Ford Focus Accessories & Modifications

in Ford
For all you "old timers" (like Jimmy), you know this part number by heart, but all you newer folks should go to your local BMW parts department and ask for part number 82 11 9 413 967. For not much money, you will get a very nicely made chrome tailpipe finisher that taps on with a rubber mallet and really makes the back of the car look great. Legal disclaimer - this part fits the 2000 ZX3 tailpipe perfectly, but I've not checked the 2001 cars to see if Ford changed the rear muffler (I'd be surprised if they did).
I've also added the HyperWhite bulbs ( Those really dress up the front of the car and give it a more european look. When I first put them in, they were BLUE!!! I was quite angry. But I left them in and now they give off a super white light, just like the Mercedes and BMW's do.
I keep seeing aftermarket superchargers for this car. Has anyone installed one?
Any info would be greatly appreciated!!!
Any help would be appreciated!
by the way, anyone have any news for me on the supercharger yet (see above 2 messages)
I wouldn't exactly say that I'm a "hardcore crazy", BUT....I LOVE THIS CAR !!!! If I'm still this happy with it after a year or so, I wouldn't think twice about spending the money.....or maybe get the SVT instead. I would have waited for the SVT, but I had to trade my old car in before it fell apart. (it was a 99 KIA Sephia, don't ask, I still don't know why I bought that car).
Anyway, thanks for your opinion......and if you happen to actually get your hands on any printed reviews of the kit, let me know..........
window "rain-guards" from them and they have LOTS of products.....I suggest any cold-air intake that uses a K & N Filter...they are the best!
There is a list of aftermarket retailers, and prices on Which also has a good How-To Library with diagrams, photos, and video clips for several mod projects.
I bought one and I'm having trouble putting it on the car.
i bought new speakers for the focus, since i blew the stock ones, and was wondering how the hell you would take the speaker grill off of this. If anyone knows how to install new speakers in the focus, please reply and tell me how. I would appreciate it. Thanks
Door inner trim panel - removal and installation is in section 11-10 and
Speaker - removal and installation is in section 12-25
I understand some speedometers have capability of reprogramming. My car came with 15" and I am getting 17"
If I want to upgrade this system, should I get a subwoofer, or should I get an external amp to drive the main speakers?
I would like to spend no more than $500. I am more interested in clean sound at moderate volumes, than in very loud volume.
Coincidentely a bunch of service coupons came from my dealer this week. For the first time there was one for a "cabin filter inspection" Under this special they will charge me $5.00. That sounds just about right, keeping in mind the procedures which you outlined. BTW, what kind of a filter are we talking about here, a simple screen or a HEPA type material. ? I'm up here in Northern NY alot of allergens. I do not need to run the A/C that often except on hot days when traveling on the highways. the 2.3 motor handles the extra load of A/C very well.
So far about 8000 miles on car. No Problems. I think that the promotional people at FORD do not know how to market this car. In my view, the promotional material should emphasize somthing to the effect that the Focus is made "for an environmentalist who (secretely) loves to drive."
Don't look for any benefit to your allergy condition - except less dust (no charcoal/no HEPA ). Actually a whole lot less dust, since our '04 2.3 PZEV came w/o the filter - just a large ( about 1/4 inch ) screen to keep out varmints like mouses.
We don't fell badly about driving this car here in Texas ( about 60mi/day ), it is A LOT "cleaner" than most anything you see in the DFW area ( SUVS, pick 'em ups, mommy vans ). Also, when we need to merge, or "heaven-forbid" pass, we just step down and let it rip. We don't pass much, since we try for great mileage ($1.669 gas) by driving 60mph. We get passed by everyone else like we are sitting still. We just leave earlier and it's allright.
Just how important is the cabin air filter? Many of us drive with the windows open, and the filter is bypassed. The impression I got from the parts-counter person is that Ford may remove the filter and not bother replacing it. The thinking being that it is better to have an unobstructed air flow than a dirty clogged filter that hasn't been changed in 5 years.
I changed one on my son's car, but I had trouble replacing the gasket on the bottom of the windshield. I have yet to replace the cabin air filter on my 2001 focus. The air still seems to come through the vents unobstructed.
Thank-you for your helpful message.
I guess there is the much shorter alternative aftermarket antenna mast available nationwide as well as at that certin online auction website. Don't know the radio reception will be affected 'tho with a MUCH shorter mast than intended. I guess time will tell. Maybe if you catch the mast enough times it will break off at the dotted line.
It is a recurring problem as documented here and elsewhere. My dealer said that they would have to send the unit out for repair or replacement - will take three weeks. I called Ford customer service and was told that they could not help. It is a new car, I am a loyal Ford customer, and it is their premium "audiophile" unit. Am I being unreasonable to think that three weeks is too long to wait - hell, the car is barely three weeks old. I would have hoped for more from Ford. Apparently, loyalty to the company is a fool's game. If Mr. Ford is serious about turning his ailing company around, customer service and product accountability will need improvement.
I'm not sure why this has to be such a struggle. In fairness to Ford, this has been a dealership issue. Like you, I have many family ties to Ford and am thankful for all of the A-plan purchases I have been able to make. I may be moving back to Michigan soon. If so, maybe I'll have better luck finding a reliable dealer.
BTW, after 4k miles driven only get 24mpg... not the sticked claimed 27-32
Mad as hell. Sorry I have nothing positive to offer.
I have the exact same question. I have a 06 xr5 ses with the single cd and mp3 option. I have possed it to my dealer with no answer yet. I did remove the tray under the heater controls, it just pops out and felt a multi pin style plug on the back of my radio. I think this would be the input but I can not tell what type of plug it is yet. If you find anything out I'd like to know
Thanks, Tim
Hopefully this can be answered for me.
I know the next question is a little vague, but what other modifications can be done to the new 06's that anyone might know.
Thanks in advance! - - - 2&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1
I was wondering if anyone has seen any in a black plastic like the handles.
When i got out of my car the radio was still playing even after i had taken the key out of the ignition.I tried turning it off but none of the buttons will work now. I couldn't even turn the volume down.When i was driving back to work the sound finally shut off but the radio was still on!I let my car sit for a few minutes and went back out to check on it, finally it was off.When i checked to see if the car would still start the radio at frist wouldn't come on,but when i pushed the on/off button it came on for just a second before freezing up again. Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on? :sick: