2014 Audi S4 lease rate
Hey everyone. I'm lining up a deal and wanted some input please. I'm looking at new 2014 manual premium plus for lease.
Trim; Brilliant Black
Sports Diff
All leather
Drive assist
B/O sound
Supercharged badges
Black optic
All weather matts
Atlas inlays
Terms are 42 month
7500 miles
$6500 Down
$550 month
I'm looking at buying the car or selling it at end lease. Not worried about miles. Trying to figure if I should pull the trigger or order a new one with with just manual and sports diff to lower the payment even more. The nav and mmi are pretty crappy in my opinion. Comments/concerns?.
Car was priced at $56415. $550 with fees included.
Sounds like too much down, too long, and not enough miles for that payment.
You should be able to get about 8% off msrp right now on a 14, plus any incentive you qualify for. I want to say 36 month, 10k a year is a 55% residual, MF is .00053
You could probably get a payment of around $600, with better terms and way less money out of pocket.
Sorry MF is .00051
8% seems like a lot off MSRP. There are only two black manual 2014's left in Cali with all leather. True car and edmunds show market value at $55,000+. The current selling price is $53313 with audicare. I'm waiting to hear from the dealer if this includes incentives. I'm hoping not otherwise I'm gonna try and get them lower and also try to lower my down payment. What do you think?