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Hyundai Sonata Accessories and Modifications



  • effect18effect18 Member Posts: 41
    Did anyone purchase a 2007/2006 Hyundai sonata cargo tray? Its a black rubber mat that goes in the trunk to protect the carpet. I recently purchased one off of Ebay and its said to be OEM, it covers the entire trunk bed except the right corner closest to the rear passanger side taillight. Did anyone else buy one from the dealer, and is it supposed to be like this? Or was I hustled? It says Sonata on it.... but it may be from a different year.
  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    Isn't there a space in that corner (06/07) for phone books, etc.? I wouldn't expect it to cover that. A very good stash place for junk. What did you pay for yours on ebay? I would like to have one.
  • effect18effect18 Member Posts: 41
    Phonebooks? Uh, not that I know of... doesn't seem to be anything in that corner. I'll take another look in the morning. Otherwise, it's great... i feel a lot more comfortable throwing beer,groceries,antifreeze,oil,armorall and the such back there, and not worrying about a leak. I got it for about $48 incl. shipping. Still wondering about that right side though...
  • robert1955robert1955 Member Posts: 39
    If you look there should be a small cover that is held in place by a screw or two over the opening in that corner. I have seen a plastic container that fits there, that is why the factory mat/storage bin has that corner missing.
  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    My 06 Sonata has a small storage area in that corner. That's where I store a phone book, gloves, etc. $48 bucks....hmmmm.
  • effect18effect18 Member Posts: 41
    Oh ok... I pulled back my rug, and I see it now. I guess i'll give this guy possitive feedback now. I'm wondering though, since I have a cargo tray, and all weather mats if I should take my good Platinum badged mats out of the car all together? Right now I just have them under the rubber ones. Hmmm...
  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    My regular mats are under my foul weather mats so you should be ok. No sense in changing "out" mats.....just remove/replace the top ones as weather permits.
  • sonotaownersonotaowner Member Posts: 18
    I just lost all my keys including the remote for my 2007 Sonata.

    Does anyone know if there is anywhere other than the dealer to replace them? I've got a price of $102. for the remote & $44. to program plus taxes. Yikes! That's a lot of money! I've only had the car a month.

    Any help w/b appreciated. :mad:
  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    E Bay for the remote. The programing fee will be the same.
  • lmaxicklmaxick Member Posts: 46
    I read somewhere that a person put on Magnaflow 11225 performance mufflers, if anyone has done this please let me know how it worked out. You can contact me at lmaxick@aol.com, as I'm new to the forum and am not sure how to get an answer. Mine is an 2006 Sonata LX or Limited if you prefer.
  • lmaxicklmaxick Member Posts: 46
    autosportscatalog.com or maybe net not sure they ahve the greatest selection of everything.
  • lmaxicklmaxick Member Posts: 46
    This going to be long so bear with me. I bought an '06 LX or LIMITED if you prefer.
    someone wrote that they were have cracked and uncomfortable seats. After buying my car a 100 miles from home, I noticed an irratation on my right butt cheek. In examination of the seat the right rear corner of the seat was missing a piece of foam and I could fell the heater spring. I took my car to my local dealer and told them I wanted a 30K service and the seat fixed under warranty. This jerk sends the car over to the upholster whod does all their cars. It come back with a piece of foam stuck under the spot. I refuse to take the car, so he sends it back to this guy who tells me the "Service Mgr" told him to do it that way. So apparently he sends it back once again and they put new foam under the cover, I see it and it has wrinkles, and this so called SM tells me thats the way leather is. Now knowing this
    not an Mercedes or any other high dollar car. I take it, while I there I don't see the manusl release cable for the gas cap in the trunk, this imbicle tells me my car does have one. I go home and undo to plastic nuts, reach behind and lo and behold there it is. I get a hold of the agency's general manager and tell him he's got the wrong man for ther job, and I asked hin to look at the seat with all wrinkles in it, he tells me it's normal and has less than the Azura he's driving, this is after Hyundai has relaced the bottom seat cover, I refused to believe that you cannot get the wrinkles out of leather. So... I take it to an upholster who had done some work on my motorcycle, and aked him if he can fixed it, he says yes, He charged me $110. took off the cover placed a new thicker piece of foam, resiults: not a wrikle, not a crease, and talk about comfortable!!!!!!! It has the seat of an Audi quality. Sorry about the long post but I thought you people needed to know that always something can be done, If you let them run over you, THEY WILL.
  • sonotaownersonotaowner Member Posts: 18
    You say your remote changes stations. I just had a remote installed by the dealer & the remote doesn't change (move) to the next pre-set stations, but rather acts as a "search/scan" button. It just move up or down to the strongest signal available.

    Does this sounds right? Shouldn't it move up or down to the pre-set stations? I think they've goofed here.

    What do you think? :confuse:
  • wanna_azzywanna_azzy Member Posts: 41
    Yes, it does the search/scan, not the presets. I, too, was hoping to go to presets, but I'm happy with the added features. It's much better than stock.
  • effect18effect18 Member Posts: 41
    I was wondering if I got an automatic starter installed, would it void my warranty? You know, these service centers try any way they can to get out of paying for your claim. I'm worried that after I have this automatic starter put in, they'll try and claim that it was the starter that caused the problem, especially when related to the engine(ie. engine light). Any experience or knowledge on this one?
  • hon247hon247 Member Posts: 1
    Have it installed through a Hyundai dealer. If you have it installed on your own by a local car audio place, and there's an electrical issue as a result, they're much less likely to be willing to fix your car than the dealer will be.

    In short, it's not going to void your warranty, but if an issue occurs because of a faulty aftermarket install, it will not be covered under the manufacturer's warranty. Having it installed by the dealer, if they cause an issue, they're ten times more likely to fix it without cost to you.
  • slamtazslamtaz Member Posts: 55
    any body here willing to share??? will be greatly appreciated... thanks in advance...
  • southhavenjensouthhavenjen Member Posts: 22
    I just bought an '08 Limited with the beige interior. I am wondering what other people have bought for their Sonatas to use as winter floormats.

    I would like to get some tan mats that will match the interior but some of the tan mats out there look more brown than the light beige of my interior. Has anyone used gray mats with the beige interior? I was thinking it might look OK since the dash is gray.

    Any comments on any of the following mats? Quality, color, etc?

    Weather Tech floormats

    All-Weather floormats

    Rubbertite floormats
  • macakavamacakava Member Posts: 775
    My 2007 Sonata V6 Limited has grey leather and I got the grey(slightly darker) rubber mats from Autozone. Looks fine and is functional.

    I believe that there is a brown set as well.
    Check out Advance Auto Parts as well.
  • mstemmstem Member Posts: 113
    I have the same interior and use grey mats in the winter, they look just fine! I was going to use the Weather Tech rubber mats, which are great by the way. My wife thought they looked a bit "industrial" in our Sonata, so I simply purchased the grey fabric Hyundai mats at one of the online dealers. We use the gray in the winter, then take them out in Spring and put the beige ones back in. A good scubbing of the grey ones outside return them to OK condition for the following winter. Works for me!

    Note: we have Weather Tech in our SUV and the kids car, they are great and pretty indestructible... just hose them off once in a while and alll is good again.
  • lmaxicklmaxick Member Posts: 46
    Check "Autosportscatalog.com" I have bought so much from them, their quality is very good and have a great seelection of floor mats. Myself I used the clear one that really are thick and stay in place, I sent the Mfg. a template of the passenger front mat to redo it as it was not cut right, however the other three are perfect, so if you order Hexomat or clear Hexomat be sure and enquire if "Intro-Tech " has made the new mat from a template sent in by a customer.
  • lmaxicklmaxick Member Posts: 46
    Autosportcatalog.com has everything you will ever need
  • southhavenjensouthhavenjen Member Posts: 22
    Thanks all! I did end up getting the custom cut mats (Rubbertite) from Autosportscatalog.com. They are a perfect fit and look pretty good, too, for being rubber mats. :)
  • lmaxicklmaxick Member Posts: 46
    Glad I could be of help, they reall y have some cool stuff.
  • cmw829cmw829 Member Posts: 19
    First, thanks for the links in the posts above. I've found some nice mats - yes, industrial rubber - that I'll get. I put these in my Toyota Highlander and they have been great at keeping the vehicle clean. Getting the car on Sat!

    To the point of the post - I saw this on a Hyundai dealer site in Delray FL. We live in Boston MA area and called our local dealer. They said that they've only installed one in 15 years. Have any of you installed these? We had them on our Subarus and it make a difference on cold days.

  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    Thought about getting one of those magnetic heaters to attach to the oil pan. Does anyone know how well they work? I know they won't work as well as a block heater but will be easier to install.

    I agree block heaters are a life saver on very cold mornings. Had one in my Lumina.
  • moocow1moocow1 Member Posts: 230
    So I talked to my dealer and hyundai and looks like accessories are coming in this month. I'm getting something on the 22nd it seems.
  • shajrahshajrah Member Posts: 1
    Where and how do you access the central locking control module on an 06 sonata in order to program a key remote?
  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    It's my understanding the module is under the center console towards the front. Here's how to remove the center console.

    http://jerrystout.us/sonata/tsb/center%20console%20and%20door%20panel%20removal.- pdf
  • roblor97roblor97 Member Posts: 1
    Hi...can someone tell me where the central locking control module is located? Also how do you program a new remote?
  • newowner10newowner10 Member Posts: 227
    This is an online manual
  • sduff68sduff68 Member Posts: 52
    Anyone familiar with the B & B Performance Cold Air Intake?

    You can find it at the following link...It is the first Cold Air Intake I have seen for the Sonata.


    I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this and how well it works.

  • sduff68sduff68 Member Posts: 52
    Here is a link to the custom dual exhaust on my 2009 Sonata Limited 2.4 Liter.


    The exhaust consists of custom Y Pipe feeding into two dual pipes. The mufflers are two Cherry Bomb Turbo Mufflers (actual three chamber mufflers, not the glass packs). The factory resonator is still installed and an aftermarket 15 inch long 3 inch wide "bullet" glass packed resonator is added prior to the custom Y pipe to tone it down since the factory resonator is actually quite un-restrictive and left the Cherry Bomb Turbo mufflers too loud and raspy.

    If you want anything close to a stock sound (which I actually wanted) use OEM replacement type mufflers and just remove the factory resonator to get a more aggressive sound. If you use aftermarket performance mufflers or else you will have to add a big bullet resonator (like I did) to quiet them down.

    The Cherry Bombs replaced two Magnaflows that I tried with the factory resonator. The result was a disaster. The drone was terrible and did not go away even at highway speeds. Every single time I stepped on the gas it droned terribly and you could hear it from a block away. Driving the car was almost unbearable. I tried the bullet with the Magnaflows and it was still too loud so I replaced them with the Cherry Bombs.

    I was hoping to remove the 15 inch bullet resonator and just use the Cherry Bombs by themselves but it was still too loud and buzzy.

    The car drives quite well now and is only slightly louder than stock with a nice muscular tone you can really hear it when you step on it. The car has a lot more personality now and is more fun to drive now (especially when you use the manumatic mode).

    If you go with a custom dual set up or you want to replace your factory muffler I would recommend replacing the factory resonator with a big straight through bullet resonator to tone it down. The factory resonator will not tone it down enough by itself so I would recommend just cutting it out.

    If you want to keep the factory mufflers appearance I would also recommend cutting out the factory resonator entirely and replacing it with straight pipe. My first attempt at a an exhaust modification was to replace the factory resonator with a smaller bullet and I was happy with the results. However, after seeing how un-restrictive it is I figured I would have been better off either leaving it alone or removing it entirely if I would have kept the stock muffler.

    If I were doing this all over again, I would try to get the stock exhaust from a wrecked 2007 or later V6 Sonata. After you remove the plate that covers the unused space on the left rear side of the Sonata it already has the screw holes where you can attach the hangers for the stock V6 exhaust. Plus you could also use the heat shield from the V6 Sonata (which I don't have).

    Also, go with a recommended shop with a reputation for doing good custom exhaust work. I actually had to have my exhaust completely re-done by a second shop when the first shop overcharged me for a truly horrible job.
  • i360i360 Member Posts: 74
    Just viewed your Youtube video of your exhaust and it sounds really nice. I would like to do something similar to mine (same car). I want something a little sportier as well.

    Thanks for the ideas.
  • sduff68sduff68 Member Posts: 52

    Just trying to prevent someone from making the same mistakes I made. Normally I would expect a factory resonator to quiet down aftermarket performance mufflers (that's what my 99 Mercury Cougar's factory resonator did).

    Some other mufflers I wish I would have considered are the new three chambered Thrush Hush mufflers. I assumed that the Cherry Bomb three chambered mufflers would be relatively quiet...boy was I wrong. The Cherry Bomb three chambered mufflers were almost as loud as the Magnaflows.

    I actually wish I would have kept the Magnaflows with the 15 inch bullet resonator on my car and saved some money since it was only slightly louder than the Cherry Bombs...and the Magnaflows were stainless steel..

    Since I can't do any work on my car myself and I was using a muffler shop I didn't have the money to keep switching out mufflers.

    In the future if I ever do a custom exhaust I will have the shop use clamps instead welding them on on until I make sure I like them...then I will get them welded.
  • sduff68sduff68 Member Posts: 52
    Just added a new video showing how my car sounds from the interior while driving.

  • james1982james1982 Member Posts: 73
    Sounds nice. It has a crisp, clean sound to it.
  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    You put Cherry Bombs on a V6 Sonata? Rock on! We put CB's on our V8's in high school....mid 70's. :shades:
  • lightfootfllightfootfl Member Posts: 442
    I am trying to locate the best (reasonably priced) replacement remote key fob. It seems that some way or another the ?rubber cover on mine split :sick: and it is extremely difficult now to operate the locking/alarm button, so far everything else seems to work OK. I know there have been sites listed here from time to time about other parts, but I don't recall seeing anything about the fobs. If you can offer some suggestions I would appreciate it. 2006 Sonata LX
    Thanks, van
  • i360i360 Member Posts: 74
    Just go on Ebay!

    I bought one a few months ago for like $10.00+ shipped.
    Make sure your fob numbers match the unit your buying...



    Transmitter Assy: 95430-3K202

    Its on the back of the fob you have.

    Although you'll have to go to Hyundai to have it programed. Bring all the fobs you have, because once they reprogram it any other remote to your car will not work unless reprogrammed also. Usually your year Sonata has two....
  • lightfootfllightfootfl Member Posts: 442
    Thank you for the fast reply, however in my case I have had so many problems trying to get Ebay to correct their errors with my account (I never had any unpaid balance) I have not been able to deal in any way with them. I was sort of hoping there would be some other source I might use.
    Thanks again, van
  • cmartin86cmartin86 Member Posts: 1
    I own the Sonata from SEMA 2007. I have pics if anyone is interested. I am looking to sell it before the end of the year. Let me know if you want any information.
  • tenpin288tenpin288 Member Posts: 804
    My wife's car is an 09 Sonata Limited and we are looking to install a remote starter in it before the winter weather hits here in Pennsylvania. Anyone install one yet or have any recommendations as to brands? Any problems with any brand or the installation? We had one installed in her previous car, an 04 Sonata LX, and it worked fine for the most part although there was an small issue with the integration with the built-in security system. The new remote would not arm the factory system so it was a two step process to lock the car. I would like to avoid that this time around. TIA. :)
  • tkumpftkumpf Member Posts: 27
    Starting in its 18th month, the fuse that manages the interior lights blew. Replaced it and yesterday (3 weeks later) it blew again.

    Symptoms while the fuse is out is also interesting. As soon as you put the key in the ignition, it acts as if the doors are open and the "ding" starts playing.

    Also, each time you put the key in, it resets the MPG readout on the odometer display.

    Just wondering if others have experienced this. I'm going to bring it in for a short-circuit examination.
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