Ford Windstar Climate Control Problems

fordmomfordmom Member Posts: 2
Last summer during a trip 1 and 1/2 hours away to take my daughter to her specialist my air conditioner quit working after finally getting in to the Ford dealer I had to have the air conditioner compressor(?) replaced. I think that is what it's called. Now this summer my rear air has quit working. Don't have the money to have hooked up to the machine? Any suggestions or ideas what may be wrong? My husband thinks it may be the thermostat control. Can we possibly repair ourselves without having to spend a ton? Thanks!!


  • mlpntrmlpntr Member Posts: 61
    Is it blowing warm air or no air at all?
  • fordmomfordmom Member Posts: 2
    It is blowing warm air sometime hot!!
  • mlpntrmlpntr Member Posts: 61
    go to post 2476 and read the replies to it. That should solve your problem. Here's a link t it for your convenience

    mikandjen, "Ford Windstar problems" #2477, 11 Jul 2006 4:47 pm
  • rossross Member Posts: 17
    Be careful. I replaced the switch for my rear A/C and front control and my Chilton book warns to disconnect the battery while working around the dashboard as it is possible to set the airbags off. I got rear-ended a few weeks ago and was going to repair it myself and the book also advised to disconnect the battery before working around the bumpers, for the same reason.
  • chance4chance4 Member Posts: 2
    Where do I find the Low side on a 2000 Ford Taurus A/C unit in order to add R134. The High Side is right in your face
  • pepper4pepper4 Member Posts: 10
    The front a/c works fine on my 95 Windstar but the auxiliary air only blows warm air out of the roof vents. I pulled the side panel off for the rear air i can see the vacuum can arm move the blend door. The carpet is dry and i do not see any grease build up around the a/c fittings so i am not low on 134a.

    Thank You
  • 97star97star Member Posts: 6
    Has anyone had the occasion to replace the control relay module that controls the fans and A/C. in the 95-97 models?
    It's amazing how they can find the smallest of places to put things.
  • mlpntrmlpntr Member Posts: 61
    I've ried loking for mine but can't seem to find it. It's supposed to be next to the battery but isn't. It controls the fans, AC, and fuel pump.
  • ClairesClaires Member Posts: 1,222
    chance4, the best place to ask your question is in the Ford Taurus/Mercury Sable discussion.


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  • mlpntrmlpntr Member Posts: 61
    Look around on the other tube leaving the condenser.
  • 97star97star Member Posts: 6
    I found it. Chiltons book makes it look like it's right there next to the battery, real easy to spot. It kinda is, but you have to remove the battery, the battery shelf, etc. I just priced it from Ford, it's $118.00 plus tax. It's down next to the radiator, below the battery. Should be interesting to remove.
  • mlpntrmlpntr Member Posts: 61
    I wondered about that. I didn't have the desire to move the battery to check, hough. LOL
    Thanks for the info.
  • fordnutsfordnuts Member Posts: 19
    Our 2002 SEL (107,000 miles) just had the heater motor replaced. When we moved the console dial to heat, all we got was cold air while we heard a clicking noise like something was trying to move into place. The door was failing. Very occassionally we got heat (door moved into place), but now with winter coming we brought it to the dealer. $70 for the Ford stock part and $225 for labor (3 hrs). They had to have gone from the inside of the car to get to it perhaps reducing the potential $1000 in labor without having to move an entire engine. It's probably 1/2 that time to actually do the work, but they go by the book.
  • lorac3lorac3 Member Posts: 8
    water leaking from somewhere. had the water pump replaced
  • reggiechereggieche Member Posts: 4
    I have the same problem on my 98 Windstar (3.8L). The post 2476 hyperlink doesn't work. Anybody can repost the message? Thanks a lot!
  • ClairesClaires Member Posts: 1,222
    Reggieche, post #2476 in our now-closed Problems discussion doesn't seem to be related to this problem, but this may be the one you're looking for: (Post #2484) Re: 98 windstar AC problems [telford] by reyndiesel Jul 14, 2006 (5:35 am) .


    Need help getting around? - or send a private message by clicking on my name.

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  • jpanicojpanico Member Posts: 2
  • jpanicojpanico Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2000 Ford Winstar and the interior side of the windows fog up when it gets cold, typically below 32 degress. Any suggestions how to correct the problem?
  • rdoanerdoane Member Posts: 1
    where is the heater control valve located at in a 1999 ford windstar lx,I have looked everywhere and cannot find it.
  • phymanphyman Member Posts: 2
    i have a 2001 windstar and recently the front blower is only blowing cold air but the aux. air performs fine heat/ac. Nothing in the front blows warm air. I have replaced the #3 module inside, but the problem persists. . .Does anyone have any suggestions? :cry: :mad:
  • jajfullerjajfuller Member Posts: 1
    I wondered if you found a solution to your problem. The front vents are blowing cold air, but the back half of the van is blowing hot air. Sound like the same problem you are having.
  • phymanphyman Member Posts: 2
    No help as of yet!! Let me know if u hear anything!
  • jshufeltjshufelt Member Posts: 1
    Hi there. Were you ever able to confirm what was wrong? I have an 03 Windstar, which is horrible, and am experiencing the same exact problem. We have changed the thermostat, but that did not help. Please let me know if you were successful! Thanks.

  • RizoRizo Member Posts: 3
    I have a 1999 windstar with front and rear controls. just recently i started using the heat(its cold out). Well the rear works fine it blowsnice toasty heat but, the front only blows cold air...I was told by a friend (but hes a mercedes mechanic) that I might need a climate control...I want to know if you feel the same and is that anafter market auto parts store purchase and I can change the part myself myself.
    My next issue is that my radio stopped working...I change all the fuses(I lost the owners manual so 2 be safe I changed them all) well other things I didnt know weren't working started working but the radio never came back on so, I got another ford radio and it doesnt work any suggestions....I puzzled :confuse:
  • RizoRizo Member Posts: 3
    Hey what's goin on I haven't gotten a solution yet and I really need 1 quick....
  • edgar4edgar4 Member Posts: 3
    I have just returned from the Ford Dealership after having this same problem fixed (sort of). Here are the details:
    I had proper engine temp, coolant levels, and heat from the rear blower, but only cold from the front. By moving front climate control from 'warm' to 'cold' I could feel absolutely no difference in air temp. This indicated that the problem was with the 'blend door' which separates hot air from cold air.
    Since time was short, I wound up having to take it in to the dealership which didn't turn out too bad. The mechanic said that he sees this problem frequently and there are (2) possible problems. First the 'actuator' could be bad. This is the part that control the blend door. If this is the problem, the part is about $60 and is located directly behind the radio. A complete description of how to reach this can be found by searching on Wikianswersdotcom for "How do you find and replace an actuator for a 1999-2003 Ford Windstar LX climate control switch"

    The second possibility is that the actual blend door is broken so that the actuator is no longer moving it at all. (Apparently the default position for the door is 'cool', so if it breaks, cool is all you will get even if you haven't moved the control lever.) If the door is broken you are looking at a $500 part (because the have to replace the entire unit, not just the door) plus it takes a professional mechanic about 8 hours so the labor is going to be astronomical.

    In my case, the door is broken. However, the mechanic did not replace the door which is why I began by saying that I sort of had this problem fixed. Instead of replacing the door, he was able to lift the door by hand into the 'warm' position and then run a couple of long screws into the casing to hold it in place. THIS IS ONLY A TEMPORARY FIX because I cannot change it to cool air now, but until summer I can get by.
  • red49233red49233 Member Posts: 1
    i have the same problem but the air on the rear vents dont come threw just a noise of air blowing from the back. but main concern is hot air in front i get warm air when it heats up but not enough to defrost. did u ever get yours fix cause its not getting any warmer outside if u know what i mean. :lemon:
  • RizoRizo Member Posts: 3
    Yea I feel u. I figured out a temp (but viable ) fix. My actuator motor was locked in cool so What I did was found out it was located behind my radio panel(after I took the panel out, I removed the actuator door motor(small white box just below and behind the radio mounted with 3 or 4 screws). It has a control arm sticking out the back of it when u remove it(that's the guide) I through it in the glove box. So now I just stick my hand through the radio slot(I left the radio out) and rotate the door using the control arm I removed from the actuator. Now I call around and its not an over the counter part but Autozone and Murrays offered to order it (2 day turn around) at $59.95+tax. If u don't mind a being venturous it tok me about 25 min to take the old 1 out remove the controll arm, (u cud also use a short but large flathead) and place it in the guide hole. The down side is once u turn the van or the blower off it goes back to cool. So u gota rotate the door each time u start the van. It works for me 4 now. Also u can orfer the part online 4 about 39 bucks. Good luck
  • hotwheels2hotwheels2 Member Posts: 1
    I cannot seem to get trim off radio/climate control center dash... lower tabs pull out but something is firmiley holding top of trim snug... Is the radio holding this trim on looks like it wants to all come out together but cant budge it... need to get to blend door components and at worst the blend door it-self?
  • tcstefanstcstefans Member Posts: 1
    My wife was driving her 2001 Windstar and she was hearing a knoking noise behind the radio. She said it made no difference if she went faster or slower. Well she tried adjusting the blower no difference. She changed from different heating positions still no difference.

    Did you experience any of this before your heat was giving you any issues?

    Thank you,
  • edgar4edgar4 Member Posts: 3
    Sorry for the delay.
    You should not need to worry about the trim. The radio pops right out with a couple of special tools. A complete description of how to reach this can be found by searching on Wikianswersdotcom for "How do you find and replace an actuator for a 1999-2003 Ford Windstar LX climate control switch". I have been told that the radio removal tools are available at Walmart, but I have not looked for them there.
  • edgar4edgar4 Member Posts: 3
    Sorry, but I am afraid that I am no help here. There was no noise or any other warning associated with the problem that I had.
  • ccoach8ccoach8 Member Posts: 1
    This is an easy fix - find out all about it at - specifically this question: Windstar Temperature FIX

    The detailed information in the postings should give almost anyone the confidence to do this repair themselves - I did and was my wife ever happy with me - nice feeling :shades:

    I have also seen a fix for a truly broken blend door - it's a kit that replaces the OEM part and avoids taking the entire dashboard out! I haven't had to use it, but the idea behind the process sure seems solid - Blend Door Fix Kit

  • mestiza73mestiza73 Member Posts: 1
    my ford did make the noise the day before the heat went out. actually it did it about a week before for about 10 mins then stopped. When it started again the heat was not working. We filled the coolant which was empty and the heat worked for one nite. The next day, no heat.
  • scrollerdustscrollerdust Member Posts: 1
    There is no heater control valve. Temp. is controlled by a servo motor
    that moves a blend door between the heater core and AC evaporator coil.
    This is a major defect in Windstar heaters and a diy fix is available at: Then enter "Windstar Temperature Fix" and find
    "Heater Treater" for a description of the fix and parts.
  • fixitnewbfixitnewb Member Posts: 2
    I have a 98 Windstar. Late last year the the air from the heat,air or defrost started cycling between vent, floor or defrost in its own. Now its just defrost only. We still get heat or A/C, but it all blows out the defrost vents. Is that a problem with the modulator or blend door or .....? Thanks for your help.
  • reddog88reddog88 Member Posts: 4
    my 98 windstar,my fan doesnt work in front.i replaced the heater control switchs,and still nothing.would the actuator probably cause this?and it looks from what i read on here to be behind the radio?i also have no air condition,but thats not been working in a few years.but i can get by without that,just wondering if its all related.
  • fixitnewbfixitnewb Member Posts: 2
    Mine was not the modulator. I replaced it with a new one, no change.
  • reddog88reddog88 Member Posts: 4
    thanks,i was talking actuator,thats been brought up on here.
  • dorinnedorinne Member Posts: 1
    Hi my name is Dorinne and I have a 2001 Windstar which I will never ever buy an american car! Well I have the same problem were I only get ac through the defrost area. I do also get ac in the rear and it cools just fine but it won't blow in the front driver/passenger area. I was told by two mechanics that it was my ac controls or climate controls, I don't know the exact name because I'm told it is the same. I have not bought it yet cause it is hard to find at a pick a part which i was told to look for it there.
  • jeffyscottjeffyscott Member Posts: 3,855
    If you buy an 8 year old foreign car and something breaks on it, what will you do then?

    I'm not sure, but this old discussion may be relevant to your problem:
    venturanomad, "Ford Windstar Problems" #1798, 2 Jun 2005 8:59 pm#MSG1797
  • reddog88reddog88 Member Posts: 4
    thanks jeffyscott,but my front,blower fan dont work at all.owned 11 years and only problem ive has now has rated above toyota in quality and sales!!sales last 3 straight months!!buy american!!
  • sirromsirrom Member Posts: 1
    I have a 98 windstar with the same problem with the ac blowing out of the defrost ducts when set on dash vent. It does this at will. How can I fix this problem?
  • shoangoshoango Member Posts: 1
    98 ford windstar blows only thru defrost vent thanks shoango
  • gpechergpecher Member Posts: 1
    Using the search path above I wasn't able to find the "Heater Treater" fix on

    Any help or suggestions would be welcome.

  • plesliepleslie Member Posts: 2
    We have a 2001 Ford Windstar van that has a problem with the air cycling around the different settings (floor, dash, vents) Seems to be almost rythmic in that the air goes from one outlet source to the next over time. Anyone shed any light on this?
  • 1998lincoln1998lincoln Member Posts: 108
    Sounds like your "Heater Core" is bad and needs replaced!
    They are a pain to get to,to replace!
  • reddog88reddog88 Member Posts: 4
    no not heater core,cause we get heat in rear.have a redneck temp fix on mine with a clothes dryer flex pipe from rear heater to front to get windows
  • slion75slion75 Member Posts: 1
    The fastest fix and its free for a blend door problem is instead of taking out radio or dash and trying to remove parts and scratch your hands all up is to:

    1. open the glovebox and squeeze it til you can pop it down.
    2. right behind it is the keyless entry controls but to the left you see a outline in the plastic and a bolt (its in tight in mine). Take a knife and cut a small rectangular hole into the plastic and take a screwdriver and lift the blend door from the down position to the up position and it will start blowing hot air.

    3. You can either tape it up or use something to keep it up...I have found however that if you dont put your heat on full blast it, at least on my 2001 windstar, wont fall back into the cooling position and even if it does it just takes a second to take the screw driver and lift it up again (since the small hole is already in the panel) you can use duct tape or something to cover the hole if you wish.
  • marqevansmarqevans Member Posts: 29
    It is 7degrees out and the heat is barely working. I have the blower on maximum and I can hear it roaring but very little air is coming out of the floor or the top vents. In addition I noticed that the temperature guage stays on "C" and does not rise half way to " H" like it normaly does. Are the problems related?
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