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Nissan Pathfinder Owners: Accessories & Modifications



  • pathstar1pathstar1 Member Posts: 1,015
    As far as I know, the "XM Sat. Radio Capabilities" means you can connect an XM unit to it, not that it has it built in. In other words, you will still need to get an XM unit and antenna. You can probably do that with your current unit -using a tape insert to feed the audio into the current unit, or using an FM modulator to get the audio in there.
  • mmontagmmontag Member Posts: 3
    DId you ever get an answer to your question about upgrading the BOSE 6disk CD changer. I just purchased an 04 SE and I have a nice amplifier from my old car that I would like to install. The speakers seem a little weak, do you know what brand and power they are?


  • mmontagmmontag Member Posts: 3
    Any answers on the replacement clocks like the QA4 for my 2004 Pathfinder SE?

  • pathstar1pathstar1 Member Posts: 1,015
    Bose use non-standard speaker impedances (2 ohm or less). If you look you will find an amplifier at each speaker (not the tweeters, though). You can drive aftermarket amps but you need adapters (try Crutchfield etc.).
  • lbinhlbinh Member Posts: 190
    For those who wish to replace that undefined(nameless?) plastic cover under the front end. The cover you have to remove to get to the oil filter. You can now replace it with a true skid plate(s).

  • bitterbobbitterbob Member Posts: 4
    I have a question about the Bose (Clarion?) stereo in my '04 SE. It has a feature called RDS that displays the name of the station instead of the frequency (K-Rock instead of 92.3 for example) and also the name of the song and the singer for whatever song is playing at the moment. Does anyone know how to turn this off? I just want to see the numbers, not all the other info. Thanks
  • alinflalinfl Member Posts: 4
    Anyone have any experience or comments on upgrading seats from cloth to leather or replacing leather seats? I found what I hope is a good deal on a base SE P/F, but I'd really like leather seats. Local dealer says you can upgrade for $1200, which would certainly "damage" my deal, but would still be better than the best deal I can get on an LE, and all I really want is the leather seats.

    Any comments or suggestions are welcomed.
  • flycasterflycaster Member Posts: 62
    Want to install a radar detector into my 2000 PF SE. Need to know which wire in the overhead console goes on when the ignition goes on, and off when ignition is turned off. Will hook into it and this will allow for automatic on/off of detector. Thanks.
  • smokey75smokey75 Member Posts: 434
    Hey, I have a 2001 PF & wired my radar detector into the overhead console. I can't remember which wire is hot with the ignition without opening my console again, but that's what I wired into. Just buy a cheap meter & you can easily find out. It's the one that shows nothing with the car off & about 12V with the ignition on.
  • butterglowbutterglow Member Posts: 1
    I am thinking about the following tires and was hoping that folks could let me know what their experiences have been.
    I am going to be driving over long distances with snow and mud but no heavy off roading activities.
    These would be placed on a stock 2003 SE on the original rims at P255/70 R16.

    Goodyear Wrangler AT/S
    Goodyear Wrangler Radial RT/S
    BFGoodrich All-Terrain T/A KO
    Michelin LTX M/S
  • hawaii0202hawaii0202 Member Posts: 1
    I have a dumb question. We just bought a 2002 Pathfinder LE and cannot figure out how to turn off the fan. We realize with the 'auto' control it wants to regulate the temperature consistently, but don't we have the option to turn it off? The fan is running all the time....can anyone help?

    PS We haven't received our manual yet.
  • pathstar1pathstar1 Member Posts: 1,015
    If you use the fan switch you can force the system into "manual" mode. I think you can only turn it down to "low", however. If you want to turn the fan off, just turn off the system (three buttons on the left select "ECONOMY", "AUTO", or "OFF". If you turned the fan off, you wouldn't have climate control, so just turning the system off has the same effect, and you have no fan running.

    "ECONOMY" just disables the air conditioner (cooling). If you mess with the fan speed control (rocker switch on the right) the system goes into manual mode, and you control the fan speed (it will not speed up if the temp. diff. changes).
  • greasergrrlgreasergrrl Member Posts: 7
    Are the Black Armor cargo liners still available? I had the crappy OEM vinyl liner and it tore and I really need something to keep the dog hair off the back of the back seats. Seems like the only option I've seen here is the Black Armor cargo liner but I can't find it for the Pathfinder. Did they go out of business? http://www.jcwhitney.com/autoparts/ProductDisplay/s-10101/p-3118/- c-10101

    Any other ideas?
  • greasergrrlgreasergrrl Member Posts: 7
    ok i think i found the black armor one (called highland now?), but i'm wondering if there are any that cover the wheel wells too - the OEM one did. i see this one http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/horizontal-pod.jh- tml?id=0006046&navAction=push&navCount=15&indexId=cat- 20119&parentId=cat20119&parentType=index&rid=&cmC- at=MainCatcat21412 but it's not exactly attractive ;) and doesn't come in black.
  • co_pathfinderco_pathfinder Member Posts: 1
    Anyone know if the factory supplied rack on the new Pathfinder is the same as previous racks? I am trying to purchase Yakima racks and "mighty mounts" but I am unsure the mounts will fit the width/shape of the factory rack.
  • pathstar1pathstar1 Member Posts: 1,015
    I was told the rails are the same, but the crossbars are different. They said the Yakima stuff still fits - by design. That was from the sales guys though, better to go in and check it out.
  • pf2001pf2001 Member Posts: 110
    Hi all,
     My front brake pads need to be changed on a PF 01?
    I read from previous posts that Axxis Metal Masters are good and was thinking on getting them.
    What other aftermarket pads have you used?

  • smokey75smokey75 Member Posts: 434
    Hey, I think I've seen this before but can't remember. Isn't there a way without the code reader to clear the SES light? Does this also erase the stored trouble codes or only reset the light?
  • moymchmoymch Member Posts: 4
    I have the Michelin LTX M/S on my 03 PF/LE and they are awesome. Great in the snow and minor off roading. The ride is smooth and quite.
  • brickyfwbrickyfw Member Posts: 10
    I have a 2001 PF SE that is has a manual tranny. I bought it used. Does anyone know if there are supposed to be rubber cup holder inserts? There are two cup holders: one larger one right in front of the console arm rest, and another smaller one right in front of the large one. Thanks.
  • pathstar1pathstar1 Member Posts: 1,015
    There is a plastic insert for the large cupholder. No rubber inserts available from Nissan that I know of.
  • brickyfwbrickyfw Member Posts: 10
    Does anyone know of somewhere I can find a cup holder insert for the 2001? Mine's got the beige interior. The dealer wants $54. If that's the only place I can get one, then I can live without it.
  • scantyscanty Member Posts: 164
    I get all of my Nissan parts from them. Very helpful. www.courtesyparts.com
  • annoyedmanannoyedman Member Posts: 4
    I used to have a brochure for an inexpensive intake runner insert that can be owner installed in a just a few minutes. The insert causes the incoming air to swirl in a "tornado" fashion as it travels up the intake runner to the throttle body. Supposedly, putting swirl into the incoming air adds a modicum of horsepower while boosting fuel economy. The device can be installed in either the intake runner, or in the tailpipe - or both. A friend of mine did this to his Ford Explorer and successfully netted modest increases in both power and economy. Sadly, he doesn't remember the name of the device, nor do I, and I can't find the brochure. Has anybody had any experience with this item (or one like it) - particularly in a Pathfinder - and if so, can you remember the website address or phone number of the company that sells these things? All I can remember is that they were located in El Monte, California. Any help would be appreciated.
  • greenpathgreenpath Member Posts: 2
    i have up graded my seats in my 97 pathfinder to thoes from an infinity truck the only thong i had to do is run power 4 the power seats and the heated seats
  • kenb1kenb1 Member Posts: 2
    I just bought a 1998 4x4 SE and it is missing two of the center caps (alloy wheel) and the right front mud guard. Has anyone bought the aftermarket caps from Hubcapkingdom.com ? They are much less expensive than the OEM ones. Have not found a source for the mud guard.
  • keeferbkeeferb Member Posts: 81
    Anyone install an after-market bug deflector on their '05 yet? Nissan sells one, but that version only protects to the edges of the hood. I'm looking for more of a 'wrap-around' style. I haven't been able to find one online anywhere yet.

  • chuckmchuckm Member Posts: 1
    Before I purchased my 2004 Pathfinder SE, I had a
    2001 X-Terra and had problems with little rust spots showing up on the rear deck lid. The dealer
    did everything he could to explain this away. I am now experienceing this same problem on my
    Pathfinder. And have recently learned from a local body shop that they have done several x-terra's that were still under waranty. I have a
    claim with my dealer now, and I am waiting to see if it will be honored, for my pathfinder. I live in a area where they use pure salt on the roads, even if their is a hint it will snow.
  • gratefuldadgratefuldad Member Posts: 17
    Does anyone know whether you can add skid plates for the fuel tank and transfer case to the LE. Only the SE Offoad comes with them. Looking to get a one and this would be a problem. Thanks ch
  • shcbbeshcbbe Member Posts: 3
    My 97 PF has been demostrating some weird problems. First in a hard acceleration it makes a roaring noise that soon goes a way,second when I stop it seems as if the rear brakes are not grabbing has anyone had these same experiences?
  • mbaker65mbaker65 Member Posts: 2
    Does anyone know where I can get an extra wireless headset? I have three kids, but the PF only comes with two. I'll be checking with the dealer, but I'm wondering if there are others out there that will work as well.
  • denver5357denver5357 Member Posts: 319
    Time to replace our tires on our 2001 Pathfinder LE. As I have called around I have been surprised by the comments tire dealers are making about the size ... 255/65R16. I am being told it is an odd size that was made for a few years and there are few options for replacements in that size. I can go skinnier but I don't want to on an SUV. The few tires they do have in the right size are more expensive than I expected or CR listed ($145 a tire and up). Has anyone else run into this? Am I being given the runaround or is this what it cost to replace Pathfinder tires? Thanks for any help.
  • lbinhlbinh Member Posts: 190
    Sounds like the runaround. Check out www.tirerack.com for more details and selection. OEM sizes are more prevalent than they say it is. Only the newer 17" OEM tires have less selection to choose from.
  • akhilakhil Member Posts: 1
    Anyone used TOYO tires on their Pathfinders? I used Michelin Cross TerrainSUV last time. I was not very happy with them for the hefty price I paid for them. I live in Michigan and looking for year round tires. Toyo is advertising real good deals for the size 255/65/R16. I am looking at TOYO open country A/T tires.
    I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks
  • lbinhlbinh Member Posts: 190
    Check reviews at www.tirerack.com. I personally have the Goodyear Forteras HL 255/70/16 on 2001 LE. Very nice tires all around with $50 reabate (got another $50 from them again...don't know why but did not ask. :P ). The Yoko Geolanders are rated very high also. I choose goodyear b/c of aggressive looking sidewalls.
  • uscgmk20uscgmk20 Member Posts: 1
    Hey guys just a shot in the dark but I was wondering if anyone was looking for some altezza taillights for a 99 pathfinder. I bought these ones first but found some other ones for cheaper. they are still in the box mint condition and I never put them on the truck. If u have any question just email me as and pics.
  • scantyscanty Member Posts: 164
    and have been very pleased with them. It's been over a year and 12,000 miles+, and all is well. I paid right around $120 installed for each.
  • dakota11dakota11 Member Posts: 3
    I put a set of Yokohama Geolanders (standard size) on my 2001 Pathfinder LE and they have been a marked improvement over the stock tires. I have had them for about 15K miles and have seen nominal wear. Handling in the wet and snow was a huge improvement, although they are a tad noisier than what you probably have on there. Ordered mine from tirerack.com and had them delivered to my mechanic (note: not dealer) and paid about $475 all said and done.

    Also, had them fave the white letters out and they really look nice.

    Hope this helps.
  • mental32mental32 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 98 pathfinder without a wheel on the back. I was wondering if there is any way to get one installed somehow and how much it might cost.

  • mpullenmpullen Member Posts: 1
    Does anyone know the thread size for the shift knob on a '94 Pathfinder (5-speed)?
  • jharnishjharnish Member Posts: 1
    I want to tow a '95 pathfinder 5 spd. manual trans behind my RV. Do I need a driveline disconnect ?
    Any suggestions ?
  • pathstar1pathstar1 Member Posts: 1,015
    If it's 4wd I'd get front hub disconnects, such as "Warn" hubs. Otherwise it should be fine with the trans. in neutral. If it was an automatic, you'd want to disconnect the driveshaft.
  • norboardernorboarder Member Posts: 1
    New to this forum...making sure I understand, the Mobil Speedpass device can be used with a normal key made by my local hardware store, instead of paying the dealer $200 to make me a spare key?
  • 99le99le Member Posts: 1
    I have a 99 pathfinder le with the manual a/c with the three controllers on it. My brother has a 98 qx4 with digital a/c. Is it possible to convert mine over to digital a/c and how difficult would it be?
  • cardzncardzn Member Posts: 1
    Has anyone changed their 2wd into a 4wd? Is it possible? and does it worth it?
  • timing2timing2 Member Posts: 5
    I need to add a trailer hitch to my recently purchased 2005 Pathfinder.
    Looking at a Curt 13165 class III 5000 lb to tow my boat.
    Anyone have experience installing / using this unit?
    Anyone have experience towing close to 5000 lbs with their Pathfinder?
    Anyone towing a boat, using 4WD low at the ramp?
    Greatly appreciate any replies.
  • timing2timing2 Member Posts: 5
    I'm also in need of an after market.
    Looking serious at the Class III 5K lbs Curt 13156 - about $170 plus shipping.
    Here's a look installed:
  • timing2timing2 Member Posts: 5
    Correction to inital post, the Pathfinder I just bought in need of
    a trailer hicth is a YEAR 2002.
  • timbo2timbo2 Member Posts: 2
    I'm currently driving a '01 PF and have an electronic brake mounted under the dash, about centered under the steering wheel. the under-dash cowling is pretty solid and mounts well there.
    Now looking at a 2005 (or maybe 2006). The under dash cowling is quite flimsy on the 2005, and I expect the same on the 2006.
    Any suggestions?
  • daddy3daddy3 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 04 PF SE, 2 wheel drive and since I have owned it I have had a slight steering wheel tremor or slight shimmy at highway speeds. 60 to 70 MPH. At 80 it smooths out. I have had several wheel balances and even another set of tires were put on and still have it. The steering seems to be very road sensitive. Car only has 8000 miles. I was also told by a tire place that my rims were very hard to balance????? I was also tod that Pathfinders are hard to balance. Could anyone shed some light on this matter?
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