Have you recently bought a Tesla or are you currently shopping for one? A reporter would like to speak with you; please reach out to PR@Edmunds.com by 3/13 for more details.
I don't own a Ranger. I own a Silverado, which is more truck than a Yuppie owner can handle. I will out-tow, out-haul, out-offroad, do it more comfortably, AND yes, do it with the same or better fuel economy.
I am not at all envious of your playtoy trucks. Of course, if any of you really had a clue anyway, you would not have bought less truck for more money to begin with.
btw: nice so-called extended cab that my dog would be uncomfortable riding in, not to mention no third or 4th doors. But, I guess not everyone can pay a few thousand more for a real truck, which is why the Tacoma gets the business of those who can't buy more truck.
Yes indeed, over a year ago I too viewed the Tacoma as THE truck I wanted. I am also one of those guys who do their research before buying. I checked Consumer Reports (and since I have found them, in my opinion often times biased - ignored their opinions), talked to people and did Edmunds + other groups. Also, I have put over 200K miles on my Celica w/o one bit of trouble and figured out the Tacoma was a logical small truck of choice. A friend of mine is a mechanic at a Toyota dealer - that only confirmed my intentions to buy. I ended up purchasing a new '98 ext.cab SR5 Tacoma 2WD - as "loaded" as they come. Well, it's a 1 1/2 year later and I am getting ready to sell it and buy another truck. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I think that the truck is a piece of junk - it's just not much of a TRUCK. What the Cons. Reports tests showed was unfortunately true. Handling on the vehicle has been one of it's biggest flaws - from cornering to acceleration to it's "road manners". The bed is just like C.R. described it - flimsy. The truck's behavior becomes even more pathetic when loaded with anything heavier than a bag of dog food. I have developed a piston "slap" after about 5k miles, and my muffler has been anything but quiet (the dealer assured me that many people complain about that but that's the way it is designed). The tires (one actually blew out the sidewall) and brake pads had to be replaced after 30K miles. I was else rear-ended and unfortunately once again the Cons.Reports had been right; the rear bumper folded and the bed crumpled like tin can. It also rammed the back of the cab. I am not here to slam the Toyota - I remain a huge fan of their passenger products - but as far as trucks go I am very disappointed. I was hoping to take this one to a 1/4 million but simply can not see myself suffering driving this thing any longer. I have owned a couple of Ford trucks and in purchasing the Toyota was hoping to get a better quality product. Much to my surprise I find myself converting back to American - at least when it comes to owning a truck that does it's job. Sorry (trust me I am) Pete
Hmmmm. Well, the engine "may" last 300k. Better hope it does. You can't rebuild the engine no matter what miles are on it when it goes, and a new engine replacement will be more than the truck is worth. Average replacement engine cost is upwards of about $6k. A Chevy 350 will cost 1,500 from any local shop. A brand new (not remanufactured) engine from GM will only cost $2,500. Now, another thing you will want to note is that the extremely thin sheetmetal on that there, "high dollar use once then throw away truck", will most likely not last the life of the engine so most people will not want to drive the pos the life of the engine! LOL!
"Too bad, you didn't spend a few more dollars for a real lawn mower."
Yeah, maybe. 12 years and $20, I would say my cheap mower has done it's job. I bought what I intended to use it for. My little Craftsman mower didn't have a "Honda" or "Zipperhead Joe" price tag and it has lasted just as long and peformed its intended purpose.
Now had I bought the "import model", that $20 for a carb overhaul would have been $50, which still wouldn't be too awful bad if it didn't cost $300 more than my Craftsman to begin with.
As far as doing a lawnmower overhaul myself. Well, I am a Systems Engineer/Programmer, not a small engine mechanic. Why spend an hour of my time, at $60 per hour, when I can pay some smuck $20 to do the same thing? I spend my hour at work and give some kid 15 minutes worth of my earnings to do it for me. Any moron should be able to see logic in that, even a yuppie farm boy like yourself.
I think post 429 pretty well sums up what I have been saying. Where is all that built in Toyota reliability security blanket? Hmmmm. That must have been a fluke, huh? Toyota's are perfect and bulletproof.......or so all the Toyota owners want everyone to believe.
Hey Benzonate.....Do you play that pickin and grinnin stuff on yer Geetar?
Time to take my 230 lb Marine lardazz to bed. Gotta sleep off all them there donuts I just ate. If I don't get plenty of sleep, 5:00 when I hit the gym, I am just plain worn out.
Hey Benzonate, maybe you can bring your lardazz over and go to the gym too. You will have to leave your significant other at home though. The gym doesn't allow sheep.
Maybe it's time for those happy with there Silverado purchases to find a Silverado Board
Also i'm not surprised that a full size V8 can out perform a compact V6 in some situations.
One should keep in mind that if a full size truck it really not needed (ie you don't need to tow over 5k) that one should consider a compact based on fuel economy and for the 4wheelers everybody knows that a compact fits into tight spaces better.
I guess it's all what you need a truck for.
Again does anybody have any questions about the TOYOTA TACOMA on this TOYOTA TACOMA BOARD!
You are sure an effective communicator-- I know that your Redneck/Gomer Pyle/[non-permissible content removed] style is certain to win friends and influence people. Your life must really suck if you spend so much time trying to convince others that they would be happier if they followed your lead.
Now if I wanted a Full Sized Truck I would have bought a Full Sized Truck. I am not too suprised that a V8 can out perform a V6 if it couldn't we'd have some serious issues. Yeah, you're right there is no third or fourth or fifth door for that matter...........IT'S A FLIPPIN' COMPACT TRUCK!!!! When I need to tow my toys around I use my F-250.....I obviously have nothing against American trucks (I own one). Plus I paid the same amount for my Girlfriend's Tacoma that most people pay for a Ranger (actually $1000 more, I rounded).
Your Silverado can out tow and out haul a Tacoma, NO KIDDING!!! A Ferrari blew away my sedan yesterday too, can you believe I still like my sedan.
This is a SMALL COMPACT BOARD. Not many people on this board care if there trucks can haul a load of horse manure. We like to have fun with our trucks and take them 4-wheelin on the weekends and still get some good gas mileage when we have to go to work during the week, something american COMPACT TRUCK companies forgot how to do - oh my bad did they ever know how to build one?
You often intervine when things get ridiculous. Is this one of those times?
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Are you happy with Tacoma? (Topic #425) 442 responses, 3 new, Last post on Wed 08 Dec '99 at 12:59 PM
#439 of 441: Compact Truck Means Compact Truck (river7) Wed 08 Dec '99 (10:46 AM)
Now if I wanted a Full Sized Truck I would have bought a Full Sized Truck. I am not too suprised that a V8 can out perform a V6 if it couldn't we'd have some serious issues. Yeah, you're right there is no third or fourth or fifth door for that matter...........IT'S A FLIPPIN' COMPACT TRUCK!!!! When I need to tow my toys around I use my F-250.....I obviously have nothing against American trucks (I own one). Plus I paid the same amount for my Girlfriend's Tacoma that most people pay for a Ranger (actually $1000 more, I rounded).
Your Silverado can out tow and out haul a Tacoma, NO KIDDING!!! A Ferrari blew away my sedan yesterday too, can you believe I still like my sedan.
#440 of 441: modvptnl (unixgod) Wed 08 Dec '99 (12:11 PM)
Nah, you must have been having one of your daydream fantasies about your sexual preferences.
You two sure are fixated on Gomer Pyle. Hmmm. That thing was queer as a three dollar bill. Guess that tells the whole story about you two also."
Not only did I save myself over 10 grand from a full sized Silverado, (I never woulda bought a chevy anyway --- they stink!!) But it looks as though I won't have to buy all those parts to get mine fixed either. Here's a little excerpt from the Silverado chat room listing some of "their" problems. Problems we Taco owners don't seem to have. Hhhhmmmmmm! Does that mean my Taco has less overall problems than a Silverado??? I think I just might say yes to that answer. Anyway, here's a few reasons why I'm glad I didn't even CONSIDER buying a Silverado: "Still Vibrating (sabot1) Mon 06 Dec '99 (07:12 PM) Howdy All, I've been tracking the problems you have all been listing for about 7 months. You all have been reporting the same problems over and over again. There are five basic problems since the Silverado/Sierra line started and some new developments in the last few months. These problems have been reported by both Chevy and GMC owners. 1) Launch stutter- loud bang and/or lurching, then bed chatter felt when starting at a light or stop that goes away after a short distance. Reportedly caused by excessive torque lifting the right rear wheel off the road then dropping it back down. The change in drive line angle causes the u-joint to bind and unbind until the inertia of the vehicle allows the suspension to return to normal position. FIXES to date- replace rear springs,rebend rear springs, stiffen rear springs, add another leaf to rear springs. Seems to work most of the time but not in all cases.
2) Low speed shimmy in front end- Caused by a number of things- Bad tires, wrong hubs B8 instead of the required B9, possibly the pressure sensitive steering mechanism. Fixes to date- rotate tires, realign tires, rebalance tires, replace tires,replace hubs-races-bearings, adjust steering preload (not an official fix but does work according to scraw in OK). Replacing the tires works for about 200 miles. All other fixes except adjusting the preload and replacing the hubs DO NOT WORK but will be tried before you ever see a new part (part of the procedure).
3) Low speed vibration (30-45 mph)- caused by a bad program for auto trans owners. GM will flash your chip to update shift points. This appears to solve the problem in MOST but not all cases.
4) High Speed vibration (60-70 mph)- This problem seems limited to any 2wd design Silverado/Sierra that has a 3.42 diff. Every engine trans combo and every body design reg, ext cab SB & LB have this problem. 4wd models with 3.42 do not report this as a fleet problem. cause unknown, it is suspected to be a drive line problem dealing with balance of the drive shaft and the angles of the u-joints. The problem is a by product of harmonic resonance in the drive line that reaches destructive amplitude at highway speed (fancy way of saying you can feel and see it at 60-70 mph). This problem manifests itself as a visible bed vibration, then a bed and cab vibration (usually being reported as a vibrating seat), then a bed, cab, and violent shake that makes the truck unsafe to drive. NO solution to this problem has been found and has not been officially recognized by GM as a "problem". Fixes attempted involve anything and everything you can do to a tire and wheel (DOES NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM). Replacing the bushings between body and frame, adding more springs to the rear end. Balancing the drive shafts, shimming the diff (as long as it remains a 3.42) DO NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Changing the diff to 3.08 or 4.11 DOES solve the problem as does replacing the trans (it appears)
I can't tell from this BB what percentage of new Silverado/Sierras are having this problem. Based on the lack of response you all seem to be getting from GM, I suspect the percentage to be low 5-10%. If that is the case, it is not in GM's best interest, financially, to solve your problems at this time. It would cost more in lost sales to stop the line, research the problem, and recall and repair all the trucks than to lose a few customers or buy back a few trucks. I get the impression that this is a much larger problem (30-35%). I'm staying away from the Silverado until GM shows interest in solving these problems. GM's appearnt lack of concern bothers me because I like the Silverado and would have bought one months ago if these problems had been addressed in a more timely manner.
#178 of 184: The other problems (sabot1) Mon 06 Dec '99 (07:20 PM) I only included the big 4 after I indicated 5. 5) Spring squeel- caused by the front and sometimes rear springs rubbing on the spring housing brace. Fix- bend, cut, twist, reshape, the brace to allow for 1/2 inch more room. 6) [New] steering wheel clunk- caused by another substandard part, fix GM will replace you steering column with a new one (expect a long wait, nationally backordered)"
All this came from "their" chat.
Well I'm glad I Didn't throw away 28 grand on one of these!!!!!! It would be in the shop most of its warranty. Did you guys read how there's no known fix to item 4? No wonder Unixgomer's such a grump huh? And this Sabot guy estimates that the problems are as widespread as at least 1 in 10??? I don't know about you, but Chevy's sure do scare me. I'm glad I paid 10 grand less for my Taco AND don't have an additional few thousand in future repairs to go through as well!!!!!!!!!
Ditto for me too(#445). I exercised the Lemon Law on a 99 Silverado LS(Lotsa shakin) after nine months of ownership. The silverado was in the shop for an est. 60 days of my ownership. The problem was high speed front end shaking GM knows about and has no fix. I concluded I didn't need that much truck after all and started my new truck search, and decided on a Toyota Tacoma Pre-Runner. The day I recieved my money back from GM, that night I was driving my new Pre-Runner. I was able to negotiate the price I knew it was worth(Edmunds info on getting a deal you WANT). So far the Taco has been a joy to drive. Toyota Customer Service after the purchase has been great.(never heard from GM) Everone who buy a new vehicle expects perfection, but the fact is not all will be. You just hope it not yours with any of the problems. I was a loyal chevy owner(2 cars) for ovr 20 years and this Silverado experience and GM no customer service from Detroit will forever leave me with nothing good to say about GM products. I continuely see more Pre-runners here in Northern Calif. than I do Silverado's/Sierra's. everyone has their preferences, and right now mine is Toyata
Ditto for me too(#445). I exercised the Lemon Law on a 99 Silverado LS(Lotsa shakin) after nine months of ownership. The silverado was in the shop for an est. 60 days of my ownership. The problem was high speed front end shaking GM knows about and has no fix. I concluded I didn't need that much truck after all and started my new truck search, and decided on a Toyota Tacoma Pre-Runner. The day I received my money back from GM, that night I was driving my new Pre-Runner. I was able to negotiate the price I knew it was worth(Edmunds info on getting a deal you WANT). So far the Taco has been a joy to drive. Toyota Customer Service after the purchase has been great.(never heard from GM) Everyone who buy a new vehicle expects perfection, but the fact is not all will be. You just hope it not yours with any of the problems. I was a loyal chevy owner(2 cars) for over 20 years and this Silverado experience and GM no customer service from Detroit will forever leave me with nothing good to say about GM products. I continuely see more Pre-runners here in Northern Calif. than I do Silverado's/Sierra's. Everyone has their preferences, and right now mine is Toyota.
#1. Domestics sell more than 10 times the amount trucks that imports sell (for a good reason). Therefore more people driving them, more reported problems. If the tables were turned, there would be far more complaints made by nipper truck owners.
#2. Domestic truck owners use their trucks for what a truck is used for. If all you use your truck for is to carry groceries like the yuppie import owners, a truck should have less complaints noted.
#3. I would say that cylinder heads that can't handle the compression of an engine and thus blowing coolant all over the side of the road at less than 20k miles like the beloved Tacoma, is a little more serious than a rattle or vibration (annoyances).
#4. You sight complaints on a new model year product. If you morons were to look, GM trucks have had fewer Recalls and TSB's than any other truck for the last 10 years. Yes, 10 years! I think they are allowed to have some issues to work out in a brand new model truck from the ground up.
#5. It is FACT that the Toy Mota Tindra has had more reported complaints that have turned to recall and tsb since just June 99 when it came out than the new model Silverado has all year long.
Lets mention the transmission vibrations that Toyota can't seem to fix? How about the steering vibration that Toyota can't fix? How about the same exact vibrations in the rear end and in the tires you speak of on the Silverado? How about the terrible gas mileage that it is getting, i.e. 13-14 mpg from MANY resources. My Silverado has NEVER, even pulling a 4,500 lb bass boat, gotten below 15 mpg. How about the long engine turnover time before starting? That should be real good on the internal components not getting oil until started.
At least GM is fixing the problems or replacing the truck. Toyota can't fix their problems and they are saying "kiss off", we got our money. Now wait for us to get off our candy [non-permissible content removed] to find a fix and live with it until we do. Yeah, thats customer service alright.
I won't be the retarded elephant man that ziggy buttmunch was, by putting all the crap in here that nobody read anyway. You want to see the posts first hand, just go to topic 1060. These are just a few of the noted problems. There are way more.
But, of course, since it is a Toy Mota, I guess everyone is suppose to blindly and very stupidly just ignore these problems, right? Because it has a cheapass Toyota emblem, all those problems are no big deal I guess.
You all are idiots if you think the domestic trucks are the only ones that have problems. What makes you even MORE stupid is that you all will run out and pay MORE MONEY for LESS TRUCK that has the same or MORE PROBLEMS just because it has the cheapass Toy Mota name on it!
Domestic trucks seem to have MORE problems, and your Chevy is one of 'em. I'm just so sorry that you're so unhappy about it. By the way, my truck costs 10 grand less than yours. And it doesn't have any problems. Silverados do. That just makes it look to me as if you bought a truck with a plagued reputation. Hope yours doesn't have some of the problems that the other Chevy owners are experiencing. My Taco probably won't have any problems because it has less flaws. Sorry about that, but it's true. Have a nice day, and hope your truck doesn't end up in the shop!!!!
Right on the money regarding how this topic has degenerated. Seems like there are some non Tacoma owners here. Do I really care about your truck? Nope. I did time today to contact Edmunds about this topic and those that choose havoc over civility.
Domestic trucks seem to have MORE problems, and your Chevy is one of 'em. I'm just so sorry that you're so unhappy about it. By the way, my truck costs 10 grand less than yours. And it doesn't have any problems. Silverados do. That just makes it look to me as if you bought a truck with a plagued reputation. Hope yours doesn't have some of the problems that the other Chevy owners are experiencing. My Taco probably won't have any problems because it has less flaws. Sorry about that, but it's true. Have a nice day, and hope your truck doesn't end up in the shop!!!!
Yeah, the Tacoma is a legend in YOUR OWN MIND! Cheap parts, less money left in the wallet. But hey, if that is what does it for ya, then Toy Mota's rule for sure.
Wow 26 posts in less than 24Hrs. I'll leave but will visit time to time to dispel any Ranger rumors or propaganda. For now. Have a good holiday season!
You said you were a Marine and then gave Dwebb a hard time for leaving the Air Force. If you are a programmer, you are not in the Marines anymore. Hello, kettle, this is Unix. You're black.
"I bought what I intended to use it for. My little <<TACOMA>> didn't have a <<SILVERADO>> or <<RANGER>> price tag and it [snip] peformed(sic) its intended purpose."
That's why I bought a Tacoma. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Now that your done rambling, you still have not answered my ? Do you have a Tacoma or do you not.
New ?
DO you watch television? If so what are you watching it on? An American television? You posted that you would not buy "Import Junk" I'm curious to know what TV is made here in the U.S. by a U.S. company. Which One?
Again Anybody with real Tacoma Questions for a Tacoma owner, bring it on...
Phillips Magnavox? American made and rated #1, especially for the flat screen technology. How about GE? Sony....get real. Panasonic....blah. JVC.....now thats funny!
No, I don't buy anything foreign made if I can get a quality product made in the US. With most all items, there is an American made option.
And no, I shouldn't have to tell you that I don't buy Toyota's. I won't say I have never bought one, but everyone is allowed a few misguided mistakes in their lifetime as long as they don't go out blindly and stupidly do it again.
Isn't that a Toyota stuck in the first pic? Or were we not supposed to notice that. If people start posting pics of puking Toyota head gaskets would that change your blind loyal opinion?
I have a question for you long time Taco owners out there. I bought a 2WD V6 Ext Cab Taco, and was trying to find out what it would cost to have it lifted, and what heights I can achieve. Basically I might possibly (4 or 5 years from now) want to lift my 2WD Taco to the size of a pre-runner (about 11 inch clearance instead of the 8 inch clearance I have now). Does any one know the price? Where can it be done (I can hotwire a rock (I build networks after all), but am definitely not mechanically inclined if ya know what I mean)??? Some good input would be welcome.
Unix: I wish you had a life dude. Now I know why they call Marines like you "Jarheads". I've met some who are more normal, and they're almost civilized. But you???????????
By the way, My Taco gets 20 MPG city, and 22 MPG highway and it's a V6. I don't know where you get your info from on Taco's getting bad mileage. Have a nice day. Hope your Chevy lasts till Christmas (heh,heh).
comment as a compliment. I am damn proud to be a Jarhead. Something you will never have what it takes to know for yourself.
As far as the gas mileage, you are either illiterate and cannot read or you didn't read the post very well. The comment I made was in regard to the Toy-Mota Tindra not the Tacoma. My 270 hp V8 still gets the same fuel economy the 190 hp V6 Tacoma gets, especially when both are strapped with an equal sized load behind them. Tacoma get good gas mileage, ha! Not even close. Now, if that V6 got the mileage it does and could tow and haul the same as my truck, I might be impressed, but not in this lifetime.
The day a Silverado gets 20 mpg like the Toyota V6 does is the day I'll believe you are anything but an oil-changer at Grease Monkey (I know three ex-Marines who work there)!
from McFly. You are the epitomy of yuppie, Mr. BMW. You and Biff should make a nice little queer boys couple.
Don't forget your condoms. You wouldn't want to spread your aids around.
My truck consistently gets 20-21 on all highway trips and 18-19 combined city and highway. Thats better than any Tacoma owner I have ever spoken too that was truthful about the mileage they get. Of course, then again, you yuppie import communists don't even know what you are buying let alone know how to use a calculator to figure fuel economy. You all probably were really bummed when all the service stations turned from full service to self service stations. Now you have to get out of your yuppie mobiles and actually pump your own gas.
Tell me McFly, what do you do for a living? Hmmmm.
I bet you won't tell the truth. You are probably a "Director of Sanitation."
1.) Edmunds does not inquire into, nor care about the sexual orientation of our members. So long as it does not "endanger the children nor frighten the horses" it's OK by us.
2.) It's also private! This is an automotive discussion area. Whatever you do in "the world" is quite irrelevant here. Thank You!
3.) If you can't conduct a civil conversation, I can shut this topic down!
Front Porch Philosopher SUV, Pickups & Aftermarket and Accessories Host
I had one of the first 4x4 Tacomas in town. Not only did I not get a good deal, but was also lied to by the salesperson and the finance manager. Then after having the truck awhile, somethings I noticed, it was not friendly on the road let alone off road, the ride was hard and jarring. The engine had OK power but was very loud. Cruise control didn't work after pushing the clutch by pass button, until I turned off the truck. These are just a few of my complaints about the truck in general. I just bought a 99' Trooper and so far its everything I expected. Now I know there are differences between trucks and SUVs, however I got the trooper loaded with 4x4 for less then the Tacoma. So is Toyota priced to high? I would say yes.
Yes, I've lowered mine. It's a good idea to check the air pressure once in a while. It's also good to have experience with the jack/spare before you're stuck on the side of the road.
Too bad eunuch is no longer with us, I miss insulting him. Besides this gives him an opportunity to bring into question our sexuality because Chevy trucks are too cool to ever get flats.
Does anybody know prices for getting a 2WD Taco lifted about 3 or 4 inches(parts plus maintenance)????? I don't know if any of you replied to it from the 10 posts that Meredith deleted (boy, those must've been ugly ones from unixgomer huh?).
I read somewhere that Chevy steel was imported from Japan because the U.S. steel industry projected a shortage. I wonder if unixgomer realizes that his chevy steel frame came from Japan. I also really enjoyed reading about Phillips/Magnavox. That was cool.
hindsite.. Yes, I understand that this is a truck site. If you had read my post you would have seen that I did own a tacoma, so I have the right to post about them. Comparing the price of the tacoma to the Trooper was to show how high the toyota prices are. This was one of many reasons I was not happy with the tacoma, and that is the topic for these posts. "Are you happy with tacoma?" the answer is NO
The spare tire does take some fiddling to engage the crank. I suggest keeping a flashlight handy. I took my spare off and chained it to the bed tiedown.
That toy got no haul in it. I won't own one, but if I did, I wouldn't be happy with it for sure. Get ya the Chevrolet now, that one will do the haul for sure. Good luck on this one now!
Yes I did see that you did owned a Tacoma, but no longer. The topic suggest the present tense and not the past. Anyway glad that you are much happier with you new SUV. I did not intend my previous post to be a put down. I did congratulate you on your new Trooper, so not all that I had posted was a put down. The prices are high for the Tacoma and not suggesting that they are not. What engine did you have in that Tacoma?
I heard the spare could be "unfun", so i thouhght i'd ask. I think a can of Fix A Flat always works well until you can get into more ideal conditions for a spare "swap"...
I don't own a Ranger. I own a Silverado, which is more truck than a Yuppie owner can handle. I will out-tow, out-haul, out-offroad, do it more comfortably, AND yes, do it with the same or better fuel economy.
I am not at all envious of your playtoy trucks. Of course, if any of you really had a clue anyway, you would not have bought less truck for more money to begin with.
btw: nice so-called extended cab that my dog would be uncomfortable riding in, not to mention no third or 4th doors. But, I guess not everyone can pay a few thousand more for a real truck, which is why the Tacoma gets the business of those who can't buy more truck.
I am not obsessed nor bitter. I know I purchased the best compact truck value on the market today.
What the Cons. Reports tests showed was unfortunately true. Handling on the vehicle has been one of it's biggest flaws - from cornering to acceleration to it's "road manners". The bed is just like C.R. described it - flimsy. The truck's behavior becomes even more pathetic when loaded with anything heavier than a bag of dog food. I have developed a piston "slap" after about 5k miles, and my muffler has been anything but quiet (the dealer assured me that many people complain about that but that's the way it is designed). The tires (one actually blew out the sidewall) and brake pads had to be replaced after 30K miles.
I was else rear-ended and unfortunately once again the Cons.Reports had been right; the rear bumper folded and the bed crumpled like tin can. It also rammed the back of the cab.
I am not here to slam the Toyota - I remain a huge fan of their passenger products - but as far as trucks go I am very disappointed. I was hoping to take this one to a 1/4 million but simply can not see myself suffering driving this thing any longer.
I have owned a couple of Ford trucks and in purchasing the Toyota was hoping to get a better quality product. Much to my surprise I find myself converting back to American - at least when it comes to owning a truck that does it's job.
Sorry (trust me I am)
"Too bad, you didn't spend a few more dollars for a real lawn mower."
Yeah, maybe. 12 years and $20, I would say my cheap mower has done it's job. I bought what I intended to use it for. My little Craftsman mower didn't have a "Honda" or "Zipperhead Joe" price tag and it has lasted just as long and peformed its intended purpose.
Now had I bought the "import model", that $20 for a carb overhaul would have been $50, which still wouldn't be too awful bad if it didn't cost $300 more than my Craftsman to begin with.
As far as doing a lawnmower overhaul myself. Well, I am a Systems Engineer/Programmer, not a small engine mechanic. Why spend an hour of my time, at $60 per hour, when I can pay some smuck $20 to do the same thing? I spend my hour at work and give some kid 15 minutes worth of my earnings to do it for me. Any moron should be able to see logic in that, even a yuppie farm boy like yourself.
Hey Benzonate.....Do you play that pickin and grinnin stuff on yer Geetar?
If I don't get plenty of sleep, 5:00 when I hit the gym, I am just plain worn out.
Hey Benzonate, maybe you can bring your lardazz over and go to the gym too. You will have to leave your significant other at home though. The gym doesn't allow sheep.
Also i'm not surprised that a full size V8 can out perform a compact V6 in some situations.
One should keep in mind that if a full size truck it really not needed (ie you don't need to tow over 5k) that one should consider a compact based on fuel economy and for the 4wheelers everybody knows that a compact fits into tight spaces better.
I guess it's all what you need a truck for.
Again does anybody have any questions about the TOYOTA TACOMA on this TOYOTA TACOMA BOARD!
I know that your Redneck/Gomer Pyle/[non-permissible content removed] style is certain to win friends and influence people.
Your life must really suck if you spend so much time trying to convince others that they would be happier if they followed your lead.
Gonzo, good one on the Gomer Pyle..
Your Silverado can out tow and out haul a Tacoma,
A Ferrari blew away my sedan yesterday too, can you believe I still like my sedan.
You two sure are fixated on Gomer Pyle. Hmmm. That thing was queer as a three dollar bill. Guess that tells the whole story about you two also.
on this board care if there trucks can haul a
load of horse manure. We like to have fun with
our trucks and take them 4-wheelin on the weekends
and still get some good gas mileage when we have
to go to work during the week, something american
COMPACT TRUCK companies forgot how to do - oh
my bad did they ever know how to build one?
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Are you happy with Tacoma? (Topic #425)
442 responses, 3 new, Last post on Wed 08 Dec '99 at 12:59 PM
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#438 of 441: hey unixgomer (modvptnl) Wed 08 Dec '99 (08:42 AM)
I think you spelled gym wrong. In your case I
think you meant "Jim".
Gonzo, good one on the Gomer Pyle..
#439 of 441: Compact Truck Means Compact Truck (river7) Wed 08 Dec '99 (10:46 AM)
Now if I wanted a Full Sized Truck I would have
bought a Full Sized Truck. I am not too suprised
that a V8 can out perform a V6 if it couldn't we'd
have some serious issues. Yeah, you're right there
is no third or fourth or fifth door for that
matter...........IT'S A FLIPPIN' COMPACT TRUCK!!!!
When I need to tow my toys around I use my
F-250.....I obviously have nothing against American
trucks (I own one). Plus I paid the same amount
for my Girlfriend's Tacoma that most people pay for
a Ranger (actually $1000 more, I rounded).
Your Silverado can out tow and out haul a Tacoma,
A Ferrari blew away my sedan yesterday too, can
you believe I still like my sedan.
#440 of 441: modvptnl (unixgod) Wed 08 Dec '99 (12:11 PM)
Nah, you must have been having one of your
daydream fantasies about your sexual preferences.
You two sure are fixated on Gomer Pyle. Hmmm.
That thing was queer as a three dollar bill. Guess
that tells the whole story about you two also."
Thank you in advance
Anyway, here's a few reasons why I'm glad I didn't even CONSIDER buying a Silverado:
"Still Vibrating (sabot1) Mon 06 Dec '99 (07:12 PM)
Howdy All, I've been tracking the problems you have all been listing for about 7 months. You all have been reporting the same problems over and over again. There are five basic problems since the Silverado/Sierra line started and some new developments in the last few months. These problems have been reported by both Chevy and GMC
1) Launch stutter- loud bang and/or lurching, then bed chatter felt when starting at a light or
stop that goes away after a short distance.
Reportedly caused by excessive torque lifting the
right rear wheel off the road then dropping it back down. The change in drive line angle causes the u-joint to bind and unbind until the inertia of the vehicle allows the suspension to return to normal position. FIXES to date- replace rear springs,rebend rear springs, stiffen rear springs, add another leaf to rear springs. Seems to work most of the time but not in all cases.
2) Low speed shimmy in front end- Caused by a
number of things- Bad tires, wrong hubs B8 instead
of the required B9, possibly the pressure sensitive steering mechanism. Fixes to date- rotate tires, realign tires, rebalance tires, replace tires,replace hubs-races-bearings, adjust steering preload (not an official fix but does work according to scraw in OK). Replacing the tires works for about 200 miles. All other fixes except adjusting the preload and replacing the hubs DO NOT WORK but will be tried before you ever see a new part (part of the procedure).
3) Low speed vibration (30-45 mph)- caused by a
bad program for auto trans owners. GM will flash
your chip to update shift points. This appears to
solve the problem in MOST but not all cases.
4) High Speed vibration (60-70 mph)- This problem
seems limited to any 2wd design Silverado/Sierra
that has a 3.42 diff. Every engine trans combo and
every body design reg, ext cab SB & LB have this
problem. 4wd models with 3.42 do not report this
as a fleet problem. cause unknown, it is suspected to be a drive line problem dealing with balance of the drive shaft and the angles of the u-joints. The problem is a by product of harmonic resonance in the drive line that reaches destructive amplitude at highway speed (fancy way of saying you can feel and see it at 60-70 mph). This problem manifests itself as a visible bed vibration, then a bed and cab vibration (usually being reported as a vibrating seat), then a bed, cab, and violent shake that makes the truck unsafe to drive. NO solution to this problem has been found and has not been officially recognized by GM as a "problem". Fixes attempted involve anything and everything you can do to a tire and wheel (DOES NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM). Replacing the bushings between body and frame, adding more springs to the rear end. Balancing the drive shafts, shimming the diff (as long as it remains a 3.42) DO NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Changing the diff to 3.08 or 4.11 DOES solve the problem as does replacing the trans (it appears)
I can't tell from this BB what percentage of new
Silverado/Sierras are having this problem. Based
on the lack of response you all seem to be getting
from GM, I suspect the percentage to be low 5-10%.
If that is the case, it is not in GM's best
interest, financially, to solve your problems at
this time. It would cost more in lost sales to
stop the line, research the problem, and recall and repair all the trucks than to lose a few customers or buy back a few trucks. I get the impression that this is a much larger problem (30-35%). I'm staying away from the Silverado until GM shows interest in solving these problems. GM's appearnt lack of concern bothers me because I like the Silverado and would have bought one months ago if these problems had been addressed in a more timely manner.
#178 of 184: The other problems (sabot1) Mon 06 Dec '99 (07:20 PM)
I only included the big 4 after I indicated 5.
5) Spring squeel- caused by the front and
sometimes rear springs rubbing on the spring
housing brace. Fix- bend, cut, twist, reshape, the brace to allow for 1/2 inch more room.
6) [New] steering wheel clunk- caused by another
substandard part, fix GM will replace you steering
column with a new one (expect a long wait,
nationally backordered)"
All this came from "their" chat.
Well I'm glad I Didn't throw away 28 grand on one of these!!!!!! It would be in the shop most of its warranty. Did you guys read how there's no known fix to item 4? No wonder Unixgomer's such a grump huh? And this Sabot guy estimates that the problems are as widespread as at least 1 in 10??? I don't know about you, but Chevy's sure do scare me. I'm glad I paid 10 grand less for my Taco AND don't have an additional few thousand in future repairs to go through as well!!!!!!!!!
I love My Tacoma!!!!!!
Belts, and rebore the 4th spark plug (hate it when those get stripped).
That all he's done, besides your oil changes!!!
The day I recieved my money back from GM, that night I was driving my new Pre-Runner. I was able to negotiate the price I knew it was worth(Edmunds info on getting a deal you WANT).
So far the Taco has been a joy to drive. Toyota Customer Service after the purchase has been great.(never heard from GM)
Everone who buy a new vehicle expects perfection, but the fact is not all will be. You just hope it not yours with any of the problems.
I was a loyal chevy owner(2 cars) for ovr 20 years and this Silverado experience and GM no customer service from Detroit will forever leave me with nothing good to say about GM products. I continuely see more Pre-runners here in Northern Calif. than I do Silverado's/Sierra's.
everyone has their preferences, and right now mine is Toyata
The day I received my money back from GM, that night I was driving my new Pre-Runner. I was able to negotiate the price I knew it was worth(Edmunds info on getting a deal you WANT).
So far the Taco has been a joy to drive. Toyota Customer Service after the purchase has been great.(never heard from GM)
Everyone who buy a new vehicle expects perfection, but the fact is not all will be. You just hope it not yours with any of the problems.
I was a loyal chevy owner(2 cars) for over 20 years and this Silverado experience and GM no customer service from Detroit will forever leave me with nothing good to say about GM products. I continuely see more Pre-runners here in Northern Calif. than I do Silverado's/Sierra's.
Everyone has their preferences, and right now mine is Toyota.
#1. Domestics sell more than 10 times the amount trucks that imports sell (for a good reason). Therefore more people driving them, more reported problems. If the tables were turned, there would be far more complaints made by nipper truck owners.
#2. Domestic truck owners use their trucks for what a truck is used for. If all you use your truck for is to carry groceries like the yuppie import owners, a truck should have less complaints noted.
#3. I would say that cylinder heads that can't handle the compression of an engine and thus blowing coolant all over the side of the road at less than 20k miles like the beloved Tacoma, is a little more serious than a rattle or vibration (annoyances).
#4. You sight complaints on a new model year product. If you morons were to look, GM trucks have had fewer Recalls and TSB's than any other truck for the last 10 years. Yes, 10 years! I think they are allowed to have some issues to work out in a brand new model truck from the ground up.
#5. It is FACT that the Toy Mota Tindra has had more reported complaints that have turned to recall and tsb since just June 99 when it came out than the new model Silverado has all year long.
Lets mention the transmission vibrations that Toyota can't seem to fix? How about the steering vibration that Toyota can't fix? How about the same exact vibrations in the rear end and in the tires you speak of on the Silverado? How about the terrible gas mileage that it is getting, i.e. 13-14 mpg from MANY resources. My Silverado has NEVER, even pulling a 4,500 lb bass boat, gotten below 15 mpg. How about the long engine turnover time before starting? That should be real good on the internal components not getting oil until started.
At least GM is fixing the problems or replacing the truck. Toyota can't fix their problems and they are saying "kiss off", we got our money. Now wait for us to get off our candy [non-permissible content removed] to find a fix and live with it until we do. Yeah, thats customer service alright.
I won't be the retarded elephant man that ziggy buttmunch was, by putting all the crap in here that nobody read anyway. You want to see the posts first hand, just go to topic 1060. These are just a few of the noted problems. There are way more.
But, of course, since it is a Toy Mota, I guess everyone is suppose to blindly and very stupidly just ignore these problems, right? Because it has a cheapass Toyota emblem, all those problems are no big deal I guess.
You all are idiots if you think the domestic trucks are the only ones that have problems. What makes you even MORE stupid is that you all will run out and pay MORE MONEY for LESS TRUCK that has the same or MORE PROBLEMS just because it has the cheapass Toy Mota name on it!
What a bunch of chumps!
Taco's rule!!!!
Taco's rule!!!!
Cheap parts, less money left in the wallet. But hey, if that is what does it for ya, then Toy Mota's rule for sure.
(Yes, I know that is not original, but it's true)
BTW. Enjoy your workout.
"I bought what I intended to use it for. My little <<TACOMA>> didn't have a <<SILVERADO>> or <<RANGER>> price tag and it [snip] peformed(sic) its intended purpose."
That's why I bought a Tacoma. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Now that your done rambling, you still have not answered my ? Do you have a Tacoma or do you not.
New ?
DO you watch television? If so what are you watching it on? An American television? You posted that you would not buy "Import Junk" I'm curious to know what TV is made here in the U.S. by a U.S. company. Which One?
Again Anybody with real Tacoma Questions for a Tacoma owner, bring it on...
especially for the flat screen technology. How
about GE? Sony....get real. Panasonic....blah. JVC.....now thats funny!
No, I don't buy anything foreign made if I can get
a quality product made in the US. With most all
items, there is an American made option.
And no, I shouldn't have to tell you that I don't
buy Toyota's. I won't say I have never bought one, but everyone is allowed a few misguided mistakes in their lifetime as long as they don't go out blindly and stupidly do it again.
Click on this link, then click on the offroad adventures portion of the page, and let the pictures load:
Just the good ol'e boys....
never meanin no harm.......
yeeeeehawww !!!! Welcome to FORD country!!!!!!!!!
Yipp yippp yipp yeeeeehaaaaawwww!!!!!!!!
I wish you had a life dude. Now I know why they call Marines like you "Jarheads". I've met some who are more normal, and they're almost civilized. But you???????????
By the way, My Taco gets 20 MPG city, and 22 MPG highway and it's a V6. I don't know where you get your info from on Taco's getting bad mileage. Have a nice day. Hope your Chevy lasts till Christmas (heh,heh).
Tacomas RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jarhead. Something you will never have what it
takes to know for yourself.
As far as the gas mileage, you are either
illiterate and cannot read or you didn't read the
post very well. The comment I made was in regard
to the Toy-Mota Tindra not the Tacoma.
My 270 hp V8 still gets the same fuel economy the
190 hp V6 Tacoma gets, especially when both are
strapped with an equal sized load behind them.
Tacoma get good gas mileage, ha! Not even close.
Now, if that V6 got the mileage it does and could
tow and haul the same as my truck, I might be
impressed, but not in this lifetime.
Enjoy that wannabe a real truck.
Don't forget your condoms. You wouldn't want to spread your aids around.
My truck consistently gets 20-21 on all highway trips and 18-19 combined city and highway. Thats better than any Tacoma owner I have ever spoken too that was truthful about the mileage they get.
Of course, then again, you yuppie import communists don't even know what you are buying let alone know how to use a calculator to figure fuel economy. You all probably were really bummed when all the service stations turned from full service to self service stations.
Now you have to get out of your yuppie mobiles and actually pump your own gas.
Tell me McFly, what do you do for a living? Hmmmm.
I bet you won't tell the truth. You are probably a "Director of Sanitation."
let's try to keep at least vaguely on topic.
1.) Edmunds does not inquire into, nor care about the sexual orientation of our members. So long as it does not "endanger the children nor frighten the horses" it's OK by us.
2.) It's also private! This is an automotive discussion area. Whatever you do in "the world" is quite irrelevant here. Thank You!
3.) If you can't conduct a civil conversation, I can shut this topic down!
Front Porch Philosopher
SUV, Pickups & Aftermarket and Accessories Host
Either way we should get back to the matters at hand...
Spare Tire removal
Anybody here with a Taco have to lower the spare yet?
Congrats lawdag on your new SUV. Maybe your price that you paid was high, but then again this is a pickup truck topic.
Too bad eunuch is no longer with us, I miss insulting him. Besides this gives him an opportunity to bring into question our sexuality because Chevy trucks are too cool to ever get flats.
I read somewhere that Chevy steel was imported from Japan because the U.S. steel industry projected a shortage. I wonder if unixgomer realizes that his chevy steel frame came from Japan.
I also really enjoyed reading about Phillips/Magnavox. That was cool.