Legacy sunroof

gard247gard247 Member Posts: 2
edited April 2014 in Subaru
I've got one of those and the sunroof recently started misbehaving. The engine runs but it moves only when pushed around. Is it off the tracks of something? I checked the appropriate Haynes manual, but they do not mention sunroofs.

It's stuck in a closed position, which will be nice come wintertime. The sunroof has the two movement options of diagonal up and away as well as sliding back into the roof.

What do you guys think?


  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    Well, sunroofs are tricky....could be bad, sticking, broken cable drive, jammed channels, etc.. Some cars allow you to work it manually with a little socket device (mine does, not a Subie though). You might try to track down the drive motor, wherever it is, and see if the cables are still intact.

    You may need to have this looked at professionally, or if you are the handy type, you could buy the factory manual and see how the whole thing works. In any event, to really get into it you'll need to remove the headliner.
  • gard247gard247 Member Posts: 2
    Yeah, I figured that the pros would want to get their hands on it. Something tells me I'll have to get a loan to cover their expenses though. I guess I'll pick a sunny day and work on it.
  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    Yeah, it's not rocket science, just rather inaccessible, and taking down the headliner can be tricky....so really I was recommending pros for the upholstery, not the mechanics!
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