Went to the dollor store the other day came out started the 2004 mercury sable it started but died then it would not do anything thing not even turn over waited 30sec it stated up.
The reason that I joined today is to let you guys know how to fix this very frustrating vehicle computer reset problem. I fought the random crazy dash lights and stalling issue for over a year on a 2003 Taurus SES. IT IS A BAD DIODE IN YOUR ALTERNATOR Trust me on this. Replace the alternator. I did not want to post until I knew 100% this was it and after 12 months with no problems I can safely say that it is 100% fixed. I hope this helps I know that some people will still be skeptical as they have fought the problem for so long but if you replace the alternator and the problem continues then you have replaced with a alternator that also has a bad diode. The Guy at the local Autozone store found it with the store tester. I had been having it tested at Advance Auto parts and their machine did not show the bad diode. I wish I had written down the tester model for you sorry. I would go to several different stores and have them test for a bad diode in your alternator!! I searched for many hours on sites like this and NEVER found the definitive answer so here you go REPLACE THE ALTERNATOR and then have it tested to make darn sure you got a good alternator. Good Luck
The reason that I joined today is to let you guys know how to fix this very frustrating vehicle computer reset problem. I fought the random crazy dash lights and stalling issue for over a year on a 2003 Taurus SES. IT IS A BAD DIODE IN YOUR ALTERNATOR Trust me on this. Replace the alternator. I did not want to post until I knew 100% this was it and after 12 months with no problems I can safely say that it is 100% fixed. I hope this helps I know that some people will still be skeptical as they have fought the problem for so long but if you replace the alternator and the problem continues then you have replaced with a alternator that also has a bad diode. The Guy at the local Autozone store found it with the store tester. I had been having it tested at Advance Auto parts and their machine did not show the bad diode. I wish I had written down the tester model for you sorry. I would go to several different stores and have them test for a bad diode in your alternator!! I searched for many hours on sites like this and NEVER found the definitive answer so here you go REPLACE THE ALTERNATOR and then have it tested to make darn sure you got a good alternator. Good Luck
I have a 1997 Sable that stalls out when you put it in gear. It doesn't happen all the time but most of the time. Then it won't start back up for a awhile. The check engine light was on and flashing and I had it checked which said it was the coil. I bought a new coil pack and even got a new battery since it was old. It still does this. The check engine light came back on after I drove it and then it just stalled out again.
I have a 2001 sable that after about ten miles,only on hot days {over 100 deg} stalls and dies like its out of gas.if I let sit about an hour it starts and runs.....ive had it on mechanic friends laptop he says there are no trouble codes coming up...on cooler days I cant get it to manifest this problem....is the fuel pump relay a thermalcoupler also....or does this model have known vaporlock issues.fuel rail seems to have pressure when problem happens....hopin its a relay replacement and not pump itself
I found out that the ignition coil connector was bad. I replaced it for 12 bucks and it runs like a top. If your having issues with it starting, stalling or hesitation I would check this connector. Once running wiggle, pull and move the connector and move the wires around that are going to the connector.