Lexus RX Accessories

tonychrystonychrys Member Posts: 1,310
edited October 2014 in Lexus
I asked that this folder be created because I know from personal experience how hard it can be to find "stuff" for your new RX.

As soon as I get a chance, I'll try to post all the sources I have found. I hope others will do the same.

Talk to you soon,


  • tonychrystonychrys Member Posts: 1,310
    This is a device I plan on installing on my vehicle for lot of obvious reasons. I've done some research and picked three units which should be compatible with the RX300 or have vehicle specific installations.

    The first is the Poron systems. It's advantage is that it can be mounted in several locations and they feature a voice system for the really high-tech touch.

    The second is the Sense Technologies systems. They offer several different mounting options, including an easy license frame kit.

    The third is from Rostra. What's cool is that they have RX300 specific instructions for hiding the sensing module inside the vehicles rear bumper.

    I'd love to hear if anyone installs one of these on their RX.

    Hope this helps,


  • tariktarik Member Posts: 344

    Great detective work regarding those items.

    The Rostra is particularly intruguing to me because of its stealth appearance. Have you read or heard anything about its performance "through the bumper"? No real world experience and no price (at least not that I saw) make me wait, but it's still an interesting addition to be considered.

  • tonychrystonychrys Member Posts: 1,310
    Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad somebody found this information useful. I'm going to be posting more "stuff" as long as there is an interest.

    Regarding the Rostra, yup, I have some testimony. (you should realize I'm thorough)

  • ltgheeltghee Member Posts: 3
    Need to find a place which can provide replacement/duplicate car keys at a reasonable price in Washington DC area. Can anyone help?!

  • tonychrystonychrys Member Posts: 1,310
    Since there is a an electronic chip in the key in order for the vehicle to start, the only place you can get a replacement is a Lexus dealer. A regular key replacement will only unlock the doors and glovebox.
  • malhokcmalhokc Member Posts: 83
    If you are looking just for a regular key (not the master with buttons), Ebay recently had a few ads selling keys for Lexus which they cut. You can save a lot of money.
  • tonychrystonychrys Member Posts: 1,310
    I've installed a set of floorliners for my new RX. They are from Huskyliner and they are NOT all weather mats like the generic size ones from WeatherTech. These are custom cut for your vehicle. I just installed them and fit is very precise.

    The front consists of two liners, one for the passenger and one for the driver. The things cover the entire area, the drivers side is even cut and molded to go over the dead-pedal.

    The rear is one piece that covers the entire 2nd row. This is fantastic for my 3-year old who scoots in and out with dirty sneakers on.

    I am very pleased with the fit.

    They come in grey, black and tan. The tan I got does nicely with the ivory leather. I'm now thinking of getting the cargo liner for the back.

    Here's an idea of what the liners would look like (not my car):

    I got my set from Roadworks Car & Truck, free shipping when you buy any combination:

    If you live in any area that gets inclement weather, I HIGHLY recommend these. I'll simply store the factory mats until Spring.

    Hope this helps,


  • pschiffepschiffe Member Posts: 373
    The RX300 theft deterrent system utilizes a high security "sidewinder/laser" key which has a tiny electronic transponder chip sealed in the head. When the key is inserted, the ignition emits an electromagnetic field which causes the chip in the key to send a coded signal back to the lock. The engine will start only if the signal from the key is recognized by the Engine Control Module (ECM). This is a very intricate system requiring special dealer test equipment together with a high level of technical knowledge and skill to troubleshoot malfunctions. New vehicles are supplied with two master keys, one valay key and one wallet key. Only the master and valay keys have the transponder chip to allow you to start and run the engine. The ECM has the capacity to recognize up to ten keys, 7 masters and 3 valays. Either of the two original registered masterkeys is needed to initialize (program) additional keys. If no registered transponder key is available to start the car, it must be towed to a Lexus dealer and the ECM replaced. The MSRP for this unit is about $2,500.00 and with labor the installed cost is around $3K! Neither the dealer or a locksmith can re-program the ECM if all keys are lost. The masterkey also includes battery-powered rolling code keyless entry to lock/unlock doors, sound panic alarm and open windows and moonroof. These functions must also be programmed into new keys. To change the battery, remove the tiny screw on the key bow using a #00 jewelers' Phillips screwdriver to access and remove the module. The replacement is a 3 v. lithium coin battery: Duracell DL1616, Eveready ECR1616, Panasonic CR1616 or equivalent. Your dealer can order additional keys at the list price of around $160.00 each, programming is an additional labor charge and requires the use of one of the original masterkeys together with access to the vehicle; total estimated cost is about $200.00 per key. Contrary to popular belief, there are aftermarket duplicate keys available at a much more competitive price. These have the imbeded transponder chip and operate all locks and start and run the vehicle. Like the valay, these keys will NOT have the remote keyless entry and panic buttons, but since the door can be easily unlocked with the key and locked without it; this may be an acceptable compromise. To purchase these, find a local locksmith who has the special machinery to duplicate high security "sidewinder" keys. The aftermarket transponder key blank is Ilco #TOY48BT4 which if they don't have it in stock, the locksmith can order from their wholesale supplier. Once the locksmith has the proper blank they can cut a duplicate by profiling from the original on the special machine. The new duplicate is then easily programmed using the RX's on-board computer (ECM) and one of the original masterkeys. I guesstimate the street price at around $50-$60. Fortunately, I didn't learn all this the hard way and I emplore every owner to stash one the original masterkeys in a secure location outside the vehicle should the other keys become lost. If you are interested in the simple on-board duplicate key programming procudure, email me and I will provide the information.

  • psb55psb55 Member Posts: 4
    I was looking for an aftermarket CD-changer for my RX300, 2001 model. The dealer is charging $1,200 (ouch !!!) Any ideas where I can get the adapters to install an after market changer?
  • tonychrystonychrys Member Posts: 1,310
    I think I can save you several hundred dollars and it'll be a genuine Lexus changer (Pioneer OEM):

    Good kuck.

  • abtrustabtrust Member Posts: 1
    I recently purchased a wooden Steering wheel without an air bag for my 2000 RX 300. The steering wheel fits fine, but my old air bag does not fit correctly. There is too much space around the air bag. It appears the wooden steering wheels for the 2001 model are a slightly different then the 2000 model.

    I saw an ad for a wooden wheel for the GS models. It implied the wheel for the GS and the RX are the same. Is this true? Can I replace a late model GS air bag for my 2000 RX air bag.

    Your suggestions would be welcome.

  • psb55psb55 Member Posts: 4
    Has anyone successfully installed an after-market CD chnager (FM modulated or direct) on a 2001 RX300?
  • devlopperdevlopper Member Posts: 44
    Anyone have a suggestion for a good aftermarket cargo net for RX 300?
  • tonychrystonychrys Member Posts: 1,310
    Get the real thing (OEM), cheap. Plus it comes with the "extra" hardware you need to mount a cargo net in a Rex.

    Got mine here:

  • devlopperdevlopper Member Posts: 44
    Spent over $250.00 today on the "Rex" because of your advice above. Despite the rattles, that I hope will be taken care of, you can tell this is a keeper for me.
  • tonychrystonychrys Member Posts: 1,310
    ...if you're gonna get the cargo net at IronToad, you might as well get an extra CD Magazine! That's what I did, it's great because now the wife can have "her music" and I can have "my music". Whenever one of us uses the Rex, we simply pop in our own magazine (which I have of course meticulously labled).

    Enjoy the new toys.
  • devlopperdevlopper Member Posts: 44
    Another Great piece of advise.
  • jiffinjiffin Member Posts: 9
    You may want to check with your local Pioneer auto sound dealer for CD magazines for the RX300. I did this for my 2001 RX300. The Lexus dealer wanted $45 for a magazine but the Pioneer 6 CD magazine model # JD-T612 is identical and cost me $20 at my Pioneer dealer.
  • jiffinjiffin Member Posts: 9
    I ordered the Lexus all weather mats at The fronts were $36 while the rear mats were $28. My 2001 RX300 has the ivory interior and my mats are oak color which matches the lower part of the console and accents with the rest of the cockpit. Very nice mats.
  • koditekekoditeke Member Posts: 1

  • devlopperdevlopper Member Posts: 44
    Anyone know if:

    1) The wind deflector that pops up when the sunroof is opened can be adjusted. Seems as though I can quite down a majority of the wind noise by holding it down about 1/2 inch.

    2) If the plastic add-on deflectors work?

  • m3cabfanm3cabfan Member Posts: 1

    Anyone know of an aftermarket trailer hitch system for the 2000 RX300 (wife's car). I wanted to buy a trailer hitch based bike rack - any recommendations would be appreciated. Dealer wants about $600 Cdn for a hitch system before factoring in the cost for a bike rack...Ouch.


  • pespinosapespinosa Member Posts: 1
    I recently picked up an on-sale CD changer with RF modulator with the idea of installing it myself with the help of one of my sons who has done installs before. But it got me wondering if there might be a 3d-party direct adapter for my factory radio head out there somewhere. Has anyone looked into this or had any experience with non-Lexus audio equipment?

  • avery1avery1 Member Posts: 373
    I just purchased and installed the Hidden Hitch for the Highlander. Very easy, particularly if you have someone to help you hold it up while putting the bolts in. Look back and search. All details posted previously.
  • anitarx300anitarx300 Member Posts: 1
    Does anyone know where I can purchase a rear bumper guard for my RX300? The paint finish
    on the bumper scratches so easily.........

    Also, how about some touch up paint? It seems like the harder I try to not park where I can get my doors dingged the more I get hit!!!!!! Sometimes I feel like I am in that commercial where the shopping cart is after your car!!!!! My RX300 is pearl white/green.

    Thanks for your help.
  • tonychrystonychrys Member Posts: 1,310
    Touch up paint: I walk into the service counter of my local Lexus dealers and they always give me the paint for free. Just have to give them a VIN# so they match it right.

    Bumper guard: Are you talking about the the top guard that goes on the rear bumper to prevent scratches when loading stuff? The 2001's come with this and it can be ordered for previous year models from your dealer or

    If you are talking about a bumper guard that mounts to prevent rear end scratches, then this is what you want:

  • 56goldtop56goldtop Member Posts: 1
    I had a Ziebart hitch installed for $159. (Lexus wanted $500 or $600). Works great. Loved the price.
  • 1452314523 Member Posts: 5
    We recently purchased a 2001 RX300 online and drove down to Palm Beach,FL to pick it up. I have put 2000 miles on the car. Does anyone know if it is a good investment to purchase the extended warrenty from the Credit Union. They are offering 7 yr/100,000 for $1052.
  • wwliuwwliu Member Posts: 1
    Do Lexus all weather mats have the exact dimension as the regular mats (front and back)? Thanks.
  • dimmodimmo Member Posts: 2
    touchup paint-try experience w/ dealers touch up-first they gave me correct color name but wrong model yr-obviously didn't match; next step-even with correct touchup-still didn't match; also very hard to fill small nicks and scratches with the brush. The above vendor provides great instructions for metallics and tri-coats which is what you have. They give you syringes which you fill per instructions and apply paint w/ syringe-no brush marks or uneven applications. Take your time, read the instructions, rehearse on the side of a coffee can just before you apply it to the Lexus-or any car. I actually had fun doing it..prep and reading and rehearsal took most of the time; applying to my Rx300 took 2 minutes..followed approx 1 hr later by the clearcoat using a 2nd syringe also provided
  • grogman1grogman1 Member Posts: 76
    Anyone recommend a source for a bra for the RX300 ? Caught a glimpse of one on a Rx on the way home from work. Seemed to cover the front end well. Thanks.
  • commack4commack4 Member Posts: 1
    I got mine through which is the online arm of a Lexus dealer in PA. They are prompt..courteous..and charge from 25-30% below list.

    2001 RX300 Burnished Gold
    2002 RX300 Black Onyx
  • sam3sam3 Member Posts: 2
    We want to add the navigational system to our RX300. The dealer said we must buy a new car. Has anyone added a nav system?
  • rhewinsrhewins Member Posts: 5
    Has anyone heard if Lexus will be making the Mark Levinson stereo available in the 2003 RX300?
  • naodsnaods Member Posts: 2
  • gteach26gteach26 Member Posts: 576
    I find the small fold-down armrests on the front seats of my wife's rx300 too small and unsupportive. I find my elbow is constantly slipping off the thing... especially when getting into and out of the car. Is there any way to add a center console that comes up higher in the center between the seats? I've searched over and over for a solution with no luck. I'm hoping some industrious RX owner who has the same problem has come up with a solution! Thanks!
  • rmd122rmd122 Member Posts: 21
    I need a hitch for my 00 RX300. Hitch place says I will need wiring harness from Lexus in order for them to install hitch. The hitch, harness, oil cooler, brake etc. will run about $750. Any ideas or experience towing with this vehicle?
  • pschiffepschiffe Member Posts: 373
    I purchased a "Hidden Hitch" #90647 on the internet for $113.92 delivered, very easy to install. Then used a Hoppy #46255 power taillight converter trailer wiring kit for $34.99. My 99RX didn't have a plug for a wiring harness and the kit uses 3M Scotchlok self-stripping connectors to tap into the taillight wiring. That hitch is Class II with 3,500 lb. GTW which equals the Lexus' maximum tow rating. I can't imagine needing an oil cooler or brakes with such a low towing capacity. You're pretty much limited to a utility trailer, personal watercraft, tent camper of something of that size. I believe the Toyota Highlander hitch fits the RX, and these are Class II; but that doesn't change the vehicle's tow capacity. Hope this is helpful.

  • rmd122rmd122 Member Posts: 21
    Thanks for your advice. It became obvious that not many hitch shops are familiar with the RX300. The Lexus dealer gave the "I'm not sure" routine. A hitch place we've used before said something similar. I found a small private shop where the owner didn't have much experience with the RX 300 but spoke without a whole lot of "I don't know" and spoke intelligently about the whole deal. It cost me $463 with brake, plug, but no cooler. He emphasized how difficult the brake wiring job was.
  • naodsnaods Member Posts: 2
    I have had great service from LEXUSPARTSMALL.COM.I bought a spoiler from them, which I installed myself (221.00 painted) and the rear bumper protector for 68,.00. They will also do research for you on where you can get parts it they don't have them. Fast service also.
  • rwb944prwb944p Member Posts: 1
    Has anyone found a stone & bug deflector? Weathertech has a unit that is held on with adhesive. I'm not comfortable with that approach. Any thoughts regarding a bolt on unit which may or maynot use existing bolts? Any info would be appreciated Thanks Bob.
  • danny29danny29 Member Posts: 4
    Can anyone recommend a good alarm system for the 2002 RX300? I'm not sure how good the standard Lexus alarm is that comes in the RX300. I've always used the Viper alarm system for my other cars.
  • pschiffepschiffe Member Posts: 373
    The standard "Theft Deterrent System" is more that adequate in my opinion. When an attempt is made to forcibly enter the vehicle or open the hood or back door without a key, or when the battery terminals are removed and reconnected, this system sounds the horn and flashes the headlights, taillights and turn signal lights for about 1 minute to alert the owner. You also have the standard "Immoblilzer". This is a computerized security device whose aim is to prevent the theft of the vehicle. With this device, the engine can be started only with a previously registered ignition key.

  • outrunoutrun Member Posts: 539
    We got the Lexus hitch right from the dealership for about $200 installed. This also includes a 4/50 warranty on the hitch and installation.

    If you want to save a few dollars on your $40k vehicle, go ahead. But the best choice is obvious.

  • avery1avery1 Member Posts: 373
    You have a good dealer. I tried for years to get a factory hitch at a good price. I told them I would wait for one a customer didn't want. The best deal they would ever make was $450. The Hidden Hitch has been great. It went on in 15 minutes, looks better than the factory hitch and I believe was less than $150.
  • pschiffepschiffe Member Posts: 373
    Mine was $119.92 delivered from the Internet, drop-shipped within two working days. Very easy to install, took less than 1/2 hour working alone. All you need are 14mm and 16mm wrenches. Comes with a slick black textured plastic cover which conceals the receiver and safety chain loops, which are all that is visible below the bumper. Also comes with removable drawbar for 3/4" shank ball, hitch pin and clip, hardware and instructions.

  • jeanne13jeanne13 Member Posts: 2

    Can someone give me some advice on getting basic hand controls installed on an RX300. Do they have to cut the panels out? What do I need to pay attention to?
  • pschiffepschiffe Member Posts: 373
    Try here:
    Lexus Mobility

  • rmd122rmd122 Member Posts: 21
    I am in need of slide on/clip on trailering mirrors for my RX 300. The ones I bought don't give the proper angle no matter how much I manipulate them.
  • theciathecia Member Posts: 5
    I had to use my spare recently and at first I thought the spare wheel was really ugly--all black steel except for the chrome lug nuts. I used it for a few days and came to believe that it was better looking than the silver wheels that come on the RX. They have alway looked wimpy to me. Of course the spare isn't very stylish. Has anyone ever tried painting the OEM wheels gloss black? It's a lot cheaper than buying a new set of wheels, but would the paint stick? And how do you think it would look? My RX is black with gold accents.
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