Seat got wet & Will the wrinkles on leather go away on its own?Please look at the picture.
It got wet 1 day ago when my car window was down for like an inch and it was raining for a long time. When I get in and I saw this. What can I do to minimize the damage and I already applied Lexol.
Best Answer
Mr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
There are lots of good leather conditioners out there. If Lexol doesn't give you the desired results, try a thicker "cream" type condition, like "Hide Food" or something offered by Meguiar's.
Those wrinkles look normal to me. I wouldn't worry about this.
You might want to use a leather conditioner such as Lexol to soften things up.
Yes i am worried cos this car is only 6 months old and the other side is perfectly fine. I will applied Lexol. Thanks. Do you think the wrinkles will fade away?