Please bear with me. The water pump in my 2000 Avalon XLS (3.0 liter) DOHC went and was changed. A friend of mine is a mechanic and he has a garage and he changed it. I was in attendance whie he was putting it back together. Okay so he set the timing (new timing belt was installed too). He turned the crank manually to make sure that there wasn't any obstructio9ns with the valves and pistons cause he caims this motor is an interference motor, although I have now read otherwise. After that checked out OK we started the car to make sure timing was ok before reassembling everything. Car fired right up without any hesitation. So we started putting everything back together (hosing for motor mount tower, all covers, belts etc etc). We fired it up one more time and it fired up no problem. Then we added the water and antifreeze with a burp tank. Got everything all back together and started the car, it needed to be jumped cause the battery was weak. Car started withiout hesitation once again. There was a rubbing noise(kinda loud) so he looked down and noticed that the crank timing belt sprocket was rubbing on the cover. You could actually see the sprocket a little as it had rubbed through. So brillianly he decides he is going to just snap off the part of the cover that is rubbing rather than taking it back apart and fixing it correctly. So he breaks off pieces and gets enough off so it won't rub. To access this he had to loosen tho upper motor mount and the bolts that connect it to the motor. One of these bolts also has a ground connected to it and at this point the groung was off. He told me to start it to make sure it wasn't rubbing (I didn't realize that the ground wasn't hooked up) So the car started fine but immediately shut down within a second or two. There wasn't any sputtering or anythisg. I did notice the dash lights were real dim when it started (It had to be jump to start this time too). So we tightened everything back up and tried to start it and now it will not start. Gas was low so we added gas but still didn't start. Now I am wondering if that ground not being hooked up fried something or bvlew a fuse. But we checked the sparkplugs and the cylinder in fronmt on the passenger side is getting spark. So my question is where do I go from here. He looked at the spark plugs and there was a little gunjk on them and hes trying to say the head gasket is gone. I know enough about cars to know that is not the reasson it wont start. It started fine 4 times prior. I feel like he is trying to use that as a cop out because he knows he made a boo boo when he told me to start it without th ground hooked up. I am wondering if a piece of the cover he snapped off fell back on the crank timing sprocket and made the belt jump a few teeth when we started it. Because thats how it acted it started then just cut straight off, no sputtering just straight off like the timing slipped. I would take any advice possible please and could someone tell me if this 3.0 liter DOHC is an intererence motor in which the valves and pistons could collide if the timing was off.
1999 Avalon will not start - as in battery failure; however, when one plays with the ignition key for a while it will. Is there a common problem with the security system?
2001 Toyota Avalon XLS, 58,0000 miles. I'm new to this site and this is my first post so I'll start from the beginning... I went to start my car and all it will do is crank, startled by this I put the key to the on position and waited for the dinging (those dinging sounds for putting seat belt on) to stop and then the car started right up. I then just recently tried starting the car without waiting for the dinging to stop and it just cranks and cranks about the same amount of time for the dinging to stop and it will fire right up. So this is telling me it has something to do with the time lapse for something to open or happen, but what? I'm getting ready to make a 1800 mile trip by myself and worried about getting stranded. And I also don't have the $ to spend on a lot of diagnosis testing that I'm hearing from auto shops when I called yesterday. Please after reading so many helpful posts, I'm hoping someone will have an idea of what is happening. Thank you.
First wild guess: weak fuel pump. The time is the delay in building up pressure in the line to supply fuel at the right pressure to the engine. Possibly a partly blocked fuel line also.
Second wild guess: Electrical, some type of coil failure...but that's not my area, so... others will need to help here.
This is a 10 year old car, anything is possible... but something is going wrong as you cannot start the car normally. Hope this helps.....
Are you referring to cold starts? Probably the idle control valve. If this happens when the engine is warm, the idle control valve is still a possibility, but less so.
Hello, 2000 Avalon 100K miles on it. Got its timing belt, water pump, oxygen sensor, thermostat replaced recently.
two weeks ago: my car at first cranks, cranks, resets date, time and then starts. All my recorded FM stations were also lost.
last week friday: Cranks cranks but doesnt start had to call AAA to jump start it thought it will be battery problem
Yesterday: Mrng I tried to start but it just cranked cranked , reset-ted date and time and thats it. It didnt start the car. It was around 50 degrees outside. In the evening one of my friend told Try one two crank then try once again and it started . Tried the same today too and it worked.
Can some one help in knowing what the main problem is..
I have very similar problem. 2001 Avalon 180,000 mi. Always runs great, do my own work. I had drivers door panel off to replace broken mirror --- disconnected negative battery terminal. All complete, but now in less than one week, 4 times when I go to start car, it just clicks, but upon immediately turning key off and on a couple of times, it starts normally (very fast turnover with a strong battery). But, electronic time, date, and radio settings all reset to default. Hmmmm, what is it? Electrical? Poor ground? ave I confused the computer? I'm leaving on a 1600 mi trip in 4 days, so please help guess my problem. Thank you. Curt
I had the same starter problem many others have, intermittent start issues where it would start but quickly die. Took it to the shop with information I found on this site and did the following three things. I don't know which one fixed the problem, but the car has been running faithfully ever since (knock on wood).
I fixed my problem by removing and THOROUGHLY cleaning both battery terminals at both ends, then reassembling using a little Vaseline. No more clicking without starting. Curt
I have a 2009 Avalon Limited with the push button starter. A couple of months ago I started having problems with the starter. I pushed on the brake and waited for the green light to come on, but it stayed orange. After several attempts, the light turned green and it started. This happen on and off for the next few weeks. I took it to the dealership 2 days before the 3 yr warranty expired with 11,563 miles on it. When I left the car there the tech was still trying to get the car started so they could get it into a service bay. The problem was the brake switch that activates the starter button. No charge since it was still under warranty, but I wonder how often this is going to occur in the future.
My 2003 Avalon does the same thing. The dealer also said it was security related and it had to do with how I locked it. If manually locked it would mess up the security system. I just turn it off and on (sometimes 10-20 times) to get it to start.
1996 Toyota Avalon has been an excellent car for 17 years with 324,000 miles on it. Love it. My son took it to college and is having problems with headlights turning on after the car is turned off and he walks away. He comes back and the headlights have turned on and run the battery down. The light relay was replaced but it happened again a month later. Sometimes the chimes go on when getting out of the car as it does when the key is left in the ignition. My son is on a college budget, needs the car but not the expense. Anyone know what is going on how to fix it? Thanks in advance.
Hi, I have a 1997 Toyota Avalon. A couple of months ago, I noticed the starter occasionally not doing anything when turning the ignition key the first time. Nothing no noise no solenoid click at all. Warning lights, radio and such all would come on but nothing from the starter. I would try a second time and the car would start right up. This got progressively more frequent and the car wouldn't start on the second try. I took it in to a mechanic who said the battery was okay so it must be the starter. He put in a new factory starter and all was fine for about a month and then the same thing happened. I was stranded after driving the car for ten minutes, turning off, and then ten minutes later trying to start and would get nothing. No click, nothing. Again warning lights and radio would work. This time after trying for an hour and even trying to jump start, I got nothing and had it towed. The next morning the mechanic said the car started right up and they couldn't repeat my problem. They replaced the starter again. All well for a few days. Then again only once, the first try it failed and then started second try. Discussed with mechanic and had battery checked again and all was well. Mechanic said I needed to have car brought to him when it would't start for him to diagnose the problem. A month goes by and not one incident until yesterday where after driving for 30 minutes I left it for about an hour and it wouldn't start. No click or noise. Just the warning lights and radio would work. I tried and tried. Nothing. I was in the process of calling for a tow and tried again (30 minutes later) and it started right up. I drove home. Several hours I tried it again and it started right up. The mechanic and I am baffled. I think it probably was not the starter. Are there any relay switches that could act intermittently? Security system failure? I have noticed very infrequently an issue with using the factory remote locking and alarm system where using the remote alarms would sound until I was able to start car and put it into gear. I am grasping at straw here.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Sorry about the lengthy question.
I haven't had a starter issue in the10 days since I started locking and unlocking the car with the key only and not the remote alarm/lock mechanism. I am keeping my fingers crossed this is it and problem solved. Only problem is I then spent nearly $500 replacing a working starter.....
@ron52 said:
Hi, I have a 1997 Toyota Avalon. A couple of months ago, I noticed the starter occasionally not doing anything when turning the ignition key the first time. > snip
I would replace the positive heavy battery cable from the + terminal on the battery to the starter connection 'at' the starter. I would also replace the negative cable but do the positive one first. Also though, confirm the ground strap to the engine block as good clean connections on the engine AND the chassis. Do not go just by a visual check as that often does not tell the real tale.
I have a 2009 Avalon Limited with the push button starter. A couple of months ago I started having problems with the starter. I pushed on the brake and waited for the green light to come on, but it stayed orange. After several attempts, the light turned green and it started. This happen on and off for the next few weeks. I took it to the dealership 2 days before the 3 yr warranty expired with 11,563 miles on it. When I left the car there the tech was still trying to get the car started so they could get it into a service bay. The problem was the brake switch that activates the starter button. No charge since it was still under warranty, but I wonder how often this is going to occur in the future.
I had start problems with my 2006 Avalon on and off for several years. The green light wouldn't come on and pushing the button therefor wouldn't crank it. Jumper cables didn't help. Asked the dealer about it and even talked to a tech about it. Nobody knew anything except sometimes they are a little difficult and need more voltage. Much later my mechanic told me there was a TSB (technical service bulletin) on the issue. Dealer didn't even know about it! Go figure. My mechanic said the dealer should fix it. Dealer ended up replacing the starter button unit and also the brake switch. It's been perfect ever since. There is also a bypass switch for tow truck drivers that help make starting easier. You can also use it. Look it up in your owners manual if you want to look it up. I can't remember the details now. Also, it's a good idea to have a couple of extra batteries in the glove box for the remote. I got two from Amazon for about $6.00. Easy to replace. Manual tells you what kind and how to do it.
1999 Toyota Avalon won't start, no lights (inside or out when turned on), even with boost. Checked boost connection carefully. Left car several days with light on.
1999 Toyota Avalon won't start, no lights (inside or out when turned on), even with boost. Checked boost connection carefully. Left car several days with light on.
Good chance boost won't add enough power to really dead battery (from leaving lights on). Battery charge would be a lot better (as long as it is in decent shape still)
If the battery went completely utterly dead it may be finished. It's a bit dangerous to try and jump start a battery that was completely depleted. You might check the acid level if possible and then put it on a slow charger----NOT a quick charge--it could blow up.
Hey guys I have a 2002 Avalon with 59k miles. Been a great car for the 20 months I've owned it, but like others in this thread I've recently had starting issues just outta the blue. All the gauges,lights are working but it won't start. Must be one of the same issues some of you all are having. Apparently putting the car in neutral somehow solves the problem. The first time it happened a month ago it started after I moved the car back a bit to try and jump it. Took it to Wal-Mart and got a new battery, been starting great till last night. Did the same thing, wouldn't do anything, just the gauges and everything we're working. Put the car in neutral, started right up. Hopefully it will stay a minor problem till I come up with the solution, thanks.
I got a 2007 Toyota Avalon that I've changed fuel pump relay switch battery fuel pressure damper and it's still only turns over won't start about to lose my mind
PLEASE HELP I went in the store Monday and when I came out I put my bags in the trunk, then got in the car, put the key in the ignition and the alarm starts going. Car won't crank at all, everything comes on except the radio and headlights. My husband changed the battery cable ends and still nothing, he's tried jumping it off and still nothing. A friend of ours who works for a body shop came and reset the alarm so it doesn't go off now but car still won't crank. I NEED my car back and we're on a fixed income so a dealer trip will hurt us bad.
Well, if it's not cranking, it could be the battery is bad, could be the alternator not providing enough juice to charge the battery. Someplace like an Autozone where they can check those kind of things might be the cheapest way to find out what's up.
Hey everyone i hope that my experience helps anyone with same issues 98 avalon only 50k 2nd owner was donation from a friend to another friend so to say the least its a new old car..
Go to start car dead
#Trouble shooting * Results
1. # jumped with cables . *Fires up 2. # used a quick jumper * fires up 3. # charged battery * fires up 4. All of the above * dead go tru everything little used volt-meter battery 10 years old lol. 5.# New battery * fires up turned off to repeat Dead* (wtf).# I do number 4 process again tell guy you got wrong battery after 5 times back and forth finally get right battery * fires up 6. # next day. *dead ...(die pos) # do number 4 and 5 again this time checking all fuses wires corrosion the alternator the starter all good #charged battery over night 7. (Stumped annoyed and reall ptfo i look into anything that can explain this issue falling asleep i come across a small paragraph that says the ignition coil/ swith/ tumbler (the thing you put the key in) to start car can be faulty. Think to myself just incase of Emergency 8. * charged battery double check everything in 4 5 and 6 hookbup cables red to - black to lol jk i do it correctly turn key FFFUHHHHH- WAIT! Last night before i fell asleep ( just in case,) finesse the key * Roars to life #again * again #again *#*#*#......... 9. #Replace ignition (whatever you wanna call it) *** Fires Right up no more b.s
Im self taught alot of troubleshooting alot of reading taking ideas from here and there uses common since and a shi load of patients and a sailor's mouth later feels good! Hope this hps any 1 do the basics 1st check the main then when ur stumped throw it off a cliff jk try the ignition Switch finesse it ask ya women or old ladys they wl teach ya cause slamin it it dosent work on this Bezzy she like a light touch
Second wild guess: Electrical, some type of coil failure...but that's not my area, so... others will need to help here.
This is a 10 year old car, anything is possible... but something is going wrong as you cannot start the car normally. Hope this helps.....
2000 Avalon 100K miles on it. Got its timing belt, water pump, oxygen sensor, thermostat replaced recently.
two weeks ago: my car at first cranks, cranks, resets date, time and then starts. All my recorded FM stations were also lost.
last week friday: Cranks cranks but doesnt start had to call AAA to jump start it thought it will be battery problem
Yesterday: Mrng I tried to start but it just cranked cranked , reset-ted date and time and thats it. It didnt start the car. It was around 50 degrees outside. In the evening one of my friend told Try one two crank then try once again and it started . Tried the same today too and it worked.
Can some one help in knowing what the main problem is..
I'm leaving on a 1600 mi trip in 4 days, so please help guess my problem. Thank you. Curt
1. Replaced battery
2. Cleaned Idle Control Valve
3. Replaced fuel filter
My son took it to college and is having problems with headlights turning on after the car is turned off and he walks away. He comes back and the headlights have turned on and run the battery down. The light relay was replaced but it happened again a month later. Sometimes the chimes go on when getting out of the car as it does when the key is left in the ignition.
My son is on a college budget, needs the car but not the expense.
Anyone know what is going on how to fix it?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, I have a 1997 Toyota Avalon. A couple of months ago, I noticed the starter occasionally not doing anything when turning the ignition key the first time. Nothing no noise no solenoid click at all. Warning lights, radio and such all would come on but nothing from the starter. I would try a second time and the car would start right up. This got progressively more frequent and the car wouldn't start on the second try. I took it in to a mechanic who said the battery was okay so it must be the starter. He put in a new factory starter and all was fine for about a month and then the same thing happened. I was stranded after driving the car for ten minutes, turning off, and then ten minutes later trying to start and would get nothing. No click, nothing. Again warning lights and radio would work. This time after trying for an hour and even trying to jump start, I got nothing and had it towed. The next morning the mechanic said the car started right up and they couldn't repeat my problem. They replaced the starter again. All well for a few days. Then again only once, the first try it failed and then started second try. Discussed with mechanic and had battery checked again and all was well. Mechanic said I needed to have car brought to him when it would't start for him to diagnose the problem. A month goes by and not one incident until yesterday where after driving for 30 minutes I left it for about an hour and it wouldn't start. No click or noise. Just the warning lights and radio would work. I tried and tried. Nothing. I was in the process of calling for a tow and tried again (30 minutes later) and it started right up. I drove home. Several hours I tried it again and it started right up. The mechanic and I am baffled. I think it probably was not the starter. Are there any relay switches that could act intermittently? Security system failure? I have noticed very infrequently an issue with using the factory remote locking and alarm system where using the remote alarms would sound until I was able to start car and put it into gear. I am grasping at straw here.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Sorry about the lengthy question.
I haven't had a starter issue in the10 days since I started locking and unlocking the car with the key only and not the remote alarm/lock mechanism. I am keeping my fingers crossed this is it and problem solved. Only problem is I then spent nearly $500 replacing a working starter.....
I would replace the positive heavy battery cable from the + terminal on the battery to the starter connection 'at' the starter. I would also replace the negative cable but do the positive one first. Also though, confirm the ground strap to the engine block as good clean connections on the engine AND the chassis. Do not go just by a visual check as that often does not tell the real tale.
Hey everyone i hope that my experience helps anyone with same issues
98 avalon only 50k 2nd owner was donation from a friend to another friend so to say the least its a new old car..
Go to start car dead
#Trouble shooting * Results
1. # jumped with cables . *Fires up
2. # used a quick jumper * fires up
3. # charged battery * fires up
4. All of the above * dead go tru everything little used volt-meter battery 10 years old lol.
5.# New battery * fires up turned off to repeat Dead* (wtf).# I do number 4 process again tell guy you got wrong battery after 5 times back and forth finally get right battery * fires up
6. # next day. *dead ...(die pos) # do number 4 and 5 again this time checking all fuses wires corrosion the alternator the starter all good #charged battery over night
7. (Stumped annoyed and reall ptfo i look into anything that can explain this issue falling asleep i come across a small paragraph that says the ignition coil/ swith/ tumbler (the thing you put the key in) to start car can be faulty. Think to myself just incase of Emergency
8. * charged battery double check everything in 4 5 and 6 hookbup cables red to - black to lol jk i do it correctly turn key FFFUHHHHH- WAIT! Last night before i fell asleep ( just in case,) finesse the key * Roars to life #again * again #again *#*#*#.........
9. #Replace ignition (whatever you wanna call it) *** Fires Right up no more b.s
Im self taught alot of troubleshooting alot of reading taking ideas from here and there uses common since and a shi load of patients and a sailor's mouth later feels good! Hope this hps any 1 do the basics 1st check the main then when ur stumped throw it off a cliff jk try the ignition Switch finesse it ask ya women or old ladys they wl teach ya cause slamin it it dosent work on this Bezzy she like a light touch