Chrysler 300M Owners: Meet the Members

Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
Please introduce yourself!

My name is Karen and I'll be your host. Let me know what discussions you would like to have included in the 300M Owner's Club folder. Perhaps take a look at the already established Owner's Clubs for ideas? Anyone care to be a representative/Community Leader for the club? Let me know!

Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Owner's Club Host


  • stumpy11stumpy11 Member Posts: 6
    Hi Karen,

    I would like to possibly see ratings of dealer service depts. Also, maybe a list of TSB's and recalls? Oh, and all the usual good stuff too, such as aftermarket suppliers, care and maintenance tips etc. Just my 2 cents! :-)

  • stumpy11stumpy11 Member Posts: 6
    I own a 2000 M in Dk Garnet with the Agate interior, roof hole, chrome 17's, stereo upgrade.
    Loving it so far, no major problems.

  • fuzzywuzzyfuzzywuzzy Member Posts: 958
    There'a already a 300M board, why create this?
  • dustinnewtondustinnewton Member Posts: 242
    There's also already a TRUE 300M Club too. We were going to do this a while back on the old TH software, but decided it was pointless. I still am having enough problems just VIEWING messages on this new software. I don't participate as much because it's just too much trouble. I Ditto Fuzzy.
  • dustinnewtondustinnewton Member Posts: 242
    The TRUE club is located at
  • rogor2krogor2k Member Posts: 385
    Now I'm really lost..

    Will the 300M XX thread still maintain a separate identity, or will it be tied inexorably to the newly created Edmunds 300M Owner's club. Was this requested by anyone, or is it a function of posting activity level, or exactly how did this come about? Inquiring minds want to know!
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    Isn't there room for another club/discussion? :-)

    This is Edmund's Owner's Clubs Board and you're welcome to stay...or not? The current
    Chrysler 300M XX discussion will always stay on the Sedans board and l8_apex will still be the host there. One of the nice features of this software is that a discussion can reside in more than one place.

    Have you had an opportunity to look at the other Owner's Clubs, Cougar Support Group, Subaru Crew, etc.? You'll notice that their clubs have specific discussions, i.e. Dealer Experiences, Maintenance, Accessories, Photo Gallery, Gatherings & Events (A few members of the Subaru Crew recently met at the Baltimore Auto show.), etc. Also, some of the Owner's Clubs have a regular weekly chat here on Edmund's, which can be arranged for the 300M members...if they so desire.

    In the future, Edmund's is planning other events for the Owner's clubs. I'd love to tell you, but even I don't know what is being planned. Must be a surprise, hunh? :-)

    Owner's Clubs Host
  • racefan9racefan9 Member Posts: 120
    take a look at the cougar club and you'll see what all can be done with this new setup...we won't have to explain the borla exhaust 5 times a week, or how to get that crunching sound out of the front end, and so on...sure this board will still be active but now we can catergorize things and save some time, and we can set up a weekly chat this is great...glad i asked about it!!!
  • scotianscotian Member Posts: 1,064
    I think we should have a custom clock face discussion! :-)

  • 300michael300michael Member Posts: 1,815
    300Michael Michael
    1999 300M
    Light Cypress Green (no longer made)
    Light Beige Interior (no longer made)
    Up grated Stereo/cassette/CD
    Full sized spare/chrome wheels (5)

    Mods I have done: Dual Exhausts
    S&B Intake
    Sound Deadening
    Back Up Warning System
    Lighted Center Shifter Indecator
    Lighted Center Storage
    Side Marker Lights
    12volt Power Outlets (7)
  • jmcmanusjmcmanus Member Posts: 11
    Cincinnati, OH
    1999 Platinum bought in Sept. '99
    Agate interior
    Upgraded stereo
    Roof hole
    17,900 miles

    Repairs: TBS for crunching noise in front, driver side window motor (twice), rear right window motor.

    Bottom Line: Still love the car and would buy another.
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    I've added a few new discussions in your club. Take a look and let me know what you think...if something needs to be edited and/or added.


    Owner's Club host
  • gary_berggary_berg Member Posts: 28

    To be honest, past discussion between the 300M members has covered whether they liked to have discussions broken up into different topics or not.

    My personal opinion, which I _think_ is shared by a majority of the members, is that I prefer to not have the discussions all broken up. There isn't enough volume of postings to make it all that hard to follow the discussions all mixed into one thread.

    If there were 200 messages/day it might be worthwhile to split into multiple topics, but it hardly seems worth the effort to read the extra topics. Yes, I know that with the "Read Subscriptions" buttons I'll be delivered to the other discussions only when they are active, but it is still a pain.

    So I've now subscribed to the topics you created. Seems like you might at least have asked the members what topics they were interested in having...
  • tj300mtj300m Member Posts: 31
  • tj300mtj300m Member Posts: 31
    Just picked up my new 300m. 2001, silver, agate interion, hole in roof, infinity 11 speaker sound, CA walnut interior, 17" wheels (including the spare. 400 miles so far. looking forward to talking about this great car!
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    The discussions I added today were at the suggestion of stumpy11 Jan 26, 2001 11:27am. If you have more ideas/suggestions you would like to offer, please do not hesitate!

    Owner's Club
  • pjyoungpjyoung Member Posts: 885
    1999 White, light pearl beige interior, chrome wheels, upgraded stereo. No PHP or Moonroof. 18,500 fun filled miles. 1 window motor replaced (5 star dealer found it and replaced it during an oil change). Absolutely no other problems at all. See my pics in the other thread.
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    Special Event Chat with Ed Hellwig

    Tues., Jan. 30th, 5-6pm PT/8-9pm ET

    Ed Hellwig - Associate Editor,

    Associate editor Ed Hellwig came to Edmunds with a diverse automotive background that included stints as a gas station grease monkey, automotive spy photographer, and ice rink Zamboni driver. Ed spent five years making sure he hated cold weather at the University of Colorado in Boulder where he somehow earned a degree in American history between beer runs and football games. Upon returning, he proclaimed "snow sucks" and forever pledged his allegiance to the Southern California sunshine. Prior to joining Edmunds, Ed toiled under the iron fist of Tom Lindamood at A&M Specialists, a press vehicle logistics company, as a road-tester and delivery driver. While tooling around in Bentleys and Porsches was less than grueling, Ed just couldn't shake the editorial urge and jumped at the chance to join the Edmunds team. He's now responsible for writing road tests, editing our "Future Telling" column, and assisting in performance testing.

    Owner's Club

  • rklassrklass Member Posts: 133
    Joshua Wood Tree,, has just added a California walnut burl dash kit for the 2001 300M w/Luxury Group. There is a 25% promotion going on now, which brings the price to $216.00. You will need to specify "Luxury Group match" on the order as the kit is not listed on the web site yet.
  • dustinnewtondustinnewton Member Posts: 242
    If Ed's is trying to kill the long discussion format and copycat eGroups with the threaded junk. Too much trouble to keep up with if you ask me. I don't understand why Ed's would want to double up on the space on their server for the regular message boards. All this will do is split the group into those who post here, and those who post on the regular board. Who wants to post something twice just to make sure everyone will read it?? All it does is create confusion. This is a VERY stupid idea that has been shot down before. I will probably drop off of Ed's completely since it's going to be another eGroups. Since one person was responsible for asking for this and getting it setup, can 2 of us vote and be responsible for it going away? It's a shame. Ed's was trouncing eGroups because of the long thread format, now Ed's is copying a format that is failing elsewhere. Amazing how business works. You are probably readig my last post on Ed's...
  • scotianscotian Member Posts: 1,064
    It's the same amount, just spread out a bit.

    I just go to Town Hall/Owner's Clubs/Chrysler 300M Club, click on the discussions that have the word "new" next to them (which includes the "regular" board), read some posts, maybe reply to some posts, maybe advertise my free custom clock faces yet again:

    Easy enough.

  • graphicguygraphicguy Member Posts: 13,986

    Thanks to you and Edmunds for making this exclusive room for 300M enthusiasts. I know that there are other groups out there, but Edmunds is the only one I come to because of the diversity of topics and people. This is not a slight to the other groups, however. I'm sure they are good, too.

    2001 300M (non-PHP)

    Zero problems and can't understand why someone would pay more for any car when this one does everything so well.
    2024 Kia EV6 GT-Line AWD Long Range
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    I spoke to Dana/Community Manager and they are trying to get all the Club chats set up on

    Tuesdays: 4-5pmPT/7-8pmET


    Thursdays: 5-6pmPT/8-9pmET, 6-7pmPT/9-10ET, 7-8pmPT/10-11pmET (This last time would be kind of late for East coast, but is available if you want it.)

    The first scheduled chat would be March 6 or 8.

    Let me know what time works for you!

    Owner's Clubs
  • peterdvpeterdv Member Posts: 1
    Just picked up my Black 2001 300M Friday!! What a great car! It has performance pkg and luxury group. Handles like a dream. It was the only black with taupe interior I have seen. The dealer said it was his first one.
    Thanks to all your messages. It helped me find this incredible car.
  • sugar300msugar300m Member Posts: 61
    Congratulations & all the best! Happy driving!
  • tmac93tmac93 Member Posts: 2
    I read several posts that mention that you can get a 300M coming off a 1 year corporate lease. How can I find out more about these type of vehicles? Not sure where to look to find these lease vehicles. If anyone can point me in the right direction, please let me know. THANKS!!!
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    The Drivers' Opinion Panel has just launched. This initiative will further establish as the voice of the consumer by becoming a key source for automotive market research. Through this initiative will send traffic to the Opinion Panel promotion and registration area. Members of the panel will participate in key market research studies for Automotive OEMs and related companies on-line as opposed to more traditional market research methods.

    To become a member of the panel, please visit

    Drivers' Opinion Panel

    Owner's Clubs
  • scotianscotian Member Posts: 1,064
    I want to talk to that chick leraning on the car... :-)
  • rogor2krogor2k Member Posts: 385
    Greetings all,

    I have a question from a visitor to the web site. I couldn't provide an answer, but I know some of you troubleshooters out there will. Here's the question:


    We have a 2000 model 300M that we bought new in July, 2000. A few days after we purchased the car, we noticed that it emitted a fairly large
    puff of smoke when it was first started. The car only did this when the engine was cold. When the engine was warm, no smoke was seen.

    We took the car to the dealer. At first, they said that the car was operating within normal limits. After the problem persisted, we took
    the car back to the dealer again. This time they acknowledged that the smoking was not normal.

    The dealer replaced the fuel injectors. They suspected that one or more were leaking. This did not solve the problem. The dealer then put dye in the oil and drove the car for a couple hundred miles. The plugs were then checked for traces of dye. The dye test proved inconclusive.

    The dealer then pulled the cylinder heads and replaced the left one. This seemed to solve the problem. That was last October. This week, we

    noticed the smoking problem is back. We will take the car back to the dealer again.

    Other than the smoking problem, the 300M has been a great car. Have any of the other 300M owners that frequent your web site experienced the smoking problem? If so, we would sure be interested in hearing about their experience and what was done to solve the problem.


    Any help/feedback would be much appreciated.


    Roger Waters President,

    Chrysler 300M Enthusiasts Club
  • easyrider300measyrider300m Member Posts: 1,116
    there is an Auto Show in Massachusetts featuring antique and classic Chryslers and Dodges. Its on May 6th at Larz Anderson Park's Museum of Transportation. This would be a great place for a 300M meet as well. So try to make it.

    I will be driving my silver Y2K 300M. Maybe I'll see you there.

    Link for park:

  • easyrider300measyrider300m Member Posts: 1,116
    there is an Auto Show in Massachusetts featuring antique and classic Chryslers and Dodges. Its on May 6th at Larz Anderson Park's Museum of Transportation. This would be a great place for a 300M meet as well. So try to make it.

    I will be driving my silver Y2K 300M. Maybe I'll see you there.

    Link for park:

  • 10sc_300m10sc_300m Member Posts: 7
    Hi Folks,
    Found out about these forums on Edmunds and Yahoo!when I joined the Chrysler 300M Enthusiast Club.

    Love my 1999 300M:
    Deep Slate Gray Pearl Coat
    Deep Slate Gray Leather interior
    Power heated seats
    AM/FM/Cassette/CD- no changer
    17" Chrome "RazorStar" wheels
    Goodyear Eagles
    56K miles, 3500 of 'em mine

    Bought in January at with 53K miles, have had no troubles like some I've read about since I've owned her. But that's probably because it was traded in by a now retired Chrysler Regional Service executive who had all scheduled maint. and I'm sure the TSB's done at the dealers he visited in it. I've got all her service records.

    Awesome car excellent handling and suprising { to others ;-) } power. I've loved every mile I've owned it for. I spotted an IDENTICAL 99 300M last week for sale. Thinking of buying it for my wife who loves "Her" car and getting us plates 300MNM1 and 300MNM2. (FYI, both our names start with M). Only trouble would be with picking the right car on the first try without cheating.

    Mike Edmonds
    Knoxville, TN
  • sibesibe Member Posts: 102
    Just got a 2001, 300M for the wife(600 miles on the clock - no not that one the OTHER clock) after convincing her that a Toyota Camry is NOT what she wanted 8-)
    17" rims,
    silver with taupe leather (couldn't get her to agree to the black...),
    full spare,
    side impact ab,
    lux package.
    300M bra
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    This week's topic:

    My vehicle is better than yours because....

    Brag about your ride on Tuesday, May 8, 5-6pm PT/8-9pm ET in the new News & Views Weekly Chat

    Owner's Clubs

  • phases78phases78 Member Posts: 471 check it out email me ANY ideas u have for customizing. put in the k&n, tint just got done, wood kit is on its way, im in toying with taking out my clock like some have done but im afraid i may mess something up......
  • dcmbigdogdcmbigdog Member Posts: 1
    Hello Everyone! I have a 2000 Silver 300m that I can honestly say is probably the most fun to drive car I have ever had. 8-) It's loaded except PHP, but what makes it stand apart from other Silver 300's is the black 300m bra on the front. If you have a Silver 300m, invest in a $125.00 bra. You'll stand alone against the rest!
  • redravenredraven Member Posts: 1
    no you sick people, not me, my 300M. The one thing that concerns me is fading. My M is an inferno red, any suggestions?
  • avalanche165avalanche165 Member Posts: 558
    u jsut gotta make sure not to leave it on forever, gotta give it tiem to breathe, maybe 2 weeks, then a day off. i only put mine on when i drive long distance.........
  • kenvankenvan Member Posts: 19
    Red raven: You can get an Invisible Bra. I got one from and ticker film for the lights, and put it on myself. It's great, and you can't see it unless you are 2" away, and then only the edge of it. It lasts 5 years, it doesn't hurt the paint and it is removable.
  • phases78phases78 Member Posts: 471
    where did u find this?
  • smittydsmittyd Member Posts: 23
    I've had my M two months and it's going in for the 3000 mile oil change and checkup tomorrow. It's black, taupe interior, chrome wheels, stereo upgrade and sunroof. My only modification, so far, is desert smoke window tint which really sets off the bad, black Chrysler. You can see it here

    I'm thinking seriously about the dual exhaust mod to make it "talk" a little louder and breathe a little freer! What do you think?

    MOPAR or no car!
  • kenvankenvan Member Posts: 19
    These were the best prices I could find...

    I got the Headlight film (Covers all 6 front lights on your 300M for $40) at:

    I got the paint protection film at:

    invinca-shield 1-888-339-1385

    Works best to wear thin latex surgical type gloves during install to prevent finger prints. I'm really happy with the install. Check mine out at (actually, you can't even see them in this pic; I'll have to take some where you CAN see the plastic)

  • classicarsclassicars Member Posts: 3
    Hi. Has any other 300m (2001) owner ever experience engine knock when starting the car after sitting for a day? I did and got a real bad engine knock. Dlr says nothing wrong. But it was bad and blew smoke and ran rough and stunk. Also having some irregulartity with shifting. Coming to a stop and starting out right away, the tranny can't seem to find the gear fast enough.
    Is ANYONE else experiencing these problems with their new 300? This (new) 300 only has 3k miles on it.
  • phases78phases78 Member Posts: 471
    if your talking about the clicking sound when u start it, thats normal, all M's LHS's and concords do it, theres nothing wrong. if theres an actual KNOCK, then theres somthing up. as far as the rough and stinky, and smokey, ride, thats not anything ive heard about..
    as far as the not finding the gear fast enough, mine does that too. my person opinion, the autostick feature is somewhat new, that may be a side effect of some sort. either way i think you need to take it in to your dealer and having them look at it.....

    p.s. u should post questions like this in the regular board, the one iwth like 5000 msgs.... thats where we all hang..
  • classicarsclassicars Member Posts: 3
    THanks for the response. Dlr still has the car...has had it for 5 days. Thinks its bad gas....oh yea? Well we will see. Thanks for the tip on where to post too.
    It was definitely knocking not ticking. Has't done it since so see what the Dlr and D/C comes up with.
  • jmcmanusjmcmanus Member Posts: 11
    I see these Dunlops are top rated by Tirerack. My OEM Michelins are wearing out at 28,000 miles and I may need a replace this winter. Anyone have any experience with the Dunlops. My 300M is a 1999 with PHP.
  • dabeardabear Member Posts: 1
    Have a 1994 Audi 100s with Dunlops for the past 17,000 miles, they may go to 25,000, even with rotations every 6,000. Maybe not.
  • sj75sj75 Member Posts: 3
    Hi all,
    Bought my 300M, deep slate ext., with all the gizmos inside in Jun 2000. Haven't had too many problems other than windows creaking upon closing, replacement of the front passenger butt heater switch and a left suspension arm controller which happend just today. The main thing that bothers me is the window creaking. Have been to 3 5* dealers till now and no resolution. Has anyone managed to resolve it? If so, please let me know.
  • ceikostceikost Member Posts: 30
    I had that on my 2000 M on the drivers door.

    They replaced the window regulator and its been fine ever since.
  • lapasada2lapasada2 Member Posts: 6
    I drive a 1999 Chrysler 300M with GoodYear P225/55 R17 Eagle tires mounted on the Factory Installed Chrome Rims. From the day of purchase in November 1999, I have had difficulty getting a good balance on these Tires. As a matter of fact, GoodYear exchanged my tires after only 15,000 miles. Since the exchange, I have had trouble maintaining the recommended tire pressure on one wheel. The GoodYear Dealership maintains that it's a rim problem. I feel that it is a tire problem. Had anybody else experienced this problem. If so, can you recommend a solution.
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