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2010 Chevy Equinox Air Bag Service Indicator Light

runoxrunox Member Posts: 156
edited February 2017 in Chevrolet
I don't want to dig through 1000'sof pages of generic problem threads for this one.
2010 4/LT 62,000 miles
All of a sudden I am getting an intermittent air bag service light. The indicator is not constant. It will pop on and stay on sometimes and other times will go out. I can drive a few days with no light, others it will pop on for an hour then go out. It seems more like a loose sensor connection versus air bag defect. I've read elsewhere the indicator has been problematic with older EQs. Before I blow a half day to bring it in, where are the sensor connections? I just want to be sure the connections are tight. Are there any other quick fixes out there?


  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    Not sure why, but I might be a little hesitant to mess with things like air bag stuff myself.

    I might suspect a connection problem with connector under one of the front seats. Might be loose of potential have some corrosion if it has gotten wet at some point.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Keep us posted on what you find out when you do take the Equinox in, runox! We're available in the meantime as well if you have any questions related to warranty, recall, vehicle build, or the process of working with a dealership.

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • runoxrunox Member Posts: 156
    I definitely do not intend to mess with anything other than wiring connections away from the sensor or deployment capsules and even then I wouldn't disconnect, just jiggle and compress em a bit. I find the intermittent signal curious. Typically sensor indicators won't go away when there is a true problem.
  • runoxrunox Member Posts: 156
    edited January 2013
    I think I've uncovered something. Not quite sure what the issue is but.....
    I had a long drive up to Mass and noticed the air bag service light is triggered when I turn the heater temp up to 80 or higher. I was checking under the seats since that is where a few have said there is an airbag sensor. While I didn't see anything that I would consider an airbag sensor, I noticed the heat duct for the rear located under the front seats is positioned to blow directly on yellow electrical connectors that appear to feed power to the seat hydraulics.

    Leaving early in the AM on both days I cranked up the heat to 80+ to get things warmed up quickly. Within 20 minutes, the airbag sensor indicator started going on and off. It doesn't stay on, just lights up for a second then goes off. It was doing it about every minute for 3-4 minutes before I turned the temp down to 78. The indicator went off and stayed off.

    About an hour later I cranked the heat up again. Sure enough, within 15 minutes the airbag service indicator started coming on and off. This time I changed the fan to dash only, no floor heat. The light went off and stayed off, even at +80 temp. I turned the heat down to 78 and switched back to floor only heat and the service light never came on.

    An hour later I tried it again, heat up to 82 directed at the floor only. Bingo, the airbag service light went on for second, then off, repeating every minute of so. I let it come on for 5-6 minutes, the switched back to dash vent only.....it stopped going on. I repeated the settings every 30 minutes and sure enough, every time it was set over 80 the service light came on. The final hour and a half I drove set at 78 on the floor and the light never came on again.

    So, I toyed with the heat settings on off over 2 - 4 hour drives. Every time I cranked the heat up to +80 and directed it to floor only, within 15 minutes the airbag service light blinked on and off every minute.

    I know the new EQs have highly sensitive electronics, but I would not expect a connector under the seat to have any control over an airbag sensor.

    Possibly, there is some form of airbag wiring or sensor that is near the duct work and when that area gets warm it is causing something to expand trigger the indicator light.

    This could to be a time consuming service check at Chevy trying to replicate the conditions and I'm not so sure they are going to have an immediate solution unless this one is in their service directives already. Because the airbag system parts and labor are so costly I don't want them to be testing replacement parts at my expense. Maybe this is just a programming issue, but I doubt it.

    So, if you happen to read this, I'd appreciate it if you can try to replicate this condition on your 2010-2013 EQ. Set the heat to 82 or more and direct it to the floor only while on a 30-45 minute drive. Yea, it seems like you'll be baking for a while, but I can assure you it doesn't get that hot in the cab.

    If there is a known solution, please let me know. For now, I'm just keeping the air temp set to a max of 78 when needing it. Over the 8 hours of driving the indicator light never came on when the set temp was under 80 so I'm not concerned there is a safety issue.

    For now, I'm going to try placing something to extend the floor duct past that yellow connector to prevent it from heating up and see if the results change and that connector can be ruled out. It would indicate the source to be the electronics behind the dash.

    Comments from GMCustSvc welcome. If a regional tech rep would like to observe, I'm open to it.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    Good research! I wish I had some technical information to send your way, but as a customer service representative, I don't have access to that. We'd be happy to get you set up to have this checked into by your dealership for starters - let us know! Our email is socialmedia@gm.com (include your name and contact information, the information you discovered in your post, and the last 8 digits of your VIN).

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • runoxrunox Member Posts: 156
    I should have posted my solution sooner. Soon after experiencing the air bag service light on my Nox, my son experienced same on his Honda Civic. It seems to be a common problem for Hondas. He found a technical video for a fix on Youtube...dismantling the cover off the seat belt fastener and cleaning it ! What the heck, if it worked for his Honda. I blew it down with compressed air and reassembled.....Son of gun....no more air bag service light. I never would have guessed in a million years that seat belt sensors would trigger an airbag light.
  • roygilliam72roygilliam72 Member Posts: 1
    I have the same problem with my 2011 Equinox. The light will come on and off all the time. I have had my car serviced & they said it was the seat belt rubbing the wires, so they moved the wires back into place & oiled the seat belt (drivers side). It worked for a few weeks, but noticed everytime we moved the drivers seat then the light will come on. Took it back to have it serviced & they said it was fixed. Now it comes on when the seat was moved, noticed that when the seat was moved up the light will stop coming on. So, now when the light comes on I will move the seat & it wil stop...
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello roygilliam72,

    I apologize for the issue you are experiencing with your Equinox. I understand how a light displaying intermittently can be frustrating. I see you have worked with your dealer a couple of times in regards to this issue. I would like the opportunity to further discuss your situation with you. Please email us at socialmedia(at)gm.com and include your contact information, VIN, mileage and dealer name and location. We look forward to hearing from you!


    Laura M.
    GM Customer Care
  • troubled12troubled12 Member Posts: 1
    We have a 2010 Equinox 4 cyl 6/28/12 we took the car in for repair this is what was stated on the invoice from the dealership Customer States Air Bag Light on B0014 Sys OD Doc 11-00-41-001 connectors loose and not making connection replaced connectors on side air bags retested system OK
    There was NC I believe due to mileage 35129 on that date.

    Today we took it back in for repair stated on the invoice Customer States air bag light on B001A 04 B001A OD driver pretensioner circuit connector at pretensioner loose and not reading correctly replace connector and retested system OK The charge on this invoice was $101.80 mileage on this invoice was 54489 so I presume the first one was under warranty. So how many more do you think we will have to go back to the dealership how many more $100 invoices will we have - GM Customer Care people help - is there a recall regarding this popular issue?
  • texan21texan21 Member Posts: 1

    I have a 2011 Equinox LS...2 days ago I was on a long road trip and all of a sudden the bells started dinging and the SERVICE AIRBAG indicator showed up on my console. It did it all the way from Buffalo, NY to Albany, NY. It would go off for a while, but come back. I called my local Chevy dealer and they can't get me in for a week. I have extended coverage, so I'm hoping this is under warranty as the manual says that there shouldn't need to be any needed service on airbags. Any insights are greatly appreciated.

  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    Hello texan21,

    We are sorry to hear of the concerns you experienced during your road trip. I see that you've scheduled an appointment with your dealership for next week. Please keep us updated on your resolution! If any additional assistance is needed please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at socialmedia@gm.com Attn:Andraya. Thank you!

    Andraya R.
    GM Customer Care

  • tweety3409tweety3409 Member Posts: 1

    I had the same problem in the last few weeks. I have a 2011 Equinox with 47,930 miles. It would come on then go off and yesterday it was so frequent it was making me crazy. I took into Ardmore Chevy in Ardmore PA and was EXTREMELY shocked that it wasnt covered by my extented warranty or by CHevy. Had to pay over $200!!. If I didnt fix my air bags mught not work is what I was told. I can't take that chance with my 14 month old daughter in the car. This is a safety issue that shouldnt go bad in general but I've owned my car 3 only years today!!! I've contaced gm DEFINATELY not happy about this!

  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    Hello tweet3409,

    We can certainly understand your frustration with unexpected repair costs. I see you mentioned that you have been in touch with GM about this concern. If any additional assistance is needed, you are welcome to reach out to us via email at socialmedia@gm.com Attn:Andraya.

    GM Customer Care

  • runoxrunox Member Posts: 156

    80,000 Miles now and service light started coming on again. This time I took it in to Chevy since A) there is a service notice now about the seat connector, B) this is the same issue subject to 2004-2009 Equinox recalls, and C) it's the same subject of the recent 2010-2014 Traverse recall. In as much as the Chevy engineer blew the approvals for the ignition design, you've got another rogue commanding the seat air bag wiring. Cost me $290 to replace a $29 part that GM should funding.

  • zipadeezipadee Member Posts: 2

    Just took my 2010 Equinox in for SERVICE AIRBAG

  • zipadeezipadee Member Posts: 2

    It has a problem with the back hatch opening on its own! The clock is always 5 hours ahead, even after resetting it. I needed a rental because the dealer in Cleveland, OH doesn't know how to fix it. I'm concerned this will be costly as I'm at 57000 miles. Please tell me about the service notice for a seat connector and the recalls for 2004-2009. Can this be covered under recall?

  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    Hi zipadee,

    Were you planning to authorize repairs once you get into a rental? We certainly recognize your concerns and we understand that vehicle repairs can pose as an inconvenience. We're sorry if you're having difficulty working with the dealership. If you'd like to private message us your VIN, full contact information and dealership name we would be happy to reach out to your dealership to discuss your situation. We're also available via email at socialmedia@gm.com.

    Amber N.
    GM Customer Care

    @zipadee said:
    It has a problem with the back hatch opening on its own! The clock is always 5 hours ahead, even after resetting it. I needed a rental because the dealer in Cleveland, OH doesn't know how to fix it. I'm concerned this will be costly as I'm at 57000 miles. Please tell me about the service notice for a seat connector and the recalls for 2004-2009. Can this be covered under recall?

  • cj_herringcj_herring Member Posts: 5

    Same deal here on my 2011 AWD Equinox. It's the passenger side that's causing it. Comes and goes. If I punch the seat while driving a few times, it clears it. Has a mind of it's own. If it bothers you while driving, Just hit the menu key on the dash. Ringing will stop. Anyhow I knew all along it was a wiring or sensor issue. If the passenger shifts their weight in the seat, that too will set off the air bag alarm.

  • htinninhtinnin Member Posts: 5
    Mine just started doing this in my 2011 FWD Equinox. I do not have extended coverage. Pretty disgusted by this. It goes in the shop Tuesday. Hopefully it can be fixed or I will be researching other vehicles.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    htinnin said:

    Mine just started doing this in my 2011 FWD Equinox. I do not have extended coverage. Pretty disgusted by this. It goes in the shop Tuesday. Hopefully it can be fixed or I will be researching other vehicles.

    Sorry you're experiencing this concern with your Equinox. Please keep us posted on your visit. If you should need any additional assistance, please feel free to reach out to us via private message!

    GM Customer Care
  • tg11tg11 Member Posts: 2
    I think it's terrible that GM won't fix this problem at their cost. The air bag service light is showing constantly on my 2011 Equinox and because my vehicle has over 50,000 miles my dealership won't look at it unless I pay. GM knows this has been a problem and still won't correct their mistake. I've been a GM buyer all my life and get a new vehicle every 3-5 years but now beginning to think my money would be better spent on another make. Ridiculous!
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    tg11 said:

    I think it's terrible that GM won't fix this problem at their cost. The air bag service light is showing constantly on my 2011 Equinox and because my vehicle has over 50,000 miles my dealership won't look at it unless I pay. GM knows this has been a problem and still won't correct their mistake. I've been a GM buyer all my life and get a new vehicle every 3-5 years but now beginning to think my money would be better spent on another make. Ridiculous!

    We hate to learn you feel this way based on your situation, tg11. If you'd like to private message us your VIN, contact information and dealership name we'd be happy to speak with your dealership about getting your vehicle diagnosed. We're also available via email at socialmedia@gm.com if interested.

    Amber N.
    GM Customer Care
  • tg11tg11 Member Posts: 2
    gmcustsvc said:

    tg11 said:

    I think it's terrible that GM won't fix this problem at their cost. The air bag service light is showing constantly on my 2011 Equinox and because my vehicle has over 50,000 miles my dealership won't look at it unless I pay. GM knows this has been a problem and still won't correct their mistake. I've been a GM buyer all my life and get a new vehicle every 3-5 years but now beginning to think my money would be better spent on another make. Ridiculous!

    We hate to learn you feel this way based on your situation, tg11. If you'd like to private message us your VIN, contact information and dealership name we'd be happy to speak with your dealership about getting your vehicle diagnosed. We're also available via email at socialmedia@gm.com if interested.

    Amber N.
    GM Customer Care
    Thanks for the offer but I'd still get stuck on the full repair bill for something that should have been recalled. Now that my vehicle is no longer under warranty I took somewhere else for oil change and tire rotation and discussed matter with shop owner, he suggested that I wait it out because he knows of the problem and feels GM will eventually do a recall, hopefully before someone gets injured or worse.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    tg11 said:

    gmcustsvc said:

    Thanks for the offer but I'd still get stuck on the full repair bill for something that should have been recalled. Now that my vehicle is no longer under warranty I took somewhere else for oil change and tire rotation and discussed matter with shop owner, he suggested that I wait it out because he knows of the problem and feels GM will eventually do a recall, hopefully before someone gets injured or worse.
    We understand and respect your decision, tg11. If a recall is released in the future you will be notified by postal mail, or can access further information at recalls.gm.com. You may also be eligible for reimbursement towards any previous repairs related to the concern. We're sorry we were unable to be of greater assistance, but please don't hesitate to contact us with further questions.

    Amber N.
    GM Customer Care
  • dwilborndwilborn Member Posts: 1
    I own a 2012 Chevy Equinox. We recently took it for repair on the oil sensor that was recalled. Then a week later my airbag sensor came on. It seems to have problems with the sensors. I called customer care and was informed that I would have to pay $100 for the diagnostic and for the full repair. This seems to be a problem other people are having also and it is unfair for me to pay for this repair. I have been a loyal customer of GM for the last 6 years.
  • frustratedmo3frustratedmo3 Member Posts: 1
    Add me to the growing list of airbag sensor service warning light concerns and complaints that GM offers no help, except a hefty repair bill for a defective system/module!!! I have a 2009 Equinox. It really annoys me that GM is willing to see people die from a faulty safety feature instead of doing the right thing an taking corrective action to remedy this well known issue before statistics begin to mount on injuries and worse, fatalities. Shame on G
  • klbhome01klbhome01 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2015
    I have had the same problems with my airbag for about 6 months now. It used to come and go but not it is permanently on and the service manager at my local dealership told me if the light is on then the airbag isn't working! He said it's a sensor... and will cost be roughly $300 to get it fixed! Let's not get into the tire sensor now needing to be replaced or the fact that when I try to place a call with hands free calling my radio shuts off and that entire screen stays blank!
  • pawpaw9pawpaw9 Member Posts: 1
    My 2011 LTZ equinox has had issue after issue ! Air bag light comes on every 5 mins. Just had to replace A/C condenser due to manufacture def. $500 bill on that. I have been a loyal Chev customer for a long time but that is fading fast. If I bought this at Walmart I would take it back!
  • gametime56gametime56 Member Posts: 1
    I just had this same issue with my 2011 Equinox. The airbag light was only coming on intermittently as first, but then stayed on solid. Car inspection was due, so I had the dealer look at it. $270 repair for sensors and wiring. I agree with others that this really shouldn't be going bad on a 4 year old vehicle (only 38,000 miles!). This should be covered by warranty or recalled and repaired. I also have owned nothing but Chevy's all my life, but that might change now. This isn't fair to your customers.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I just had this same issue with my 2011 Equinox. The airbag light was only coming on intermittently as first, but then stayed on solid. Car inspection was due, so I had the dealer look at it. $270 repair for sensors and wiring. I agree with others that this really shouldn't be going bad on a 4 year old vehicle (only 38,000 miles!). This should be covered by warranty or recalled and repaired. I also have owned nothing but Chevy's all my life, but that might change now. This isn't fair to your customers.

    Hi Gametime56,

    Very sorry for this! We would be more than happy to look into this further for you and provide the best assistance possible. Please send us an e-mail at socialmedia@gm.com along with your VIN, current mileage, contact information and preferred dealership. We look forward to your response!

    Patsy G
    GM Customer Care
  • 08equinoxowner08equinoxowner Member Posts: 1
    Same story, same issues.

    2008 Equinox. Some small electrical issues, most of which I could repair (e.g., frayed wires in driver door causing radio to play after key out of ignition and driver door open). Months ago passenger side airbag sensor switches randomly between on and off, regardless of who is sitting in the passenger seat or if no one is in the passenger seat.

    I emailed gm social media and gm customer care, both of which said I needed to take it to a dealer and pay the $99 diagnostic fee before they could move forward with my case. While I understand that the gm doesn't want to have to cover fees for unknown issues up front, this requirement presents a barrier to issue identification (likely lowering the number of issues they have to document) and service, and I had to wait to take it in. I am still surprised at the lack of concern by GM for researching a potential (and now confirmed by the dealer) issue with the airbag and safety system. If I had not paid this fee to a dealer, GM would not have to document this issue with the airbags in my car. It does not seem that GM has learned from their previous issues with under-identifying or being late to identify issues with their airbags until after a sufficient number of people are injured or killed in wrecks.

    I went to dealer, paid $99 to find out the PPS (passenger presence system) module needs to be replaced, which was anticipated because I checked beforehand for other potential issues (fuses, loose wiring). The estimated repairs are over $1000.

    I have emailed this information to GM customer service and GM social media. I specifically asked for the number of PPS module failures/replacements on Chevy Equinoxes as well as the number of failed deployments (either did not deploy or deployed when someone under 50 lbs was in the seat).

    Since this is a public forum, I would like to address Chevy social media directly and publicly in hopes they will respond in kind: GM social media, where can we as drivers of your products find out the statistics for failed PPS modules and failed airbag deployments for Chevy Equinoxes?

    The 2007 Pontiac Torrent was recalled for similar issues with the passenger side PPS, does GM not consider issues with the Equinoxes PPS system a similar issue?
  • equinot3equinot3 Member Posts: 2
    I also have a 08Equinox and the driver airbag light is intermittent and has been for several years. The
    passenger air bag light is intermittent as well and has been for years. Multiple trips to dealers all with different comments to the problem. These started in 2010 when the vehicle had less than 50k miles. All the dealers said it was not covered under warranty but they could replace the control board in the dash for $1000.
    Between the doors not locking/ unlocking properly, the key/ ignition issue ( which I paid to fix)and the airbags issue, I finally gave up and drive it the way it is.It amazes me it passes inspection.
  • mrgomerpylemrgomerpyle Member Posts: 2
    2010 Equinox with the same airbag issue.. very intermittent. Going to call the dealership today and see what they want to do. I was pretty sure I saw something in the mail in the other day about this issue.
  • mrgomerpylemrgomerpyle Member Posts: 2
    2010 Equinox Dealer said there no is recall on the airbag but there is a special consideration in regards to the airbag readiness sensor. They told me if I schedule an appointment and bring it in and its determined to be that issue it will be covered but if its not then I will be on the hook for the $105 diag fee.
  • runoxrunox Member Posts: 156
    I had my airbag sensor replaced last year and paid $315. I received notice in Aug 2015 from Chevy the sensor has been recalled and they gave me a form to get reimbursement for my earlier replacement. It took all of a week to get the paper work to the dealer and have a check in had. I can tell you from my pocket the side airbag sensor that causes the faulty warning light was recalled.
  • derek7467derek7467 Member Posts: 1
    Runox, thanks for the info. It doesn't seem like it was a recall, but a Service Bulletin! My 10' Equinox just had the airbag light go off, so I found this thread, called Chevy and they're like, "nope no recalls". I'm like how about a SB, and she's like yea there is one for the side airbag module. 125 to diagnose if its not the issue, but since my scanner cant scan ABS, im gonna go over to autozone because I think there scanners can and then atleast I should know. Chevy should actually recall this, versus a SB.
  • dmelonson1960dmelonson1960 Member Posts: 1
    I too own a 2011 Chevy Equinox LTZ, at 37000 miles I had the light come on, and took to the dealer who corrected the problem cost me $75 because the dealer felt bad because it had just gone out of warranty.The problem was the connector Now at 75,000 miles it it going off again,This seems wrong, and since its a safety issue it should be under warranty. I have owned GM products all my life and this is the first electronic issue I've experienced, this is why I don't buy Chrysler producers. However, this may cause me to look at other brands in the future.
  • wahoo407wahoo407 Member Posts: 1
    I bought a 2008 Equinox LT AWD for my son to drive up north in college. When moving him, and it, back to Florida we had the same intermittent passenger airbag issue. On for awhile; off whenever passenger would shift their weight in the seat. Last week the message "Have Airbag Services" popped up and stayed up. Took it to Autonation Chevrolet in Orlando. They called and told me 4 codes were coming up, B0081 (computer module), B0074 (airbag sensor), B0091 (rollover sensor), and B 1371 (seat harness failure). They want over $2,000 for repairs. I find it hard to believe that many things would happen to fail all at once. I think I'm going to have to get a second opinion from my regular mechanic. Other than this, I love the car so far.
  • shadowmagistershadowmagister Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2011 Equinox AWD, and we have the same issue. Airbag light coming on for some stupid reason. This is a joke. Vehicle is only 5 years old and this is already happening. This is a SAFETY ISSUE GM. Fix it. Recall these vehicles before someone gets killed. My tax dollars bailed you guys out. Now it's time to help out the people that helped you out.
  • acharanzaacharanza Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2013 chevy equinox,  airbag light comes on and as long as its on the heated seats don't work, the collusion alert doesn't work,  cruise control not working and even the back hatch doesn't open.  Even have service front camera, service parking assist, and service air bag alarms coming on.  When you sit on passenger seat, air bag notification is off. Please help. 
  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,833
    With multiple systems failing the first impression is the car is experiencing a loss of communication between modules. With any diagnostic routine today the first step is to pull trouble codes from every module on the car and in this case pay particular attention to "U" codes, which indicate communication issues.

    Once that aspect is confirmed there are some things that can be accomplished with the codes alone, and some that require the failure to occur so that diagnostics can be performed to positively identify the cause. "U" codes will be set in modules against other modules that failed to communicate to them, so they can be looked at as one module tattling on the other. Now just because you might have multiple modules coding against another one doesn't automatically condemn that module. A loss of power to the offending module could result in it falling off the data bus. Something that overloads a 5v sensor reference output from a given module could pull it off of the data bus.

    The real challenge here is getting the car to a qualified and properly equipped technician while the symptom is occurring. How frequently does the problem occur?
  • acharanzaacharanza Member Posts: 2
    Happens pretty much daily, it gets pretty frustrating and sometimes embarrassing especially when the back hatch doesn't open.  I had my positive battery cable corrode so bad at the post that the cable end broke and had to have it replaced, when I had the cable replaced I told the dealer about the lights coming on but what do you know they said they never came on for them. It is now out of factory Warranty.  
  • sjm_888sjm_888 Member Posts: 2
    I have a '10 Equinox, original owner with now 121,000 miles. Our issue with the airbag light is a bit different in that it will only show up after a long trip, say 3+ hours or more. If during the trip we stop and shut the vehicle off, we'll see the light appear went we start the vehicle back up. The light will remain on for the duration of the trip. This will appear if the AC is on or the heat is on, or if neither AC or heat is on.

    We have had this issue from the start of ownership.

    We brought it to the dealer back in '10 and they didn't have any ideas. Asked if we had electronics plugged in when the car we shut off, or started back up. We paid attention to that, making sure we had unplugged our Garmin and cell phone chargers etc. Sometimes this works (no light comes on after restart) but other times it doesn't matter and the light appears.

    This has become just one of the nuances we live with with this vehicle. We take the leap of faith that the airbag is still operational and this light is just a false indicator. I hope to never find out.
  • sjm_888sjm_888 Member Posts: 2
    sjm_888 said:

    I have a '10 Equinox, original owner with now 121,000 miles. Our issue with the airbag light is a bit different in that it will only show up after a long trip, say 3+ hours or more. If during the trip we stop and shut the vehicle off, we'll see the light appear went we start the vehicle back up. The light will remain on for the duration of the trip. This will appear if the AC is on or the heat is on, or if neither AC or heat is on.

    We have had this issue from the start of ownership.

    We brought it to the dealer back in '10 and they didn't have any ideas. Asked if we had electronics plugged in when the car we shut off, or started back up. We paid attention to that, making sure we had unplugged our Garmin and cell phone chargers etc. Sometimes this works (no light comes on after restart) but other times it doesn't matter and the light appears.

    This has become just one of the nuances we live with with this vehicle. We take the leap of faith that the airbag is still operational and this light is just a false indicator. I hope to never find out.

    I meant to say too that this light never comes on in the everyday driving we do, just on the road-trips we take.
  • chelseykuhnschelseykuhns Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2012LTZ I just purchased not quite three months ago. The passenger air bag at first, would just ding a few times and if I pushed on the seat, the indicator would go off. Today my son and I drove to town and it hasn't went off. Can anyone point me in the direction on how to check the connectors to make sure they're snug? Nothing like hearing that ding for 20-40 minutes on our way into town.
  • 0patience0patience Member Posts: 1,712
    Since you indicated that if you pushed on the seat, it would go off, check under the seat.
    First make sure that things haven't piled up under the seat and are causing problems with the connector under the seat.
    Then check that the connector that is under the seat is connected properly.
    If all that is good, then you need to find someone who can plug in and see what the codes are.
    If it comes up with a passenger side airbag code, then it may be the actual wiring inside the seat or the air bag in the seat.
    Check with your dealer for any airbag recalls.
    Seems to me there might be a recall on GM vehicles of that year, but I could be wrong.
  • Tam72Tam72 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2023
    I am wondering when I move my driver seat up and down on my 2010 Chevy Equinox the air bag sensor light keeps coming on. Can anyone tell me why this is happening.
  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,833
    You need to start by pulling codes, that will identify the circuit that is being affected. If there is a side air bag inside the seat, then either it's circuit, the seat belt pretensioner circuit, or one or more of the seat belt buckle circuits are going open or grounding. Many times, the problem is with the pins in the connector below the seat. BTW, make sure that nothing is under the seat that could be stressing the harness as the seat moves.
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