2000 Ford Explorer Limited Edition AWD shocks, I think I need new shocks

jbouffiouxjbouffioux Member Posts: 2
edited June 2014 in Ford

2000 Ford Explorer ltd awd shocks. I already typed all this out ha ha . I'm obviously a newbie. Anyway want to replace the shocks and looking for a smoot ride on pavement as most of my driving is that way. But occasionally I like to go on rough logging roads. Can anyone suggest to me a kind of all around shock? Please help this old newbie lol. Thanks


  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    edited June 2014

    Hi @jbouffioux, welcome to the forum.

    Ford engineers expended a lot of effort to design a shock to fit your Explorer's parameters. So I'd look hard at OEM replacements instead of some brand that may make a few shocks to fit a bunch of different SUVs.

    This is an old post but one I always go back to.

  • jbouffiouxjbouffioux Member Posts: 2

    Thank so much your reply makes much sense. I see you used a twitter type address, I guess must learn that now too. Ah this new age of technology keeps you busy and your brai active.Thanks again for your comments

  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    edited June 2014

    @jbouffioux, you're right, using the @ sign is like Twitter. When you use it here, the person you are "talking to" gets a notification that someone mentioned their name.

    I'm @SteveForumsHost on Twitter but I spend so much time here I rarely post on Twitter. Usually just re-runs of stuff, lol. But yeah, it's almost as stimulating for the brain as reading a 500+ page owner's manual (which doesn't include the manual on how to use the navigation system). :)

  • traci123traci123 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2000 Ford explorer limited put tires on back & they are taller than front. While driving it home It was making a dragging sound like awd is kicking in low. Need to know if I can unhook 4 wheel drive or do I need to change tires. At a loss. 
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