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Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Brake Problems

tetedepierretetedepierre Member Posts: 62
edited February 2018 in Cadillac
My March build 2004 with 1SC equipment group began having a mild brake problem at about 6000 miles. (I purchased the car in July). It stopped OK no problem there, but the brakes just felt sort of spongy. Eventually I realized that if I exerted enough pressure over time I could force the pedal to the floor.
The service writer tried to convince me that this was normal but finally suggested that I try another CTS and I would see it was the same. So I did and it wasn't. Long story short there is a service bulletin 030525009A which deliniates the proper way to bleed the brakes to eliminate this behavior. They did this and problem solved. Also the windshield wipers were chattering in any condition except a blinding rainstorm a condition I have only encountered on GM cars. They replaced them and chattering has stopped.
One thing I like about the CTS is the dealer is 12 miles 15 minutes from my house and so far has been very good. The closest Lexus dealer is about 75 miles away. Everyone says how good the Lexus is. In my case it could never be good enough.


  • scott1scott1 Member Posts: 50
    "One thing I like about the CTS is the dealer is 12 miles 15 minutes from my house and so far has been very good. The closest Lexus dealer is about 75 miles away. Everyone says how good the Lexus is. In my case it could never be good enough."

    There are several Cadiilac dealers close by for me to choose from, which is nice. Luckily for me, the Lexus dealer is a half mile down the road from the closest Cadillac dealer, so both are very accessible. I just visited my lexus dealer in fact to buy a set of all weather floor mats. Winter is coming and I'd hate to get thsoe nice carpeted mats all messed up with snow and slush. The dealer had the set specifically made for my GX right in stock.

    Regarding the windshield wiper chattering. I encountered the same problem on several Corvettes that I owned and could never figure out what the reason was. I finally did. I had been using a fancy glass cleaner on it specifically designed for auto glass. It must have made the window just a bit less slippery when wet, resulting in the chatter. I began to have the problem on my CTS, and then for the heck of it tried regular Windex for cleaning my windshield, and before long, no more chatter. It was that fancy auto glass cleaner that was causing it all along.
  • wwhite2wwhite2 Member Posts: 535
    Since Lexus never have any problems the distance to the dealership would not matter . YOu would just have to go once to pick it up and have all maintenance done locally

    Wow the posting has really dropped off and is heading in a negative direction
  • luxosportluxosport Member Posts: 22
    I replaced my original Goodyear tires with Yokohama Avids, had them before on my wife's Buick Regal and liked them. What surprised me was upon replacing the tires, we discovered that the front brakes were just about down to nothing after only 23,600 miles. I definitely do not stomp on the brakes....I gradually "take the steam out" of the car as I approach a light or traffic up ahead so this was not what I expected. My mechanic tells me the brakes are softer to reduce stopping distance, consequently they wear down faster. I would advise that for those of you in that range of odometer reading, if you haven't already checked, it would be wise to do so before you take any long road trips. Great car though...I enjoy the ride, the smell, the luxury, the performance and its good looks.
  • aykayk Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2005 3.6L CTS that i purchased about a year ago. At 9300 mi I had brake problems. They replaced the master cylinder. about a month and 2000 mi later, I had problems with the brakes again. They fixed the brakes. I have 2 different problems with radio, which has been replaced twice and now they say that I have a problem with my tires and/or alignment. My front tires are basically bald and I am only at 17,700 mi. Has anyone experienced this many problems with a brand new CTS? Would you trust Cadillac/GM again?
  • temj12temj12 Member Posts: 450
    I also have an '05 CTS. Get ready on the tires! This car chews them up. I am putting a new set on the car this week. I purchased wheels and tires which were new on ebay. These are wheels and tires off an STS. From some of the other posts, I don't think it makes a lot of difference whether you rotate them or not. Mine started the roaring at 15,000 and now I have 26,000. I have not had your other problems but it is in part relective of GM's sloppiness.
  • ctsjunkctsjunk Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2003 CTS and there was a recall on the tires back in 2004. I had a Cadillac Service Department replace all 4 tires and they were all put on backwards! I just found this out, 2 years later! Although I know my gas mileage was affected, does anyone know what else this may have affected. It didn't seem to wear the tires down sooner but I am sure that having directional tires put on backwards has an effect on something. I believe the traction control was also effected but I am having alot of issues with this car and just looking for some advice. Thanks.
  • temj12temj12 Member Posts: 450
    I am surprised that you are talking about the roaring. I have an '05 CTS with 26,000 miles. At this point, I have not had any repair problems but it is early yet. At 15,000 miles, my tires were cupped and roaring. I am replacing them the next week. I am going to try the recommended rotation every 5,000 and the alignment every 15,000 and see if the second run is better. It is ridiculous that a car would be designed with this type of alignment problem. I am not sure what the directional issue would do. My son had the same thing as you on a 2005 Civic and it affected the handling. If you have gotten 25,000 miles plus out of your tires, then I would not say you have worn them any more than normal. A guy was in the tire store here with a CTS-V and he has to replace his tires every 12,000. No wonder General Motors is in trouble. The Cadillac dealer is the one who has advised me on the rotation and alignment. He says the car has a very aggressive suspension. Wow!
  • richw5richw5 Member Posts: 152
    The CTS does not have "directional tires". Someone must be pulling your leg.

    I have an 03 CTS and had the tires replaced at 18K miles due to a "Goodyear" recall. It was not a Cadillac recall, Cadillac just handled the recall for Goodyear.

    Currently my CTS has 32K miles on the replacement tires and the tread looks good for at least another 20K.

    The Goodyear tires on my CTS make noise on concrete pavement. Sometimes it depends on how the pavement has been "grooved" for traction and water runoff. They do not make the noise on asphalt pavement.

    The CTS has been my wife's daily driver for over four years and has been an exceptional vehicle with only a few small problems, which were taken care of by Cadillac under warranty.

    Although retirement limits my spending somewhat, I will buy a next generation CTS when it's time to trade this one in.
  • ctsjunkctsjunk Member Posts: 3
    Au Contraire richw5.

    The tires on my CTS had arrows showing the direction in which the treads should run. In my book that means they are "directional tires" I am not sure what it means in your book.

    As far as the recall on the tires, I never stated that it was a Cadillac recall, I just stated that there was a recall and that a Cadillac Service Center replaced the 4 tires.
  • richw5richw5 Member Posts: 152
    I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had the "special" directional tires.

    I did check my CTS and there are no arrows. Infact, the tirerack web page has a picture and I still don't see an arrow, but maybe I need to change my contact lens prescription.

    http://www.tirerack.com/tires/BigPic.jsp?sidewall=Blackwall&tireMake=Goodyear&ti- reModel=Eagle+RS-A

    Anyway, I'm sorry that you had a problem with your tires. I'd go back to the dealer and complain.
  • larryszallarryszal Member Posts: 8
    I have a 2005 CTS, just went to the dealer for my annual NY State inspection, he advised me that I will need new brakes and tires soon. I thought that this was very unusual since the car only has 16,4000 miles and is 24 months old. Regarding the tires for some time I was able to hear a slight whooping sound, I will ask Goodyear if there is any warranty on what I think is premature wear. I did have the tires rotated three times already plus an alignment.
    Is this a normal problem on the CTS?
  • larryszallarryszal Member Posts: 8
    As I just reported I have 16,000 miles on my 2005 CTS and was astonished to learn that I need brakes and tires.
    My Cadillac dealer always tries selling me service I don't think I need, this past time nitrogen filled tires. I tend to be a skeptic now.
  • acbkcacbkc Member Posts: 1
    I have a Cadillac 2006 CTS 2.8L V6 . It has 35,184 miles. The Dealer qouted me $615 to replace front brake pads and rotors. I called around other Brake shops like Tire Kingdom and they qouted me $354. Should I trust that Tire Kingdom qouted me the right parts for my vehicle and that they would be just as good as the dealer parts? I priced the brake pads and rotors from the dealer parts depart at $149 and $300(for both rotors total). The dealer needed my vin# in order to price the brakes. Tire Kingdom only asked for the engine size information. He said he did not need the Vin#. If I went with Tire Kingdom would I get good service from their parts?
  • paopao Member Posts: 1,867
    Tire Kingdom and the like.....get their parts from local autoparts stores....in my area that usually means NAPA....so you arent using Tire Kingdom branded parts..but rather other aftermarket parts.....dealers usually are higher across the board for parts.....labor runs the same I have found...shop around...ask questions....get the best deal.....

    recently had a brake service done....fluid flush, two rotors replaced...pads all around and turn the rear rotors.....was just under $500.....for an 04 Chevy Malibu Maxx...at my local mechanic
  • ben721364ben721364 Member Posts: 22
    What mileage are you getting from both front and rear brake pads on the CTS
  • ctskenctsken Member Posts: 3
    I had a 2006 cts and when it got to about 28,000 miles off and on when I turned into a parking spot and put on the brakes it would make a grinding feel and would be hard to stop. It only did it once in a while. The dealer could find no problem and could not repeat it. The lease ended and I turned it in. NOW my 2007 is doing the same thing. It is only when I am turning sharp and going slow and it has done it turning both ways never going straight. Has anyone else ever had this problem? The dealer says they have never heard of the problem and this is the second cts to do the same thing at about 28,000 miles. They say the brakes and everything look ok. Anybody else have this problem?
  • elegantwomenelegantwomen Member Posts: 1
    My husbands car is a 2006 CTS, I am not sure of the milage but when i pulled in to a parking place I almost could not stop the car. It was as if my brakes did not work and were grinding.( the dealership has said the brakes are good). I do not drive the car often and this has happened to me 3 times. Two times in a parking lot and once at the stop light. I told my husband about it and he bluffed me off. It has now happened to him. Please reply if more people have the same problem.
  • ctskenctsken Member Posts: 3
    They never fixed my 2006 and the lease ended but they did fix my 2007 after they had it a second time, the first saying the brakes were fine. It is a problem with the wheel spin sensor and the anti lock computer. On the 2007 the dealer could see the problem codes when they checked the cars system. I asked about why they could not find that on the 2006 and they said those codes where new in 2007. Since it was fixed it has not done it again. It was all covered under the 4/50,000.
    Its not a fun problem. My wife never drove the 2006 again after it did it and she almost hit a pole and they said there was no problem. She has a BMW now and loves it. Good luck.
  • edszedsz Member Posts: 5
    This just happened to my 2007 CTS today. Pulling into parking space at about 3-4 mph and riding the brake. Suddenly the brake pedal goes to the floor and pulsating of ABS comes on and the car freely coasts into the car parked in front of me. Only damage to my license plate as it was so slow. Took it right to dealership, no problems on the way there. They said the computer would only tell them if it was a sensor if they could get it to happen while hooked up to diagnostics. Interesting to see what there conclusion will be. I cannot take the car back if they can't tell me they fixed the problem. Would be a more than a little scary while trying to stop at an intersection or for kids in the crosswalks while picking up/ dropping my kids off.
  • ben721364ben721364 Member Posts: 22
    This 'sounds' strange. Please keep us posted.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello I am from GM Customer Service. I see that you have the vehicle at the dealership currently. Can you please keep me posted on how it goes with the dealership? Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • edszedsz Member Posts: 5
    Dealership has stated that "cannot duplicate or identify the problem" and says probably just a one-time-thing. The vehicle is ready to be picked up. I informed them that I will not take possession without a signed statement from the service manager stating that the vehicle is safe for operation relative to this issue. Of course, they will not provide this and offer no other solution. Told them I will not be irresponsible and reckless (as they want me to be). I have called the customer assistance number that they provided, but after 25 minutes on the phone have little faith in that process as well. A "manager" is supposed to call me back.

    At this point, it looks as though they may force me into a course of action that I really don't want to pursue. My requests to them have been simple: either fix the car, give me certification that it is safe, or take it back. Fear a long process from here.
  • ben721364ben721364 Member Posts: 22
    Thanks for keeping us posted. Do I understand that when the brake pedal went to the floor, the ABS pulsated and yet no code was stored?
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Has the dealership fixed the other concerns on the vehicle? What I can do is have an agent look into this for you. In order to do that I will need the VIN, dealership, current mileage, and contact information. You can private message me all the information. Please also include when all the concerns did happen, and how long they have been going on for. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • edszedsz Member Posts: 5
    With respect to the stored code - I was told that it would only store the code relative to the ABS being activated if it was involved in a more significant collision. This was probably only 3mph. The only way to tell what it was doing was to have it happen again while they had it hooked up to their computer.
  • edszedsz Member Posts: 5
    Well the dealer (Taylor Cadillac) and GM customer assistance have both proved useless on this issue. They both keep repeating "we cannot identify or duplicate the problem, therefore, there is nothing to fix. Yet neither will provide a statement declaring the vehicle to have safely operating brakes. I spoke to an Attorney that told me despite Ohio's tough Consumer protection laws, GM has been refusing to address serious issues hiding behind their recent bankruptcy. My wife and I have purchased/leased 4 new GM vehicles since 2001. We were about to purchase a 5th when this one comes off lease. We will never own another. Good luck rebuilding your brand GM.
  • ctskenctsken Member Posts: 3
    They ran me around on my 2006 and never fixed it. It was leased and I turned it in. On my 2007 they said it was either the ABS antilock unit or the wheel spin sensor. They replace both because
    I just drove the car in circles hitting the brakes and it kept doing it about every forth time around. All the ABS problem codes it logged right together showed a problem and that is why they did something.
    Try that. I leased a 2010 last week, Red, It's a beautiful car and is still the most car for the money.
    We'll see how it goes.
    Good Luck.
  • coastsidefogcoastsidefog Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2010
    We have had the same issue with our CTS (not stopped while turning sharply at very slow speeds - ie, into a parking space) and have been told it is a speed sensor issue.

    The left wheel front hub/bearing/speed sensor on our CTS was replaced 4 times with the same issue (only found this out when we went over the records). Finally after the dealer recommended we do it a 5th time we pushed and now it sounds like it has been the computer all along. GM refuses to reimburse us for the 4 previous times or the computer (which failed under 20,000 miles while under warranty) because my in-laws were the original owner. If anyone can offer any ideas or help, would be much appreciated. I have been ridiculously disappointed by my Cadillac experience.

    ctsken, sounds like that makes 3 cars at least.
  • coastsidefogcoastsidefog Member Posts: 12
    Hi Mariah,

    I am so glad to see you here and I hope you can talk some sense into your company.

    We have been dealing with our dealership and GM directly and honestly it seems like they could care less. Despite the fact that one can find multiple reports of brake failure on the CTS at slow speeds in these circumstances and despite the fact that no repair seems to fix it (pointing toward a faulty computer from the beginning), we can't seem to get anyone to take this seriously.

    I am paying for a new computer out of my own pocket because GM has no interest in fixing this problem and we are out of warranty, but even that I don't have a guarantee will fix things. But I have reported this to the NHTSA (last time the brakes failed after replacing the hub and having the dealer tell me it should be fine there were children in front of me) and I hope that they can look into this issue before there is a loss of life on the back of GM's inaction. I just want the company to take these complaints more seriously than they seem to at this time.

    Thank you.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    I apologize for the concerns that you have with your vehicle. Do you have a case number with GM? If so, what is the case number? Has the issue occurred after the dealership fixed your vehicle? Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service.
  • coastsidefogcoastsidefog Member Posts: 12
    Hi Moriah,

    I do have a case number but would prefer not to release any information on the internet. I have set up a temporary email accoun (mopheuot@temporaryemail.net)t. If you mail me there, I will respond to a direct line/email to you.

    Yes, we have a case number. The issue has recurred after four separate fixes at 2 different dealerships. The code is always somewhat nonspecific. In my own research on this issue it is clear that other CTS's are having the same problem. I am paying for the computer replacement out of pocket (GM told us it couldn't do anything because we are not the original owner and it is past the warranty period. This did not sit well with the original owner (we are related) given that they weren't even clearly told about the first 3 repairs), but it seems obvious to me that GM needs to look at this issue more closely before someone has a serious accident due to brake failure. That seems like no-brainer to me and I've been surprised about the lukewarm response.

    Please email me.
  • coastsidefogcoastsidefog Member Posts: 12
    Hi Mariah,

    I'm not sure if you got my previous message. I am still interested in speaking with you.

    To answer your question, YES, the issue recurred each time the hub was repaired, for a total of 4 replacements where the dealer said the code was clear and within a short time the problem with the brakes recurred.

    We just paid nearly $2K to replace the EBCM and I am hoping this fixes it (and honestly, feeling a little concerned that that was the problem all along. Interestingly, this time too the dealer's advice was to replace the hub until we pressed harder about why it would keep failing and they decided we should replace the computer instead).

    We won't be keeping this car, but I do want to make sure someone at GM is following the brake issue as it seems from my research that other CTS's from this time period have also had the brake failure issue, and we're all just lucky noone has been seriously injured at this point. My car didn't stop in a school parking lot. I am very lucky no students were around.

    If you are still able to speak to me, please let me know how to contact you.

    Thank you.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    edited April 2010
    I apologize I didn't get back to you sooner. I just saw your email. This is usually the best way to contact me is through my email. So did the fix take care of the issue? Or, is the concern still present after the computer fix? Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • coastsidefogcoastsidefog Member Posts: 12
    Thank you Mariah. Unfortunately, I am not comfortable posting my email in a public forum and I do not know how to contact you directly. I know the main GM line if you have an extension, otherwise I am at a loss.

    This car has been showing a "Service Brake Assist" message along with ABS light, and having intermittent brake difficulties, since the first year of the car. The left front hub has been placed four times now, which was supposed to fix the problem but obviously hasn't. On the advice of GM, earlier this month we replaced the EBCM (almost $2000) and the dealer was certain this would fix the problem. They drove the car and could not replicate the problem. The brakes have intermittently still felt funny, and again today the car is showing the same "Service Brake Assist" message that has been a source of concern since the first 20,000 miles.

    Our family is done with GM (despite a 50 year history). So there is nothing you can really do for us. What I would like to have, however, is some assurance that GM will be responsible enough to take a look at the CTS's from this time period, as we have found other owners who have had the same issue and met with the same inability and/or reluctance to repair it. You need to take this seriously. I was in a school parking lot when the brakes failed and we are all very lucky that no child was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I know if it were my company, I would not want that on my back.

    Thank you.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    I understand that you want to keep your information private. My email is socialmedia@gm.com
    Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • timd106timd106 Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2006 Cadillac CTS as well and it did the exact same thing to me. I was going 2 mph and i did a sharp turn, heard a rough noise and the ABS light came on. Thats exactly what it is. The anti-lock brake system connection came loose on one of the tires and they fixed it free of charge because it was still under warrenty. after that was repaired it never did it again.
  • edszedsz Member Posts: 5
    I will never own another GM vehicle. The way they have treated me throughout this process is inexcusable. After I sent certified letter to Ed Whitacre and their legal dept., they put me in touch with 'product allegations' (PA). PA told me didn't understand why I didn't contact them in the first place. Told them they do a nice job hiding the fact that they exist.

    They had their "independent" engineer come look at the vehicle and determine no evidence of "defect". Offered to do nothing, then sent me a nasty form letter stating that they have no liability or responsibility for my claim of damages. I have no claim of damages?!

    I want a safe car that stops and is still under warranty. I want them to fix it or issue a statement that there is no problem. See their commercial claiming they are no longer 'Government Motors", nice try at rebuilding your image. I live in the rust belt, I have always bought American and have purchased 4 new GM vehicls since 01, all financed with GMAC, never missed a payment. I was getting 2 more this year. I will never buy another new GM vehicle, and will probably switch to foreign automaker. Good luck rebuilding that image GM.

    By the way, Mariah's job in customer assistance is to get nothing done, whether she knows it or not. They are very good at their job at customer assistance.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello Edsz,
    I apologize your outcome wasn't a better one. However, I did publicly post to you on April 1st, and requested more information from you and I never got a response. Again, I apologize for you inconvenience and frustration. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • j1ncej1nce Member Posts: 1
    Ive had this same issue since i purchased the car from the dealership. I bought it @ 17000 miles from a dealership in South Carolina. After about a week, I was pulling into a parking space and my car would not stop. The brakes kept bouncing and i almost slammed into the car in front of me.Then the service brake assist indicator came on. I called the dealership as soon as it happened. They found nothing wrong on the tester that they had. It happened again multiple times after and I called the dealership and they told me that they would contact me as soon as they had a Courtesy Car available. I called a many times and got the same response.I ended up moving to New Jersey and still to this day I have not gotten a single phone call from the dealership. Is there anything that I can do about this issue besides try and fix it myself?
  • coastsidefogcoastsidefog Member Posts: 12
    Hi all. I have spoken with my dealership, GM several times, the NHTSA, my representative, and now a lawyer. We are beginning the discovery process as to why these cars have this issue and whether the response has been appropriate. I encourage you to contact your own representative and/or counsel to do the same. Maybe together something will come of it. This is a serious accident waiting to happen and I just hope we can get it acknowledged before that occurs.
  • gotmamaacaddygotmamaacaddy Member Posts: 1
    Bought a 2007 CST from Autoflex last month. Nice car, a little small but that's ok. Has the same problem we just noticed. Seems to dive to the right and not slow down when makin the ritght turn into a parking space. Seems the ABS does acuate. Sounds like GM is hiding behind Obama.
  • bobbobbiebobbobbie Member Posts: 1
    My wifes 06 CTS has the same brake problem off and on, Currently the car has only 38k miles. Took it in for the brake recall but the problem still exists. The dealership is doing a ABS system inspection currently. They claim they will be able to tell us exactly what the problem is. The car had 2 trouble codes on it when we took it in, dealership says to replace the parts that were causing the trouble code will cost close to 3k to fix. Ill keep everyone posted we should have an answer from the dealership about what it the problem and how much it will cost.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello Bobbobbie,
    Please keep me posted on how the fix goes. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • cvadamcvadam Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2007 CTS with a little over 100,000 miles. It was just a few weeks ago that I first experience the same episode as is described by the prior posts, i.e. while turning into a parking space, the brakes kick back as they would in ABS mode, and car doesn't stop until it hits something. Fortunately, so far, it has only hit the curb. My wife just experienced the problem last friday. I took the car to my regular (out or warranty) repair shop. They could not determine the problem, and suggested I take it to the dealer. I dread this, because I feel certain they will do a lot high priced work, and I will still have the problem, especially after reading the problems others are having with dealerships. I am open to any suggestions. Any chance GM will issue a recall? The problem does seem to be pervasive now that so many are reporting it.
  • pjlindcpjlindc Member Posts: 3
    I've reported this problem twice to my local dealership (Massey in Chantilly, VA) and they cant find a problem. Quite annoying and does not give me confidence that they are on the ball. I will call them again and print out this forum for "diagnostic purposes." My most recent trip was to perform the brake hose recall and I told them exactly what was happening (e.g., brakes rumbled and failed when cornering sharply - at low speeds - but I haven't tried cornering at HIGH SPEED because well, that's a good way to die). Yesterday, I almost coasted into traffic when pulling out of a parking lot and twice I have slid into a parking barrier. I've compensated by driving VERY slow into parking spaces and trying to come in with as little of a turn angle as possible. I'm amazed that GM is not taking this more seriously given how long this has been going on and the recent Toyota fiasco. All it will take is one reporter getting a hold of this and big time problem for GM.
  • pmeluginpmelugin Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2010
    I have a 2004 CTS with about 80k miles and the extended warranty has run out. The car has the same braking issue, but I’ve also notice the braking issue while backing up while turning. It is sporadic, but I’m not interested in smashing into someone, even if it is at relatively low speeds. I’m going to contact the dealership, but from reading the posts, I don’t think I’ll be very successful.
  • jjswetnamjjswetnam Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2010
    This is absoulutely ridiculous! I have an '04 and have the exact same problem. A couple weeks ago I was about to turn at an intersection and saw a pedestrian -- my car would not stop and I actually bumped into them! They screamed and smacked my car but were luckily able to get out of the way. What if it were a child?! Or a mom with a stroller?! Or some disabled person!?

    This is BS. I have contacted some friends here in LA that are lawyers, publicists and broadcasters and they really want to make a stink about this considering what Toyota is doing with their recalls today.

    We may do a story in the local news and really put a fire under their asses. Fix your cars GM or the whole world will know. I'm not gonna do nothing and wait for some kid to get killed at a crosswalk.

    You guys really need to get on the ball.
  • coastsidefogcoastsidefog Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2010
    Hi all,

    I'm sorry to hear that more people are having these same problems.

    Eventually, we were able to find an intelligent mechanic who at this point seems to have repaired the problem (you might recall the dealership previously replaced the ECBM several times to no effect; this gentleman repaired the wiring which was either never installed correctly or made with materials that are degrading very fast, and we have not had the same issue). We attempted to bring this information to GM, as we are not the only people with this issue, but GM was uninterested in making sure that this potentially fatal flaw was reported or a repair/recall process be initiated.

    My family was absolutely disheartened by GM's lack of response or attention to what is obviously (as all of you know) a serious matter, and while the company seemed content in its nonresponse we felt it needed to be addressed, as the potential for serious consequences with a non-stopping car is obvious.

    So... we reported them to the NHTSB, as well as to our congressman and senator. We have been in contact with our senator and she is actively ensuring this matter is being seen by the NHTSB. So there is an open inquiry at this time. Please, if you are having this issue, report the same and note that there are other complaints currently being investigated. THE NHTSB needs a critical number of complaints, and we have found our elected officials to be very engaged. Additionally, we have been in contact with an attorney who has begun the discovery process about this issue.

    You can report your experience directly to the NHTSB here:
    NHTSB Reporting Website

    You can find contact information for your elected officials (who often have web forms to contact them) here:
    List of Congressional Representatives
    Senate Contacts

    Good luck, all. Maybe if enough of us let enough people know what is happening, this issue will be addressed before a car that won't stop takes someone's life.
  • jjswetnamjjswetnam Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for that link. I just filed my formal complaint. I hope the word gets out and more people go the site and file. I need my piece of mind back. Every time I drive the car I'm nervous. Every stop sign and intersection. I just want a car that stops when I press the brakes. Is that too much to ask?

    -- I called GM customer service and filed a case. I am taking to the dealer tomorrow to fork over the $120 diagnostics fee. They claim to have never heard of this issue.
  • jjswetnamjjswetnam Member Posts: 5
    So I just got a call from the dealer and he's saying the same thing as other posters. That the right wheel HUB speed sensor is bad. It's like $800 to fix, but he said it was just "something that happens". First, I'm afraid to spend the money and then it not be fixed like a bunch of other people have said. Also, I think that this is a defective (bad material) issue and GM should be taking care of this, right? This many people are having the same dangerous problem. I'm not sure what to do now. Any thoughts?
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