Toyota Prius Traction Batteries
I'm gonna buy a Prius soon....I hear batteries can last from 100.000 miles to 200.000 miles is that true and what is the cost to replace them?
Best Answer
Mr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
There's really nothing to suggest that the batteries will fail at 200,000. Generally speaking, Toyota feels that the batteries should last the life of the car---which for most cars is around 225,000. But they may last longer! These battery packs are among the least-replaced items on a Prius.
Replacement costs have come down, but they are still pricey---something like $2500 plus labor.
Used ones are sometimes offered on eBay (from wrecked vehicles).
If you are in a state that conforms to California emissions standards, you should have a warranty to 150,000 miles. (or 100K in states without those laws).