1993 Honda Accord--Can't Start When HOT!
I have a 1993 Honda Accord SE, 4-door with automatic transmission and with about 75,000 miles on it. Whenever the engine is hot after driving for a while, I can't start it once I turned off the engine. It cranks but it won't start. I have to wait for at least 5-10 minutes before I can start the car again. I went to several Honda dealers concerning this matter, but none of them could give me a straight answer. They all said it could be due to a number of things, which will take several hours of electrical diagnostic check-ups, and was going to cost me alot of money. I've heard from friends that it could be due to the distributor, intake manifold, or main relay. Any body out there that have the same problems? Any ideas out there that might help me solve this problem?
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How old is your battery? More than 3 years? It's time then probably.
If that test doesn't work try looking into ignition failure. The suggestion of a bad intake manifold is a wild goose chase and not good information, and I have no idea what "main relay" is being talked about. Relay for ????? Fuel pump?
2K1trd, do you mean the main fuel relay or ignition relay as Intonge18 had suggested? Auburn63 (a Honda tech?) in Honda Accords Problems 2 suggested that it is the main fuel relay. BTW, are you in the one in camryman.org forum too?
Can I test or check for myself if those things mentioned igniter/igniter relay/main fuel relay are bad w/o having to take it to the shop?
Thanks in advance!
You can get factory Honda parts from the following two sites:
I've ordered from the first, no experience with the 2nd.
--- Bror Jace
I'm a bit confused now. Is there a relay that controls the ignition and another one that controls the fuel pump? Maybe I was right after all calling the malfunctioning relay the "ignition" relay. I thought I heard it called that, but than everyone in here kept mentioning the fuel pump relay so I figured I was wrong. So what does the "main" relay control?
Urchin34....yes, definitely...this problem can be so fustrating sometimes. The car died in almost every possible bad places for me. But for now, it does look like I'm home free.
Thanks for the directions