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MINI Cooper

pocahontaspocahontas Member Posts: 802
edited April 2014 in MINI
Edmunds' First Look at the 2002 Mini Cooper, by Philip Reed. What do you think?


Thanks for your comments. ;-)

Pickups Message Board



  • qbrozenqbrozen Member Posts: 33,483
    I can't wait to test drive it. I would really like to know the acceleration specs on it (the S in particular). My only concern is fitting into it (at 6' 5"). We'll see. I'll be there at the bimmer dealer when they arrive.

    '11 GMC Sierra 1500; '98 Alfa 156 2.0TS; '08 Maser QP; '67 Coronet R/T; '13 Fiat 500c; '20 S90 T6; '22 MB Sprinter 2500 4x4 diesel; '97 Suzuki R Wagon; '96 Opel Astra; '11 Mini Cooper S

  • edmundowilsonedmundowilson Member Posts: 8
    A) Can super-size Americans fit in this extra-small import?

    B) Is anyone else worried about what a Ford Excursion would do to this car and its passengers in an accident?

    C) Can we expect typical British reliability on this car
  • qbrozenqbrozen Member Posts: 33,483
    That's all anyone ever points out to me when i mention the Mini. "That's a deathtrap!" As far as I'm concerned, when pitted against a bohemoth SUV, what small car isn't a deathtrap? Aside from that, I think that safety features have become so far advanced that it really doesn't matter if you're in a midsize sedan or a compact car. If you're going to get hurt in an accident, you're going to get hurt no matter how big your car is. In other words, if I go head on into an Excursion with a combined speed of 120 mph, I'm getting crushed whether I'm in a Mini or my 626.

    '11 GMC Sierra 1500; '98 Alfa 156 2.0TS; '08 Maser QP; '67 Coronet R/T; '13 Fiat 500c; '20 S90 T6; '22 MB Sprinter 2500 4x4 diesel; '97 Suzuki R Wagon; '96 Opel Astra; '11 Mini Cooper S

  • edmundowilsonedmundowilson Member Posts: 8
    You're right about head on, but what about getting t-boned at an intersection or side-swiped on the highway? I think those are much more "likely" accidents and also the kind of accidents where size does matter. If I'm going 35 mph and I get t-boned by an SUV at an intersection, I'd much rather be in a 626 or an Accord than a Mini. I don't think that the Mini is a "deathtrap." I think they are rather neat cars. But I would rather have my wife and daughter driving around town in my VW Passat than a Mini. Even though the pricing on both cars is comparable, both are neat looking and (I assume) fun to drive, I think the safety factor has to go I favor of the VW.
  • qbrozenqbrozen Member Posts: 33,483
    well, I think we're going to have to wait on the crash test ratings. The developers are claiming that the Mini is going to redefine compact car safety. With crumple zones and impact beams and airbags all around, but what car doesn't have those things these days? We'll just have to find out how much "redifining" there will be.

    Currently, I also drive an Alfa Romeo Spider in the nice weather, so, when it comes to myself, I just don't find that I'm terribly concerned with the safety of the car. But, as you point out, would I want my wife driving it around all of the time? Probably not.

    '11 GMC Sierra 1500; '98 Alfa 156 2.0TS; '08 Maser QP; '67 Coronet R/T; '13 Fiat 500c; '20 S90 T6; '22 MB Sprinter 2500 4x4 diesel; '97 Suzuki R Wagon; '96 Opel Astra; '11 Mini Cooper S

  • edmundowilsonedmundowilson Member Posts: 8
    And if they can do more on safety, then I would be more than happy to buy one. I think it's a great looking car. As safety goes, another compact -- the VW Beetle -- has gotten excellent crash test scores, so certainly I think the Mini could follow suit.

    Certainly, a lot of what is great about driving is not analyzing crash test data and reliability reports. It's about what is fun. And certainly the Mini seems to promise the fun factor in spades. And anyone who drives an Alfa would agree on that point!
  • qbrozenqbrozen Member Posts: 33,483
    I'm going to be there for a test drive when they arrive. No doubt.

    '11 GMC Sierra 1500; '98 Alfa 156 2.0TS; '08 Maser QP; '67 Coronet R/T; '13 Fiat 500c; '20 S90 T6; '22 MB Sprinter 2500 4x4 diesel; '97 Suzuki R Wagon; '96 Opel Astra; '11 Mini Cooper S

  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    I put a $1k deposit on it about 2 months ago at my local BMW dealer, I'm number 17 on the waiting list. They stopped taking deposits after they had 20, which took all of 2.5 days. I'm hoping they offer the Mini Cooper S from the start, I bought a press kit from the Detroit auto show on Ebay, I've got the photo quality Mini pictures (8) framed and hanging in my office. I'm hoping to free my schedule up to the point of attending the New York auto show next month to see a Mini first-hand This will be a third car, it won't be my primary car. I plan to give it every performance upgrade I can, I'm sure Dinan will have some go-fast goodies for it. Hopefully 200+ HP won't be hard to pull out of the S supercharged engine.
  • qbrozenqbrozen Member Posts: 33,483
    a deposit already. And without even seeing it? And not even knowing when its coming? Does your dealer even know if they are selected as one of the 40 Bimmer dealers that will get the Minis? The mini website still doesn't have that info. they just show the general location of the dealerships by state.

    I just can't do that. I have to see if I can fit in it. I plan to be at the NY auto show. I hope they let people in it and they don't just have a roped off showpiece.

    '11 GMC Sierra 1500; '98 Alfa 156 2.0TS; '08 Maser QP; '67 Coronet R/T; '13 Fiat 500c; '20 S90 T6; '22 MB Sprinter 2500 4x4 diesel; '97 Suzuki R Wagon; '96 Opel Astra; '11 Mini Cooper S

  • wie_gehtswie_gehts Member Posts: 30
    ... his dealer just likes to take deposits. Hey, I can make a list, too!
  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    BMW knows which dealers will sell the Mini, there will be 72 of them. My BMW dealer's begun building it's Mini sales facility, a positive sign it'll be one of the 72. The deposit is fully refundable - if I like it I'll be one of the first to own one and if I don't, I won't buy one. I plan to modify it quite a bit, I like to tweak my cars, it won't be my primary vehicle.
  • qbrozenqbrozen Member Posts: 33,483
    If they know that, do they know about when they'll be getting them?

    Where is your dealer?

    Hell, if its refundable, I'll order one. I'll order three.

    '11 GMC Sierra 1500; '98 Alfa 156 2.0TS; '08 Maser QP; '67 Coronet R/T; '13 Fiat 500c; '20 S90 T6; '22 MB Sprinter 2500 4x4 diesel; '97 Suzuki R Wagon; '96 Opel Astra; '11 Mini Cooper S

  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    They are supposed to have the Mini facility built in 6-8 months. Actually they are just tacking an addition on the existing BMW dealership - It's Fields BMW in Orlando. I have a couple of updates:

    All they are saying for when they'll start rolling in is "early 2002", they haven't heard anything more detailed from BMW.

    The Supercharged S will be available from the beginning (yeah!)

    They are in the beginning stages of hiring Mini specialists.
  • pocahontaspocahontas Member Posts: 802
    We look forward to hearing about any other Mini Cooper news you may come across.... Keep us posted. Happy Motoring!

    Hatchbacks/Station Wagons Message Boards
  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    Not much to report - just waiting, waiting, waiting. The latest Roundel and Europen Car magazines have spy shots of the Mini Cooper S being tested on-road in Europe. It has 17" wheels, an additional air intake (scoop?) mounted low center of the hood and dual exhausts that exit through the center of a vented rear valance - looks SICK - can't wait!

    I stopped by my BMW dealer last week - got to extensively test drive the new M3 and a used 2000 M5 - what a blast they are to drive. BMW has really taken the edge off the M3, can't say that I like it that much - but the M5 - WOW - no words to describe how perfect it is in every respect.
  • pocahontaspocahontas Member Posts: 802
    And while we're waiting, here's something to fun read from Edmund.com's Review section: Top 5 Cars You Would Buy With A Fat Tax Refund. You'll notice that the Mini Cooper made the list! ;-)

    Hatchbacks/Station Wagons Message Boards

  • speeds2muchspeeds2much Member Posts: 164
    Regarding the safety factor, here in European cities many people drive small cars because it's much easier to park them and because petrol is un-godly expensive (around $7 a gallon at the high end). Also, small and maneuverable cars are a blast to drive! At the speeds one reaches in London, the mini is more than safe enough. Plus, there just aren't that many SUVs to worry about.

    In the States, driving conditions are different, but really in most situations with the low speed limits in the U.S., you're fine with a Mini. The car is built like a tank, as are superminis like the Renault Cleo and VW Polo. These cars are very solid. I'd rather get sideswiped in a Mini than in, say any convertible. Or any car without a side airbag, for that matter.

    Anyone who buys one is buying it for fun and I'd doubt that driving a Ferrari is any safer, but you don't see people complaining about Ferrari safety to those fortunate enough to buy one!
  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    I agree completely - A Mini is similar to a Porsche 911, Boxter or a Miata. I'd much rather be in a New MINI than a Miata in a crash. Look at how well a New Beetle does in a crash, I bet the New MINI will do at least as well, if not better. I may head up to the New York Auto show to take a look at one in person. Still patiently waiting for my 2002 New Mini Cooper S.
  • harry0harry0 Member Posts: 42
    I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • bill_1bill_1 Member Posts: 97
    Well I think the Mini might be a little weird safety wise. Certainly with all the airbags and other safety features the Mini is decidely not a death trap. Still it is rather small and while I like small cars I must admit there is a coralation between size and safety (under the assumption that you actually crash, the best safety feature is a car that handles well with a good driver) so I suspect that you might get more moderately serious injuries than you would get in a larger car but that you could survive any of the injuries that do happen.
  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    Check out www.mini2.com - billed as the #1 unofficial Mini website - lot's of interesting info.

    BMW's updated their Mini website as well - www.miniusa.com - more info there than in the past.

    Even more pumped about my New Mini - if that's possible. C'mon early 2002!
  • pocahontaspocahontas Member Posts: 802
    For those that don't have a chance to swing by there, please keep us posted on any new information ya find there! Happy Motoring! ;-)

    Hatchbacks/Station Wagons Message Boards
  • thsmiththsmith Member Posts: 10
    Does anyone know if any BMW dealers in North Carolina have been confirmed as Mini dealers?

  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    BMW will announce the 70 chosen dealers on April 16th. Check their Mini website: www.miniusa.com after the 16th for the official list. You can check there now to see how many proposed dealers there are for North Carolina. I live in Florida but bought an M Coupe last year from Flow BMW in Winston-Salem NC. Flow BMW is one of the best BMW dealers I've ever dealt with - hopefully they will be a Mini dealership. Ask for Sheri Blakely in sales, she's fantastic.
  • revdrluvrevdrluv Member Posts: 417
    I hear the chassis of the new mini is incredibly complex. It is supposed to be one of the best handling cars ever. Anyone know a price yet for the US. They are supposed to be so cheap in europe that BMW isn't going to make much money off them.
  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    Europe will get a cheaper version of the Mini than the U.S. that will have a smaller engine and a lower trim level - see www.mini.com for european Mini details

    The U.S. will get a Mini Cooper that is supposed to start around $18,000 and the supercharged Mini Cooper S will be priced around $25,000.
  • tommyp13tommyp13 Member Posts: 146
    I talked to a rep at the NYC autoshow for awhile, and that's what she knew. I've also seen other estimates at the 18/21k range for the two models.

    $25 would price itself out of the market.

    The UK base version is called the "One".

    BMW has already lost a ton of money on their dabbling into UK autos, so clearing a little profit will be a big step up for them.
  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    I was hoping to make it up to NYC for the show but wasn't able to. How does the Mini look in person? That's great news about the pricing on the S. I'm thinking that BMW will do just fine profit-wise on the Mini.
  • tommyp13tommyp13 Member Posts: 146
    The cars looked great. Unfortunately, they were all locked. They had a blue, red, and another color (can't remember, but not one of the more interesting ones). The car is definitely a much bigger Mini than the classic. One had the panorama sunroof, which really opened up the roof. That same car had the navigation control unit, and auto. All had really nice-looking black leather on them.
    They looked like they could seat for reasonable people, but trunk room with the rear seat up looked like it could fit little more than a box of kleenex. Really interesting interiors, and the bank of toggle switches is a really cool retro element.
  • ms_joannems_joanne Member Posts: 69
    Too bad the dash, IMHO, is horrible! What's with the speedo in the center? Blech!
  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    I like it, very retro modern - The tach is right where it needs to be - front and center, the bank of switches is cool - I wonder what it looks like illuminated - did BMW use red back lighting?
  • digidelia_1digidelia_1 Member Posts: 1
    i belive the numbers on the tach and speedo illuminate orange, and the other stuff is red. here is a picture, kind of what i'm talking about: http://www.mini2.com/images/gallery/press/dash2.jpg


  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    I'm looking forward to seeing one in person for the first time.
  • qbrozenqbrozen Member Posts: 33,483
    hey, what happened to that dealer announcement? There is still nothing up there except the estimates of how many in a particular area.

    Where did that April 16th date come from?

    '11 GMC Sierra 1500; '98 Alfa 156 2.0TS; '08 Maser QP; '67 Coronet R/T; '13 Fiat 500c; '20 S90 T6; '22 MB Sprinter 2500 4x4 diesel; '97 Suzuki R Wagon; '96 Opel Astra; '11 Mini Cooper S

  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    I got that info from a friend (who's also on my dealers waiting list) that got it from the mini2 website. I checked the miniusa website a couple of days ago and noticed they hadn't updated the dealer locator area yet. My dealer has definately been chosen, I'd think most of the other ones have as well, I don't know what the hang up is. I'll logon to the miniusa website and ask - if you haven't registered there yet you should. I asked a couple of questions awhile back and they got right back to me with answers.
  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    I logged on to the Miniusa website and asked when they would announce the selection of the Mini dealers, their reply:

    I'm with BMW of North America, LLC. Yes, the new MINI marquee is officially
    coming to the United States and, yes, we are very, very excited!

    We believe the new MINI honors its forefather, with the same commitment to
    performance and uniqueness as the classic MINI that was loved by all. We
    intend to make the new MINI marquee every bit as appealing, fun and exciting
    as its inspiring forebearer, a 40-year legend of an automobile.

    We expect the new MINI will arrive in early 2002. The model sold in the
    United States will meet US-spec regulations. There is interesting
    information about the new MINI on our website at www.miniusa.com. Once on
    the site, click on "Info" and then "MINI FAQ's."

    BMW will grant approximately 70 of its 345 US dealers with a MINI franchise.
    Sorry, at the present time, I am unable to provide you information about
    specific dealerships at which to order the MINI. We anticipate an
    announcement will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.
  • stefokmstefokm Member Posts: 5
    I can't believe it! BMW put a Chrysler engine in the MINI. Why would they do such a thing? They just popped a very big balloon for me. You can read a review of the Mini in the UK magazine site:



  • pocahontaspocahontas Member Posts: 802
    Edmunds.com's review of the 2002 Mini Cooper is now available. Here's a direct link. ;-)



    Hatchbacks/Station Wagons Message Boards

  • harry0harry0 Member Posts: 42
    You guys have all the fun :)
  • CooperCooper Member Posts: 55
    Just back from the British car show at the Red Mill in Clinton, NJ. They had a NY Auto Show car there. It was great, and you could play with it (i.e., it was unlocked). The young gentleman from BMW, Mr. Christian Schlager, did a great job, and he didn't get a chance all day to catch his breath. The the car drew that much attention. It looks great in person.
  • qbrozenqbrozen Member Posts: 33,483
    Finally! The dealers are announced!


    '11 GMC Sierra 1500; '98 Alfa 156 2.0TS; '08 Maser QP; '67 Coronet R/T; '13 Fiat 500c; '20 S90 T6; '22 MB Sprinter 2500 4x4 diesel; '97 Suzuki R Wagon; '96 Opel Astra; '11 Mini Cooper S

  • tommyp13tommyp13 Member Posts: 146
    I'm calling one tomorrow to find out how far behind I am. I talked to a couple of dealers in Jersey: Park Ave (not getting one, though they kept on telling me that they should get one), and Prestige in Ramesy. They are a dealer, and will be getting my call at 9:01 tomorrow.

    Anyone know if the S will be available in March as well?
  • qbrozenqbrozen Member Posts: 33,483
    They are claiming that the S will be available right along with the standard Mini. Another Woohoo!

    Surprisingly, I just read (i think in Autoweek) that production of the new Mini started this past March in order to have them to ship next March. I hope that means there will be plenty to go around. :)

    '11 GMC Sierra 1500; '98 Alfa 156 2.0TS; '08 Maser QP; '67 Coronet R/T; '13 Fiat 500c; '20 S90 T6; '22 MB Sprinter 2500 4x4 diesel; '97 Suzuki R Wagon; '96 Opel Astra; '11 Mini Cooper S

  • tommyp13tommyp13 Member Posts: 146
    In 3 short weeks, the Mini goes on sale in the UK, that's why production is already going on. From what I've read, the S won't be introduced until the time that we get them here, so we won't have the ability to see how well the S goes over there before buying here, like you will be able to do with the base Cooper.
  • qbrozenqbrozen Member Posts: 33,483
    didn't know that. I guess, if anything, the article could be a little misleading in that, yes, they are merely producing cars and they are all intended for the UK. The US ones not even being made until a later date. Suppose that makes sense. Now you've got me worried again that there won't be enough to go around. Thanks Alot! ;)

    Frankly, I don't care how well the S is received, I only want to see some performance numbers. I'm sure one will be around for testing in the not-to-distant future.

    But, more than anything, I just want to SIT in one. Has anybody here done that? Does anybody know where I might be able to do that sometime before the car is released? My biggest concern is being able to fit, performance is my second concern. If the Mini S can satisfy me in both categories, I will want one.

    '11 GMC Sierra 1500; '98 Alfa 156 2.0TS; '08 Maser QP; '67 Coronet R/T; '13 Fiat 500c; '20 S90 T6; '22 MB Sprinter 2500 4x4 diesel; '97 Suzuki R Wagon; '96 Opel Astra; '11 Mini Cooper S

  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    I'm hoping BMW will have a Mini Cooper at the auto show later this year in Orlando for test sitting. Then I hoping the selected dealers will have one for a test drive before I'm expected to order one when my name comes up on the waiting list. I'm number 17 on the Mini waiting list at my dealer.

    I doubt the new Mini Cooper will have the popularity that the New Beetle did in 98. I'd imagine there may be somewhat of a backlog of orders initially, but not on the magnitude that the New Beetle had when it was introduced. My dealer will not let anyone sell their spot on the waiting list, I don't know if all Mini dealers have that rule.
  • qbrozenqbrozen Member Posts: 33,483
    So, how is that waiting list working? Did you leave any money? I assume its refundable. Did you specify S or standard? Are you just on a list to actually SEE the car? ;) You say that when your name comes up you will then order one? So, is that all it is, a list to get on another list?

    But, seriously, I'm thinking about paying a visit to my nearest dealer but I want to know how its going to work.

    '11 GMC Sierra 1500; '98 Alfa 156 2.0TS; '08 Maser QP; '67 Coronet R/T; '13 Fiat 500c; '20 S90 T6; '22 MB Sprinter 2500 4x4 diesel; '97 Suzuki R Wagon; '96 Opel Astra; '11 Mini Cooper S

  • silver_bulletsilver_bullet Member Posts: 1,339
    Out of curiosity, I called several of the dealers listed on the Mini web site. The responses I got varied widely - one dealer wanted a "possibly refundable" $500 deposit, and said the for the first couple of shipments "you'd have to take what you could get". Huh? No color or option choices? Goodbye. Another dealer wasn't accepting deposits - they were taking "letters of commitment" from which they would later contact folks to see if they were still interested in placing a real order with a deposit. Since these are all independent businesses (and BMW dealers at that), I think most dealers are going to make up the rules as they go along - the car is still many months away, after all. BTW - no dealers in my state (TX) yet due to the pending lawsuit regarding the franchise requirements...
  • alf3alf3 Member Posts: 83
    I sat in a new MINI Cooper last Sunday afternoon at a British car show in Clemmons NC. It was a metallic blue, with a white roof, 17" rims, and black leather interior. I'm 6'0", 176 lbs, and head PLENTY of room to spare - I couldn't reach the pedals fully with the seat all the way back. Compared to my ZX3 (Hello Silver Bullet !!), the MINI is much smaller and more intimate, the back seat a bit tighter, and the cargo area miniscule in size......headroom is no problem, sightlines are super....I'm no.15 on my dealer's list....still haven't decided on the Cooper or the 'S'.....
  • alf3alf3 Member Posts: 83
    If you haven't checked it out - you can configure a new MINI at the MINI Germany site - www.MINI.de. I'm certain that colors / options will differ (e.g. no MINI One in the US), but at the least you can get a great idea of the colors currently on offer. btw - this info courtesy of www.MINI2.com.
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