Mitsubishi Outlander audio amp failure

in Mitsubishi
Hi all
My 2007 Outie with Rockford Fosgate system has suffered amplifier failure (Error DC displayed on control panel), it's very expensive from the dealer! Our local repair techs cannot repair - moisture got in apparently. Is it possible to bypass the amp and connect speakers directly to control head? I'm thinking there is a preamp in the control which would do for the time being.
Thanks for any suggestions.
My 2007 Outie with Rockford Fosgate system has suffered amplifier failure (Error DC displayed on control panel), it's very expensive from the dealer! Our local repair techs cannot repair - moisture got in apparently. Is it possible to bypass the amp and connect speakers directly to control head? I'm thinking there is a preamp in the control which would do for the time being.
Thanks for any suggestions.