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Jeep Owners Care and Maintenance



  • wheelsdownwheelsdown Member Posts: 250
    Try this site. I use many of these products.

  • loves2wheelloves2wheel Member Posts: 2
    the cheapest place to go is a Upholstery shop for a car. their in the phone book they have the sewing machines that can handle the larger/thicker materials.

    had this happen to my first jeep

    hope this helps. :shades:
  • loves2wheelloves2wheel Member Posts: 2
    the cheapest place to go is a Upholstery shop for a car. their in the phone book they have the sewing machines that can handle the larger/thicker materials.

    had this happen to my first jeep

    hope this helps.
  • youn0813youn0813 Member Posts: 28
    So my 2004 JGC Ltd. has 16000 on it and I took it for an oil change a month ago. I noticed on the maintenance logbook that came with the car, I was supposed to do "Lubricate upper knuckle ball stud at steering & suspension ball joints ($104.95)." The dealership further recommended me that I do "brake flush" ($129.95) and "power steering flush ($99.95)." Now, I ask you guy who know more about this kind of things than me, are these required, especially the one from the maintenance logbook? (I realize that I'll have to do them eventually). I'm thinking about just another workshop and do it cheaper. NOTE: Also, I just noticed today that there's some liquid leaking from my car. I found this colorless and ordorless liquid on the ground below where the engine is. It wasn't sticky or anything, kind of felt like water, but I saw the liquid this morning. It looked pretty "fresh," and it's not A/C water because I didn't use AC the night before. Anyone knows what kind of liquid would that be?? I didn't taste it by the way. Any comments will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks a bunch in advance!
  • joevfrjoevfr Member Posts: 1
    Sorry so late for a reply...I just joined the board. I have a '99 Wrangler that had a similiar shake. I had found that the steering stabilizer was failed. The steering stabilizer is like a litte shock absorber mounted parallel to the ground, and is connected to your tie rod. I changed it out easily enough, but then noticed that my sway bar was also disconnected at both ends. I think they came apart because of the stabilizer, but I am not sure. Does the shaking get worse when you slow down? It did on mine. I would definitely get it looked at because of the potential of losing control of the vehicle and the other damage you may cause to your Jeep. Hope this helps, let me know what you find.
  • myboybluemyboyblue Member Posts: 56
    Mopar has a top cleaner you can pick up from any dealership in the parts department. The stuff worked great on my mud stains (and I had a few.) Hope this helps.
  • paulepaule Member Posts: 382
    The liquid is most likely water. If you had your defroster on, the AC will run and that can cause the water. Take a piece of cardboard and put it under your Jeep. If the liquid on the cardboard looks like water then it probably is.
    Your dealer is a crook on the other things by the way. 16,000 miles is way too low for what they're trying to sell you.
    Go to a Jiffy Lube or a place like that and see if they recommend it.
  • hildy1645hildy1645 Member Posts: 1
    Hey yall,
    I just recently took a road trip w/ my '95 wrangler (2.5L manual trans). Coming off the highway, my 5th gear revved all the way up and died. every other gear works fine but the 5th gear is gone. does anybody know what they think the problem is and how much it would cost to fix. Thanks!
  • jpstnkjpstnk Member Posts: 1
    My 99 Jeep Wrangler makes a crazy klunk klunk klunk noise that I think is coming from the axle or bearings, not sure. This noise only occurs when I drive the Jeep and the Jeep is 'warmed' up. I know the noise is not from the engine or the tranny. Just had my brakes worked on not too long ago. I am pushing 33 inch tires with a 4 inch SkyJacker, does any one think its the stock axle or stock bearings I have?
  • bjeepbjeep Member Posts: 2
    Ihave an 03 JGC and the fan quit working. I have purchased a new relay and was looking for any insight on its removal
  • nursejoynursejoy Member Posts: 1
    Own a 1999 jeep wrangler in excellent condition except for the black rubber wheel covers/fenders that have turned gray. I have used a product called Back to Black with little result. Any suggestions for a paint or product that will restore them to black?
  • chumpchump Member Posts: 6
    can anyone explain to me what the idle air control is an what it's purpose is.
  • paulhxpaulhx Member Posts: 1
    If you find an answer can you let me know? I bought the Back to Black today and it did nothing. I dont see any other wranglers in my town with this problem but I know we cant be the only ones with this issue. I sure dont want to buy new flares if I dont have to!
  • gncmpingncmpin Member Posts: 5
    I had zippers replaced at a shoe repair shop. Note that if you drive without the windows being completely zipped or unzipped, they will develop kinks in the teeth at the point you left the part that does the zipping.
  • gncmpingncmpin Member Posts: 5
    I have an 89 Wrangler (straight 6 / standard transmission / stock - no lifts, no souped-up guy stuff) that despite my current problem, I wouldn't trade for anything. I drive it every day in the city, on the highway at normal highway speeds, and as often as possible off-road (both in the Rockies and in the Deep South). It has almost 200K miles, and has been very reliable and is easy to work on (once you diagnose a problem, but that's true with any car.) I will tell you that on 89 Wranglers, the carbs were pieces of crap. I had mine rebuilt three times before replacing it with a Weber back in 95 and haven't had a problem with it since. I also had to replace the transmission 3 or 4 years ago, but otherwise, repairs have been minor - small stuff like the occasional u-joint. Even then I wasn't stranded because it involved the rear drive train, so I crawled under and removed it from the transmission by grabbing hold and pulling, threw it on the floorboard, put it in 4WD, and drove on. And I'm a girl. That doesn't work if it's the front drive train, though. Then you would have a problem. Get a standard / 4WD - or what's the point? When this one goes to her final resting place, I want another one. They're so much FUN!
  • gncmpingncmpin Member Posts: 5
    Replace your front stabilizer shock.
  • gncmpingncmpin Member Posts: 5
    When your Wrangler shakes violently while driving at high speeds replace your front stabilizer shock.
  • gncmpingncmpin Member Posts: 5
    Regarding the fuel gauge: It is obviously your wife's fault since she was driving. : )
  • buckminster3buckminster3 Member Posts: 16
    Hey gncmpin, I doubt an original post that old will be revisited by steelhead, but I loved your answer anyway.

    I had an 89 myself for several years, and it was the reason I bought the 04.

    No, it wasn't reliable, but yes, you could usually duct-tape enough of it together to get home. If you like being clean and comfy in a reliable cocoon, buy a Camry. There's a great post on the Wrangler forum re: the constant Consumer Reports bad reviews. Sheesh. Some people just don't get it. You can tell because no Jeep Wave.

    Thank goodness for Jeepgirls! I totally admire women as capable as yourself who are crushing the old stereotypes about gender. A u-joint break would probably stop 99% of most people, including myself until I read your handy tip...
  • clnchfieldpaulclnchfieldpaul Member Posts: 7
    I have noticed that the fenderflares on Wranglers turn gray and was wondering about that also. The fender flares on the Sports are textured and the ones on my Rubicon are smooth. Mine are over a year old and have not changed color yet. I do keep it in a garage most of the time. :) I think the only fix is to replace them and I wouldn't want to have to do that every couple of years. Maybe there is an aftermarket fenderflare that won't discolor
  • qanutqanut Member Posts: 7
    And NO HORN My Eldest son & I bought a 98 Wrangler ( Dad always wanted one ). Any way, all seems up to the task except the horn and 12volt powerpoint doesn't function. Owners manual does not identify the fuse for either or are on the same circut? Any Jeepsters have a clue or are familiar with my problem? Yeah another newbie
  • supercleansuperclean Member Posts: 1
    I couple of months ago my 2002 wrangler started running rough. Poor starting, poor accelerating, loss of power, at 3000 rpms it would kick me out of gear. Well I took it to a dealer I did a tune up. no help even ran worse. He said possibly one of the valves were stuck open. they even said it is miss firing in the 2nd and 5th cylinder. They wanted $2000 just to look at it. well i thought I could do it. I took it apart, all the way down to the head and found nothing wrong. Valves were fine. Pistons fine. Cylinders walls fine. Spark plugs that were new looked burned up. Ok. so now I put it back together and when I went to start it up the motor wouldn't stop racing it red lines every time I start it up. I am lost. I need help bad any suggestions?
  • markaz1markaz1 Member Posts: 1
    Jeep WRANGLER Advice neededI Recently purchased a 1990 Jeep wrangler 4 cylinder lifted on 33" tires that wanders allover the road tire size 33 x 12.5 x 15 ,is there any kind of Steering damper or anyway of stopping it doing this please (besides smaller tires)

    Thx Mark
  • cdscottcdscott Member Posts: 1
    i came across a product called Forever Black. I have not had the opportunity to use it but maybe this is the solution to your problem. I have a 2000 wrangler that never saw the inside of a garage and unfortunately the fender flares are now gray. The ad for this product says it works...but i will only believe it when i see it. The kit sells for less than $20.
  • mattyraybmattyrayb Member Posts: 2
    I recently purchased a 95 Jeep Wrangler (Rio Grande edition). Since I have had it, the engine made this loud tapping noise. The jeep runs fine but the noise has gotten to be so annoying and sometimes even embarrasing. A friend of mine thought it may be the rod guides inside the engine. After looking at it, he told me there were no rod guides. Does anyone know what this noise might be? It is definitely coming from the engine.
  • michaelbmichaelb Member Posts: 1
    How do you add refrigerant to the system of a '91 grand cherokee?
  • baddog8360baddog8360 Member Posts: 4
    Does the Rattling/tapping noise fluctuate with the change in RPMs? I'm presuming it does.
    It could be a couple of things. If you can identify where the tapping is coming from it would be alot easier to diagnose. as in, is it coming from the top of the engine (valve covers, heads,etc.) or down lower on the block. I have an old stethoscope for doing this.
    If it is coming from the valve cover area, you might want to check to see if one of the push rods is clogged.I have had engines with hydraulic lifters that had this problem because the channel that ran through the center of the push rod had gotten clogged. Your engine may not have these types of push rods. But this is something you can check without putting out alot of bucks.
    Or check the gap between where the rocker arms make contact with the valves. you'll need a feeler gauge and the specs for your engine. You check on each valve with the valve positioned fully up (or closed)
    Lastly, I have seen times when a bad spark plug wire could be arcing to the block, causing a LOUD clicking sound. But normally that would affect performance, but can be checked by having a quick glance with the lights off.
    Good luck on finding and correcting the problem.
  • mattyraybmattyrayb Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for the information, I will print this out and let my bud look at it again.
  • sprkplugssprkplugs Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2002 Wrangler X and keep having trouble with cylinder 3 misfiring. I replaced the plugs a few weeks ago and the wires on just two of the plugs (I think cylinder 3 and 6 since they were the ones misfiring). Cylinder 3 misfired again a few days ago. I'm going to replace all of the plugs and all of the wires again tonight thinking I should have done a complete job the first time. Who knows, maybe I didn't replace the wire on cylinder 3 the first time. Any suggestions as to what might be wrong?
  • tamz4realtamz4real Member Posts: 1
    98' Jeep grand cherokee 5.2L V8, had LOF and was told my transfer case is the worst he'd ever heard or seen and he has had 6 jeep's (mind you he's approx 22) . Suggests drain and refill for around $60.00 ~ $80.00, have also been told by dear ol' friend of family possible noise is catalytic converter needing replaced. This noise is what started this, when I'm in Drive and at any type of idle it's a rattle and rumble sound from underneath. Curious if this is a common thing w/jeep's and where might the best & place to go to have it fixed. Any info is greatly appreciated!
  • robbunrobbun Member Posts: 6
    Hi Karen,
    I am having a problem with an oil leak, it seems to be coming out of the oil pan gasket to the point that the gasket is pushed out in a 1/2" section. is this a major problem with the 97 wranglers? :confuse:
  • robbunrobbun Member Posts: 6
    Is there anyone who is having problems with the 97 wrangler as far as oil leak? My gasket to my oil pan is poking out a 1/2" is there something that could be causing this to keep happening? :confuse:
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    Welcome to Edmunds.com Forums!

    If you don't get a repy here soon, try asking your question in the regular
    Jeep Wrangler topic.
  • robbunrobbun Member Posts: 6
  • bcn22760bcn22760 Member Posts: 3
    Hello, I have a 95 Wrangler, i've just done a complete tuneup, before that i had the Check Engine Light on without any simptoms, since that it started stalling when i drive to work in the Morning, i took it to the shop and they didn't find anything wrong with it, what i have noticed is when i drive it for a while the stalling stops, also when the Check engine light goes on the stalling stops.... :sick:

    I would appreciate any advice.

  • bcn22760bcn22760 Member Posts: 3
    i have a 95 stock and it had kind of the same problem, take it to someone specialized in suspensions, usually they adjust something in the drive shaft, or replace a part in it and that's it.

    hope this helps
  • bcn22760bcn22760 Member Posts: 3
    Correction it's not the drive shaft, it's some mecanism in the steering. i know it's something it can be adjusted easilly.
  • redrocker15redrocker15 Member Posts: 102

    Sorry about the delayed response, but your title will make a good search for others in the future.

    Many Wrangler owners on the "regular Jeep Wrangler forum (18k+ posts) have mentioned the "Back-to-black" or "Forever Black" products as well. Seems like mixed results in general. One thing which seems to be a little more permanent is to use Krylon's Fusion spray paint which is specially formulated to adhere to plastic. Available at many discount chain or home improvment/hardware stores. I haven't done it (yet, need to!), but it seems like the plastic flares are simply bolted on and shouldn't be a big deal to remove. I think I'll try that approach as opposed to masking. There are limited color choices, but I think the fading problem is more prevalent with the black than the body-matching flares.

    Also, in general, if you have a special mechanical issue or problem, I think the larger forum has some technical gurus (no offense to any gurus in this form!) who can probably help. Of course, that forum is specifically for Wranglers, not Jeeps in general.

    Good luck!
  • jeepdtjeepdt Member Posts: 15
    Does anyone know how to change the head lamp bulbs :confuse: :confuse: of the new 05 JGCs. (besides taking it back to the dealer). Is there a service manual somewhere for sell yet?
  • handyman4900handyman4900 Member Posts: 1
    i have a 2002 grand cherokee lately when i turn on the a/c a fowl order comes thru the vents . i have heard that there may be a filter that should be changed to help prevent this . Can anyone give me any in site to this problem . smell also happens when heater is used also thanks
  • northendernorthender Member Posts: 1
    I know this is probably easy, but how do you replace a manual antenna on a 2000 Cherokee? My last one got ripped off- I bought a new one @ an auto parts store (for dodge / chrysler vehicles), but the mast on the one i bought screws into the jeep & there are no threads in the antenna casing on the hood. how does the mast connect into the jeep?
  • gmosner1171gmosner1171 Member Posts: 1
    I just purchased a 1995 Jeep Wrangler and i was wondering if anyone could tell me why the speedometer light,Fuel Gauge Light, Battery Light, Temp. Light and other dash lights may not be working. Although the brake light does light up on the dash when i push in the emergency brake and the seat belt light comes on. Ive tried checking the fuses but none of them seem to be blown. Either i over looked one or this could be something else iam not familiar with. Can anyone give me some tips or advice. :confuse:
  • fogluverfogluver Member Posts: 1
    My local mechanic told me that this is an ongoing problem with Wranglers (at least in the year of mine - 1998); that the leak is in the rear seal? and that it is very expensive to repair and the repair may not hold anyway. He said just keep an eye on the oil levels, and add monthly if needed. Problem is, the oil leak causes a burning odor when driving and this is annoying; also, oil leaking on my garage floor and/or driveway is a hassle. If this is a "regular" problem, shouldn't there have been a recall to make the repairs? Also, isn't leaking oil an environmental hazard?
  • pmoney23pmoney23 Member Posts: 1
    I know this is a very easy question, but how do you replace a serpentine belt on a 4.0L 98 jeep wrangler, with power steering and a/c. My broke off in front of my house, and have been unable to fix it. I would greatly appreciate any help.
  • gr8ninja1gr8ninja1 Member Posts: 2
    handyman, there are a few different things that could be going on. sometimes, no matter where you live, a rodent (mouse,rat,squirrel, etc.) can get into your vent ducts, and have babies.they make a nest,sometimes the babies die. a simpler problem could be mildew. go to a dealer, ask the service advisors, or manager if they have any "a/c vent odor bombs". most dealers carry these. you start the vehicle,turn on the a/c on high, point can towards the vent,push button, and get out, closing the doors(with the windows up.) it takes about ten minutes. try this first. if the odor comes back, it could be the rodent odor. good luck!
  • utahjeeputahjeep Member Posts: 24
    I think there is a diagram and instructions on the front near the radiator. There is on my 99.
  • mkl2209mkl2209 Member Posts: 5
    Just got my first Wrangler. Had the soft top on when I got it. Also came with a hardtop. What's involved in installing the hardtop? Any advice or shortcuts? Thanks!
  • fireemsman2fireemsman2 Member Posts: 1
    just bought a grand cherokee limited... had no book with it, can someone please tell me how to set the clock. tried everything i can think of and have not had any success. please help. thanks in advance.
  • b_hustleb_hustle Member Posts: 1
    Hello, I have the Jeep Grand Cherokee with the 4.7 HO engine (V8). I have a question for those people who have changed their spark plugs or know details about this engine. I was removing the rear, left spark plug post/cover which has wires and bracket on it. I vaguely recall removing TWO wires and a bracket with a relay from the top of the spark plug cover. Upon assembly, I only found ONE wire (a ground wire) and the bracket. I could have mistaken the bracket for the wire, but I am not sure. I connected everything back together and the truck runs fine. However, this is bugging me because I am a stickler for details. I called the dealer to see if they could answer my question, but they gave me some bull saying that they cannot give out any schematic information over the phone.

    Can anyone tell me is there ONE or TWO wires on the rear, left spark plug cover along with a bracket with a relay on it?
  • ucbrendanucbrendan Member Posts: 3
    This is a broad message concerning water pooling on the bikini top and duster back cover of my Wrangler.

    I recently moved from Oregon to Southern California and I'm thrilled I can survive without a full soft-top on during the winter. I have a bikini top with a windjammer and duster from protection from the few rain storms that come through the area each winter. I have a problem with rain pooling on the bikini top and duster cover and was wondering if any other owners experienced this problem and had any clever solutions. I was thinking of purchasing some straps and ties to keep tension tight to prevent pooling, but it is just a thought.

    Thanks for helping!
This discussion has been closed.