2000 Chevy Cavalier Lemon - www.lemoncar.ca

Their customer service department has proved highly ineffective, and their sense of taking ownership for their mistakes is laughable.
Here is an example of a very poorly managed customer service experience, and the inability for General Motors to admit when they were wrong.
Oct-99 25 New Car
12-Jan-00 6059 Washer nozzles replaced
20-Jan-00 7309 Right front wheel sensor harness replaced - ABS & Traction control failure
18-Feb-00 8583 Left front wheel sensor replaced - ABS & Traction control failure
23-Feb-00 8851 Vehicle damaged by Roadside assistance in attempt to change tire, tire inflated 'OK'
24-Feb-00 8851 Vehicle delivered to Mews via tow truck, same flat as 23-Feb-00
27-Mar-00 10110 Transmission knocking - no fault found
12-May-00 13229 squeaky wheels - replace front brake pads (*later diagnosed as hubcap squeak)
15-May-00 13519 squeaky wheels - lug nut cover broken on 12-May-00 while re-installing wheels (see * May 12)
18-May-00 13862 squeaky wheels - replaced all hubcaps
04-Aug-00 21466 squeaky wheels/dash - lubricated all hubcaps, replaced dash pad
09-Aug-00 21926 Rear drums knocking - resurfaced rear drums
30-Oct-00 26239 squeaky wheels & transmission leak - lubricated all hubcaps, ordered cooler lines
15-Nov-00 27059 Transmission leak serviced by Mews
11-Jan-01 29763 Air conditioner compressor inoperable, faulty jack – compressor replaced, jack ordered
15-Jan-01 31163 Right front wheel sensor harness serviced - ABS & Traction control failure, previous repair attempt unsuccessful. Blower motor replaced.
16-Jan-01 31253 Right front wheel sensor harness replaced - ABS & Traction control failure, previous repair attempt unsuccessful
18-Jan-01 31353 Front end rattle, verified w/Vince @ Surgenor, Towed by Andy's to Mews - red fluid beneath left front (transmission), oil stain as well Transmission service of 15-Nov-00 re-attempted, O-Rings replaced, Faulty O2 sensor replaced, front rotors replaced, rattle not duplicated
23-Jan-01 31774 Front end rattle (see 18-Jan-01) duplicated and serviced, broken strut mount and bearing replaced
25-Jan-01 31927 Right front wheel sensor harness replaced - ABS & Traction control failure, previous repair attempt unsuccessful
01-Feb-01 32167 Left front wheel sensor harness replaced - ABS & Traction control failure. Blower motor replaced.
02-Feb-01 32232 Left front wheel sensor harness serviced - ABS & Traction control failure.
10-Feb-01 32436 Rear brakes serviced
21-Feb-01 32744 Front rotors replaced (also replaced on Jan 18), rear drums replaced. Front rotor runout exceeded GM maximum specifications. (service document not yet scanned)
22-Feb-01 33850 Traction control failure. Error code: C1275-PCM Requested ETS to be disabled.
23-Feb-01 33891 Traction control 'serviced', unable to find cause, TC code set by transmission sensor?
23-Feb-01, letter from General Motors HQ (dated Feb 21-01):
Dear Mr. Deyell:
General Motors of Canada Limited has completed a full investigation of your concerns with regard to your 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier.
Upon your last visit to Mews Chev Olds Limited, Mr. Stephen Holmes, Fixed Operations Manager, has confirmed that your vehicle is operating within acceptable General Motors specifications in spite of the fact that it has been involved in two collisions.
Our District Service Manager, Garnet Burke, has offered you a management rebate towards the purchase of your next General Motors vehicle. This offer was made in the interests of our customer satisfaction but was not acceptable to you since you indicated your purchase preference had changed.
As such, Mr. Deyell, we are confident that General Motors has given you every consideration however, we find no justification to repurchase your vehicle.
We have already acknowledged our position to Mr. Tony Cote of the Ottawa Citizen.
Yours truly,
Donald McGregor
Executive Review
All original service documents are on http://www.lemoncar.ca, the most recent 3, as well as the General Motors letter will be added over the next few days.
Some notes about GM's letter:
Two collisions - #1 hood + headlamp + ac condenser replaced. paint and body work done.
#2 rear bumper re-finished due to minor dents in plastic cover.
Both consist of superficial damages, both repaired to GM specifications by a GM authorized dealer.
Management Rebate - approx $800 extended warranty to be included at no cost to us on a new 2001 Malibu with the purchase or lease of a 2001 Malibu. Dealer will include freight + AC tax + fuel tax at their cost. $5500 lease buyout to be paid by us to get out of the Cavalier.
Anyway, if you want to pursue it legally, you'll have to hire an attorney and sue the dealer...GM has obviously put the ball in your court.
I realize that it would require a leap of faith for you to buy another GM product, but many people have had good luck with their Cavaliers...it's kind of the luck of the draw I guess.
But good luck whatever you choose to do, and sorry to hear of your troubles.
fatjuan: are you getting a loaner???
It would seem that would be the issue. That does suck though. I know you want your own car.