Nissan Pathfinder Owners Care & Maintenance
i'm here first. ummm . . . i wash my PF when it gets dirty and change the oil every 5000 miles . . . hello? . . . is this thing on? . . .
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I plan to change the oil at 500 miles, and use the regular stuff (no synthetic yet). Then at 3,000 mile intervals after that.
Anyone have any other advice for proper break-in procedures? What about that old thing about not driving it above 55 mph for the first 500 miles? Has that gone the way of the dodo?
Now I find that Nissan wants $275 for their manual, and $210 for the CD version. What a rip-off! That's enough to make me think maybe it won't pay for itself.
Anybody out there who has the manual would like to comment?
Also, if you don't have the manual, what are other good reference service docs for the PF?
One question I'd like to look up right off is where the in-cabin microfilter is located. I want to check to see that I actually have one, since I paid for it!
Thanks so much for that info. I'm leaning towards getting the shop manual now, because I plan on keeping this car for a long time, and enjoy doing my own work/maintenance.
I checked my glove compartment, and there is a sticker in there that states exactly when the filter was installed (about a month ago: 01 01 06, 2 km).
Took the car to New Orleans this weekend. Varied the RPMs on the highway, and kept it under 4,000 (between 2500 and 3500). Now it's got 480 miles, up from just 4 when I got it two days ago. I love this car!
It's not a window so I hesitate to put a razor blade to it.
I'm like you, I hate dealer advertisements on the vehicle. It's bad enough that they made money off of the vehicle purchase, the customer has to advertise for them with those stickers. Puhleeeaaaasseeee.....
Owner's Clubs
On the site, it makes a distinction between PFs with VIN "up to 550000" and then from "550001." This refers to the last 6 digits of the VIN, right? Why is there a difference?
Secondly, there has been much talk about the squishy brakes, and one interesting post (#503) about breaking in the brakes. Has anyone here bled the brakes personally (as opposed to having the dealer do it), and if so, did you actually find air in the lines? Any problems/difficulties?
What's the recommended brake fluid?
Those of you who like to hand-wash your cars, which kind of wash mitt do you prefer and why?
The wool one seems very soft, but I always think of wool as scratchy and not soft. What do you think?
Owner's Clubs
Okay, now onto my question: we just bought a 2001 LE. Needless to say, it is fantastic. I am a big proponent of following the break-in period, but the car already had 160 miles on it. I know some of those are highway (drove down from another dealership 60+ miles away) and I assume the rest are test drives. Should I be concerned that the engine may have been floored & reved above 4000 rpm? Clearly the other 840 miles in the break-in period will be to the letter of the manual. Please give me your thoughts...
As for the breakin procedures, the RPM limit refers to sustained RPMs. Unless someone drove the vehicle at 80-100 MPH for a long period (unlikely) you should be ok. What the manufacturer is trying to avoid with these break-in periods, is overheating of the parts that are "self-machining" themselves to fit (rings, gear mesh, etc.). The overheating only occurs if they are operated at high speed for extended periods. In fact, it's a good idea to rev the engine to reasonably high RPM for short bursts once in a while. That way you don't end up with excessive "ridges" on the top of the cylinder walls (some "machining" is done in places it might not occur if "granny driven"). At any rate, with modern machining tolerances, there is very little "self machining" left to do, so it's not as big a deal as it used to be.
slipjoint. To lube the u-joints they have to be disassembled. Years
ago on my 510 I installed u-joints with fittings on them. Cheers
#4 compound (DC#4) Silicone grease. The filter always turns off by hand
when the engine is still warm.
1) It refers to Type A vs. Type B, but never defines what the difference is between the two. The Owner's Manual does the same thing. Does anybody know to what they are referring with the distinction between Type A and Type B?
2) I was hoping there would be a comprehensive layout of the entire engine compartment, but I couldn't find one. For instance, I was looking for a diagram to see exactly where that ambient air temperature sensor is. I know it's located somewhere forward of the radiator, but they don't show a picture of where. The closest I could come was to look at one of the wiring harness diagrams, which implied the location, but it never went so far as to show what the sensor looks like, how it's attached, etc.
Please let me know if you've found a section that I didn't!
You need a 'F' size oil filter wrench. I got mine at AutoZone for $2.99. Same wrench at PepBoys is $4.99. Cheers, AW
referring to? When Nissan publishes there service manuals I think they only have service centers in mind. They don't go into exact detail where some things are located. Sometimes you have to use your own experience on how to do some maintanence procedures,ie. adjust the brakes?.....Steve
It depicts two separate locations for the rear safety stand points, based on whether the vehicle is Type A or Type B.
So there's some sort of difference there, but I'm not sure what it is.
than the LE?? 2WD vs 4WD ??
Also, has anybody found where it shows how to change the in-cabin microfilter? That ought to be SOMEWHERE, right? I haven't found that either!
The microfilter inserts into a slot near the heater plenum, which is behind the glovebox.
Thanks for the reply. I went to two dealers today, who verified that the part numbers are in fact equivalent. One of them showed me the catalog which indicated this. The other dealer said that 9E000 replaces 31U00.
Confident I had the right part, I went to change my oil and filter. Lo and behold, the filter that was on the car from the factory was part number
15208-65F01. It was printed right on the filter.
Where did THAT come from? The filter was shorter by about 1/3, but it also had a relief valve.
So now the question becomes, has anyone else seen this alternate (smaller) filter from the factory?
Nissan p/n 15208-65F00 from 00/01 PF witch is L14622 must be the larger
filter some use. The 15208-31U00 is L14612 is what I use after I call Purolater
and it has a releif spring in it and is very small.. What the ???? Steve
again and will get to the bottom of this. He told me last week that the parts
book had a mistake on the filter p/ns ??? Steve
The box on the 65F00 list the applications for this filter as being for the SR20DE engine which is the 4 cylinder in the G20, Sentra SE-R, etc.
filter for the '01 PF with 3.5 L. engine. The filter L14612 was discontinued because Purolator's engineers decided it was to small. L14622 has the wrong base plate and will leak oil!!! Nissan PN 15208-65F01 was superseded from(or to??)15208-65F00 this filter is for the 3.5 L '01 PF. PN 15208-31U00 is for a '00 PF 3.3L engine. PN15208-9E000 was superseded to (or from)PN 15208-31U00. TODAY ONLY!?
Thanks as always for the reply. You're big help on this board!. Cheers, CM
I'd also like to know if the Service Manual is wrong! I know for a fact that my Service Manual is for the '01 Pathfinder, and in the beginning it clearly states that the VQ35DE engine is in my car!
(But I also know that the filter I took OFF the car, from the factory, was 65F01.)
P.S. I'll definitely update the FAQ with this info as soon as we iron it all out.
I went to the dealer after work and they showed me on the computer that the filter for the VQ35DE engine is 65F00. It seems that your car had the correct filter (65F01 equivalent to 65F00) and that the svc manual is wrong (or maybe it's not a big deal and both can be used ?)..CM
a new filter Purolator just engineered for the 3.5 L engine. He said that this filter should be on the shelves very soon. We might have to order it if we need it sooner. I talked to my friend that I've known for 18 years that works in the Nissan parts department where I purchased my PF and he told me that the 15208-65F00 is the correct PN for the 2001 with 3.5 L engine. The 15208-65F01 is the same as....65F00. The 150208-31U00 and 15208-9E00 is for the 3.3L 2000 PF. He also told me that the parts cataloge is in error over the filters from 2000 and 2001. Tom at Purolator seems to be a nice person to talk to and seems to know about the product the number is 1-800-526-4250 please call and verify. Steve
view of the filter on LC-8 it looks like the L14612 and describes the filter wrench
as 2.531" and I measured the L14612 filter it is 2.5" across. I will call the parts
department again and triple check the numbers. The ESM was July 2000 edition?
More tomorrow......Steve
for the Pathfinder Model R50 Series.
Please let us know ASAP what you find out. I want to switch out my filter if it's the wrong one.
I know that the 65F01 filter was about 1/3 shorter than the 9E000 that I installed, but the same diameter. Both of them had the relief valve inside.
Maybe we should call Nissan directly to resolve this? Doesn't sound like the dealers are being too helpful. The two that I talked to swore that 9E000 was the correct one, and that it replaced 31U00, which is what the manual called for, which is why I put it on the car.