for 45,000 miles, 5000 mile intervales. I change it every 4000 miles!
    I'm looking for a differant truck! This was my 5th King Ranch I love the way it drives but with gas costs, its not worth it!
  • eaglesnest1247eaglesnest1247 Member Posts: 6
    Would love to talk off line if it could be arranged......
  • hogrunnerhogrunner Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2011
    My 2011 F150 super crew with full tow package 3.77 axle Michelin tires on 16 inch rims has been a good truck. I haven't towed more than a horse trailer at around 5500 pounds so far, but bought it for a 30 foot sailboat. Never obtained the sailboat though! No bed cover or camper shell.
    I was running highway miles around 17-18 1/2 at 65 to 75 mph but had seen up to 20 if I would do 55 miles an hour with a slight downhill from Arkansas to New Orleans without a tow.
    Most of my mileage is short trips around town and this will be around 13 1/2 to 14 counting about a mile and a half of dirt/Gravel road and stopping for two gates daily. Without the idling and the gravel I think 15 would definitely be possible. Territory is flat to slightly rolling.
    At just under 9000 miles my air conditioner belt shredded and ruptured the oil filter leading to a total loss of engine oil.
    Just over 10,500 miles my check engine light was coming on.
    I previously had noted ticking at idle from the engine around 2000 miles which continued. The dealer said it might be coming from the fuel rail/injectors.
    After the light came on I needed a new catalytic converter, shield, and intercooler. They also made an adjustment got rid of the tick. I noticed a decline in mileage that was for the last 1500 or 2000 miles or so and so far on the highway I'm restored to 18 mpg at around 60 to 75 mph from where I dropped to about 16 mpg if not less.
    All of this was covered under service bulletins.
    Currently the intercooler is on national backorder, so there must be a pretty large problem with the situation. I read on previous post around page 11 of the water buildup that might be affecting some of this problem. I don't know if they are making any modifications as part of the service bulletin. This might help some of you that started out with good mileage and developed bad mileage as I did. Incidentally when the oil pressure was down I shut down the engine immediately before the automatic shut off occurred and before any overheating was indicated in the radiator coolant temperature. I have had no transmission problems at all.
  • hogrunnerhogrunner Member Posts: 2
    Forgot to add, mine is a 4 x 4.
    OEM tire is 17" on alloy.
  • jwhitelhupjwhitelhup Member Posts: 1
    GMC uses direct injection, also uses a 6 speed automatic, so does Chevy. I prefer to wait and see what the turbo v6 does after 3 - 4 years on the market. If they can avoid catching fire like the 6.0 I might consider getting one.
  • godspeedgodspeed Member Posts: 2
    Ford truck marketing can sell ice to Eskimos, that's what make them #1. Before I purchased my heavy duty pickup I followed F series and noticed all of the bed shake on not so smooth roads. Then I test drove a F Series I noticed how many were in the service with their cabs off the chassis. I wanted the biggest belt buckle on the road.
  • citosimscitosims Member Posts: 1
    as i began to read this I was trying to remember posting this but now i see someone else has the same problem and complaint as i do. I also had a 2011 FX4 overall average never went under 18 the 2013 FX4 seemed to be better at first but at 360 miles cruising at 75 it lost power and almost died I pulled over check engine light went out and seemed fine until i noticed my mileage dropped to between 12-14 Have you noticed your tail pipe sooted up? mine is horrible but the dealership says everythings fine im about to lose it
  • ipad3ipad3 Member Posts: 2
    I'm on my 2nd Toyota tundra, not a single problem. My 5.7 can haul pretty much anything.
  • 32v32v Member Posts: 1
    Excellent and thank you for posting this. The fuel mileage is calculated based on Gov. EPA requirements, not Ford Engineering to blame here but those that do not read the fine print and Ford Marketing....fine print is their decision. I have a 2013 fX4 fully loaded ecoboost with tow package and the closer to 50 mph the closer you get to their ratings. When I bought my truck I did read the fine print and did not have false expectations, if you need a truck this is a great choice, if you need to whine about fuel mileage and don't need a truck, you need to ask yourself some questions...not ford engineering.
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    I'm really happy to hear that but unfortunately, could not pull a camper in a Ford camper club using a Tundra! :shades:
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    It's always nice to hear what the customers say but unfortunately, there's a lot of opinions surrounding a lot of hype. Fact is that Ford has some issues with the calculations being displayed on the I.P., and the advertisements regarding highest tow rating vs best fuel economy are BLURRED. 3.5 and 3.7 power trains ARE NOT one and the same yet you will see adds that clearly lead the consumer into false expectations. Also recognize that it takes considerable break-in time given the design of power trains today as actual engine run time and highway may take up to 20,000 miles before you can really get a feeling for what your truck may deliver in MPG. Don't blame the gov. for testing and the EPA numbers. The government VALIDATES MPG, not the other way around. Also note the projected MPG does not reflect vehicle specific builds so should you opt for a larger axle, wheels, towing mirrors, etc. you can anticipate a reduction in MPG. Also, DO NOT expect a lot of support from the Ford network as engineering has done little to support the dealerships and they are frustrated too when it comes to problem vehicles!
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    Read 241, I share in your frustration!!
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    It's been awhile and more miles accumulated, however, some minor changes, ( Read #241). With respect to fuel table mapping that was done along with three MAJOR attempts to clear understand the calibration and vehicle build. Form the last writing until now an additional 8,000 miles now totaling 16,384 and the mileage is more stable, however, I've come to learn that there is task force to address some other vehicle lines due to public demand. Unfortunately, due to the truck volume, versus TGWs, Ford is not willing to address I.P. calculations. I still think the engineer('s) who have ownership in the I.P. display should be fired!.
    At 16,384 miles my rig has improved, up about 2 mpg city and highway with times if I wash, wax, and kiss her before taking it out she'll get incredible fuel economy. This does not, however, my me SURPRISED and DELIGHTED; as a consumer I feel I got hosed receiving no help and assistance from engineering. At $48,000/$58,000.00 a copy I really expected more customer support.
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    I'm not sure who you represent but my goal was a rig that would CLEARLY live up to the expectations. You're talking to someone who supported F.R.A.C.A.S. and power train engineering and have owned in excess of 265 cars. A brief survey of the customer base will find there are mixed reviews. Some consumers are achieving up to 2.2 mpg hwy while others are laboring with getting 13.8./14.0 city. There needs to be a taskforce pulled together to address the problem vehicles. F.R.A.C.A.S. was such a team internal to Ford and if properly implemented could address these vehicles. Moreover, addressing the fuel economy issues would surface the key components causing the problem as well as create customer satisfaction and create repeat customers.
  • ipad3ipad3 Member Posts: 2
    How heavy is your camper? I have a 2200 lbs camper on my 5.7 Tundra and pulling a 20' north river Seahawk which weighs 5500lbs and I'm doing 70mph up a steep hill. Hmmm sounds like you drove the first generation tundra instead of the 5.7. I average 11mpg from Portland to Priest Lake Idaho with camper and boat. Otherwise, I get 19-20.8 mpg with 3 guys in my truck from Seattle to Portland with scuba equipment.
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    I think your tow buggy is fine but there is a new dimension that comes with pulling 7500/8500lbs. While the power train may deliver the goods, transmission over heat can become your worst enemy. This is just one reason I was forced to switch. As for my disappointment with the eco-boost it primarily stems from advertising. As my rig brakes in the mileage has improved and may even has deliver the projected MPG in time, however, break-in has been slow. Have I seen 20 hwy at 72 mph, yep! Towing in general with a payload is 9.0 / 11.5 but it does not labor. Will it handle hilly terrain, Yep! Empty general mpg varies from 14.8/ 16.8
    Depending on the route and speed 19.5/ 20.8 can be expected but the eco-boost with a 373 axle above 72 suffers with a severe decline in mpg.
    Recognize if you add 3000 lbs to your work load, the Tundra might act a little different... I'm not suggesting the eco-boost is the answer because given it to do over I would be looking at other options but it does accelerate and will tow 9000/11,700 lbs without question.
    Just the facts.....
  • gmraygmray Member Posts: 1
    purchased new 2013 F 150 ecoboost about three weeks ago. had waited for some of the "bugs" to be ironed out of this powertrain. after driving in the rain for about two hours with all systems apparently fine and clocking 19.6 MPG on the trip computer I moved off the expressway onto secondary roads and needed to pass a slower vehicle. as I punched the throttle the engine went to idle, the transmission shook and the check engine light started flashing. could continue at about 50MPH till it was safe to pull off, did so, and switched engine off for a second then restarted. no warning light, and I continued the final 20 miles home. noticed MPG was falling right out of bed though I was only running about 55. decided to try punching it again and the same happened, except this time i got a steady check engine light. took it to the dealership and i was the fourth complaint that day. truck was assembled in July and supposedly had all the fixes already applied. with only 900 miles on the odo i am considering going to war with Ford if a fix does not arrive soon. have had 4 previous turbos, 3 Volvos and one VW and never a hint of a problem. cannot be too difficult to fix. wonder if Ford is paying attention. this is my 6th Ford and 3rd 150.
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    As an owner of a 2012 F 150 Super Crew 4x4 with maximum trailer tow I have worked with three dealerships and tried to get assistance through 16, 500 miles and it is apparent that engineering does not want to invest the time. My fear is they do not know and are running scared. Engineering is not responsive to dealerships requests for assistance nor do they care. The truck volumes do not generate enough TGWs to warrant a task force. Good luck!!!! Should you find someone competent let me know.
  • skinner_rickskinner_rick Member Posts: 1
    What made sense to me is that there is no such thing as free energy. Ecoboost while a great idea, still needs engineering and even then will likely not live up to the hype. It always seemed to me that cranking that much hp out of a 3.5 is pushing it. I always said if you need a diesel, get a diesel. If you try to save money buying ecoboost, you got what you paid for and you didn't pay for a diesel----Hello! I always said if you don't need a diesel, get the 5.0 because ecoboost is not going to pay for the extra cost of the engine with it's marginal gas savings. For saying that at F150forum. com, I got banned. After researching it, I think I know why. Ford is running the sight with professional bloggers. If they can't quash legitimate opinions with cyber-bullying, they block your opinion. Go to the sight and search "I am wondering". Click on the subject wondering about paid Ford people blogging and decide for yourself. EngineerMike even followed me to other Forums.
  • ecobustecobust Member Posts: 1
    I appreciate Ford's effort and can live with the ad-hype. I bought the 5.0. Your story is far from unique and as much as cooling turbos makes sense, so does waiting until the problems stop. I say drop it off at the dealer and don't take it back until they fix it. No reason to go to war. Just ask them for a rental until they get it fixed. It's new! But who asked me?
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    Sure wish it was as easy as leaving it and getting a rental. After signing it's almost like they don't know who you are. Moreover engineering refuses to engage. I did FSE support for years but the culture has changed. Nobody cares!
    It's called repeat buyers market ; I won't go back.
  • just_focusjust_focus Member Posts: 53
    I am glad I researched this site before my purchase. I was all set on the eco-boost with the 3.15 gears but changed my mind. I bought the 5.0 with the 3.55 gears. I could not be happier. 3 tanks of fuel and I have been averaging 18 mpg and with the last tank which was 90% highway I got 20.7 mpg. While the eco-boost might of squeezed out 1 or 2 more MPG it would take a long time to make up the $1500.00 difference in price. Plus this 360hp 5.0 engine takes me back to my youth when I ordered my 1988 GT Mustang. Thank you guys for sharing your eco-boost experience.
  • eaglesnest1247eaglesnest1247 Member Posts: 6
    The worse part is you have to kiss the eco-boost every time you take it out. Although the torque is there with the eco-boost if you're really planning to tow, the off set to own an eco-boost does not justify buying one.
  • sparkman7x7sparkman7x7 Member Posts: 1
    got a 2012 150 King Ranch Eco boost has same problem in rainy weather check engine light comes on; goes out after 2-3 starts. Good now just came from Dealer .... another new fix ... got the converter and shield no help; now want to check manf date on cooler and but bigger shield on .... love the truck very very disappointed in Ford ........ PS mileage over 580 miles on high way at 70 to 80 is solid 16.3 PERIOD .... got better with my 5.4 V8
  • capitalist_pigcapitalist_pig Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2005 fx4 ford f150 with 287,000 miles. I've been so happy with this truck that I haven't even considered looking at the new models but with the odometer approaching 300k, I thought now was the time. I knew that the new fords had Eco boost but knew nothing about it. I called a buddy and he told me about the problems he was having and basically said his was a piece of garbage and had actually just traded for a Chevy. I was hoping he was exaggerating or his was an isolated case as I really do like Ford. Now, after researching the ecoboost engine, there's no way in hell I'd buy one. Thanks for info, guys.
  • harley060107harley060107 Member Posts: 41
    YEP...... With respect to everything that's on the market, I'd opt for any of GM 5.3 or 6.0 platforms with variable valve timing or the 5.7 Hemi but make sure you get the maximum trailer tow pkg to include a larger radiator and transmission cooler. If you get at least a 373 axle you should be fine up to 8000# and get good fuel economy both loaded or empty. I loved my 5.3 Yukon XLT and only got rid of it because of not having the larger radiator core and transmission cooler. The Yukon XLT or Suburban is an incredible ride. If you're leaning toward a truck than the Sierra or Hemi crews might better fit your ticket.
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