Isn't this just a rebranded Daewoo Matiz? They have been available elsewhere in the world for quite a while. Even as the Chevy Spark this model has been available in Europe for 2 years now. Why did GM wait so long to introduce it in the US?
I saw the new 2012 Spark in Curacao while I was on vacation. It's a sharp looking car but is much smaller than I expected it to be. There looks to be no cargo space behind the rear seat and the rear seat looks small as well. The 14" or 15" tires look too small for the car too. The style is there though and if it drives decently, it should be a good addition to Chevy. Kudos to Chevy for venturing into a new market and I hope it convinces Hyundai and Kia to bring over there I10 and Picanto. Those are really nice little cars too!
The first 4 Sparks were unloaded at my local Chevy dealer. The Spark actually looks pretty darn sporty in 2LT guise in red and the interior is nicely designed and reasonably comfortable and roomy. The car is rather narrow and the door openings are very narrow, especially in the rear, causing you to rotate sideways more then bigger cars before getting in and out. A taller person would have trouble getting in and out easily. However, foot space under the front seats is very generous for back seat riders so the back seat is roomier than expected. The bottom cushion of the back seat flips forward which should allow the backrest to be folded flat once the headrest is removed. The 2LT uses a two tone red/black leatherette seat covering that looks richer than the price point and standard heated front seats is unexpected for $16k. The stereo has a large modern looking touchscreen and appeared to work well, however, it lacks a volume knob or any other buttons for that matter so I'm not sure how user friendly it would be to operate without looking at it closer. The rear speakers were extremely small and they are mounted in little sail panels on either side of the cargo cover so upgrading to larger speakers would be impossible. I couldn't figure out where the extra 2 speakers were that made it a 6 speaker system. I could only find 2 speakers on the top of the dash and the two in the rear. This is one car where upgrading the sound system would involve a lot more work. The one disappointment I had was with the tinny cheap sound and feel when closing the doors. The doors had to be slammed before closing fully and they sounded very cheap in the process. Also, gas mileage is very disappointing for a car with only 84 horsepower (32/38 with a manual and 27/38 with automatic). Otherwise, it looks to be a well thought out small car with very sporty good looks.
Manual transmission is 12995 and automatic 13920. Slightly ironic that the fuel economy is thdane same as the Malibu eco.....I currently have 7 in stock, but the manual transmission has not arrived yet. The jury is still out though at the higher trim levels as an LT automatic comes in very close to the same price point as the sonic LT sedan with automatic transmission..
saw a little dice up on i95 south of savanna last friday. traffic running the usual 75 to 80 mph. a fiat 500 being chased by a new chev spark running nose to tail @ over 80mph. i tried to catch up to get a better look but cooled it due to heavy presence of all the ga. troopers. ten miles or so later i pulled into a mickey d's. the fiat was there, hood open, much blue/gray smoke and steam ? no driver around . the spark was next door getting gas. SHE was just leaving. i did notice that the spark had a mfg plate, maroon & white. i never caught up to get a better look at her or the plate. i would like to know the story about all this. hmmmm!
Hi, kj2...I'd go hmmmm too after seeing what you witnessed between the "joust", so to speak, of the Fiat 500 and Chevy's new Spark. The 500 is a fashion statement for sure, but I believe the jury's still out concerning its reliability/dependability. The Spark has that issue pending also, but I think the little critter of a Chevy may be the better pick if one is looking to purchase at this price point...meaning inexpensive. Peace!<-AladdinSane<- :-) :shades:
Has anyone driven one yet, particularly with the manual tranny? Does it have enough power with the AC on? How's the handling? Come on folks, we need some reviews in here!
Just bought a Spark at Mark Christopher Chevrolet in SCAL. They had (5) manual Sparks for $10,750. I could not believe the price, I drove 125 miles to pick one up. I chose a White Spark, it was under 12K OTD. I will keep you posted. So far the car is great. I don't fit the Spark demographics, in my 40's, wife and two kids. Once I start putting mileage on it I'll give complete updates on the car. For the price, you cannot beat it. Hopefully, the gas mileage and reliability will be good.
Well here is my update on having my Chevy Spark for one week. Two fillups so far. 1st fill up consisted of 75% highway (60 mph) and 25% city, AC on for 10% of the time. I got an average of 39.8 mpg. 2nd fill up was 99% highway (55-60 mph) and 1% city driving. No AC. I got an average of 46.9 MPG. Unbelievable! I calculated the MPG manually by Total Mileage/Gallons used. I am very happy! I use Costco gasoline, so it contains 10% ethanol blend.
1st impressions:
5sp is rubbery when shifting, but the ride is very well controlled. Some reviews say the engine is loud over 60 mph, but I can't tell. The US. Versions must have additional sound proofing. Interior is top notch for a 12K car (Total out the door price). I think the interior is very sporty. I turn on the AC only when the car is running above 35 MPH, because acceleration takes a hit when you have it on. The AC gets ice cold on the freeway. I wish it had door locks and cruise control, it's tough trying to keep the car around 55 to 60 on the highway. If you are patient, you will reap the benefits, 47 MPG and it's not a hybrid! I think the steering is top notch and the basic stereo is not bad.
Since I got the basic version, it has no CD or USB port, security alarm or floor mats. OH WELL...I really can't be to negative on a vehicle that costs under 12K... Overall, I am happy with the car... I'll keep everyone posted when I add more miles...
Howdy friend: I've been following your posts with interest. Why? I very much interested in the Spark as a purchase for my lady and myself. My one question- When this machine was reviewed by Kelsey Mays, I believe it was, at Cars. com he mentioned that the Spark's doors were as thin as can be and it seemed one was riding in a tin can, so to speak. He didn't use these specific words, but that's what he alluded to. Do you find this machine to be frail in its construction as he did? He definitely did NOT dig the Spark, but then again he tends to be tough when it comes to reviewing small cars. His review of the Nissan Versa sedan is absolutely toxic, for example. Double thumbs down for it, according to him, yet it's selling quite well. I digress, though...Please inform of your observations and experiences with the Spark, in future, if U would, when you can. What I'd really want to do is install a power sunroof to the Spark if we decide on it. That would be a trip...a good one, so to speak. Looking forward... Peace!- AladdinSane<- :shades: -
Hi, I understand, safety should be a major concern before purchasing a small car. The base model includes, antilock brakes, stability control, and 10 airbags. On you_tube a GM exec says it got 4 out of 5 stars for collision protection and missed the 5 star rating by 1 point. I don't have the link here, but I remember his claim. The Spark has been sold Globally for the last two years so hopeflully, they have gotten any manufacturing issues resolved. Construction seems solid. I remember the "Thin" door claim too. I heard the same review as you did prior to purchasing the vehicle. I thought his comment were alittle misleading. When I went to drive the Spark the first time, I checked the door panel for thickness and worried about the "tin" can remark. The car is small, but it can hold four adults comfortably getting them from point A to point B. I don't think the door "panels" are too thin. When compared to my old "1999" CRV, they are thicker and the sound deadening is better in the Spark than the CRV. But I am comparing an older 12 year old car to a new Spark. Also, if I compare the door panels to our 2012 Mazda3, the Sparks are thinner. When I got the 47 MPG rating, I drove from San Diego to Los Angeles and back. I didn't feel like I was driving in a "tin" can and the sound deadening against "road noise" is pretty good for such a small car. Southern California traffic can be pretty intimidating, but I never felt unsafe in the car. This topic can be very subjective, so I suggest that both of you do a "Test" drive. Usually, you will know within minutes if this car if for you. You also mentioned a power sunroof. If you add a new option to your new Spark it could void your warranty. So check that out before you purchase. When I purchased my first car, I added a manual "moon" roof to the car and loved it.
ReHi, friend...many thanx for the reply. I appreciate it, more than you know. I'm hip to everything you mentioned in your response. I spoke to a Chevy manager of a close by Chevrolet dealership and he mentioned that it may be possible to install a power sunroof into the Spark via his dealer's service department. Nothing's solid yet because we haven't decided to go with the Spark, at least not yet. Why? It's either the Spark, Scion iQ , Smart for two, or Fiat that order. As you said, it all depends on trying the vehicles on, so to speak (laugh) and test driving them. But enough of my scene...what color Spark did you go with? It's pink color offering is freaky, if you know what I mean. I don't mean that in a bad way. Hope to hear from you when you can... Good luck, friend. Happy trails... AladdinSane <- :shades: -
Let me share with you my thoughts on the other cars you mentioned: For the Spark ( I got the white one ), only time will tell when it comes to it's reliability, but with the Chevrolet warranty it does give some peace of mind. The Scion IQ will probably be the most reliable of all the cars mentioned, but the back seat is useless for any adults even children. It would probably work if you had pets. The Smart has been around several years and has good reliability, but it runs on Premium gas. You will be paying an additional 15-20 cents per gallon. Lastly, the Fiat. My friend recently rented it while her car was being worked on. She had nothing but negative reviews on it. It may just be personal preference, but I have seen some on the side of the road. Back in the day Fiat stood for F -fix I- it -A -all T-the time. Hopefully, it will change.
Good Luck and let us know what you ended up buying.
:shades: Drove over a week really super car!love the smooth shifting 5 speed The car is roomy fun to drive and you never hit a gas station great milage. Bought the base model for 11300 nobody even got close besides i think this was the best car out there in this area.Great on the highway or city driving .Holds the road and is fast enough to pass vehicle on the road. The warranty best out there .In general we are very satisfied with the spark . I'm not he person you would see driving a mini but this vehicle sold itself the first time we drove it.. i checked out the competition spark beat them out hands down.You have to sit in one there roomy as heck Really a fun practical car im very satisfied to say the least !!!A Steal at this pricepoint
A reporter is looking to talk with new owners of micro or subcompact cars (i.e. Chevy Spark, Scion iQ, Honda Fit, Mazda 2, Fiat 500, etc.) to learn how the experience has changed how they think about what they need in a car, and how they use their cars. If you fit this description, please respond to with your preferred contact information by Friday, October 19, 2012.
First, congratulations on the price. My first new car in 1968 was a VW Beetle; I had it until it was totaled from behind about 19 years later.
At my age, I suspect that Chevy's marketing is aiming too narrowly; the Spark may catch on and become another Beetle. The price and quality when I bought the VW was unbeatable. Chevy, by affording many standard accessories and a low price has the potential to capture the imagination of America.
Hi amoobrasil...I agree with you that the original Beetle was a masterpiece of simplicity and longevity...wotta pity that VW just let that original version die out, so to speak. The Spark on the other hand could become quite a machine to be reckoned with if Chevy deals its cards right and pushes it with adverts and could be another "people's car"...I feel that the true successor to the original Beetle's throne, though, is the Smart ForTwo, even if many will disagree with my statement here about it. Time will tell...we'll see. BTW: I'm New York City, USA. Peace!<-AladdinSane-<- :shades: -
General Motors is increasing imports of Chevrolet Spark minicars for sale in the United States following a stronger-than-expected launch here. GM recently upped its order for Sparks from the Korea plant that produces the car, Cristi Landy, marketing director for Chevrolet small cars, told Automotive News. “We've asked for more already,” Landy said Wednesday. “We've gotten a really strong reaction in the marketplace.” Landy wouldn't say how many Sparks were imported under GM's original forecast or how many more the company has requested. GM launched the Spark in 18 metro U.S. markets in July. During its first two months on the market, sales totaled 6,313, a solid start that surprised some GM executives and dealers. Before the Spark's launch, IHS Automotive forecast sales of 27,000 in 2013, the car's first full year on the U.S. market. The sales pace from the limited rollout puts GM on target to exceed that total on an annual basis. Labor strife in Korea this summer disrupted some Spark shipments to the United States, Landy said. GM lost some production when Korean workers staged a number of partial strikes. The company reached a deal with its Korean labor union in August. Landy said GM is working to make up those lost units and is boosting shipments beyond the company's original forecast. The Korea plant has capacity for about 200,000 units a year, a company spokeswoman said. The factory also supplies Korea, India, Mexico and other markets. “Our dealers are asking for more,” Landy said. “We don't want to make a gut production decision based on two-and-a-half months of sales. But demand has been strong.”
Thank you for your response, NY. The Smart may indeed pan out--much may depend on marketing, and I see the marketing for the Smart clever, aggressive, and respectful--in keeping with the Beetle ads (mostly in magazines and newspapers) of the 1960s.
A two-seater, however, may prove to have a low ceiling of popularity.
If the Spark is to realize what I describe as its potential, it will require not a bunch of MBAs pushing it, but servant leaders determined to level with the public while highlighting the features the Spark offers, the low price once all the standard features are factored in, and a personality for the vehicle.
The "tinny doors" comment jumped out at me. Do others agree?
Drove in a small caravan of new Spark's from Lauderdale airport to a Hertz in Clearwater today and for what it is, it's not bad at all! It drove respectfully though it is a little noisy in the cabin from the overworked engine but once up around cruising speed, 70, it quieted down some. Wish the seat fabric was a bit more grippy and softer like the Kia Rio and the Hyundai Accent but at this price point one can overlook this shortcoming. The dash was interesting and tilted with the steering wheel and it looks like it was taken off a motorcycle. It was pretty basic inside though these models had cruise and Sirius/XM, a very nice touch indeed! It made the long drive pleasant but we had to put in a few bucks of petrol just to reach our destination. Granted with 6 miles on the clock, the engine is brand new and not seated properly so getting optimal mileage numbers isn't going to happen but still, those last few bars disappeared rather quickly. The sheet metal is a bit interesting but since these are made just for the rental fleet, it doesn't really matter. The car felt a bit wobbly on the highway but that could be due to improper tire inflation and nothing with the car itself as it did ride on 195/55/15 rubber. One knows that this is a small econocar by just opening the doors but it has all the basics needed plus the above mentioned extra goodies that people who rent require. Overall, Chevy did a respectable job with this small rental fare vehicle, most folks want a low priced rental and this car definitely fits the bill here. Not as primitive as a Flintstone car but no one will expect Lexus quality ride and switchgear at this bargain hits it's stated target with an almost bulls eye! Chevy and GM...ya done good here!
The Sandman :sick: :shades:
2023 Hyundai Kona Limited AWD (wife) / 2015 Golf TSI (me) / 2019 Chevrolet Cruze Premier RS (daughter #1) / 2020 Hyundai Accent SE (daughter #2) / 2023 Subaru Impreza Base (son)
I will say after driving the car it's very competitive to even the B-class cars as well as Micro Cars. Honestly for it's price it can't be beaten. I test drove a Spark with the automatic and it achieved a 34 average. That's much better than the Sonic's 1.8L average! Overall I'd agree that it may be the next "People's Car".
This car does drive nicely though I prefer the Hyundai Accent my kid has, it just feels more substantial on the road. But the one I drove had cruise and sat radio but it was one in a rental fleet and these things are expected now whatever the price point. I was wrong and saw that this car is for sale to the general public so instead of a used car, it might make sense for folks to just buy a new one and have the factory warranty to boot. This car kept up on I-75 and I never felt unsafe at all. It had enough power though it did get pretty noisy in the cabin when it was called upon and I made sure I had plenty of open space to do any kind of passing manuever. Not the prettiest on the planet but not offensive looking either. Just good basic transportation for a decent and fair price. The unit I drove was brand new so it did require more fuel than one whose engine is already broken in and seated properly. The fuel gauge dropped quickly which necessitated an uncalled for petrol stop though as it turned out I could've gotten to my destination with just "1" bar left but I didn't feel that was appropriate with a brand new vehicle so I stopped and added a few gallons just to be on the safe side as after all, once it leaves rental duty, someone is going to buy it so why do bad things to a brand new car. Just wish more folks would treat rentals like their personal vehicles and not abuse them or mess them up. I treat every rental I drive like it was my own!
The Sandman :sick: :shades:
2023 Hyundai Kona Limited AWD (wife) / 2015 Golf TSI (me) / 2019 Chevrolet Cruze Premier RS (daughter #1) / 2020 Hyundai Accent SE (daughter #2) / 2023 Subaru Impreza Base (son)
There is one down side to the Spark we own an LT had it 2 year now and it has been very reliable untill now. It went in for a service and came back with just one small problem its front tyres were worn past the legal limit here in the uk. Easy to sort you would think well no it has proven to be very difficult to get new tyres for the car it has goodyear duragrip 165/60/15/t tyres and there are none available in the UK with a waiting list of 6 months very disappointed in the manufacturer not even the dealership can get these tyres
I got to drive a nearly-new (500 miles) Spark around the San Diego area this week. When I saw the car sitting there in the rental lot, I almost went to get a replacement but decided I'd give it a go. Here's my impressions:
Pros: * Solid structure, pretty smooth ride for such a small car. * Fun to toss around, neutral in corners. * Pretty nice interior for such an inexpensive car. A lot of hard plastic, but nice textures e.g. piano black trim around center console and some faux aluminum trim on the dash and doors. * Seat material looks durable--a tight nylon-type weave vs. cloth. * Room for 2 large kids or average-sized adults in back, at least for short distances. Chevy wisely decided to not put in a center seatbelt--really no room for 3. But much more room for 2 than in cars like the Fiesta. * Back seat bottom cushion folds forward to make a nearly flat cargo floor. * Fancy iPod-like audio interface with touch screen... I'm sure young people will like it. * Grippy steering wheel with cruise and audio controls. * Simple rotary HVAC controls. * Can park it ANYWHERE!
Cons: * Not much grunt. In flat, urban areas I expect it would do just fine. In hilly areas and freeways with grades (like San Diego), not so fine. Engine is loud and revs high getting up even small hills. * Driving position isn't the best. Steering column tilts but doesn't telescope, dead pedal is too far back (due to intrusive wheel well) and height adjuster is limited, making it hard to find a comfy driving position. Try before you buy. * Styling is love it/hate it kind of thing.
Mostly due to the engine performance and driving position limitations, I'd go with something like an Accent or Rio or Soul before springing for a Spark. But for someone who wants tiny 4-seater for around town use and needs a hatch for a low price, might be a good choice.
Totally agree with your take here. Have driven a few and the time I took one over to Tampa, it did very well except needed to make a petrol stop which was disappointing. Also like the Accent/Rio much better as they are just more car for the money. Am trying to convince the wife that she needs to stay in the compact size instead of moving down like she wants to...don't think she'll be happy in the long run...I know I'll like it much better but I don't drive her vehicle much.
The Sandman :sick: :shades:
2023 Hyundai Kona Limited AWD (wife) / 2015 Golf TSI (me) / 2019 Chevrolet Cruze Premier RS (daughter #1) / 2020 Hyundai Accent SE (daughter #2) / 2023 Subaru Impreza Base (son)
A reporter would like to speak with a Baby Boomer who recently (within the last year) purchased a compact or subcompact car. If you can assist, please contact with your preferred contact information by July 17, 2013
A reporter would like to speak to a user of Siri Eyes Free integration, as equipped in the Chevrolet Spark or Sonic. If you are willing to share your experience using Siri Eyes Free integration in your Spark or Sonic, please send your daytime contact information to no later than 5 p.m. PT/8 p.m. ET on Wednesday, 7/24/13.
MODERATOR /ADMINISTRATOR Find me at - or send a private message by clicking on my name. 2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h) Review your vehicle
Peace!<-AladdinSane<- :-) :shades:
Two fillups so far. 1st fill up consisted of 75% highway (60 mph) and
25% city, AC on for 10% of the time. I got an average of 39.8 mpg.
2nd fill up was 99% highway (55-60 mph) and 1% city driving. No AC. I got an
average of 46.9 MPG. Unbelievable! I calculated the MPG manually
by Total Mileage/Gallons used. I am very happy! I use Costco gasoline, so it
contains 10% ethanol blend.
1st impressions:
5sp is rubbery when shifting, but the ride is very well controlled. Some
reviews say the engine is loud over 60 mph, but I can't tell. The US. Versions
must have additional sound proofing. Interior is top notch for a 12K car
(Total out the door price). I think the interior is very sporty. I turn
on the AC only when the car is running above 35 MPH, because acceleration takes
a hit when you have it on. The AC gets ice cold on the freeway.
I wish it had door locks and cruise control, it's tough trying to keep the car
around 55 to 60 on the highway. If you are patient, you will reap the benefits,
47 MPG and it's not a hybrid! I think the steering is top notch and the basic
stereo is not bad.
Since I got the basic version, it has no CD or USB port, security alarm or floor mats.
OH WELL...I really can't be to negative on a vehicle that costs under 12K...
Overall, I am happy with the car... I'll keep everyone posted when I add
more miles...
What I'd really want to do is install a power sunroof to the Spark if we decide on it. That would be a trip...a good one, so to speak.
Looking forward...
AladdinSane<- :shades: -
I understand, safety should be a major concern before purchasing a small car. The base model includes, antilock brakes, stability control, and 10 airbags. On you_tube a GM exec says it got 4 out of 5 stars for collision protection and missed the 5 star rating by 1 point. I don't have the link here, but I remember his claim. The Spark has been sold Globally for the last two years so hopeflully, they have gotten any manufacturing issues resolved. Construction seems solid.
I remember the "Thin" door claim too. I heard the same review as you did prior to purchasing the vehicle. I thought his comment were alittle misleading. When I went to drive the Spark the first time, I checked the door panel for thickness and worried about the "tin" can remark.
The car is small, but it can hold four adults comfortably getting them from point A to point B. I don't think the door "panels" are too thin. When compared to my old "1999" CRV, they are thicker and the sound deadening is better in the Spark than the CRV. But I am comparing an older 12 year old car to a new Spark. Also, if I compare the door panels to our 2012 Mazda3, the Sparks are thinner.
When I got the 47 MPG rating, I drove from San Diego to Los Angeles and back. I didn't feel like I was driving in a "tin" can and the sound deadening against "road noise" is pretty good for such a small car. Southern California traffic can be pretty intimidating, but I never felt unsafe in the car. This topic can be very subjective, so I suggest that both of you
do a "Test" drive. Usually, you will know within minutes if this car if for you.
You also mentioned a power sunroof. If you add a new option to your new Spark it could void your warranty. So check that out before you purchase. When I purchased my first car, I added a manual "moon" roof to the car and loved it.
Good Luck !!!
I'm hip to everything you mentioned in your response. I spoke to a Chevy manager of a close by Chevrolet dealership and he mentioned that it may be possible to install a power sunroof into the Spark via his dealer's service department. Nothing's solid yet because we haven't decided to go with the Spark, at least not yet. Why? It's either the Spark, Scion iQ , Smart for two, or Fiat that order. As you said, it all depends on trying the vehicles on, so to speak (laugh) and test driving them.
But enough of my scene...what color Spark did you go with? It's pink color offering is freaky, if you know what I mean. I don't mean that in a bad way.
Hope to hear from you when you can...
Good luck, friend.
Happy trails...
AladdinSane <- :shades: -
Let me share with you my thoughts on the other cars you mentioned: For the Spark ( I got the white one ), only time will tell when it comes to it's reliability, but with the Chevrolet warranty it does give some peace of mind. The Scion IQ will probably be the most reliable of all the cars mentioned, but the back seat is useless for any adults even children. It would probably work if you had pets. The Smart has been around several years and has good reliability, but it runs on Premium gas. You will be paying an additional 15-20 cents per gallon. Lastly, the Fiat. My friend recently rented it while her car was being worked on. She had nothing but negative reviews on it. It may just be personal preference, but I have seen some on the side of the road. Back in the day Fiat stood for F -fix I- it -A -all T-the time. Hopefully, it will change.
Good Luck and let us know what you ended up buying.
At my age, I suspect that Chevy's marketing is aiming too narrowly; the Spark may catch on and become another Beetle. The price and quality when I bought the VW was unbeatable. Chevy, by affording many standard accessories and a low price has the potential to capture the imagination of America.
BTW: I'm New York City, USA.
Peace!<-AladdinSane-<- :shades: -
General Motors is increasing imports of Chevrolet Spark minicars for sale in the United States following a stronger-than-expected launch here.
GM recently upped its order for Sparks from the Korea plant that produces the car, Cristi Landy, marketing director for Chevrolet small cars, told Automotive News.
“We've asked for more already,” Landy said Wednesday. “We've gotten a really strong reaction in the marketplace.”
Landy wouldn't say how many Sparks were imported under GM's original forecast or how many more the company has requested.
GM launched the Spark in 18 metro U.S. markets in July. During its first two months on the market, sales totaled 6,313, a solid start that surprised some GM executives and dealers.
Before the Spark's launch, IHS Automotive forecast sales of 27,000 in 2013, the car's first full year on the U.S. market. The sales pace from the limited rollout puts GM on target to exceed that total on an annual basis.
Labor strife in Korea this summer disrupted some Spark shipments to the United States, Landy said. GM lost some production when Korean workers staged a number of partial strikes. The company reached a deal with its Korean labor union in August.
Landy said GM is working to make up those lost units and is boosting shipments beyond the company's original forecast.
The Korea plant has capacity for about 200,000 units a year, a company spokeswoman said. The factory also supplies Korea, India, Mexico and other markets.
“Our dealers are asking for more,” Landy said. “We don't want to make a gut production decision based on two-and-a-half months of sales. But demand has been strong.”
A two-seater, however, may prove to have a low ceiling of popularity.
If the Spark is to realize what I describe as its potential, it will require not a bunch of MBAs pushing it, but servant leaders determined to level with the public while highlighting the features the Spark offers, the low price once all the standard features are factored in, and a personality for the vehicle.
The "tinny doors" comment jumped out at me. Do others agree?
Overall, Chevy did a respectable job with this small rental fare vehicle, most folks want a low priced rental and this car definitely fits the bill here. Not as primitive as a Flintstone car but no one will expect Lexus quality ride and switchgear at this bargain hits it's stated target with an almost bulls eye! Chevy and GM...ya done good here!
The Sandman
2023 Hyundai Kona Limited AWD (wife) / 2015 Golf TSI (me) / 2019 Chevrolet Cruze Premier RS (daughter #1) / 2020 Hyundai Accent SE (daughter #2) / 2023 Subaru Impreza Base (son)
The Sandman
2023 Hyundai Kona Limited AWD (wife) / 2015 Golf TSI (me) / 2019 Chevrolet Cruze Premier RS (daughter #1) / 2020 Hyundai Accent SE (daughter #2) / 2023 Subaru Impreza Base (son)
* Solid structure, pretty smooth ride for such a small car.
* Fun to toss around, neutral in corners.
* Pretty nice interior for such an inexpensive car. A lot of hard plastic, but nice textures e.g. piano black trim around center console and some faux aluminum trim on the dash and doors.
* Seat material looks durable--a tight nylon-type weave vs. cloth.
* Room for 2 large kids or average-sized adults in back, at least for short distances. Chevy wisely decided to not put in a center seatbelt--really no room for 3. But much more room for 2 than in cars like the Fiesta.
* Back seat bottom cushion folds forward to make a nearly flat cargo floor.
* Fancy iPod-like audio interface with touch screen... I'm sure young people will like it.
* Grippy steering wheel with cruise and audio controls.
* Simple rotary HVAC controls.
* Can park it ANYWHERE!
* Not much grunt. In flat, urban areas I expect it would do just fine. In hilly areas and freeways with grades (like San Diego), not so fine. Engine is loud and revs high getting up even small hills.
* Driving position isn't the best. Steering column tilts but doesn't telescope, dead pedal is too far back (due to intrusive wheel well) and height adjuster is limited, making it hard to find a comfy driving position. Try before you buy.
* Styling is love it/hate it kind of thing.
Mostly due to the engine performance and driving position limitations, I'd go with something like an Accent or Rio or Soul before springing for a Spark. But for someone who wants tiny 4-seater for around town use and needs a hatch for a low price, might be a good choice.
The Sandman
2023 Hyundai Kona Limited AWD (wife) / 2015 Golf TSI (me) / 2019 Chevrolet Cruze Premier RS (daughter #1) / 2020 Hyundai Accent SE (daughter #2) / 2023 Subaru Impreza Base (son)
Find me at - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
Review your vehicle